

Research on Proportion Optimization and Flow Characteristic of Backfill Paste in Mine Sites

【作者】 刘浪

【导师】 陈建宏; Andy Fourie;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 采矿工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:传统金属矿产资源开发利用模式引发的地质灾害、环境破坏和废料排放,已经成为制约我国矿产资源可持续开发利用与矿业健康发展的重要因素。要彻底缓解资源、能源、环境的瓶颈制约,实现从资源、能源耗费型向节约型转变,必改变先污染后治理的发展模式,大力发展以清洁生产、资源高效开采和废物循环利用为特征的绿色可持续资源开发模式。膏体充填是突破传统充填技术屏障、实现矿床安全清洁高效开采的重要技术载体。膏体充填主要特点表现为:充填料浆不离析、不沉淀,且采场脱水量少、甚至不脱水,充填体强度增长迅速,充填质量好、效率高、成本低,改善井下作业环境等,是未来清洁采矿发展的必然趋势。(1)结合膏体充填在地下矿山的设计和应用现状,从充填材料、工艺和技术等方面展开分析。针对膏体充填特点,系统地论述了以高浓度全尾砂膏体作为充填料浆的充填体作用机理及材料配比设计原理,充填膏体流动特点及流变参数测定方法,充填膏体制备工艺及装备、输送工艺及装备等。膏体充填技术能够有效解决常规充填技术的缺陷,在充填采矿矿山中得到了广泛的应用。(2)从理论分析的角度出发,建立基于锥形坍落度和柱形坍落度的充填膏体流变参数模型,并通过试验检验两种模型的坍落度与流变参数的相关性。结果表明:柱形坍落度试验和模型更能准确测定高浓度充填膏体的流变参数;柱形坍落度模型在数学公式表现形式上,比锥形坍落度模型更为简单;锥形坍落筒几何结构较柱形坍落筒更为复杂,试验过程中难于填料,并且会在填料过程中形成许多气泡,这将势必影响坍落度实验结果;应用锥形坍落筒做实验时,坍落的膏体坍落后的形状不连续,尤其是做高屈服应力的膏体坍落度实验时明显;柱形坍落筒的设计与制备比锥形坍落筒更为简单,取材更为方便。(3)建立基于主成分分析法与BP网络相结合的充填膏体流变参数预测模型,首先采用主成分分析法对输入数据预处理,减少网络输入因子数,同时使输入因子彼此不相关,并且数据包括的主要信息还保留在主成分中。简化了网络结构,提高了网络学习速度,得到了较高的精度,大大提高了建模质量;并将SPSS统计软件引入到膏体充填设计与统计中,应用SPSS统计软件包增强统计学理论和方法分析,有利于解决矿山管理与科研实际问题。结果表明:经过主成分提取后的BP预测值与期望输出值之间的误差都控制在5%以内;同时,通过与未经主成分提取的BP预测值和期望输出值之间误差对比,其预测精度有了明显的提高。(4)确定充填膏体配比选择原则,以充填膏体质量浓度、砂灰比、水泥耗量和棒磨砂全尾砂质量比为主要配比参数,以充填膏体流动性、充填体强度和成本为优化目标。建立基于正交试验设计、均匀试验设计和配方试验设计的充填膏体配比优选模型,结合试验和现场测试,优选结果与矿山充填实践一致。研究表明:随着充填膏体质量浓度、水泥耗量和棒磨砂尾砂比增加,坍落度范围在250mm-300mm,满足充填膏体坍落度大于180mm的要求;增加棒磨砂有助于膏体流动,当棒磨砂尾砂质量比为0.75时,充填膏体具有良好的流动性;随着水泥耗量的增加,有利于降低水力坡度,从而减小输送阻力损失;水泥不仅可以作为胶凝剂,也可以在输送过程中起到润滑作用;既有利于膏体固结,增加充填膏体的强度,又有利于膏体输送等。(5)根据润滑理论与沉积理论,构建充填膏体流动沉降几何结构预测模型,并通过试验检验,预测结果与实测结果基本一致,这说明该模型可以用于预测充填膏体在采空区中流动沉降几何形状,进而指导充填施工;建立基于相似理论的充填膏体流动沉降物理实验平台,研究了充填膏体在流动沉降过程中所表现出来的粒径分布和充填体强度分布不均匀性等特点,为充填实践提供一定的理论指导。

