

The Ethics Research of Government Human Resource Management

【作者】 彭华松

【导师】 李建华;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 哲学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:伴随着现代管理的兴起,政府人力资源管理与伦理的有机结合成为现代政府管理的必然趋势。政府人力资源管理伦理建构在深厚的逻辑基石之上,包含着多重维度;政府人力资源管理伦理困境既表现为内部困境,也表现为外部困境;政府人力资源管理伦理的建构是一个长期复杂的过程。政府人力资源管理伦理具有深厚的理论基础。政府人力资源管理伦理构筑在人文关怀、情感主义和需求动机三大基石之上。人文关怀体现“以人为本”,将人视为最高价值和最大目的,成为政府人力资源管理的道德哲学基础;情感主义对人的道德行为发生机制进行情感解读,成为政府人力资源管理的伦理思想资源;需求动机将不同层次的需求视为组织行为的内在动力,成为了政府人力资源管理的伦理价值支持。同时,政府人力资源管理伦理具有双重属性,它既是一种管理伦理,也是一种公共伦理,前者体现在源于人性假设的交叉体系上后者体现为公共利益至上。政府人力资源管理的道德化是一个多重向度、不断演进的过程。政府人力资源管理的道德化内含目标指向的道德化、行政制度的道德化和行政人员的道德化三个向度。只有实现目标指向道德化、行政制度道德化和行政人员道德化的有机统一,才能够完整地实现政府人力资源管理的道德化。同时,政府人力资源管理的道德化必须坚持人本原则、公平原则、集体原则和公开原则。政府人力资源管理道德化必须要以人为本,要在实现公共利益的过程中维护组织成员的正当利益。政府人力资源管理必须要以公平正义为准绳,提高组织成员的工作效率和工作积极性,充分发挥组织效能,提升为人民服务的水平和能力。集体主义是调节个人利益和集体利益、应对个人利益和集体利益相冲突时“两难困境”的道德法则。公开原则就是指管理部门应当向管理对象及时公开其目的、原则、内容、结果等。政府人力资源管理伦理困境体现在内部和外部两个方面。政府人力资源管理的内部伦理困境体现为宏观层面的行政制度伦理困境、中观层面的行政组织伦理困境、微观层面的行政个体伦理困境三个方面。从行政制度伦理困境上讲,政府在职能设置、行政权力配置、运行机制等方面均存在着伦理困境,在行政管理的一般环节中也存在违背公共伦理的现象。从行政组织伦理困境上讲,组织在长期的发展过程中逐渐形成了一定的伦理道德意识,这种道德意识在利益诉求中体现地最为明显。如何既保障组织利益又增进公共福祉、既确保组织权威又激励组织成员是关键问题。从行政个体伦理困境上讲,作为主体的人是管理伦理问题的出发点和落脚点。在政府人力资源管理中,公务人员以何种身份出现、秉承何种意识,都将决定政府人力资源管理伦理是否陷入困境以及陷入困境的程度。与此同时,政府人力资源管理伦理困境的产生又不能简单归因于政府体系自身。政府人力资源管理伦理困境还是转型时期政治理念和政治改革的外在表现,是经济体制转轨与全球化浪潮相激发的必然,是传统历史文化观念与现代文明理念相互碰撞的结果,更是伦理立法不足和法规效力不高的客观反映。因此,政府人力资源管理伦理困境还体现在转型时期政治环境的影响、外部经济环境的制约、历史文化观念的影响以及法律制度环境的束缚上。政府人力资源管理伦理的建构是一个多维度、多面向、长期复杂的过程,既需要形而上的理念、原则作为指导,也需要形而下的制度、机制作为支撑。政府人力资源管理伦理的建构首先必须明确基本价值取向,要以公共利益为旨归、实现政府的有效回应、维护社会公平、保护个人权利;其次要抓好机制建设,通过一系列机制如利益整合机制、道德激励机制、伦理评价机制、伦理监督机制、职业道德培养机制来支撑管理伦理的建构;最后,还应当完善政府人力资源管理外包。只有通过多维度、多面向的合力,才有可能建构具有中国特色的现代政府人力资源管理伦理。

