

A Study on the Relations Among Job Insecurity,Employee Engagement and Job Performance of Teachers in Universities and Colleges under the Background of Appointive Employment System

【作者】 冯卫东

【导师】 边慧敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 劳动经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 教育是实现“两个一百年”目标的重要基础,是实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的重要内容。现代人力资源管理强调作为重要生产要素的人的巨大作用。大学者,有大师之谓也。没有高水平的人才就没有高水平的大学,教师是大学的第一资源,是实现学校战略最为宝贵、最可依靠和最具有持续竞争力的核心要素。教师是学校的主体,他们的创造性劳动是学校事业成功的决定性因素。聘用制是适合于教师劳动特点、职业特点和教师地位的人事制度。根据压力资源保护理论和内部劳动力市场理论,采用聘用制的教师普遍存在工作不安全感,因为聘用制下的教师没有内部劳动力市场所隐含的长期雇佣承诺,承受着合同到期解约的风险,同时也受到高校可能与之签订长期聘用合同的激励。当然一旦取得长期教职,此时的“激励因素”转变成了“保健因素”,因此教师持续进步的动力会减退。因此,在聘任制背景下,如何合理运用工作不安全感,以提高教师的敬业度和工作绩效,已经成为高校人力资源管理,特别是师资人才队伍建设和人事制度改革的重大课题,也是当前高校师资人才队伍研究领域的难点所在。本研究基于上述背景展开,通过对高校教师工作不安全感与敬业度和工作绩效关系的理论和实证研究,期望对高校和教育行政管理部门采取切实的管理服务措施,合理运用工作不安全感,提高教师的敬业度和工作绩效有所裨益。本研究在文献分析的基础上,提出了理论模型和研究假设。采用国内外比较成熟的工作不安全感、敬业度和工作绩效等量表,并结合访谈和师资人才管理与开发工作的实践经验,修订了上述三个量表。通过抽样调查,最终采集了不同类别高校的546份有效问卷样本。综合运用文献阅读、问卷调查、访谈研究、统计分析等方法,对问卷样本进行了分析,通过探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析和结构方程模型来检验理论模型和研究假设。研究结果表明:(1)在人口学、组织学的部分特征方面,高校教师在工作不安全感、敬业度和工作绩效等方面有显著差异。如,从工作不安全感看,对其有显著影响的主要因素包括,性别、职务级别、收入水平、劳动合同类型和劳动合同期限等5个主要因素;从敬业度看,对其有显著影响的主要因素包括,学科类别、职务级别、收入水平、办学层次、工作岗位、劳动合同类型和劳动合同期限等7个主要因素;从工作绩效看,对其有显著影响的主要因素包括,学科类别、工龄、职务级别、专业技术职务、办学层次、工作岗位、劳动合同类型和劳动合同期限等8个主要因素。(2)工作不安全感与敬业度的关系。工作不安全感与敬业度显著负相关。从两者的子维度看,工作预期不安全感与组织认同、工作投入和工作价值感显著正相关;工作现状不安全感与组织认同、工作投入和工作价值感显著负相关。(3)敬业度与工作绩效的关系。敬业度与工作绩效显著正相关。从两者的子维度看,组织认同与任务绩效、人际促进、工作奉献和适应性绩效显著正相关;工作投入与任务绩效、人际促进、工作奉献和适应性绩效显著正相关;而工作价值感与任务绩效、人际促进、工作奉献和适应性绩效显著负相关。(4)工作不安全感与工作绩效的关系。工作不安全感与工作绩效显著负相关。从两者的子维度看,工作预期不安全感与任务绩效、人际促进和工作奉献显著正相关,与适应性绩效显著负相关;工作现状不安全感与任务绩效、人际促进和工作奉献显著负相关,与适应性绩效不相关。(5)工作不安全感与敬业度和工作绩效三者之间的关系。工作不安全感、敬业度和工作绩效三者相互具有影响作用。本研究的创新点主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)本研究的选题来自于高校人力资源管理中的现实问题和新问题。在聘任制背景下,当前还有许多政策措施及其配套服务制度亟待建立健全,对该选题的深入研究,对于充分运用工作不安全感的作用,以提高敬业度和工作绩效,事关办人民满意的高等教育的大局。同时,国内外学者多以企业及其员工为研究对象,鲜见以高校教师为研究对象,且研究维度大多较为单一缺乏对工作不安全感、敬业度和工作绩效相结合的研究。本研究以高校教师为研究对象,并探索性地将三者结合起来进行研究,丰富了这一研究领域的内容。(2)本研究针对聘任制背景下高校教师的工作不安全感进行了深入地挖掘和研究,首次明确提出并检验了工作不安全感的两维结构,即工作现状不安全感和工作预期不安全感;验证了敬业度和工作绩效的结构维度;同时,根据实证分析得出了不同人口学组织学特征的高校教师在工作不安全感、敬业度和工作绩效方面的差异情况,尤其是因劳动合同类型和劳动合同期限不同而在三个变量上均具有显著差异。这些结论这在一定程度上丰富了这一领域的研究成果,可为进一步的理论研究以及管理实践提供新的概念模型和实证支持。(3)本研究基于交叉学科的视角,以劳动关系理论、内部劳动力市场理论、双因素理论、压力资源保护理论为变量之间逻辑关系推演的理论依据,通过假设推导和实证检验,分析探讨了高校教师工作不安全感、敬业度和工作绩效三者之间的内在机理,得出了许多富有新意的结论:如,工作预期不安全感对组织认同、工作价值感、任务绩效、人际促进和工作奉献均具有正向影响;工作价值感对任务绩效、人际促进、工作奉献和适应性绩效均具有负向影响。这些结论无疑打破了传统的一些概念及变量间的关系认知,在一定程度上为高校教师人力资源管理提供了新的视角和新的思路。(4)本研究基于研究结论,从宏观政府、中观高校、微观教师等三个层面提出了一些符合中国高校实际的教师人力资源管理的对策建议,可为政府教育主管部门和高校合理运用工作不安全感制订科学化、人性化、专业化、精细化的教师管理制度和政策提供更好的思路;同时,可为教师个体更好地适应高等教育改革发展,变压力为动力,提高工作绩效,提供有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Education is a significant foundation of realizing ’Two Centenary Development Target" as well as an important part of achieving the great rejuvenation of Chinese Nation. Modern human resource management emphasizes on the crucial role that human plays as an important production factor. Just as a famous Chinese saying refers that what make a good university are the great professors rather than great buildings. There would be no high-level universities without great talents. Teachers are the primary resources of a university, which are the most precious, reliable and sustainably competitive element to realize the strategy of a university. Teachers are also the main body of a university. Their creative work is the determinative factor of a university’s success.The appointive employment system is a kind of personnel system which suits for teachers’ laboring characteristics, professional features and social status. According to the Theory of Protecting Pressure Sources and the Theory of Internal Labor Market, since there is no long-term employment commitment included in the appointive employment system as in the internal