

Research on the Semi-urban of Migrant Workers

【作者】 陈藻

【导师】 姜玉梅;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 人口学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,农民工是我国工业化、城市化进程中涌现出来的一支新型的劳动大军,也是经济体制转轨和社会转型时期形成的特殊社会群体,他们为推动中国经济社会高速发展、维护世界经济繁荣稳定做出了巨大贡献。然而,在中国特定的历史背景和制度安排下,广大农民工从农村迁出和在城市定居的过程并非同步完成,这导致历经30多年的时代变迁,农民工群体并未获得与城市居民相同的合法身份和社会权利,形成了独具中国特色的“候鸟式”周期性人口流动现象及农民工“半城市化”问题等。目前,1980年之后出生的“新生代农民工”已成长为农民工群体的主体力量,与其父辈相比,他们无论在自身特征、价值观念,还是在定居城市的意愿等方面,均呈现明显的“事实性移民”特征,但其城市化进程并不顺利,“半城市化”问题突出,并且开始显露出对于我国政治社会稳定、经济可持续发展、家庭幸福及个人发展的负面影响。基于此,促进农民工群体,尤其是新生代农民工在城市“安居乐业”,帮助他们成长为具有较高素质的、就业稳定的新型产业工人,将对于推动我国的城市化进程,转变经济发展方式产生具有重大意义。农民工“半城市化”问题,既是一个“系统性的社会、制度、文化、行动和心理问题”,是我国城市化发展的产物;也是中国由典型的“城市—农村二元结构”向纯粹的“城乡一体化”转变过程中的过渡性阶段,是我国社会结构转型过程中所出现的独特现象,其危害性日益明显。为推进农民工的城市化进程,近年来,中央和地方各级政府均出台了一系列针对农民工群体的政策措施,但现有的社会政策设计还不足以破除城乡二元体制和“各自为政”的地方行政管理体制度,只能在一定程度上改善其城市社会处境,而并不以改变农民工的“流动性”特征为目的,农民工并未被真正纳入城市化进程的规划,或者成为“城市化的必然要求”。因此,在目前和未来的一个时期,对于农民工“半城市化”问题的研究将成为中国人口城市化研究的核心和重点。基于上述背景分析和现实认知,本文选择农民工“半城市化”问题做为研究主题,旨在探索中国人口城市化的特殊发展规律,作为西方经典的人口转移和城市化理论在解释中国问题时的具体补充,为农民工“半城市化”问题的研究提供理论依据和实证数据。同时,基于成都市的具体情况,提出农民工由“半城市化”到“城市化”的可能实现途径,并为农民工“半城市化”问题的解决提供相关意见建议。本文综合运用人口学、社会学及经济学的相关理论和分析方法,基于农民工“半城市化”问题的研究视角,以成都市为主要研究区域,借鉴国内外人口迁移和城市化的相关理论,采用宏观分析与微观分析、定性分析与定量分析、理论分析与政策分析相结合的分析方法,采用SPSS等统计分析手段,在对相关核心概念的涵义进行辨析和界定的基础之上,对于西方国家“乡—城”人口迁移和城市化、“半城市化”的理论和实践,以及我国农民工“半城市化”问题的研究现状及发展阶段进行分析、归纳和总结,结合已有研究成果,界定农民工“半城市化”问题的内涵,客观描述现阶段农民工“半城市化”的现实特征,并尝试提出农民工“半城市化”问题的分析框架,对于论文的研究结论进行归纳总结,为农民工城市化进程的推进提出了较为客观的、有可操作性的对策建议。本文主要研究内容由五章构成,按照“文献综述与背景分析→提出问题→实证分析→结论对策”的逻辑展开,具体内容如下:第一章:导论。本章主要阐述了论文的选题背景、研究的理论和实践意义、论文所涉及的核心概念辨析及界定、同类研究概述和论文研究的理论和实践意义,并设计和制定了本文的研究思路与方法。本章分析和界定了农民工、城市化和“半城市化”等相关概念的相互关系和逻辑演化过程,并将“农民工”这样一个历史性的事物,基于历史变迁的角度,通过发展的视角加以认识和研究。第二章:相关理论与文献综述。本章首先按照理论发展的逻辑和顺序,对于西方国家人口迁移和城市化的研究阶段进行了简要梳理和分析,并对于西方国家“城市化”研究的发展与演进过程,其间出现“半城市化”现象和问题进行归纳总结,并做出简要述评;再对于我国农民工“半城市化”的研究文献进行回顾,分析了农民工城市化进程中特有的“中国路径”,及农民工“半城市化”的提出、表现特征、成因及演变趋势等。本章为深入研究农民工“半城市化”问题奠定了理论基础,但同时也指出,西方国家与当前中国的城市化过程相比较,无论是宏观场景、推动力量、历史历程,还是政策安排与现实后果均差异颇大,其研究成果仅具相对的参考价值,在借鉴和运用时,应予以扬弃。第三章:我国农民工“半城市化”问题的历史成因、现状及理论探讨。本章首先对建国之后,中国人口城市化的发展阶段和发展特征进行梳理和回顾,指出对于政策和制度的全面创新和改革,是妥善解决农民工“半城市化”问题的最为重要和关键的部分。鉴于国内学界对于“半城市化”的研究尚处于零星的、分散的状态,尚未形成完整的理论体系架构,并且在不同的研究领域及语境中,涵义有所不同,故本章归纳了农民工“半城市化”问题在经济活动、社会行动、社会心理和制度层面的具体特征,提出针对农民工“半城市化”问题的分析框架,丰富了当前理论界对于“半城市化”问题的相关理论研究,并提出要全面探讨和分析农民工“半城市化”问题,应基于宏观、中观和微观三个视角综合分析,作为下一章实证研究的理论支撑。第四章:成都市农民工“半城市化”问题的实证分析。首先,依据“农民工‘半城市化’问题”的分析框架,采用二项Logistic回归对于调查问卷相关数据展开分析,指出当前“制度融合”和“经济融合”因素,是影响农民工“半城市化”状态的最主要因素,而提升农民工群体在城市的就业能力和就业质量,则成为当务之急。在此基础上,以农民工代际差异分析的视角切入,分析比较两代农民工在就业、城市生活方式和政治诉求三方面的“半城市化”状况,再结合调查中已实现“城市化”的个案访谈结果,提出:当前,推进本地户籍的新生代农民工群体的城市化已势在必行。第五章:促进农民工由“半城市化”向“城市化”转变的思考。本章提出以网络治理模式的思路,对于农民工“定居型就业迁移模式”进行构建与设想,提出探索农民工与城市居民“大混居、小聚居”的居住模式以及推进以新生代农民工及其家庭“体面就业”为核心的城市化道路,针对农民工如何实现“城市化”提出自己的观点和对策。创新点:第一,选题上的创新。多年来,对于“人口城市化”和“农民工市民化”的相关研究可谓汗牛充栋,但已有文献或着力于人口城市化“制度决定论’的宏观研究,或立足于农民工“市民化”进程的中、微观实践层面,很少有将农民工置身于宏观的时代背景之下,综合制度性因素、非体制性因素及个体特征,对于农民工群体的“半城市化”问题展开宏观、中观和微观的综合分析,并提出对策研究。同时,在“新型城镇化”已成为新一届政府社会经济发展战略重要举措的时代背景之下,以农民工“半城市化”问题为切入点,是富于现实针对性的选题。第二,通过构建农民工“半城市化”问题的分析框架,并选择在成都市展开实证研究,丰富了理论界对于“半城市化”问题的理论研究体系。综观国内外已有的相关研究,目前对农民工“半城市化”研究尚没有系统理论阐述、完整的评价指标与评价方法,仍属于人口城市化研究中较少涉及的领域,是需要加强研究的一个前沿课题。第三,人口城市化具有较强的地域特点,人口城市化的发展模式也具有各自的区域特色和多样性,当前,对于特定地域的研究将更具有应用价值,有助于进一步推进人口城市化,因此区域人口城市化问题的深入研究将是人口城市化研究领域的一个新趋势。