

A Study on the Issues of New Professional Farmers Cultivation

【作者】 李伟

【导师】 张红宇;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 农业经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 加快发展现代农业是确保我国粮食安全和重要农产品有效供给的必由之路。但是由于农业劳动力老龄化比较严重,文化程度低,较少接受农业职业教育和职业培训,我国现有的农业劳动力已很难适应现代农业的发展。培育一支能正确运用现代农业科技、懂经营、会管理的高素质新型职业农民队伍,对促进我国现代农业的发展、巩固我国农业的基础地位具有十分重要的意义。鉴于此,本文围绕“谁来当新型职业农民—谁来为新型职业农民的培育进行投资—如何进行教育培训—如何为新型职业农民成长创造良好的环境”这一逻辑,对新型职业农民的培育对象、新型职业农民培育的投资主体、新型职业农民的教育培训和培育新型职业农民的扶持政策进行了较为系统的研究。本文的研究内容主要包括以下几个方面:第一,利用相关统计数据,从数量、结构和文化素质等方面分析了我国农业劳动力的现状,从而明确培育新型职业农民的紧迫性。第二,利用第二次全国农业普查的数据,定量分析农业劳动力老龄化和受教育程度对包括农业机械在内的现代农业生产要素的采用情况和规模经营情况的影响,从而进一步明确提高农业劳动力素质,培育新型职业农民的重要性。第三,首先从理论上分析了个人的学习能力、年龄和人力资本投资风险对人力资本投资的影响,然后对专业大户、返乡农民工、农村初高中毕业生和大中专毕业生的学习能力、年龄和参与新型职业农民培育这种人力资本投资的风险进行了对比分析,从中得出专业大户、返乡农民工、农村初高中毕业生和大中专毕业生参加新型职业农民培育的可能性的大小。第四,运用人力资本投资理论分析个人(或家庭)、农民专业合作社(或农业企业)和政府对培育新型职业农民的投资需求,并对三类投资主体的投资现状及投资不足的原因进行分析。第五,对培育新型职业农民一般需要经历的农村基础教育、农业职业教育和农业职业培训的现状、存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应的措施建议。第六,从优化新型职业农民的成长环境出发,从多个方面提出了富裕农民、提高农民和扶持农民的对策建议。本文主要研究结论如下:第一,我国农业劳动力的数量虽然还比较多,但是我国的农业以小规模经营为主,机械化程度比较低,需要耗费的劳动力还比较多,在现有的农业生产技术条件下,农业剩余劳动力的数量忆很少,有些地方甚至已出现农业劳动力短缺的状况。此外,农业劳动力的老龄化程度日益严重,并且受教育程度低,大多未接受过较为系统的农业职业教育和职业培训。现有的农业从业人员忆很难适应我国发展现代农业的需要。第二,计量分析的结果表明,农业劳动力老龄化和受教育程度分别对农业机械的采用水平和耕地经营规模具有显著的负向影响和正向影响。因此,为了使我国农业生产不会因为城镇化带来的农业劳动力数量的持续下降而受到影响,亟需选择一批年龄结构相对合理、文化程度相对较高、有志于从事农业生产经营的人员,将他们培育成新型职业农民,努力提升农业劳动力的素质,大幅提高农业劳动生产率。第三,学习能力越强、年龄比较小和人力资本投资的风险越小,个人越倾向于投资更多的人力资本。农村初高中毕业生和大中专毕业生受过较好的教育,年轻力壮,精力充沛,对新生事物的接受能力强,比较容易接受和掌握现代农业的生产技术和经营管理方法,具有很强的学习能力。但是由于没有农业从业经验,以及在目前农村土地流转不畅和农村金融市场还不完善的情况下,农村初高中毕业生和大中专毕业生参加新型职业农民的各种教育培训后,可能会因为无法租赁到土地和筹集到足够的资金开展创业活动使参加培训的各项成本(包括时间成本)不能得到补偿,因此参与新型职业农民培育这种人力资本投资的风险比较大。专业大户和返乡农民工虽然在学习能力和年龄方面与农村初高中毕业生和大中专毕业生相比不具有优势,但是与一般的农业从业者相比,他们相对受过较好的教育,年龄相对比较年轻;而与农村初高中生和大中专毕业生相比,他们又具有从事农业生产经营的经验,有一定的资金积累,比较容易租赁到土地。因此专业大户和返乡农民工具有较强的学习能力,并且参与新型职业农民培育这种人力资本投资的风险比较小。当前可将专业大户和返乡农民工作为新型职业农民培育的主要对象。并积极创造条件,吸引更多的农村初高中毕业生和大中专毕业生参加到新型职业农民的队伍中来。第四,只要投资新型职业农民培育的预期收益大于投资成本(包括时间成本),个人(或家庭)和农民专业合作社(或农业企业)就会产生投资需求。政府投资新型职业农民培育的收益主要是巩固农业的基础地位、维护农村社会和谐稳定和缩小城乡差距,只要投资收益大于投资成本,政府也会产生投资需求。目前,个人(或家庭)、农民专业合作社(或农业企业)和政府对新型职业农民培育的投资都还比较低。导致个人投资不足的原因主要是农业的比较效益不高、农民的收入水平低和农业职业培训的效果不理想;导致农民专业合作社投资不足的原因主要是农民专业合作社实力比较弱、赢利能力不强;导致政府投资不足的原因主要是地方各级政府对农业的基础地位认识不够、对新型职业农民在现代农业发展中的作用认识不足。农业是国民经济的基础,在个人(或家庭)和农民专业合作社(或农业企业)缺乏对新型职业农民培育的投资积极性的情况下,政府必须担起新型职业农民培育的投资责任,建立健全新型职业培育经费的稳定增长机制,加大对新型职业农民培育的投入力度,并充分利用财政资金的杠杆效应,引导个人(或家庭)和农民专业合作社(或农业企业)积极参与新型职业农民培育的投资活动。第五,当前农村基础教育主要存在投入不足,教育教学改革滞后,应试教育倾向十分突出等一系列问题;农业职业教育主要存在社会认同度低,招生困难,经费投入不足以及实践教学能力不足等问题;而农业职业培训主要存在培训经费投入不足,培训资金分散,培训的随意性大、持续性差等问题。各级政府应对新型职业农民的教育培训制定长远规划,努力促进农村基础教育、农业职业教育和职业培训的有效衔接,加大投入力度,提高教学质量,以真正培养一批热爱农业、扎根农村、知识丰富、技术熟练和管理先进的新型职业农民。第六,培育新型职业农民需要从各个方面来着手,需要实施一系列富裕农民、提高农民和扶持农民的政策,这样才会吸引更多的人加入到新型职业农民的队伍。可采取加强新型职业农民培育的立法工作、努力提高农业生产经营的效益、积极引导土地有序流转、大力发展农业机械化、提升农村的金融服务水平和提高农村基础设施建设和公共服务水平等措施,为新型职业农民的培育创造良好的环境。本文的创新点主要有以下三个:第一,定量分析了农业劳动力老龄化对现代农业发展的影响。近年来,农业劳动力老龄化问题引起了人们的极大关注,许多学者从定性的角度分析了农业劳动力老龄化可能会对农业生产造成的不利影响。本文利用第二次全国农业普查的相关数据,定量研究了农业劳动力老龄化对现代农业生产要素的采用情况和耕地规模经营情况的影响,为农业劳动力老龄化对农业生产的不利影响提供了较为有力的证据。第二,从学习能力、年龄和人力资本投资风险的角度对新型职业农民的培育对象进行了分析。培育新型职业农民最首要的问题就是合理定位培育对象,或者说是寻找新型职业农民的来源。一些学者提出可将专业大户、返乡农民工和农村初高中毕业生等培育成新型职业农民,但并为对该问题进行深入研究。本文从学习能力、年龄和参与新型职业农民培育这种人力资本投资的风险三个方面对专业大户、返乡农民工、农村初高中毕业生和大中专毕业生参与新型职业农民培育的可能性进行了分析。第三,运用人力资本投资理论对新型职业农民培育的投资主体进行了分析。新型职业农民培育其实质是一种人力资本投资行为,只要是人力资本投资就需要耗费一定的人力、物力和财力。新型职业农民的培育应该由谁来投资?目前我国很少有学者对该问题进行过专门研究。本文运用人力资本投资理论,在“人力资本投资的边际收益应等于边际成本”这一框架下分析了个人(或家庭)、农民专业合作社(或农业企业)和政府对新型职业农民培育的投资需求。

