

The Antecedents of Customer Loyalty in E-business

【作者】 杨勇攀

【导师】 李胜;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 对消费者价值的研究使我们发现消费者行为是一个个体基于其认知和经验的需求满足的决策过程。Parasuraman, Zeithaml&Berry (1988)定义感知价值是消费者基于所接收到的和所付出的认知对产品效用的总体评价。消费者的感知价值体现为消费者对服务质量、价格、方便、娱乐、安全等因素的评价。这些评价则又会成为影响消费者满意感知的一些重要因素。另外,在网络环境下,消费者的个性更明显,商品和服务的可选择性更大,消费者参与度更高,社会网络更具影响力。功利主义和快乐价值成为消费者网络购物的决定动机。但由于消费者个体镶嵌于虚拟网络中的社会网络,他(她)的行为还要受到社会网络的影响。虽然有的研究发现网络消费者具有高认知需求和多重角色扮演的现象,但与此相反地意见则认为,人的角色受制于原始的个性与认同,很难完全超越(Argyle and Shields,1996),而且多数网络个体也不是多重角色扮演者,故网络社会与现实社会的社会网络差异不大。适用于线下社会网络的理论和分析工具仍然可以用于线上虚拟网络。连带强度、网络密度、网络构型、认知水平等都影响着消费者行为的表现,这体现在满意度和忠诚度水平方面。所以,本文的研究就从社会网络的角度对消费者行为进行深入研究,以期发现他们之间的影响关系,并进而提出一些管理启示。研究方法与内容:本文共五章,分为绪论、理论基础与文献回顾、概念模型及研究设计、数据分析与假设检验以及管理启示及研究展望。第一章绪论主要讲述了选题背景、目的意义、研究思路与方法以及主要的创新与局限。第二章是对理论的整理和回顾。主要整理了消费者价值理论以及行为理论,社会网络理论以及服务质量研究、满意度与忠诚度研究。在第三章,基于第二章的研究本文认为消费者作为社会网络个体在虚拟网络中表现出同样的社会网络特点,其消费者价值的体现仍然受到服务质量的影响而体现出满意度、忠诚度。同时,由于消费者受到社会资本作用,还表现出不一样的忠诚行为。因此,在本部分提出了:1)网购消费者社会资本分类模型。其影响构面有两个,分别是关系构面(信任与认同)和结构构面(连带与网络构型);2)消费者忠诚度前因模型,其中包含了服务质量与消费者满意度、忠诚度的相关关系假设。并对实证研究进行了设计和方法介绍。第四章是实证研究与假设检验,基于在全国范围内的样本收集,运用结构方程模型(SEM)验证了假设,发现了在网络购物中,服务质量与消费者满意度之间是负相关,与忠诚度之间是正相关,也发现了服务质量与消费者满意度之间的“倒U”型关系。另外,基于社会资本分类的不同消费者在服务质量、满意度和忠诚度之间的关系被证实是有差异并且显著的。最后第五章在前文的基础上提出3点管理启示,并指出本研究的研究局限和可能的研究方向。二、实证研究结论对消费者忠诚前因模型的研究基于全国范围内549个随机样本,提出了10个假设并分别验证,结果表明:H1:网购服务质量差异正向影响消费者满意度。(不支持)H1a:与低关系资本相比,消费者关系资本越高,网购服务质量差异与消费者满意度的正相关关系越强。(不支持)Hlb:与低结构资本相比,消费者结构资本越高,网购服务质量差异与消费者满意度的正相关关系越强。(不支持)H2:消费者满意度正向影响消费者忠诚度。