成都市作为西部地区的中心城市和“统筹城乡”国家级示范区,其农民工及家庭向城市迁移、定居,区域人口城市化等方面的现状、经验及做法,对于国内其他城市和地区将具有一定的启发和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening, Migrant workers are a new type of labor force emerged in China’s industrialization and urbanization process. They are also a particular social group during the economic transition and social transformation. They made a great contribution to promote rapid economic and social development, and safeguarding world economic prosperity and stability. However, in the specific historical background and institutional arrangements, Migrant workers from rural areas to move out and settle in city are not synchronization to complete. This leads to groups of migrant workers could not receive the same legal status and social rights to urban residents during30years of changing times, and also formed a unique Chinese characteristics migrant the cyclical population flow and "Semi-urban" problems of migrant workers. The new generation of migrant workers born after1980has become the main force of migrant workers groups. They are the Fact Immigrants according to the characteristics, value, and the wishes to live in cities. However, the urbanization process is not smooth and the Semi-urban problems are arising. And these have a negative impact on China’s political and social stability, sustainable economic development, family well-being and personal development and so on.So promotion of migrant workers groups, especially the new generation of migrant workers, to live and work, and help them grow with high quality, stable employment of new industrial workers, will take a huge role on the promotion of China’s urbanization process, the transformation of economic development to an inestimable an important role.The semi-urban problem is a systematic problem in social, institutional, cultural, actions and psychological problems. It is not only a product of the development of urbanization in China, but also the performance of the current lag in urbanization. It has become a unique phenomenon in the process of transformation of social structure in China, and has become increasingly evident and harmful consequences.In order to promote the process of urbanization of migrant workers, the central and local governments have issued a series of policy measures for migrant workers groups recent years. So, research on the Semi-urban migrant workers problem will become the key point of China’s population urbanization in the current and future.Based on the above background analysis and realistic cognitive, this paper research on the semi-urban of migrant workers, in order to explore migrant workers urbanization special law of development, and build the system research framework of migrant workers urbanization theory.This paper has five chapters and in accordance with the literature review and background analysis, to issues, to empirical analysis and also drew the conclusion measures.Chapter Ⅰ:Introduction. This chapter covers the background of the paper, the theoretical and practical significance of the research papers cover Core Concepts and defined, similar studies Overview and thesis theoretical and practical significance, and to design and develop the research ideas and methods. This chapter analyzes and defines the relationship between migrant workers, urbanization and "semi-urban" and other related concepts and logical evolution, and migrant workers,"such a historic thing, based on the historical changes of perspective, the perspective of development expand awareness and research.Chapter Ⅱ:Theory and Literature