

Study on the Paths for the New-Type Urbanization in Hunan under the Background of the Construction of"Two-Oriented Society"

【作者】 李中

【导师】 游达明;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 工商管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:推进新型城镇化,是树立和落实科学发展观的必然要求,也是实现全面小康社会的必然要求。世界各国不管是发达国家还是发展中国家,都非常重视根据自身国情研究和探索城镇化的规模和速度。但是,我国目前新型城镇化发展所面临的突出矛盾就是经济发展与资源环境的矛盾,继续持续、快速、健康发展面临许多亟待解决的问题和障碍。环境污染严重、城镇人口素质下降、生态系统恶化、城乡矛盾突出、资源供应紧张,资源环境承载能力难以继续支撑原有的粗放型经济增长方式,迫切需要转变。在此背景下,坚持“两型社会”建设的新型城镇化发展正是基于国情的现实考量。“两型社会”建设指的是资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设。在节约社会资源基础上提高资源使用效率,实现人与自然的和谐,进而实现可持续发展。基于此,本文以“两型社会”建设背景下湖南新型城镇化路径作为研究对象。本文以推动“两型社会”建设为背景,以新型城镇化发展为主题,吸收借鉴国内外已有研究成果,采用规范分析与实证研究相结合的方法,通过国内外文献阅读,专家访谈和数据分析,系统开展了新型城镇化是什么、为什么和如何实现等问题的研究,探讨了“两型社会”建设背景下湖南新型城镇化发展的理论基础和内涵、绩效评价指标体系与路径选择,通过进行上述研究,本文得到如下结论:(1)对新型城镇化发展的相关理论基础进行了归纳梳理,得出湖南“两型社会”建设背景下新型城镇化研究的理论借鉴和启示。通过对刘易斯二元经济等理论及新型城镇化的路径影响因素理论、生产力生态理论和路径依赖理论研究,提出“两型社会”建设背景下湖南新型城镇化发展要以这些理论作为支撑和保障。通过分析发达国家和发展中国家城镇化进程演进、特征及不同经济发展水平和不同国家城镇化路径的比较研究,得出国外城镇化路径变迁的经验、教训及对我国新型城镇化发展的启示。(2)对“两型社会”背景下新型城镇化路径选择的理论基础展开研究。分析“两型社会”背景下湖南新型城镇化现状与二者关系,阐述发展绿色、低碳、循环经济为新型城镇化路径选择的经济发展形式,并从发展两型工业、农业、服务业、建筑业和节能环保产业分析新型城镇化路径选择的产业基础。结合农村土地流转现状、发展变化趋势和动态博弈推导等方面探讨农村土地问题对新型城镇化发展产生的影响。(3)对“两型社会”建设背景下新型城镇化发展程度进行了理论与实证分析。从城镇化发展、新型城镇化发展和“两型社会”建设三个方面构建湖南“两型社会”建设背景下新型城镇化发展绩效综合评价指标体系。运用湖南2007—2011年相关数据,利用层次分析法和主成分分析法对湖南“两型社会”建设中新型城镇化发展绩效展开实证研究。研究结果表明:湖南“两型社会”建设中新型城镇化发展总体效果较好。各个评价指数呈显著上升趋势,但其在发展程度存在差别。在实证分析2011年湖南环长株潭城市群各个城市的综合评价指数时8座城市的发展绩效综合评价排位依次是长沙、株洲、湘潭、岳阳、衡阳、常德、娄底和益阳。(4)结合国际经验和湖南新型城镇化发展实践,笔者从人的城镇化、城市发展生态化和产业发展集群化三个方面提出湖南“两型社会”建设背景下新型城镇化的具体路径选择建议。推动人的城镇化和市民化是新型城镇化发展的核心和重点。实现人的城镇化需要综合从土地、户籍制度和农民进城后公共服务均等化等方面进行改革。

