

Influences of Green Space on Air Quality and Water Balance of Green Space Under Different Target Air Quality in Changsha City

【作者】 彭新德

【导师】 邹学校;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 植物学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:城市绿地对于改善城市空气质量具有重要作用,而城市土地面积和绿地灌溉用水制约着城市绿地的建设和发展。为了研究绿地对空气质量的影响,同时考虑到空气质量改善对于绿地面积增加从而导致城市绿地灌溉用水增加的问题,本文将城市空气质量与城市绿地以及雨水资源利用作为一个系统进行了定量分析和研究,所做的主要工作和主要结果如下:1、通过对岳麓山、烈士公园和五一广场的对比研究可知,城市绿地中心的空气清洁度与绿化面积和植被结构有较好的相关性,由于岳麓山绿化区面积较大,乔木较多,空气负离子浓度、空气清洁度指数都明显高于烈士公园和五一广场,进一步的分析表明三个样区间空气质量差异极显著。同时,三个样区空气负离子浓度和空气清洁度指数均呈现出明显的季节变化,空气负离子浓度以7-8月最高,1~2月相对较低;而空气质量以9-10相对较好,1-2月相对较差。2、在绿地覆盖率相近的条件下,对比生活小区的空气质量与绿地结构的关系发现,乔灌木对空气清洁度的影响远大于草地的影响。进一步的定量分析结果表明,乔灌木对空气清洁度的影响为草地的近4倍,如果不能增加绿地面积,增加乔灌木的比例是改善空气质量的关键。3、为探讨不同目标空气质量对城市绿地及其灌溉用水的需求,以自然降水入渗为输入水量,对长沙市区绿地水量平衡状况进行了分析。结果表明,2005年,长沙市区绿地缺水0.095亿m3。考虑到2005年为长沙市的丰水年,且降水入渗后并不是入渗水量100%都能被植物利用,所以长沙市区绿地缺水还是较为严峻的。4、基于空气质量改良目标需求,对长沙市绿地面积增长与灌溉需水量进行了预测分析。根据观测和分析指出,要使长沙市的空气质量达到中等水平,需将市区绿化率提高到47%,且应适当提高绿化植被中乔灌林所占面积比例。此时,若年降水量仍以2005年降水量计算,则长沙市区绿地缺水量将达到0.373亿m3。因此,应采取合理措施充分利用自然降水,保证绿地植被更好生长,促进空气质量不断改善。图19幅,表31个,参考文献112篇。

【Abstract】 Abstract:It is approved that the urban green space plays an important role in improving air quality in the city, but the construction and development of the urban green space is restricted not only by the urban land area but also by the irrigation water. In order to study the quantitative relation between green space and air quality, the air quality, the urban green space and the utilization of rain water were quantitatively analyzed as a system based on the problem that improving air quality need increase the area of urban green space, so that will lead increase of irrigation volume. The main works and main results are as follows.1. Through comparative study on Yuelu Mountain, Martyr Park and Wuyi Square, it was concluded that the air cleanliness of the central green space had good correlation with the area of green space and the structure of vegetation. Due to larger area of green space, more trees, air negative ions concentration and air cleanliness in Yuelu Mountain was obviously higher than that of the Martyr park and Wuyi square. Further analysis showed that the air quality difference among the three sample regions was very significant. At the same time, air negative ions concentration and air cleanliness in the three sample regions presented obvious seasonal change, the air negative ions concentration is relatively high in July and August but relatively low in January and February; and the air quality is relatively good in September and October but relatively poor in January and February.2. With the condition that the green cover percentages are close, the make full use of natural rainfall and guarantee the growth of vegetation in green space, thereby improving the air quality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