labor market, teachers who are employed under this system widely feel insecure. However, while they are facing the risk of contract termination, they are also inspired by the possibility of signing the long-term employment contract with universities and colleges. Certainly, once they obtain the long-term contract, the "inspiring factors" will convert to the "security factors", therefore, the continuously improving motivation will be decreased gradually. Against the background of appointive employment system, how to make reasonable use of job insecurity to improve teachers’ employee engagement and job performance has already become an important project in human resource management of universities and colleges, especially in the construction of teaching team and the reform of personnel system, which is also a difficult point of research on teaching team in universities and colleges. This study based on the above background, with an expectation to be beneficial for universities and colleges, and education administrative department to adopt feasible managing and serving measures, to make reasonable use of job insecurity and to improve teachers’employee engagement and job performance through the theoretical and empirical study of the relationship among job insecurity, employee engagement and job performance.This researcher, based on document analysis, proposes a theoretical assumption model and research hypothesis, adopts some measuring scales of job insecurity, employee engagement and job performance which are relatively mature at home and abroad, and has them revised combining with interviews and daily teacher management work, and finally collects546effective questionnaire samples from different types of universities and colleges through sampling survey. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural equation model are also applied to test the theoretical assumption model and research hypothesis on the basis of the integrated application of research methods of management studies, sociology, psychology, statistics and the descriptive statistical analysis of those questionnaire samples. The research results state the following phenomena:(1) Based on certain characteristics of demography and histology, teachers in universities and colleges show remarkable differences in job insecurity, employee engagement and job performance. To be specific, job insecurity is mainly influenced by five factors, including gender, positions, income, type and term of the labor contract. Employee engagement is mostly influenced by seven factors like subject category, positions, income, schooling level, operating post, type and term of the labor contract. Job performance is obviously influenced by eight factors such as subject category, working years, professional and technical positions, schooling level, operating post, type and term of the labor contract.(2) Job insecurity is negatively related to work engagement. From the perspective of their sub-dimensions, the insecurity of work anticipation is positively related to organizational identification, working devotion and sense of work values; while the insecurity of current job situation builds a negative relation with them.(3) Employee engagement is positively related to job performance. From the perspective of their sub-dimensions, organizational identification and working devotion is positively related to task performance, interpersonal facilitation, working contribution and adaptive performance, while sense of work values is negatively related to them.(4)Job insecurity is negatively related to job performance. From the perspective of their sub-dimensions, the insecurity of work anticipation is positively related to task performance, interpersonal facilitation, working contribution and negatively related to adaptive performance; And insecurity of current job situation is negatively related to task performance, interpersonal facilitation, working devotion and unrelated to adaptive performance.