

Study on Effective Supply Mechanism of Rural Public Goods from the Perspective of Balancing Urban and Rural Development

【作者】 吴平

【导师】 朱明熙;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 财政学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 众所周知,我国长时间的城乡分割、城市倾斜的发展战略使城乡经济社会发展差别越拉越大。根据国家统计局公布的报告显示,城乡居民收入差距,1978年只有210元,2012年扩大到16648元;城乡居民收入比,1978年为2.57:1,2009年达到3.33:1的高峰,虽然2012年回落到3.10:1,但差距仍然明显。城乡差距的扩大,严重制约了国民经济的持续、快速、健康发展和全面建设小康目标的实现,.影响了农村社会的稳定。因此,消除城乡二元结构,逐步缩小城乡差距,是促进我国社会经济协调发展,构建和谐社会的根本大计。党的十六大报告首次明确提出要统筹城乡经济社会发展,经过党的十六届三中、四中全会不断的丰富与完善,统筹城乡发展已成为新时期解决“三农”问题、全面建设小康社会的重大方略。党的十八大进一步明确提出了要“加快完善城乡发展一体化体制机制,着力在城乡规划、基础设施、公共服务等方面推进一体化,促进城乡要素平等交换和公共资源均衡配置,形成以工促农、以城带乡、工农互惠、城乡一体的新型工农、城乡关系。”统筹城乡发展当务之急就是要想方设法缩小城乡公共品供给差距,实现城乡公共品的统筹供给。农村公共品的低水平供给,严重制约着我国农业的发展、农民的增收及农村全面建设小康社会和社会主义新农村建设及农业现代化的实现。农村公共品供给问题是“三农”问题中重要的一环,为农民提供基本而有保障的公共品,是我国农业乃至整个国民经济发展的客观要求。随着政府从“城市偏向发展战略”向“城乡统筹发展战略”执政理念的转变,农村公共品的有效供给有了良好的制度保证。因此,认真总结我国农村公共品供给中的经验教训,从理论上、政策上对农村公共品供给机制进行系统研究无疑具有重要的理论和现实意义。论文主体分八大部分对农村公共品有效供给机制进行研究:第1章绪论。首先介绍研究背景及研究意义,其次对国内外文献进行综述并简要述评,随后介绍本文的研究方法、技术路线及数据来源,最后是本文的创新与不足之处。第2章理论基础。梳理本文所需的研究理论。结合经典公共品理论界定农村公共品及农村公共品供给机制的涵义及特点;解析与本文研究密切相关的统筹城乡发展理论;介绍协同学理论和公共治理理论,并说明其对本文研究的作用;最后在借鉴前人研究的基础上提出了统筹城乡公共品供给理论模型。第3章我国农村公共品供给的现状、问题及成因。立足于文献资料回顾我国农村公共品供给制度的发展历史,介绍我国目前农村公共品供给的总体情况,分析目前存在的主要问题及原因。第4章影响农村公共品供给机制选择的因素。结合公共品理论、公共治理理论和制度变迁理论,按照机制设计理念,从理论上分析影响农村公共品供给机制选择的因素。认为农村公共品本身的属性是选择供给机制的基本依据,政府职能理念影响农村公共品供给范围,技术发展水平可能改变公共品属性从而影响供给方式,公平和效率的权衡则直接决定了公共品供给机制的选择,政府政策倾向在一定程度上影响各供给主体的参与情况、制度变迁决定了农村公共品供给制度选择的路径依赖。第5章统筹城乡视角下的农村公共品有效供给机制分析。根据农村公共品及其供给的特点,以统筹城乡公共品供给理论为基础,结合公共品供给机制选择的影响因素,构建农村公共品有效供给机制,并从公共治理的角度具体分析农村公共品有效供给的需求表达机制、决策机制、筹资机制、管理和监督机制。第6章成都试验区农村公共品供给机制创新探索。回顾了成都市统筹城乡改革过程中的农村公共品供给制度的变迁历程,重点分析了成都市统筹城乡综合配套改革试验方案中统筹城乡公共品供给的内容和特征。按照“全域成都”发展理念,统一规划,实现公共资源城乡一体化配置;“三个集中”促进要素集约化配置,提高了公共服务效能;转变政府职能,建立城乡一体的新型政府治理机制;以村级公共服务供给为突破口,提高村级公共服务和社会管理水平。第7章成都试验区农村公共品有效供给机制评价。首先总体上定性评价了成都市统筹城乡公共品供给改革的成效;接着运用因子分析法对成都市农村公共品供给的农民满意度进行定量评价;最后分析实践中存在的问题。实证分析表明,成都市农村公共品供给整体水平比统筹城乡改革前要高,城乡差距有所缩小。目前成都市村民与村组织之间信息沟通能力有所加强,为村民直接参与村级公共品决策、监督提供了基础和动力。但在具体的实践过程中,成都市的供给机制依然存在部分问题。研究发现农村公共品供给的满意度总体上偏低,农民对精神性的农村公共品的供给情况表现出较高的满意度,而对物质性的农村公共品的供给情况表现出较低的满意度。造成这些问题的主要原因包括:向上的体制衔接问题使得超出成都市范围的公共品需求与供给还不能得到有效解决;村民多层次的公共需求难以全部得到满足;多元供给机制中市场、社会力量尚未得到有效利用;实际尊重农民意愿不够,切实保护农民权益不力,等等。第8章建立、完善农村公共品有效供给机制的建议。按照统筹城乡发展理念,统筹城乡公共品(公共服务)供给,首先实现基本公共服务均等化,最终达到城乡公共供给均等化,这样才能从根本上解决我国农村公共品供给问题。面对目前我国农村居民公共需求的多层次现状,建立以政府供给为主体,包括市场供给、社会供给在内的多元化供给格局,按照现代治理理念,充分尊重村民的民主参与权利,积极回应村民的公共需求满足程度,构建有效的农村公共品供给机制,是解决我国农村公共品供给问题的现实途径。具体对策包括:强化顶层设计,为统筹城乡公共品供给创造条件;整合新农村和新型城镇化建设力量,统筹城乡公共品供给;切实尊重农民意愿,建立以民生需求为导向的公共品供给模式;深化农村户籍和土地产权制度改革,为城乡基本公共服务均等化创造条件;充分利用社会和市场机制的作用,满足农村居民多元化的公共需求;建立农村公共服务运行维护机制等。通过研究,本文为我国农村公共品供给问题的研究提供了一些新的视角和佐证,(1)归纳学者们的观点,结合党的纲领文献表述,联系成都改革试验区的实践,提出政府主导的城乡统筹发展的基本内涵至少应该包括以下几个方面:一是要把城市和农村的经济和社会发展作为一个整体统一规划,通盘考虑;二是要充分认识到城市和农村之间相互依存的发展关系,二者之间应该互动共进、一体发展;三是要切实调整国民经济的发展战略和收入分配格局,缩小城乡差距,给农民平等的发展机会和国民待遇。(2)系统梳理了成都试验区农村公共品供给制度的改革,提炼出了成都市统筹城乡公共品供给的基本模式和经验教训,为全国其他地区统筹城乡公共品供给提供了一些普适的参考做法。(3)运用协同学理论的思想从需求表达、供给决策、资金筹措、绩效评价和监督管理等方面分析农村公共品供给的整个运行机制。并借鉴公共治理理论,运用合作理念考量农村公共品供给问题,强调农村公共品供给过程的合意性、公正性、参与性、回应性和有效性。囿于笔者的学识水平,本文主要存在以下不足和尚需进一步研究的问题。(1)对农村公共品概念内涵的挖掘不够。(2)偏重农村公共品整体供给机制研究,对不同类别农村公共品供给机制的具体设计不够。(3)对所构建的农村公共品供给机制有效性的经济学推导及计量验证不够,进一步研究可严格按照机制设计理论进行。(4)由于部分指标数据的可获得性,实证分析部分的完整性尚显不够。