【Abstract】 It is the necessary way that speed up the development of modern agriculture to ensure food security and effective supply of major agricultural products. But the agricultural labor forces have been difficult to adapt to the development of modern agriculture because aging degree is serious and education level is lower.Cultivating a team of new professional farmers has the very vital significance to promoting the development of modern agriculture and consolidating the base status of agriculture. Therefore, this paper will study several main issues concerning new professional farmers cultivation. The main contents are follows:Firstly, using the relevant statistical data, analyzes the quantity,structure and cultural quality of Chinese agricultural labor force.Secondly, using Chinese second agricultural census data, analyzes the impact of agricultural labor force aging and education level on modern agricultural production factors and scale operation situation.Thirdly, to begin with, analyzes theoretically the influence of the learn ability, age and investment risk of human capital on human capital investment. Furthermore, contrastively analyzes the learn ability, age and investment risk of human capital of professional agricultural producers, returned migrant laborers, middle school graduates, college and secondary school graduates.Fourthly, with the theory of human capital investment, analyzes the investment demand of individuals, the farmers’ professional co-operatives and government for cultivating new professional farmers, and analyzes their investment situation and the reasons of the lack of investment.Fifthly, analyzes the status quo and problems of rural basic education, agricultural vocational education and agricultural vocational training, and puts forward corresponding suggestions.Sixthly, to optimizing the growth environment of new professional farmers, puts forward multiple aspects of suggestions which can support and improve farmers.The main conclusions are involved.Firstly, although the number of agricultural labor force is very large in our country, but the labor force demand is still large in agricultural production because of underdevelopment of mechanization and scale operation. Under the condition of existing agricultural production techniques, agricultural surplus-labor is very small. In addition, the agricultural labor forces aging degree is serious, and education level is lower, and lack agricultural vocational education and vocational training.Secondly, the empirical analysis results show that the agricultural labor force aging has significant negative effect on the adoption of agricultural machinery and scale operation, and education level has significant positive effect on the adoption of agricultural machinery and scale operation.Thirdly, when attend the cultivation of new professional farmers, professional agricultural producers and returned migrant laborers have the advantage in learning ability and age compared with common agricultural practitioners, and investment risk of human capital is smaller than middle school graduates and college and secondary school graduates. Although middle school graduates and college and secondary school graduates have the advantages in learning ability and age, they have more investment risk of human capital because they may not rent land or raise fund to engage in agriculture. At present, we should regard professional agricultural producers and returned migrant laborers as major cultivation object of new professional farmers.Fourthly, as long as the expected return of investing to cultivating new professional farmers is greater than the investment cost (including time cost), individuals (or families) and the farmers’ professional cooperatives (or agricultural enterprises) will produce