(5)Job insecurity firstly has an impact on employee engagement which then affects job performance. To be specific, the higher job insecurity is, the lower employee engagement would be, which will cause lower job performance, and vice versa.The innovative points of this research mainly lie in the following three aspects:(1) This topic derives from some practical and new problems in human resource management of universities and colleges. Against the background of the appointive employment, there are still many policies, measures and supporting systems needing to be established and promoted. An in-depth research of this topic may help to make full use of job insecurity to enhance employee engagement and job performance, so as to facilitate the situation of higher education and satisfy people. What’s more, the scholars at home and abroad primarily research on enterprises and their staff, whose research dimension is single and lacking in a comprehensive study of job insecurity, employee engagement and job performance. While the author researches on teachers in universities and colleges, and tries to study these three terms in combination, which enriches the research field.(2) This paper profoundly studies the job insecurity of teachers in universities and colleges under the background of appointive employment system. For the first time, it raises and examines the two-dimensional structure of job insecurity, which is the insecurity of current work situation and the insecurity of work anticipation. Besides, it verifies the structural dimension of employee engagement and job performance. Furthermore, it concludes the differences in job insecurity, employee commitment and job performance of teachers in universities and colleges with various demographical and histological features through empirical analysis. These three variants also differ when the type and term of labor contract are different. The conclusions above enrich the research outcome of this field and can provide new conceptual models and empirical support for further theoretical research and management practice.(3) From a cross-disciplinary perspective and taking the Labor Relationship Theory, the Internal Labor Market Theory, the Bi-factor Theory and the Theory of Protecting Pressure Resources as theoretical foundation to deduce the logical relation between variants, this research analyzes the internal mechanisms among the job insecurity, employee engagement and job performance of teachers in universities and colleges through hypothesis and empirical verification, and obtains abundant innovative conclusions:insecurity of work anticipation positively influence organization identification, sense of work values, task performance, interpersonal facilitation and work devotion. Sense of work value negatively influences task performance, interpersonal facilitation, work devotion and adaptive performance. These conclusion undoubtedly break the traditional cognition of the relations among these variants, which provide a new angle of view and new way of thinking for human resource management of teachers in universities and colleges to some extent.(4) This research, based on the research conclusion, comes up with some suggestions and measures from the macro-perspective of government, the middle perspective of universities and colleges and the micro-perspective of teachers, which attempts to provide the education administrative department of government and universities and colleges with certain beneficial references to make scientific, humanistic, professional and sophisticated faculty administration systems and policies. Meanwhile, it also hopes to inspire individual teachers to be better adaptive to the reality of reformation and development of higher education, and then turn pressure to motivation to improve their job performance.