【Abstract】 As everyone knows, the long time development strategy of rural-urban segmentation (RUS), which tilts to one side toward city, leads to a wider difference of economic and social development between rural and urban area. A report published by the National Bureau of Statistic shows that, the income gap between urban and rural residents was only210RMB in1978, which expanded to16648RMB in2012. For urban-rural income ratio, it’s only2.57:1in1978. In2009, it reached a peak of3.33:1and fell back to3.1:1in2012. However, the gap is still obvious. The widening rural-urban divide, seriously restricts the sustainable, rapid and healthy development of the national economy. At the same time, this gap affects achieving the goal of building a well-off society and influences the stability of rural society. Hence, eliminating the dual structure of urban and rural areas and gradually narrowing the urban-rural gap, become the fundamental policy of promoting the balanced social and economic development of our country and building a harmonious society. The16th CPC National Congress report firstly pointed out planning urban-rural economic and social development as a whole. After the improvement and enrichment in Third and Forth Plenary Sessions of Sixteenth Central Committee of the party, overall planning for urban and rural development becomes the primary strategy for building a harmonious society and tackling the problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers. In2012,18th CPC National Congress made a clear statement to accelerate improvements of the system and mechanism for the integration of urban and rural development, focusing on urban and rural planning, infrastructure construction, public services and promoting well-balanced allocation of rural-urban public services resources. Then a fresh industry-agriculture and rural-urban relationship of "industry promotes agriculture, city leads countryside" with reciprocity and integration could form. One important thing for balancing urban and rural development is to narrow the gap between public goods supply of urban and rural areas and integrate overall supply of urban-rural public goods. The low level supply of rural public goods seriously affects the development of our agriculture, the improvement of farmers’income, building a well-off society, the construction of a new socialist countryside and the realization of agricultural modernization. Supply of public goods in rural areas is of great importance in "three agricultural" problems. To provide basic and secure public goods for farmers is the requirement for the development of agriculture and the whole national economy. As the Government is transferring from "give priority to urban development" to "balance the development of rural-urban areas", there is a good system assurance of the effective supply of public goods in rural areas. Therefore, after seriously summing up the experience and lessons in the supply of rural public goods in China, study on the mechanism of rural public goods supply system both in theory and policy is undoubtedly of important theoretical and practical significance.This thesis is divided into eight parts to study the effective mechanism of rural public goods supply:Chapter1Introduction. Firstly this thesis will introduce the background of the research as well as its significance. Secondly it will illustrate its literature review from documents at home and abroad on which a brief review will be given. Thirdly it will introduce the research method, technical route and data sources of this article. Finally some innovation and deficiency will be given.Chapter2Theoretical Basis. List all research theories needed in this thesis as follows. It defines the concept of rural public goods and the concept of mechanism of rural public goods supply using classical public goods theory; Study the theory of Rural-Urbun Coordinating development that is closely related to what this paper concerns; Introduce synergetics and public governance theory and explain their effects; Finally, based on the reference on the predecessors’ study, it puts forward a theoretical model of coordinnating the urban and rural public goods supply.Chapter3The Current Situation, Problems and Causes of Rural Public Goods Supply in China. Based on the materials in the past, this chapter reviews the history of the