【Abstract】 Abstract:To promote the new-type urbanization is the inevitable requirement to establish and implement Scientific Outlook on Development,and also the necessary requirement of realizing a well-off society in an all-round way. Countries in the world, whether developed or developing countries, have attached great importance to researching and exploring the scale and speed of urbanization based on their own national situations. However,at present the prominent contradiction that the new-type urbanization development in China encounters is the conflict between economic development and resource environment, many problems and obstacles are expected to resolve to develop continually, rapidly and healthily. It is urgent to alter the situation of serious environmental pollution, declined quality of urban population, the deterioration of ecosystem, the sharp urban and rural contradictions, the tight supply of resources, and the former extensive economic growth mode that resource environment is hard-pressed to continue to support. In this context, adhering to the new-type urbanization development under the background of the construction of "two oriented society" is just based on the current national situation. The construction of "two-oriented society" refers to the construction of resource-conserving and environment-friendly society. On the basis of conserving social resources, we should improve the efficiency of exploiting resources, realize the harmony between man and nature, thus making the sustainable development come true. Based on this, the paper aims at researching the paths for the new-type urbanization in Hunan under the background of the construction of "two-oriented society".With the background of promoting the construction of "two-oriented society", and the theme of new-type urbanization development, absorbed from domestic and foreign research results, this paper first makes a systematic study of such issues as what the new-type urbanization is, for what it is and how to achieve it by means of the combination of normative analysis and empirical research, and the author’s domestic and foreign literature reading, experts’interviews and data analysis, then makes a discussion about the theoretical bases and connotations, the performance evaluation index system and the path selection of the new-type urbanization in Hunan under the background of the construction of "two-oriented society". Based on the studies above, the paper arrives at the conclusions as follows:Firstly, it makes an inductive combing of the relevant theoretical bases of the new-type urbanization development and draws the theoretical reference and inspiration of the new-type urbanization in Hunan under the background of the construction of "two-oriented society". To be specific, founded on such theories as Lewis dual economy, the path affecting factors of new-type urbanization, productivity ecological theory and the path dependence theory, they are taken as the support and guarantee of Hunan’s new-type urbanization under the background of the "two-oriented society". In addition, the experience, lessons learned from the path changes in the urbanization abroad and its enlightenment on the new-type urbanization development in China have been obtained by analyzing the process evolution, characteristics of urbanization in developed and developing countries, and making a comparative study of the paths for urbanization in different countries and the countries with different levels of economic development.Secondly, the theoretical bases of the path selection for the new-type urbanization under the background of "two-oriented society" are studied in this part. Specifically, to begin with, the current situation of Hunan’s new-type urbanization and the relationship between "two-oriented society" and the new-type urbanization are analyzed; what’s more, the development of green, low-carbon, and circular economy is illustrated as the form of economic development of selecting the paths for the new-type urbanization; besides, the industrial bases for the path selection of new-type urbanization are analyzed from the development of two-oriented industry, agriculture, services, architecture and energy-saving environmental protection industry; last but not least, the impact of such issues of rural land as the present situations of rural land transfer, its developmental trends and dynamic game inferences is discussed on the development of the new-type urbanization.Thirdly, the developmental degree of the new-type urbanization development under the background of "two-oriented society" is analyzed theoretically and empirically. That is to say, first and foremost, the comprehensive performance evaluation index system of Hunan’s new-type urbanization development is constructed from three such aspects as the development of urbanization and new-type urbanization, and the construction of "two-oriented society". Furthermore, with the relevant data from2007to2011in Hunan, an empirical research of the development performance of Hunan’s new-type urbanization in the context of the construction of "two-oriented society" is carried on with the method of AHP&PCA. The research results indicate that the overall effect of the new-type urbanization in Hunan is comparatively good in the construction of "two-oriented society". Each evaluation index shows a significant upward trend, but there exist differences in the levels of development. In the empirical analysis of the comprehensive evaluation index of each city in Hunan Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan City Cluster in2011, the ranks of the comprehensive evaluation of the development performance of eight cities in order are respectively Changsha, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, Yueyang, Hengyang, Changde, Loudi and Yiyang.Finally, with the combination of international experience and the development practice of Hunan’s new-type urbanization, the author makes the proposal for the concrete path selection of the new-type urbanization in Hunan under the background of "two-oriented society" from three such aspects as the urbanization of farmers, the ecological development of cities and the clusters of industrial development. That is, to promote the urbanization and citizenship of farmers is the core and key to the development of the new-type urbanization. Moreover, to realize the urbanization of farmers needs a comprehensive reform of such aspects as the land, the household registration system and the equalization of public services after they go into towns.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】F299.21;D61
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1603
  • 攻读期成果