【Abstract】 Abstract:The ethics of government human resource management comes into being with the advent of modern management, the combination of government human resource management and ethics is the inevitable trend of modern government management. Based on the profound logical basis, the ethics of government human resource management contain multiple dimensions. We try to analyses the Internal and external dilemmas of the ethics of government human resource management, and build the government human resource management ethics.The ethics of government human resource management has profound logical basis. The ethics of government human resource management is constructed on three foundations which are humanistic care, emotionalism and motive demand. Humanistic care which reflects "people-oriented", it will make the people to the maximum value and the main purpose, becomes the foundation of moral philosophy of government human resource management, Emotionalism which becomes to the thought resources of the ethics of government human resource management can be aware of the moral behavior mechanism of human being emotionally. Demand motive grow to be to the ethics value support of government human resources management which will be the inner motive power of organizational behavior with different levels of demand. Meanwhile, the ethics of government human resource management has double attributes, it is not only a kind of administrative ethics, but also a kind of public ethics, the former embodies in stems from the cross system of human nature assumption, and the latter which is embodied in the public interest.The moralization of government human resource management is a multidimensional evolution including the moralization of the target point, the administrative system and administrators. Only unified that moralization, the moralization of government human resource management can be realized. Meanwhile, the moralization of government human resource management must adhere to humanism, justice and collectivism. The government human resources management morality must be people-oriented, to safeguard the legitimate interests of members of the organization in the process of the realization of public interest. The government human resources management must be based on fairness and justice as the yardstick, improve the staffs work efficiency and the work enthusiasm, give full play to the organization efficiency, and improve service level and ability for the people. Collectivism is the regulation to guide us how to deal with the conflict of personal and collective interests.The ethics dilemma of government human resource management embodied in two aspects of internal and external. Government internal ethical dilemmas of human resource management in macro level of the system of administrative ethical dilemmas, medium level of administrative organizational ethical dilemmas, micro level of individual ethical dilemmas in three aspects. Tell from the system of administrative ethical dilemmas, government functions, set up administrative power configuration, operation mechanism, etc., there are certain ethical dilemmas, also exist in the administrative general link against the situation of the public ethics. From administrative ethical dilemmas, organizations in the long-term development in the process of gradually formed a certain ethical consciousness, the moral consciousness is one of the most obvious in interests. How to protect the interests of organizations and improve public well-being, to ensure that both the authority and motivation members is the key problem. Tell from the administrative individual ethical dilemmas, as the main body of the people is the starting point and the foothold management ethics. In the government human resource management, civil servants, uphold what consciousness, etc., in what status will determine whether or not the ethics of government human resource management troubled and distressed. Meanwhile, the government human resource management of ethical dilemmas cannot simply due to the government system itself, but the appearance of political philosophy and political reform during the period of transition, transition is the economic system and the globalization phase excitation inevitably, is the traditional historical and cultural concepts and ideas collide with each other as a result, the modern civilization is lack of ethics legislation and regulations for the objective reflection of is not high. Therefore, the ethics dilemma of government human resource management also embodied in the transition period of political alienation, the restriction of the external economic environment, history and culture on the concept of legal system and environment.It is a multidimensional, oriented, long-term, and complex process of the construction of the ethics of government human resource management. It is not only need metaphysical concept, principle as the guidance, but also need physical systems and mechanisms as support. To build construction of the ethics of the government human resources management, firstly, it must identify a clear basic value orientation, public interests as the purpose, achieving the government’s effective response, safeguarding social fairness and protecting individual rights; Secondly, it must pay special attention to the mechanism construction, through a series of mechanisms such as interest integration mechanism, the moral incentive mechanism, ethical evaluation mechanism, supervision mechanism, the professional ethics cultivation mechanism to support the construction of administrative ethics; Finally, It should also improve the outsourcing of government human resource management Through the best multidimensional, oriented join forces, it may constructs the Chinese characteristic ethics of the modern government human resource management.

【关键词】 政府人力资源管理伦理
【Key words】 GovernmentHuman resource managementEthics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