mechanism of rural public goods supply, introduces the overall situation in China, and analyzes its current problems and causes.Chapter4Factor Analysis on the Choices of Mechanism of Public Goods Supply in Rural Areas. Using the public goods theory, the public governance theory, the institutional change theory and the mechanism design theory, this chapter analyzes the influential factors of the mechanism of rural public goods supply. The nature of public goods, the function of government, level of technical development, balance between fairness and efficiency, tendency of government policy, scale of demand and diversity of preference, and method dependency of institutional change are all considered possible factors to influence the choice in mechanism of rural public goods supply.Chapter5Analysis on The Effective Supply of Rural Public Goods from the Perspective of Coordinating Urban and Rural Areas. Taking into account the characters of rural public goods and characters of rural public goods supply, and based on the theory of coordinating rural and urban public goods supply, this chapter manages to construct an effective supply mechanism based on the possible factors that influence the choice in mechanism of rural public goods supply. Besides, from the perspective of public governance, it analyzes the requirements expression mechanism, decision-making mechanism, funding mechanism, management and supervision mechanism.Chapter6Case Study of The Pilot areas in Chengdu on Mechanism of Rural Public Goods Supply. This part reviews the changes of the mechanism of rural public goods supply during the process of urban and rural reform, and analyses the contents and characteristics of public goods supply in urban and rural areas in the comprehensive reform pilot scheme of urban and rural Coordinating development in Chengdu CityChapter7Empirical Analysis of the Mechanism of Effective Supply of Rural Public Goods in Chengdu Province. Firstly, this chapter qualitatively evaluates the achievement in the reform of coordinating rural and public goods supply, and then it quantitatively assesses the level of satisfaction of farmers by using factor analysis. The empirical analysis shows that the current overall level of rural public goods supply in Chengdu is higher than the level before the Rural-Urban reform, and that the urban-rural gap is bridged. The communication between the villagers and village organizations is enhanced nowadays, which provides basis and motivation for villagers to directly participate in the decision-making and supervision about rural public goods. A method for Grassroots governance named "dual-committee"(Village Party Organization and Village Committee)and"one meeting"(the concil) is created by Chengdu government in the practice of Rural-Urban development. Such method enables the farmers to express freely about their public demand and consumption preference, successfully enhances the level of satisfaction among the public, improves the masses relations and consolidates the the regime base. However, there are still several problems in practice.Among six kinds of rural public goods surveyed, education investment gets the lowest points, which indicates that insufficiency in education investment becomes the main factor to restrain level of satisfaction among farmers. The level of satisfaction on rural public goods supply is generally low, with comparatively high level of satisfaction about spiritual public goods supply and low level of satisfaction about the material public goods supply.This phenomenon is due to the problems in the actual implementation of mechanism of rural public goods.These problems are as follows:Firstly, the problem of the upward system convergence makes it difficult to deal with the demand and supply of public goods