

Research on the Origin, Evolution and Realization of Fictitious Economy

【作者】 崔祥龙

【导师】 蒋南平;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 政治经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着市场经济的深入发展,虚拟经济已成为经济的重要组成部分。19世纪70年代以后,由于经济全球化和金融自由化,虚拟经济渗透和嵌入到市场经济活动的各个领域。伴随着金融创新和深化,虚拟经济的发展日益影响着人们的社会生活、思维方式以及价值观念,因而人们对财富的认识也发生了深刻的变化,人们的物质财富观逐渐演变为虚拟财富和实体财富并存的财富观。当代社会分工在信息技术推动下,贵金属作为财富的象征以及将货币作为财富的储存手段,再发展到纸币作为价值财富的代表已经成为历史,当代人们已经形成了数字化的虚拟财富观。经济越来越虚拟化,虚拟资产在社会财富中的比重越来越大,膨胀速度越来越快,以致虚拟经济成为社会经济的重要组成部分。但虚拟经济的脆弱性、不稳定性、正反馈性,导致虚拟经济存在巨大的系统性风险。而虚拟经济监管不合理或监管缺失,可能引发金融危机,造成经济系统的极大破坏。2008年以来,由美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机已给中国经济发展提出了警示,我们开始认识到健全和完善虚拟经济监管机制和风险预警机制,对于规避金融风险、防范金融危机有重要的作用。因此,加强虚拟经济理论研究已成为中国经济学理论界一项紧迫的任务。虚拟经济的起源、演变以及实现方式有其自身的历史演进路径和内在逻辑规律。一般认为,虚拟经济的起源于社会分工和技术进步的推动。在人类社会生产力不发达阶段,原始祖先偶然的物物交换,到剩余产品的出现,再从农牧业和手工业的出现到商品交换成为必然。人类为了商品交易的方便和需要,经过无数次变换交易媒介后,出现了贵金属货币,并成为人们的交易媒介、价值尺度及贮藏手段。可以说,货币是经济虚拟化的第一序逻辑起点。贵金属货币尽管担负了流通媒介、价值尺度、支付手段、贮藏手段以及世界货币的职能,但其也有自身的弱点,又加上科学技术的推动,慢慢产生了纸币。从此纸币开始成为了虚拟经济的新起点,即经济虚拟化的第二序逻辑起点。近代由于资本主义社会分工以及金融自由化的推动,特别是20世纪70年代布雷顿森林体系解体后,黄金与货币彻底脱钩,导致了黄金非货币化,虚拟经济的发展走上了快车道,虚拟经济的规模越来越大,膨胀速度越来越快,逐渐成为社会经济的重要组成部分。这些现象产生的原因,也要求我们站在更高的视角来反思虚拟经济现象。此外,虚拟经济也具备了流动性储备池、配置资源和对外缓冲等功能。但虚拟经济有其自身内在的复杂性、不稳定性、投机性、高风险性及强流动性的特点,因此当虚拟经济受到外界冲击后,容易发生剧烈的波动,造成经济系统的极大破坏,可能导致严重的金融危机。因此,探索经济虚拟化起源、演变和实现方式的内在规律,特别是关注发达国家在这方面的经验,对于把握和运用虚拟经济演进规律于中国实际有重要的意义。本文运用马克思主义历史和逻辑统一的辩证法原理,探索虚拟经济的内涵、演变以及虚拟经济的实现方式,并借鉴西方主流经济学的理论进行系统的、详细的剖析。本文主要从四个视角展开,论述思路如下:第一个视角,关于虚拟经济起源的视角。对虚拟经济起源进行系统的论述前,首先对虚拟经济以及相关的基本概念进行了界定,以便为虚拟经济的剖析提供理论基础。虚拟经济起源研究分为经济虚拟化的动因和经济虚拟化的起点理论分析两个方面。第一方面是分析经济虚拟化的动因。要分析经济虚拟化的动因,必然对其动因社会分工和技术进步进行系统地分析。社会分工和技术进步不仅是社会发展的动力,而且更是虚拟经济发展的动因。社会分工和科技进步贯穿于虚拟经济发展的始终,并且与虚拟经济始终交织在一起,相互促进,共同推动人类社会的进步与发展。从原始社会开始,经过一系列社会形态的演变,直到社会发展的今天,货币的价值形态在社会分工和科技进步推动下,已经发生了根本的变化。而货币价值形态的变化表征虚拟经济演变的历程,所以研究虚拟经济的演变历程,必然要分析社会分工和技术的进步。第二个方面是经济虚拟化起点的理论分析。分析经济虚拟化的起点分为两个逻辑起点:货币的起源是经济虚拟化的第一序逻辑起点;纸币的产生是经济虚拟化的第二序逻辑起点。自原始社会开始偶然的物物交换,随着商品经济的发展,商品交易的媒介固定到贵金属金银上,即货币的产生。贵金属货币起到了一般等价物的作用,货币本身只是一种特殊的商品,是一种实实在在的商品等价物。在货币发展史上,贵金属货币只是起到了乘上起下的一般等价物的代表,货币虚拟化是从贵金属货币开始的,因此,货币的产生是经济虚拟化的起点。随着商品经济发展,不足值的铸币产生,标志着经济虚拟化开始。然后逐渐演变产生了信用货币,即纸币的产生,标志着经济虚拟化又一新的历史起点,这一新的起点,纸币只是表征价值的货币符号,其本身也没有任何价值。特别是资本主义社会分工和科技进步的推动,虚拟经济得到了快速发展,纸币可以转化为其他价值形态的财富,如股票、债券等虚拟资产。所以,纸币的产生标志货币彻底虚拟化及经济虚拟化的新的起点。第二个视角,虚拟经济的演变。虚拟经济的演变分为虚拟经济的功能演变和虚拟经济的时序演变。虚拟经济的功能演变主要从两个角度论述,一是货币基本职能的演变;二是虚拟经济功能的演变。在货币基本职能的基础上,进一步研究剖析了虚拟经济的功能及演变。货币基本职能价值尺度和流通手段的演变包括两个方面:一方面货币的基本职能逐渐演变为价值尺度和流动手段的统一,即支付手段的出现;另一方面,价值尺度和流通手段基本职能演变为贮藏手段和世界货币。虚拟经济的功能主要论点包括四个论点:虚拟资产是虚拟经济运行的能量和润滑剂,虚拟经济是货币的流动性储备池,虚拟经济的优化资源配置功能,虚拟经济的对外缓冲功能。虚拟经济时序演变主要论述虚拟经济的演变的历史进程包括三个阶段:一是虚拟经济时序演变的初级阶段:货币虚拟化;二是虚拟经济演化的中级阶段,信用制度与虚拟经济深化形成的股票债券等金融基础产品;三是虚拟经济时序演化的高级阶段,即国际资本及全球经济虚拟化。第三个视角,经济虚拟化的实现方式分析。从经济虚拟化的现实性分析和经济虚拟化的实现方式分析两个方面论述。经济虚拟化的现实性分析分为三个方面:现代信息技术及互联网技术的广泛应用、现代科技进步导致的利润率下降以及金融创新的内生推动作用。关于经济虚拟化的实现方式分析,从生息资本化、公司产权股份化、房地产虚拟化、大宗产品的交易虚拟化及公司债券虚拟化五个方面系统地剖析了经济虚拟化的实现方式。第四个视角,在研究和分析虚拟经济起源、演变及实现的基础上,借鉴美日欧虚拟经济演变的经验及启示,结合我国的虚拟经济发展的实际状况,提出了我国的虚拟经济发展的三点对策建议:一是遵循虚拟经济演变规律,适度金融创新,二是加强货币合作与风险监管,推进人民币国际化,三是把握经济增长方式变革趋势,优化虚拟经济结构。本文的可能的创新点,研究视角的新颖,将研究的视角放在虚拟经济的起源、演变及虚拟经济的实现方式上。主要的创新点:(1)将经济虚拟化的起点分为两个逻辑起点,货币的起源是经济虚拟化的第一序逻辑起点,纸币的产生是经济虚拟化的第二序逻辑起点;(2)研究和分析了虚拟经济的微观功能和宏观调控功能;(3)对虚拟经济实现方式:生息资本的虚拟化、公司产权股份化、房地产虚拟化、大宗产品的交易虚拟化及公司债券虚拟化进行了研究和分析。

