

Research on Core Competitiveness of State-owned Commercial Bank

【作者】 李广新

【导师】 李一鸣;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着世界经济一体化和金融创新的发展,世界经济和金融发展的格局产生巨大变化,经济的竞争已经成为21世纪全球范围内综合国力竞争的重要表现。如何在新形势下抓住机遇、迎接挑战,在世界经济舞台上赢得竞争优势,是我国面临的重要任务。作为现代经济体系的核心内容,金融在各国经济体系中具有重要的作用。经济强大的国家必然拥有强大的金融体系,强大的金融体系是国家竞争优势的强大后盾,世界主要发达资本主义国家和新兴市场经济体都把提高金融体系的竞争力作为国家崛起的重要内容。在现代经济体系中,金融业的地位越来越重要,作为推动或制约经济长久发展的重要组成部分,一国金融体系的规模大小和效率的高低直接关系到国家的竞争优势,因此金融被称为现代经济的核心。而在金融体系中占主导地位的银行业是国家金融体系的基础,现代商业银行是在现代经济生活中利用先进科技技术开展资金融通、提供货币信用中介、创造流通手段、进行各种衍生金融交易并获取最大股本价值的金融企业,其核心竞争力的高低直接影响到该国综合国力,进而影响到其在世界经济体系中的竞争地位。目前,国际经济金融形势和国内经济下行的压力依然巨大。从国际上看,全球经济继续面临深度的调整和转型,世界经济增长进一步放缓,国际贸易增量持续回落,欧债危机仍然威胁着全球金融稳定。为解决复杂严峻的形势,主要发达国家纷纷采取超宽松的货币政策,这一举措加剧了国际金融市场的不稳定和持续波动。在国内,随着全球经济金融危机的影响以及国内深刻的结构性调整,我国国民经济在发展过程中面临着严峻的内外部形势的不断考验。从2011年四季度开始,受欧洲主权债务危机的影响,我国经济开始出现一些困难,中央政府及时采取相应的宏观调控措施,宏观经济数据开始逐渐稳定。2012年以来,央行数次调整存贷款利率,对于处于市场化进程中的我国商业银行来说,利率市场化步伐的加快意味着巨大的挑战。它对我国商业银行参与市场竞争、转变经营方式、提高市场定价能力提出了严格的要求。面对复杂多变的内外部经济金融形势,作为我国金融业的核心,如何维持健康的运行,如何在竞争中处于不败之地,是每一家银行值得关注和长期思考的事情,这些问题的解决,都与提高国有商业银行核心竞争力有着紧密的联系。对我国国有商业银行来说,面临各种金融机构蚕食市场份额和金融市场开放变革新挑战,必须培育和提升核心竞争力,增强自身竞争优势。本文的结论有:核心竞争力是当前理论界研究的热点,不同类型的企业的核心竞争力有所不同,同时促使培育核心竞争力的动力因素也不同。作为特殊的金融企业,商业银行与一般生产经营性企业相比,除具备企业的一般性质外,又有其明显的特殊性。综合以普拉哈拉德为代表的企业核心竞争力战略理论、波特的竞争优势理论等学术界主流观点,并以此为指导,本文将商业银行核心竞争力定义为,商业银行的核心竞争力是指商业银行在一定的技术条件、经济体制、社会制度、社会综合发展水平下,商业银行表现出的相对于竞争对手能够给客户带来特殊的价值的同时不易被对手模仿,使得商业银行在未来保持长期稳定可持续的动态、综合的内在能力,是在考虑到社会责任的前提下,商业银行利用自身禀赋资源和外界市场环境拓展现有市场、创造未来机会、在长期中赢得竞争优势的一种动态的能力。这种动态的能力能够分为三个层次,由微观到宏观依次是:商业银行的企业竞争行为能力、商业银行的战略管理能力和商业银行的可持续竞争能力。基于对核心竞争力相关理论研究和国有商业银行核心竞争力的理解,本文用波特的价值链这一分析工具,建立了我国商业银行的内、外部价值链,从价值链的角度深入探讨商业银行核心竞争力的构成要素。在对商业银行核心竞争力的涵义、特征和影响要素准确识别的基础上,建立了包括战略型、安全型、组织型和创新型4个准则层和9个指标层的评价指标体系,对我国五家国有商业银行的核心竞争力进行了初步的排序,即在本文的评价体系下,五大国有商业银行核心竞争力排名由高到低依次为:中国建设银行、中国工商银行、交通银行、中国银行、中国农业银行。经过三十多年的改革和发展,我国银行业的整体实力有了大幅度的提升,五大国有商业银行已经步入国际大型银行之列,但是规模、利润以及网点数量的增长无法说明国有商业银行在机制、服务上优于竞争者,更无法说明五大国有商业银行已经具备了核心竞争力,相反,部分银行在某些方面不同程度的出现了改革不够深入的问题。对于国有商业银行来说,要通过深化改革解决当前的出现的各种问题,从前一阶段的体制改革向下一阶段的机制改革转化。1、大力推进市场化改革,通过有效的差异化战略降低金融风险、减少资源浪费,帮助国有商业银行摆脱同质化竞争的危机,以提高银行的利润水平,提升国有商业银行的核心竞争力,争取更多的细分市场的客户,从而最终为国有商业银行在市场竞争中赢得长期的竞争优势。首先要大力推动业务战略的差异化,各国有银行要立足自身目标市场和客户,充分发掘特色业务,坚持有所为有所不为,围绕核心强项业务探索开展新业务,降低核心产品的可替代性和可模仿性,在市场上形成竞争优势。通过高附加值、高市场契合度、高品质的差异化金融产品和服务,进一步培育和提升自身核心竞争力。其次要加强市场差异化战略,盲目扩大机构数量已经不适应转型发展的要求,各家国有银行要准确把握市场布局的战略定位,结合自身比较优势和资源禀赋,将优先的资源集中于熟悉的市场、联动性强的领域上。在国际业务方面,要提高国际国内两个市场的统筹规划能力,重点服务企业“走出去”战略。最后,要加强组织结构的集约化管理,通过高效的营运支持,提高差异化竞争水平。要在加强垂直化的条线管理的同时增强部门和条线间的横向协同配合,围绕核心竞争力加大资源投入,推进业务产品创新。2、打造先进的风险文化,提升国有商业银行的软实力。努力形成集中垂直的全面风险管理体制,确立以“三道防线”为主体的全面风险管理体制。通过强化风险识别能力,提高风险计量能力,提升风险选择能力,打造风险安排能力,夯实组合管理能力,提升国有商业银行的核心竞争力。3、完善有效制衡机制和公司治理机制。经过数十年的股份制改革后,国有商业银行已经基本实现向现代化银行转变的第一步,在下一阶段,要强化公司治理,提高经营决策的科学性和营运管理的稳健性。首先,完善对股东行为的制衡机制,防止股权过度集中可能导致的大股东控制问题,同时也要注意到股权分散容易引起的内部人控制问题。要加强对主要股东行为的约束,规范股东权利义务。同时,要加强对最高管理层的激励约束,摈弃过度注重短期效益的理念,建立科学合理的绩效考评体系,加快完善与风险挂钩的薪酬体系和延期支付机制、支点股权激励等中长期激励方式。4、明确国有商业银行的商业化目标,有效构建银行家的生成、评价机制;加强对客户、市场进行细分的分析研究能力,明确精准的客户和市场目标定位,不断进行改进业务流程和运作体系的工作;加大科技投入,推行组织和服务系统的创新;进一步强化组织的沟通和学习,疏通信息流通的渠道,充分尊重员工的反馈意见,大力培养员工的团队协作精神和参与意识。5、时刻保持敏锐的洞察力和高度的市场前瞻性,树立以科技创新支撑发展的经营理念,在外部经营和服务、内部管理等方面充分融入科技因素;从自身的市场需求和战略需求出发,根据市场上客户群体的变化和经济发展状况,制定出适合自身发展的科技创新战略并逐步推进实施;通过对业务人员的技术培训和科技人员的业务培训,建立一支新型的复合人才队伍,确保业务与技术的协调一致,最大限度发挥科技创新优势;充分依靠现代互联网和信息技术,提升技术创新的能力,建立起以客户服务为中心的业务流程,尽量压缩管理环节,提高业务流程的反应速度和金融服务质量。本文创新之处如下:1、本文重点从经济学的角度入手,摈弃了以往核心竞争力研究泛而繁的研究方式,通过文献研究,梳理理论界对核心竞争力的定义,结合国有商业银行的特殊性,创新核心竞争力的概念,从定义上规范国有商业银行核心竞争力,即国有商业银行的核心竞争力是在一定的生产技术水平、社会经济体制、社会综合发展水平下,商业银行能够在竞争的市场环境中提供给客户某些特殊的价值的同时不易被对手模仿,使得商业银行在未来保持长期稳定可持续的动态、综合的内在能力,是在考虑到社会责任的前提下,商业银行利用自身禀赋资源和外界市场环境拓展现有市场、创造未来机会、在长期中赢得竞争优势的一种动态的能力。2、以更严谨的理论为基础对核心竞争力进行系统分析,具体以波特的价值链理论为基础,分析了我国商业银行的价值链,基于商业银行内、外部价值链的深入研究,对国有商业银行核心竞争力的构成因素进行分析,为后续构建国有商业银行核心竞争力评价体系建立基础。3、基于对国有商业银行的定义和影响因素进行定性的分析,在4个准则层和9个指标层的基础上,初步建立国有商业银行核心竞争力评价指标体系。通过合理设计调查问卷,用层次分析法对我国5家国有商业银行核心竞争力进行排序,定量地分析了我国国有商业银行核心竞争力的相对强弱。由于个人学术研究能力、写作时间和占有的参考文献等方面的影响,本文的研究尚存在以下几点不足,有待今后的研究中改进:1、目前,学术届对核心竞争力理论的研究尚处于“战国”时代,较缺乏对核心竞争力理论系统性研究的相关文献资料,同时产业经济学各分支理论本身就处于一个不断完善的过程中,如何从规范的产业经济学角度系统的认识核心竞争力具有较大难度。2、由于国有商业银行核心竞争力须对我国银行业有深入透彻的了解,当前国有商业银行处于不断变化的内外部市场环境中,对核心竞争力的影响因素也处于一种动态的状态,对国有商业银行核心竞争力进行评价的指标体系设计的全面性和合理性有待进一步完善。