investment demand. The expected income of government investment in new professional farmers cultivation is mainly including consolidating agricultural foundation status, maintaining rural area stability and narrowing the gap between urban and rural residents. As long as the investment income is greater than the investment cost, the government will also produce investment demand. The causes of lack of individuals investment is mainly including that agricultural comparative benefits is low, farmers income is low, and the agricultural vocational training effect is not ideal. The causes of lack of the farmers’ professional co-operatives is that their scale is small and profitability is not strong. The causes of lack of government investment is mainly that government do not realize the importance of agriculture for the national economy development and new professional farmers’ role in the modern agriculture. Government should be responsible for investment responsibility for cultivating new professional farmers to consolidating agricultural foundation status.Fifthly, the problems of rural fundamental education is mainly that teaching reform lags, exam-oriented education tend is very serious, and so on. The problems of agricultural vocational education is that social identity is low, recruiting student is difficult and funds investment is insufficient, and so on. The problems of agricultural vocational training is that training funds investment is insufficient, training funds is scattered, and training programs is lack of sustainability. Government should make long-term planning for cultivating new professional farmers, make efforts to promote the integration among rural basic education, agricultural vocational education and vocational training, increase investment, improve the quality of teaching, so that cultivate a team of high-quality new professional farmers.Sixthly,we should establish law and regulation concerning new professional farmers cultivation, improve agricultural benefits, actively encourage land circulation, develop agricultural mechanization, promote rural financial service level and improve rural infrastructure and public services, so that create a good environment for new professional farmers.This paper may make three innovations.Firstly, this paper analyzes empirically the effect of agricultural labor force aging on development of modern agriculture. Recently, the problem of agricultural labor force aging has attracted great attention, many scholars analyzed qualitatively adverse effect of agricultural labor force aging on agriculture. Using Chinese second agricultural census data, this paper analyzes the impact of agricultural labor force aging on adoption of modern agricultural production factors and scale operation situation.Secondly, analyzes the cultivation objects of new professional farmers from learning ability, age and investment risk of human capital. Few scholars have in depth study on the cultivation objects of new professional farmers. But this paper researches the possibility of every objects attending new professional farmers cultivation from their learning ability, age and investment risk of human capital.Thirdly, using the theory of human capital investment, analyzes the investment subjects of new professional farmers cultivation. Cultivating new professional farmers will expend some resources. Who should invest? Few people study this question. This paper studies the demand of individuals,the farmers’ professional cooperatives and government under the framework that the marginal benefit of human capital investment should be equal to marginal cost.