【Abstract】 With the further development of the market economy, the fictitious economy has become an important part of the economy. After the1870s, due to economic globalization and financial liberalization, the fictitious economy penetrated and embedded in all areas of market economic activities. With the deepening of financial liberalization and penetration, the fictitious economy is increasingly affecting the social and economic life, ways of thinking and values of people, so the cognition of wealth has also undergone a profound change. People’s physical wealth concept evolved into the one which fictitious wealth and physical wealth coexist. Contemporary social division of labor is driven by the IT. It has became a history that precious metals were once a symbol of wealth and saving money was a means of wealth. Also the paper money was a present of wealth. Contemporary people have formed digital fictitious wealth concept. As the economy growing fictitiously, fictitious assets in the proportion of social wealth are bigger and bigger, the expansion is growing faster. Therefore the fictitious economy has become an important part of the social economy. But there is a huge systematic risk of the fictitious economy because of its fragility, instability and positive feedback. The unreasonable or missing regulation of fictitious economic may lead to financial crisis, damaging the economic system devastated. Since2008, the global financial crisis which was triggered by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, has presented warning to China’s economic development. We began to realize the importance of improving the fictitious economy’s regulatory mechanism and risk warning mechanism. It has an important effect in avoiding financial risks and preventing financial crises. Therefore, strengthening the research of fictitious economic on theory has become an urgent task in China.The origin, evolution and realization of the fictitious economy have its own historical evolution path and internal logic rule. Generally, the origin of the fictitious economy was promoted by the social division of labor and technological progress. In the undeveloped stage of human social productive forces, the original ancestor occasional barter, to the emergence of surplus products and commodity exchange appears after agriculture and animal husbandry and handicrafts was inevitable. For convenience and needs of the human commodity trading, precious metal money appeared after numerous transform a medium of exchange. And it became a medium of exchange, store of value and scale. We can say that money is the first order of economic fictitious logical starting point. Although precious metals bear the currency circulating medium, the value scale, payment functions means, storage means and a world currency, it has its own weaknesses. And the paper money was produced by the promotion of science and technology slowly. After that the bill became a new starting point for the fictitious economy, that’s the second order economic fictitious logical starting point. Since the division of labor in modem society and the promotion of financial liberalization especially in the1970s after the disintegration of the Bretton Woods system, gold and currency were completely separated. That lead to a non-monetary gold. The fictitious economy embarked on a fast track and the fictitious economy increased its scale expansion faster and faster, becoming an important part of the social economy. Causes of these phenomena, also requires us to stand on a higher perspective to reflect on the phenomenon of the fictitious economy. In addition, the fictitious economy also has a pool of liquidity reserves, allocation of resources and external buffering functions. But the fictitious economy has its own inherent complexity, instability, speculative, high-risk characteristics and strong liquidity. Thus the fictitious economy would prone to violent fluctuations by external shocks, resulting in a very large economic system damage or even severe financial crisis. Therefore, understanding