that are beyond the scope of Chengdu; Secondly, the multi-level public demand of villagers is hard to get fully satisfied; Thirdly, in the diverse supply mechanism, market and social forces are not effectively made use of; Fourth, there is still much to do to fully respect the actual will of famers, and to protect their interests,etc.Chapter8Conclusion and Policy Suggestion. With an overview of studies on rural public goods supply in China, this thesis clearly points out that there are still many problems in this sector, such as inadequate total supply, irrational supply structure, low supply efficiency, imbalanced regional supply, misplaced supply order, etc. The reason behind is the long-term Urban-Rural division and the Urban-biased dual-supply system rooted in China. Thus, the fundamental path to resolve the problems of rural public goods supply in China is to coordinate Rural-Urban public goods(public service) supply in accordance with the concept of Urban-Rural development. The first step is to realize the equalization of basic public services, and finally reach the goal of the integration of Urban-Rural public service. Faced with the multi-level public demand of the villagers, the realistic approach to resolve the problems of rural public goods supply in China is as follows:Establish a diverse supply system, in which the government acts as the main supply body, integrated with market and social supply. In accordance with modern concept of governance, it is recommended to respect villagers’democratic rights of participation, respond promptly to the survey on level of satisfaction, and build an effective mechanism of rural public goods supply. Specific measures include:Intensify top-level design to create the conditions for coordinating rural and urban public supply; integrate the constructing power in both areas of new village and new urbanization, and coordinate rural and urban public goods supply; respect the farmers’will so as to establish a public goods supply model that is highly demand-oriented; deepen the reform of land property rights system and the reform of rural household registration system in order to provide the conditions for equalization of basic public service in rural and urban areas; make full use of the social mechanism and market mechanism to meet the diverse demands of trural residents; establish a maintenance mechanism to guarantee the operation of rural public service, etc.Through careful study, this thesis provides some new perspectives and proof to the overall study on rural public goods supply in China.(1)This thesis studies the mechanism of rural public goods supply from a new perspective that embodies the coordination of rural and urban areas;(2)it summarizes the related reform in Chengdu pilot areas, and refines its basic model and lessons learned,which provides reference for other regions in China that are working on the same issue;(3) it reconstructs the mechanism of rural public goods supply from the aspects of demand-expressing, supply decision-making, fund-raising, performance-evaluating, management and supervision based on concept of synergetics;(4)it consults the theory of public governance as well as the idea of cooperation to consider the issue on rural public goods supply, and reconstructs the mechanism of rural public goods supply in China on the foundation of effectiveness.Constraint to the author’s Knowledge, this thesis mainly has the following shortcomings or problems which needs further study.(1) the lack of new definition on the concept of public goods.(2) the lack of specific design for different categories of mechanism of rural public goods supply.(3)The theoretical basis on the reconstruction mechanism of rural public goods supply is weak.(4) the empirical analysis lacks integrity.