【Abstract】 With the integration of world economy and the development of financial innovation, current world economy and financial development pattern have witnessed significant changes; economic competition speaks loud in demonstrating comprehensive national strength in the21st century. It is an important task for our country to seize opportunities, face challenges, and win competitive advantages in the world economic stage. As the core of modern economic system, finance plays an important role in all equities. Economically powerful countries must have strong financial systems, a sound financial system strongly support its economic competition. Major developed countries and emerging market economies are making efforts to improve their competitiveness of financial systems in hopes of prospering their nations.The financial sector is becoming increasingly important in the modern economy. As the financial system could work to promote or restrict the long-term development of the economy, its size and efficiency straightly impact the country’s competitive advantage, thus finance is known as the core of modern economy. The banking sector that dominating the financial system is the basis of a country’s financial system, its core competencies directly affect the country’s bargaining power in the world economy’s competition. Modern commercial banks are financial enterprises which make use of advanced technologies to promote financial intermediation, provide monetary credit intermediary, create circulation means, and conduct a variety of derivatives transactions while maximizing equity value in modern economic life.At present, depressing international economic and financial situation and the domestic economic downturn together put pressure on economic development. Internationally, the global economy is up to further adjustment and transition. The world economic growth is slowing down, incremental international trade continues to decline, European debt crisis remains a threat to global financial stability. Major developed countries have adopted ultra-loose monetary policy to address the complex and challenging situation. However, this initiative exacerbated the instability of international financial markets, leaving them volatile. Domestically, with the implications of global economic and financial crisis as well as domestic profound structuring, our national economy faces severe challenges internally and externally. Since Q4of2011, impacted by the European debt crisis, China’s economy faced some difficulties, whereas our central government took timely macroeconomic measures, resulting with stabilized macroeconomic data. Since2012, Chinese central bank has adjusted the deposit and lending rates for several times. The interest rate liberalization put a huge challenge to China’s commercial banks which are stepping toward marketization. The marketization process requires China’s commercial banks to perform better when they participate in market competition, change the operation mode and improve market pricing ability.Under current complicated internal and external economic and financial circumstances, commercial banks, as the core of China’s financial industry, must think how to grow healthily and win the competition from a long term perspective. Appropriately addressing these issues will improve the core competencies of the state-owned commercial banks. China’s state-owned commercial banks must develop and enhance their core competencies, and