【Abstract】 Abstract:Development and utilization mode of traditional metal mineral resources triggered geological disasters, environmental destruction and waste emissions, had become an important factor restricting sustainable development and utilization of China’s mineral resources and the healthy development of the mining industry. To completely relieve the bottleneck restriction of resources, energy, environment, realising the transformation of resources, energy consuming model to saving model, and change of the treatment after pollution pattern, it needs to develop the green, sustainable resource development mode which has the characteristics of vigorously developing clean production, resource efficient mining and waste recycling. Paste backfill breaks through the barrier of traditional backfill technology, and will be the important technology carrier which can realize safe, clean and efficient mining. The main characteristics of the paste backfill:filling slurry not segregation, not precipitation, and stope dehydration less, or even no dehydration, filling body strength is growing rapidly, high quality fillbody, high efficiency, low cost, and improve underground working environment. Paste backfill will be the inevitable future development of clean mining. The main research results were as follows:(1) Combining with the design and application status of paste backfill in underground mines, the backfill materials, processes and technology and other aspects were analyzed. According to the paste backfill characteristics, the following points of high concentration full tailing paste had been systematic expounded:slurry filling mechanism and material mix design principles, filling paste flow characteristics and rheological parameters determination methods, filling paste preparation technology and equipment, transportation technology and equipment.The paste backfill is widely used for its advantage compare to other backfill methods.(2) From the theoretical point of view, the rheology models of backfill paste based on the cylindrical and cone slump and the relationship of the rheological parameters and slump was inspected by slump tests. The results showed that:cylindrical slump test and the model are more accurate for describing the rheological parameters of the high concentrations backfill paste; compare to the form of the mathematical formulas, cylindrical slump model is simpler than cone slump model; because the geometry of the cone container is more complex than cylindrical container, it is more difficult to fill the paste, and during the cone slump test, a lot of bubbles formed during the filling, it will definitely affect experimental results; during the cone slump test, the shape of the paste is not continuous, it is more obvious for the high yield stress paste; the design and preparation of the cylindrical container is easier than the cone container.(3) Forecasting model is established based on the principal component analysis and BP neural network. Firstly, the input data was preprocessed and number of network input factors was reduced, the input factors were unrelated to each other, but the main message remains in the main components. The network structure was simplified, and network learning speed was improved; the accuracy and the quality modeling were improved. SPSS software is introduced into backfill design and statistics, and its statistics theory and methods of analysis can enhance the mine management and research. The results showed that:the error between desired output and PCA-BP based predicted value is controlled at less than5%; and compare to the BP based predicted value error, the PCA-BP model is more accurate.(4) The principle of the backfill paste mix proportion is established, and setting the paste mass concentration, sand-cement ratio, cement consumption and stick frosted/tailings ratio as main parameters of the backfill paste, setting the backfill paste fluidity, filling body strength and the cost as the optimization target. Optimization model of the mix proportion based on orthogonal design, uniform design and formula experiment design were established, comparing the experiments and site testing, the outcome and backfill practice nearly same. The results showed that:with paste concentration, cement consumption and stick frosted/tailings ratio increases, the slump is about250mm-300mm, and it’s within the backfill requirements; increasing the stick frosted is useful to the paste fruity, when the frosted/tailings ratio is0.75, the paste has a good fluidity; with f consumption of cement, it can help reduce the hydraulic gradient, thereby reducing the transportation resistance loss; in the backfill paste, cement play a role as combining agent and lubricating agent, it is useful to the paste consolidation and it can increase the strength of the paste, as well as improve the paste transportation, et al.(5)According to lubrication theory and deposition theory, the geometry prediction model of backfill paste flow deposition was established, after the experiment checking, the predicted and measured results were nearly same. The results showed that the model can be used to predict geometry shape of backfill paste deposition in the goaf, and then guide the paste backfill practice; the physics experiment platform of backfill paste flow and deposition based on similarity theory is established, and the inhomogeneity of the paste filled-body after deposition is studied, and it can provide some theoretical guidance to the paste backfill practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