(支持)H2a:与低关系资本相比,消费者关系资本越高,消费者满意与忠诚的正相关关系越强。(支持)H2b:与低结构资本相比,消费者结构资本越高,消费者满意与忠诚的正相关关系越强。(不支持)H3:网购服务质量差正向影响消费者忠诚度。(支持)H3a:与低关系资本相比,消费者关系资本越高,网购服务质量差异与忠诚的正相关关系越强。(支持)H3b:与低结构资本相比,消费者结构资本越高,网购服务质量差异与忠诚的正相关关系越强。(不支持)H4:消费者虚拟社会资本是服务质量与消费者忠诚、服务质量与消费者满意及消费者满意与消费者忠诚这三个关系的调节变量。消费者行为受关系构面和结构构面的影响而表现出对这三者关系不同的影响程度。(支持)网购服务质量差异与消费者满意的负相关结论是对现有研究的一个补充,被后续研究所证实。三、研究创新在学习、借鉴及发扬前人研究成果的基础上,本文的创新主要体现在以下几点:(1)本文将个体社会网络分析引入消费者行为分析。这既是社会网络分析结构主义与个体主义的结合,也从个体的层面提醒研究者们个体(消费者)作为网络结构的源起,个体社会特性必然对网络的构成和演化产生较强的影响。而且,消费者个体社会特性还决定了其在网络中的位置以及如何影响其他个体行为。本文研究了消费者个体的社会网络特征对消费者忠诚的影响,建立了社会网络分析与市场营销理论的关联,在一定程度上延伸了市场营销理论的研究范围。(2)本文创造性的提出并验证了消费者不同类型对服务质量、消费者满意度和消费者忠诚度的不同影响。研究表明,通过关系资本维度和网络结构资本维度这两个维度的分类,可以将消费者分为4类。不同类型的消费者在相同场景下有不同的行为表现,这种分类与实际更贴切,相比传统的将网络消费者视为同一类型有了进步。网络商家则可以依据本文所建立的消费者社会资本模型获得的消费者数据对消费者实施类别划分,并根据不同类别采取不同的服务设计以获得更高的消费者满意和忠诚。(3)本文借鉴Parasuraman, Zeithaml,Berry的服务质量测量体系研究思路,对网络购物的服务质量评价框架进行特定研究。自Parasuraman, Zeithaml,Berry提出SERVQUAL服务质量研究方法以来,这种通过研究消费者期望与消费者感知之间的差距(gap score),以判断服务质量水平的方法在传统消费领域得到了极大的发展和较高的认可。本文的研究立足于限定范围的消费群体,在保证了该方法的信度和效度的基础上,对原SERVQUAL的5个维度(有形性、可靠性、响应性、保证性以及情感性),22个评价项目进行了适用于网络服务的修正,最后获得了5个维度(设计性、可得性、可靠性、响应性和情感性),21个评价项目,建立了NetServQ网购服务质量评价体系。该体系在后文的结构方程分析中表现出较高的信度和效度。这是对SERVQUAL方法的丰富和扩展。四、研究局限(1)抽样样本的局限性。本文的样本取自正规网络调研机构,但限于研究经费和条件的限制,依然存在如样本数量的限制、对样本群体社会经历、收入、教育背景以及网络接受程度等了解不够等不足,今后的研究还需要进一步扩大样本群体,以使研究更有代表性。(2)消费者社会资本分类模型的验证性。虽然本研究提出了消费者社会资本分类模型,但也仅限于所调查的小样本群体的验证并得到了部分支持。如果能够将研究样本扩大至更多、更广泛的社会群体,在不同网购消费群体中实施验证,证明该模型的可靠和有效,这是今后本研究的发展方向。

