

Management Teams Conflict of China’s Entrepreneurial Firms:Determinants and Impact on Firm Performance

【作者】 邹今友

【导师】 岳意定;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:创业活动对国家经济发展至关重要,随着改革开放和思想认识的变化,创业在我国呈现日趋增长的趋势,而创业团队爆发冲突的现象也频繁出现。团队冲突作为企业和组织管理的突出问题受到了学术研究的重视,本文在已有团队冲突研究理论与方法的基础上,结合我国创业企业实际,分析我国民营企业创业团队冲突产生的原因,对企业经营的影响和相应的管理机制。本文首先通过案例分析的方法对我国创业企业团队冲突的现状进行了分析。在调研的基础上对我国民营企业创业团队的冲突原因及创业团队冲突对企业绩效的影响做了较系统的实证分析。主要发现有:(1)部分团队人口统计特征对我国创业企业团队冲突产生影响,其中年龄、教育程度和职业经验异质性均对创业团队任务冲突有正向影响,而团队成员性别异质性对团队任务冲突没有显著影响;创业团队成员性别异质性与情绪冲突显著负相关,年龄异质性则对情绪冲突有正向影响,受教育程度和职业经验异质性则对情绪冲突没有显著影响。(2)在团队结构特征中,团队规模对任务冲突和情绪冲突均没有显著影响,而团队成员互补程度则与任务冲突和情绪冲突均呈现显著的正相关关系。(3)团队成员间认知差异对任务冲突没有显著影响,对情绪冲突则存在显著的正向影响。本文创新性地从企业家生命周期的视角出发,分析在不同的企业家生命周期阶段,创业团队冲突对企业绩效的影响。实证分析发现:在不区分企业家生命周期时,任务冲突对企业的经营绩效和创新绩效没有显著影响,而关系冲突则对企业绩效有显著的负向影响。当将样本分为企业家生命周期初期和中后期两组之后,发现在企业家生命初期任务冲突对企业绩效有显著的负向影响,而在中后期则变成了显著的正向影响;对于关系冲突而言,在企业家生命周期初期,关系冲突对企业绩效的影响虽然为正但不显著,而在中后期则对企业绩效有显著的负向影响。本文将研究视角延展到创业企业上市后,利用上市公司公开数据对创业企业上市后原始管理团队冲突进行了研究。利用我国中小企业板和创业板的上市公司作为研究样本进行分析发现:当创业企业上市后,管理团队冲突依然存在,原始管理团队离开上市公司的现象较为普遍,并且这种现象在中小板和创业板均存在。进一步通过对管理团队冲突对企业经营绩效的影响分析发现,当创业企业上市后,存在管理团队冲突的上市公司比不存在冲突的公司的经营绩效表现差,二者存在显著差异,这种关系在中小板和创业板公司中均存在,并且在创业板公司中表现尤为明显。随着企业的上市,企业的经营应该表现为更加成熟,然而本文的分析表明,当我国的创业企业上市后其管理团队冲突依然存在,并且在资本市场的大环境下很可能表现为新的和更为严重的冲突形式。以往对于团队冲突的研究多是通过问卷调查获取数据,本文在此基础上还对上市后的创业企业与团队进行了研究,通过上市创业企业的公开数据分析创业团队冲突对企业绩效的影响,不仅为创业企业发展成熟后的团队冲突研究进行了补充,也为高管团队冲突研究提供了一种新的视角。最后,本文分析了不同冲突管理方式对团队冲突和企业绩效的影响,发现合作型冲突管理方式对团队冲突起到抑制作用,并且有利于企业绩效的提高,而竞争型冲突管理方式则相反,不仅加剧了团队冲突的发生,对企业绩效也起到负面作用,而回避型冲突管理方式则对团队冲突和企业绩效均不存在显著影响。在实证分析的基础上,本章提出了我国民营企业团队冲突的治理策略,首先应加强合作式团队文化的建设,以期通过合作性冲突管理方式预防和减少团队冲突的发生;其次结合我国文化背景,探讨了回避型冲突管理方式在我国民营企业团队中可能起到的作用;最后提出,当冲突已经发生并较为严重时,可通过引入第三方而进行有效的调解,避免冲突的进一步升级。本文的研究意义在于以往对于我国创业团队冲突的研究较少,并且往往局限于对绩效的影响上,本文将团队冲突理论应用于我国民营企业创业团队冲突中,从团队冲突产生的原因、冲突对绩效的影响、冲突的处理方式与治理机制几个方面系统性分析创业团队冲突的前因后果。既是对团队冲突理论的拓展同时也丰富了创业团队冲突的相关研究。本文的研究成果为我国创业团队冲突的原因与影响提供有力的经验证据,对于指导创业团队改善团队结构,避免冲突的发生有较强的现实指导意义。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT:Entrepreneurial activity plays very important role in a country’economy, the amount of entrepreneurial activity goes up steadily after the reform and open-up policy. However, conflict in the management team of entrepreneurial firms is also very popular in China. Based on the theory and method of team conflict study, this paper analyzes the reason, influence and governance mechanism in the management team of China’s entrepreneurial firms.Firstly, this paper descripes the basic condition of the conflict in the management team of China’s entrepreneurial firms through the method of case study. Then I obtain data of China’s entrepreneurial firms’ management team conflict, team structure, type of conflict management and firm performance through questionnare. Based on the data from the questionnaire this paper study the determinants of management team task conflict and relationship conflict, from team members’demographic characteristic, team structure and team member recognition heterogenicity. The results show that the heterogenicities of age, education level and occupation experience are positively related to team task conflict, while knowledge complementation level is negatively related to task conflict; in the other hand, heterogenicities of age and recognition have positive effect on relationship conflict, while gender heterogenicity and knowledge complementation level have negative effect on relationship conflict.Then this paper studies differences of the relationship between the conflict of management team and firm performance due to the life cycle of entrepreneur. We find that during different stage of life cycle of entrepreneur, the relationship between conflict of management team and firm performance is different. In the earlier stage of life cycle of entrepreneur, there is a significant negative relationship between task conflict and firm performance while there is no significant relation between relationship conflict and firm performance. In the later stage of life cycle of entrepreneur, there is a significant positive relationship between task conflict and firm performance while the relationship conflict has significant negative impact on firm performance.Further more, this paper studies the conflict of management team and its impact on firm performance after Initial Public Offerings(IPO). Taking private companies from China small and mid enterprise board and growth enterprises board as our research sample, I find that there is significant management team conflict in private firms after IPO, and the management team conflict has significant impact on firm performance, which should be paid attention by firms that will go public or are already in the listed companies.Finally, this paper studies how does conflict-handling style can impact team conflict and firm performance. The empirical results show that cooperation has negative effect on team conflict and can increase firm performance, while competition is positively related to team conflict and has negative effect on firm performace, the relation between avoiding and team conflict as well as firm performance is not significant. Based on the empirical analysis results, this paper suggests several strategies to manage and handle China’s entrepreneurial firms’management team conflict. First of all, cooperation should be encouraged in management team to prevent and decrease the harmful conflict. Secondly, according to China’s special culture background, I propose that avoiding is also a goog choice to China’s entrepreneurial firms’ management team which can play a positive role together with cooperation strategy. At last, when conflict is happening, third party can be introduced into the handling process to solve the conflict.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