Review. This chapter begins with logic and order in accordance with the theoretical development of the research phase of the Western countries, population migration and urbanization briefly outlines and analyzes the Western countries "urbanization" of the development and evolution process, during which a "semi-urban" semi-urban phenomena and problems are summarized, and a brief Commentary; review of the research literature of China’s migrant workers,"semi-urban" unique "in the process of urbanization of migrant workers path, and migrant workers" put forward, performance characteristics, causes and evolution. This chapter study of migrant workers for the system of "semi-urban" lay the theoretical foundation, but also pointed out that Western countries and China’s urbanization process, whether it is a macro scene, the driving force, the course of history, or policy arrangements and reality have consequences considerable differences in the results of their research only relative to the reference value, learn and use, and should be sublation.Chapter Ⅲ:China’s migrant workers "semi-urban" historical causes of the problem, the status quo and theoretical discussion. This chapter begins after the founding of the PRC, the stage of development of the Chinese population urbanization and development characteristics of Study and Review, pointed out that a comprehensive policy and institutional innovation and reform, properly resolve the migrant workers,"semi-urban" the most important and critical section. In view of the domestic circles scattered, dispersed state is still in the "semi-urban", has not yet formed a complete theoretical system architecture, and different meanings in different areas of research and context, the chapter summarizes migrant workers "semi-urban "realistic characteristics proposed analytical framework for migrant workers" semi-urban ", rich in theoretical circles research System of semi-urban "problem, and propose a full discussion and analysis of the migrant workers," semi-urban of the problem, should be based on macro-, meso three perspectives cut provides a theoretical support for the next chapter of empirical research.Chapter IV:Chengdu migrant workers "semi-urban" An Empirical Analysis. First of all, as an analytical framework for migrant workers semi-urban problem, using the Binomial Logistic regression to analyze the results of the questionnaire pointed to help migrant workers groups to enhance the employability and quality of employment in the city, has become at this stage to advance it’s the key elements of the "urbanization".Chapter V:promotion of the migrant workers "semi-urban" to "urbanization" thinking. The idea of the use of network governance model proposed migrant workers to settle employment migration patterns "with the ideas proposed to explore migrant workers and urban residents" big mixed, small settlements, settlement patterns, and advancing to the generation of migrant workers in this chapter and family "decent employment" as the core of urbanization. From "semi-urban" causes of the problem, the reality to analyze and put forward their views and counter measures for migrant workers how to achieve the "urbanization"

【关键词】 农民工半城市化代际差异
【Key words】 migrant workerssemi-urbangenerational differences
  • 【分类号】D412.6;F299.2;F323.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】625
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