【Abstract】 Because of study on customer value, we find that consumer behavior is an individual decision-making process based on his perception and requirements fulfillmentexperience. Parasuraman, Zeithaml&Berry (1988) define perceived value as the cognitive utility evaluation of consumer’s receives and pays for products. Consumers’ perception value is the evaluation of service quality, price, convenience, entertainment, safety and so on.These evaluations would become the important factors that affect satisfaction of customer.In addition, under the network environment, the consumer’s personality is more unique, goods and services are more abundant, and theparticipation of network is higher, the influence of the social network is bigger. Utilitarianism and Hedonism become the decision of the consumer online shopping motivations. But due to the consumer embedded in the virtual network as well as in the social network, his (hers) behavior is affected by the social network. Although some studies have found that the online consumers have some high needs for cognition and multiple role play, the other researcherspointed out it is difficult to completely beyond the original roles for the limited personality and identity. And most of network individual are not multiple role players, so the consumers play the same roles in network society as of these in social networks. The theories and tools can affect significant in online virtual network as well as in offline social network. Ties strengthen, network density, network configure and level of cognition can affect the behaviors of consumer. Those can performance on consumer satisfaction and consumer loyalty. Therefore, the purpose of this research about online shopping consumer behavior based social networking theories is to discover the relationships between factors, and in turn, make some managerial significance.Ⅰ. Research method and contentThis paper contains five chapters, the introduction, theories and literature reviews, conception models and research design, data analysis and hypotheses test and managerial significance and research outlook. Chapter one is introduction, introducing the background, purpose and significance, research method, points of innovation and limitations of this paper. Chapter two is theories introduction and literature reviews, reviewing the theory of consumer value, consumer behavior, social networking, as well as service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty. In the third chapter, based on chapter two, considers the consumer has the same features as an agent of online social network as well as in the offline social networking, the value ofconsumers are still affected by the quality of service and reflect the satisfaction and loyalty aspects. At the same time, because the level of consumer’s social capital, loyalty behavior perform differences.So, in this part, we puts forward:online shopping consumer classification model of social capital, two constructs are relationship dimensions:trust and identification, structure dimensions:ties and network configurations; the antecedents of customer loyalty model, the hypotheses of relation between service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty. And introduce the empirical research design and methods.The chapter four is empirical research and hypotheses test. Collecting samples from across the country, we used structural equation model (SEM) to verify the hypothesis, found negative correlation between service quality and customer satisfaction, and positive correlation with loyalty, andfound "inverted U" type of relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction.In addition, the different of consumers based on the classification of social capital in the relationship between service quality, satisfaction and loyalty were confirmed significant. The last chapter five, this article put forward three management implications, and points out the research limitations and possible research direction.Ⅱ. Result of empirical researchIn term of the antecedents of customer loyalty, we collected549random samples across the country, list ten hypotheses and test them. The result show below:H1:The online shopping service quality gap has a positive effect on customer satisfaction.(Not Supported)H1a:The higher of customer social relation capital, the stronger of positive correlation between online shopping service quality gap and customer satisfaction. (Not Supported)H1b:The higher of customer social structure capital, the stronger of positive correlation between online shopping service quality gap and customer satisfaction.(Not supported)H2:The customer satisfaction has a positive effect on customer loyalty.(Supported)H2a:The higher of customer social relation capital, the stronger of positive correlation between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.(Supported)H2b:The higher of customer social structure capital, the stronger of positive correlation between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.(Not Supported)H3:The online shopping service quality gap has a positive effect on customer loyalty.(Supported)H3a:The higher of customer social relation capital, the stronger of positive correlation between online shopping service quality gap and customer loyalty.(Supported)H3b:The higher of customer social structure capital, the stronger of positive correlation between online shopping service quality gap and customer loyalty.(Not supported)H4:The virtual social capital is the moderator variable of loyalty behavior of online customer. Consumer loyalty behavior due to influence by the relation dimensions and structure dimensions and shows the different behavior.(Supported)The negative correlated conclusion between online shopping service quality gap and consumer satisfaction is surprised and significant. It is very valuable for consumer loyalty research.Ⅲ. Point of innovationThe innovation of this article is manifested in the following:The ego-net approach on consumer behavior analysis was introduced. It is the combination of structuralism and individualism of social network analysis, also reminds the researchers realize that individual (consumer) construct the network, its characteristics will affect the formation and evolution of the network inevitable and significant. Therefore, the social features determine the individual position in the network and how to affect other behavior. This paper studies the social network characteristics of consumer, the relationship establishment of a social network analysis and the marketing theory and developed marketing research in some areas.In this research, the different types of consumers and the relation between service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty aspect were puted forward and tested. In this research, consumers can be divided into4types through the classification of two dimensions. The relation capital dimension and network structure capital dimension. Different types of consumers have different behavior under the same scenario; this classification approach is more apt. it’s a little progress compared with the traditional network consumers as the same type. ICFs can distinguish difference customers on the basis of consumers’classification model and offer different category of services in order to obtain a higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.This paper imitates the service quality measurement system of Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, have specific research on the service quality evaluation framework of e-retailing. After the SERVQUAL approach was established by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, This kind of research method about the gap between consumers’perceptions and expectations (gap score) for measurement the level of service quality has made great development in the field of traditional consumption. In this paper, researcher limited the range of consumer samples, within the appropriate reliability and validity, modified the original five dimensions of the SERVQUAL (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and move),22into suitable for network services projects, and finally obtained five dimensions (tangibles, accessibility, reliability, responsiveness and empathy),21items, established NetServQ evaluation system. The system shows high reliability and validity in the next structural equation analysis of the text. This is a valuable expansion and attempt of the SERVQUAL method.Ⅳ. Research limitationThe limitations of sample. Because of limitation of research funding and conditions, though this paper taken samples from a regular network research organization, but some shortages still exist, such as sample scale, sample group’s social experience, income, education background, the acceptability of network understanding and so on. The future research can further expand the sample groups, in order to make study more representative.The validation of consumer classification model of social capital. Although this article proposed the consumers classification model of social capital, but it is confined to the limited sample group of verification and got partial support. If the study sample can expand to more social online consumer groups, proved that the model is reliable and effective, this classification model can be used as a general method. It is the development direction of this research.

  • 【分类号】F724.6;F274
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