strengthen competitive advantages considering eroding market share and new challenges from financial institutions reform.Conclusions:Core competencies are current theoretical research focus, different types of enterprises have different core competencies and different driving forces of core competencies. As special financial enterprises, commercial banks not only exhibit common characteristics like manufacturing enterprises, but also have distinct aspects. Guided by Prahalad’s enterprises core competenciesstrategic theory, Porter’s competitive advantage theory and other mainstream academic views, the core competencies of commercial banks is defined as, in this article, dynamic intrinsic capabilities that commercial banks could bring exceptional value to their customers compared to competitors, hard for whom to follow, and integrated intrinsic capabilities for commercial banks to maintain a stable and sustained growth, under certain technologies, economic system, social system and comprehensive social development. Therefore, in this article, the inherent meaning of core competencies of commercial banks is summarized as dynamic capabilities for commercial banks to expand existing markets, create future opportunities and win competition in the long term by exploring own resources and external environments, with the consideration of social responsibility. The dynamic capabilities can be divided into three levels, from micro to macro respectively: business competencies, strategic management capabilities and sustainable competitiveness.When clarifying the core competencies of commercial banks, this article has established the internal and external value chain of China’s commercial banks via Porter’s value chain. It deeply discussed the constituents of core competencies of commercial banks in terms of value chain, and analyzed the key factors to commercial banks in regards of resources, internal capabilities, and environment. Based on the identification of the meaning, characteristics and key factors of the core competencies of commercial banks, this article established the evaluation system for the core competencies of state-owned commercial banks, according to its contents and feature, satisfying4criteria strategically, securely, organizationally and innovatively,9indicators and supplemental indicators.Based on evaluation system of core competencies of state-owned commercial banks, this article has designed a set of questionnaires to regulatory authorities, state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks and rural credit unions, and scientifically calculated the results of questionnaires to deduct the index weights of indicators in the evaluation system through AHP method. It subjectively assigned weights to indicators, and finally ranked the core competencies for our five state-owned commercial banks.Based on the evaluation system and results, this article has analyzed the relationships and mechanisms of core competencies in four aspects:differentiation competition strategy, risk management, organization optimization and technological innovation, for the sake of optimization and enhancement of core competencies of state-owned commercial banks. It has also elaborated the current status, existing problems and measures in the above four aspects.After thirty years of reform and development, the overall strength of China’s banking industry has been greatly improved, five state-owned commercial banks have became large international banks. However the size, profits, and growth in the number of outlets cannot demonstrate excellence of service and mechanism over their competitors, neither to demonstrate core competencies. On the contrary, some banks are observed reforming superficially to some extent. State-owned commercial banks should deepen reform to solve current problems, smoothly transit mechanism reform from the previous stage to the next stage.