and mastering the law of the actual evolution in the fictitious economy has important significance in China by exploring the origins of economic fictitiousization, internal evolution and realization of the law, particularly those concerned with the experience of developed countries.In this doctoral dissertation, the history and logic of the Marxist dialectic unity of principle was used to explore ways to realize the connotation of the fictitious economy, as well as the evolution of the fictitious economy. It gives an analysis by systematic and detailed learning from the Western mainstream economics theory. The article is started from four perspectives:Discussed ideas are as follows:The first perspective is the origin of the fictitious economy. In order to provide a theoretical basis for analyzing the fictitious economy, defines the basic concept of the fictitious economy and the associated concepts before discussing the origin of the fictitious economy system. Analysis of the fictitious economic research is divided into the origin of economic conditions and the economic fictitiousization starting point theory. First, analyze the causes of economic fictitiousization. To analyze the cause of economic fictitiousization, the logical starting point for economic social division of labor and technological progress is bound to be analyzed systematically. Social division of labor and technological progress is not only the driving force of social development, but also the cause and motivation of fictitious economic development. Social division of labor and technological progress throughout the development of the fictitious economy has always been and intertwined with the fictitious economy, mutual promotion and common progress and development of human society. The currency’s form of value has fundamentally changed in the promotion of social labor’s division and technological progress through the form of a series of social evolution, from the primitive society till now. The change in the form of monetary values the evolution process of the fictitious economy. Analyzing the promotion of social division of labor and technology is necessary to study the evolution of the economic history of fictitious economy. Second, analyze the theory of the starting point. Economic analyzing is divided into two points, the origin of money as the first point and the produce of banknotes as the second order. Since the beginning of primitive society’s accidental barter, media commodity trading was fixed to the precious metals gold and silver with the development of commodity economy. That’s the generation of money. Precious metals played a role of general monetary equivalents. Money was a real commodity equivalent as a special commodity. Thus, a fictitious currency was rather the starting point than the fictitiousization of the economy. The beginning of the economic fictitiousization was marked with the development of commodity economy and the emerging of the valueless coins. The emerging of banknotes marked another new historical starting point of economic fictitiousisation. Paper money had no value but characterized the value of its currency symbol at tnis moment, especially witn promotion ot the capitalist division of labor and technological progress, the fictitious economy had achieved rapid development. Currency could be converted into other forms of wealth, such as stocks, bonds and other fictitious assets. The emerging of banknotes signed a new starting point of currency’s completed fictitiousization and economic fictitiousization.The second perspective is the evolution of the fictitious economy. Evolution