(A)State-owned banks must promote market-oriented reforms robustly through effective differentiation strategy to reduce financial risk, decrease waste of resources, get rid of the crisis of homogenized competition, in an effort to improve the profitability, enhance the core competencies, win more market segmented customers, and ultimately win the long-term competitive advantages for the state-owned commercial banks.First, banks should promote the differentiation of business strategy vigorously. State-owned banks should fully exploit distinct businesses, innovatively carry on new business around the core strengths, reduce the replicability and imitability of core products and win competitive advantages based on target markets and customers. High added value, high market fit, high-quality differentiated financial products and services could work to further cultivate and enhance the core competencies.Second, banks must strengthen market differentiation strategy, avoid of expanding institutions blindly which is not compatible with restructuring and development. State-owned banks must figure out their strategic market positioning accurately, combine with own comparative advantages and resources, and concentrate on familiar markets and correlated areas. Internationally, state-owned banks must improve the overall planning in both international and domestic markets with an emphasis on serving enterprises holding the "Going abroad" strategy.Finally, state-owned banks must strengthen the centralized management of organization, and improve the differentiated competition through efficient operations. While enhancing the vertical management and enhancing the horizontal synergies inter-sectionally, they have to increase allocation of resources in terms of core competencies, and promote business products innovation. (B)State-owned banks must develop leading risk-oriented culture and enhance their soft power, form a vertical and centralized comprehensive risk management system, and establish the comprehensive risk management system with the principle of "three defense". Further efforts should be made to strengthen the ability to identify risks, improve risk measurement capabilities, enhance risk selection capabilities, develop the ability to allocate risks, and strengthen portfolio management capabilities to enhance core competencies of state-owned commercial banks.(C) State-owned banks must build up effective balancing mechanisms and improve corporate governance. After decades of shareholding system reform, state-owned commercial banks have basically achieved transitions to modern banks. In the next stage, they should strengthen corporate governance and improve business decisions scientifically and operations management robustly. First, attentions should be paid on integrating the balancing mechanism on the shareholders behavior, preventing major shareholders control caused by excessive equity concentration, and noticeably insider control by diluted ownership. It is necessary to strengthen the limits on major shareholders, and standardize shareholders rights and obligations. At the same time, state-owned banks should strengthen top management incentives and restraints, withdraw from excessive focus on short-term benefits, establish a scientific and reasonable performance evaluation system, accelerate the risk-based remuneration system and defer payment mechanisms, and promote long-term share incentives.