of the fictitious economy is divided into functional evolution of the fictitious economy and the timing of the evolution of the fictitious economy. The functional evolutions of the fictitious economy are discussed from two points of view. One is the evolution of the basic functions of the fictitious capital and the other is the evolution of the fictitious economy functions. Analyze the function and evolution of the fictitious economy on the basis of the basic functions of the fictitious capital. The basic function of the evolution ofthe fictitious capital measuring the value and means of circulation includes two aspects:on the one hand, the basic functions of the fictitious capital gradually evolving into a measure of value and liquidity means unity, that means payment occurs; on the other hand, the basic measure of value and means of circulation functions of evolution for the storage means and the world currency. The main function of the fictitious economy argument includes four arguments’, the fictitious assets is the energy and lubricant of the economy’s movements. Fictitious economy is the liquidity reserve pool of money. Optimize the allocation of resources of the fictitious economy and fictitious economy’s external buffering. Timing mainly discusses the history process of the fictitious economy’s evolution. It consists of three stages. The first one is the initial stage of the evolution which means money fictitiousization. The second one is the intermediate stage. And other financial base products, like stock bonds formed by the credit system and the deepening fictitious economy. The third one is the advanced stage of the evolution. That’s the fictitiousization of the international capital and the global economy.The third perspective is analyzing the realizations of economic fictitiousization in two aspects, economic analysis of fictitious reality and economic analysis of fictitious realization. Economic analysis of fictitious reality is divided into three areas:extensive application of modern information technology and Internet technology, declining margins caused by modern science and technology as well as endogenous role in promoting financial innovation. While economic analysis of fictitious realizationswas analyzed systematically in five aspects, interest-bearing capital, corporation’s demutualization, fictitiousization of the real estate and the bulk commodities’ trades.The fourth perspective is to put forward three countermeasures on the development of China’s fictitious economy on the basis of fictitious economy’s origin, evolution and its realization, In the meantime, draw on the experience and enlightenment of America, Japanese and Europe combing with the actual situation in China. First, follow the evolution of the fictitious economy and innovate the finance moderately. Second, strengthen monetary cooperation and regulatory risks to promote the internationalization of the people. Third, grasp the trend of economic growth mode transformation and optimize the function of fictitious economy.Possible innovation and the research perspective in this article is that perspectives of the research are centered on the origin, evolution and realization of the fictitious economy. The main innovation:the causes and motivation in evolution of the fictitious economy. The micro and macro-control function of the fictitious economy. The realization of virtual economy:interest-bearing capital fictionalization, the company demutualization of property rights, fictionalization of real estate, the bulk product fictionalization of the contracts trading has been studied and analyzed.