(D) Clear objectives must be established to effectively construct bankers generation and evaluation mechanism; State-owned banks must strengthen the analyzing capabilities on customers and market segmentation, target customers and markets clearly and precisely, and improve business processes and operations system continuously; invest in technology firmly, promote innovations on the organization and service systems; strengthen the organization’s communication and learning, and smooth information flow to fully respect employees’ feedback, and advocate teamwork and employee participation actively.(E) State-owned banks must always keep an acute insight and a forward-looking mind, establish business philosophy through scientific and technological innovations to support development, and integrate technological factors into external businesses and services and internal management; develop and gradually implement the scientific and technological innovation strategies tailored for own development in light of self market needs and strategic needs, according to changes of customers and economic development; build compound talents team through technical training on operations staff and operations training on technical staff, ensure collaboration of business and technology, maximizing the advantages of technological innovation; rely on modern Internet and information technology, enhance the ability of technological innovation, establish customer service-focused business processes, reduce management involvement, speed up business process response and improve quality of financial services.The innovations of this article:First, abandoning previous broad and overloaded research of core competencies, this article has researched from the industrial economics angle, via literature research, combing theoretical definition of core competencies with characteristics of state-owned commercial banks and concepts of innovative core competencies, tried to define the core competencies of state-owned commercial banks.Second, supported by more rigorous theories, this article has analyzed the core competencies system, specifically, apply Porter’s value chain theory on analysis of the value chain of China’s commercial banks. Based on in-depth research on internal and external value chain of state-owned commercial banks, it analyzed the constituents of core competencies, in order to build up the ground of evaluation system for core competencies of state-owned commercial banks.Third, combing definition and qualitative analysis of influencing factors of state-owned commercial banks, based on4criteria and9indicators, this article has preliminarily established the evaluation system for core competencies of state-owned commercial banks. Through appropriate design of questionnaire, it has ranked the core competencies of China’s five state-owned commercial banks through AHP method, and quantitatively analyzed the relative strength of core competencies of China’s state-owned commercial banks.Due to individual academic research limits, time restricts, references access limits and other implications, this study is weak in the following regards, pending on future improvement:(A) The current academic research on the core competencies is still immature, lack of related theoretical and systematic literature on core competencies research. In addition, various branches of industrial economics themselves are in the process of continuous improvement, it is difficult to understand the system from the normal perspective of industrial economics.(B) Deep understanding of China’s banking industry is necessary to research the core competencies of state-owned commercial banks. As state-owned commercial banks are constantly impacted by ever-changing internal and external environments, the factors on the core competencies follow dynamic tracks. It is anticipated to further improve the evaluation system for core competencies of state-owned commercial banks rationally and comprehensively.


