

【作者】 胡玲翠

【导师】 司晓宏;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 百年大计,教育为本;教育大计,教师为本;有好的教师,才有好的教育。教师是办好教育的第一和最为重要的资源,好教师是成就教育事业的基石,好教师必须有好的培养机制。自人类教育活动产生以来,就有了教师这一工作。但专门的培养教师的机构——师范教育机构和制度的产生,师范教育事业的大规模发展,则是近代以来两三百年的事情。20世纪中期以来,随着知识经济的兴起,给社会发展带来了深刻地变革,这种变革反映在高等教育领域,体现在其发展呈现出了综合化、信息化、国际化、大众化、普及化、终身化和法制化的发展趋势。作为高等教育重要组成部分的师范教育,也正在发生着重大而深刻的变革,从世界范围来看,这种变革主要呈现出了综合化、大学化的发展趋势。党的十八大提出了办好人民满意教育的目标任务。办好人民满意的教育,需要有科学的教育理论指导,充足的经费投入,现代教育管理制度,更为重要的是要有高素质的人民满意的教师队伍。而人民满意的教师队伍来源于教师培养机构——师范院校的培养。师范大学如何找准自身定位,培养社会发展需要的高素质教师、适应高等教育大众化发展就成了其发展面临的重要研究议题。本文立足于教师教育开放的国际大背景,以世界各国普遍认可的“教师教育大学化”的理念为指导,遵循“历史审视-经验借鉴-现实观照-展望未来”的总体思路,全面梳理了我国师范大学发展的历程及现状,论述了我国师范大学综合化转型是内外部因素共同作用下的一种必然趋势,在借鉴国外发达国家师范教育转型发展经验的基础上,提出了我国师范大学在实现综合化转型过程中的具体思路与路径。本文的研究内容主要包括:首先,梳理了我国师范大学发展的历程及现状。我国师范教育肇始于洋务运动时期,先后经历了师范教育的兴起、独立师范教育体系建立时期(1938年一20世纪60年代初期)、师范教育停滞文化大革命的重创时期(1966—1977年)、师范教育复原时期(1977年一20世纪90年代初)、教师教育大学化时期(20世纪90年代末至今)。在此基础上,对目前师范大学的发展状况进行了全面扫描。其次,论述了综合化转型已成为我国师范大学发展的客观趋势。从外部发展环境来看,师范教育向教师教育转型使师范大学的发展空间受到挤压,基础教育对高水平师资的需求给现有师范大学提出挑战,师范大学需要在教师教育体系的重建找寻新的位置。以上外部环境决定了师范大学综合化转型是在高等教育发展形势和教师教育开放背景下的必然选择。第三,阐释了向综合化转型已经成为了当前我国师范大学的自觉选择。从我国师范大学近年来的发展状况看,办学理念彰显了向综合大学转型发展的动机,实践层面的综合化转型已蔚然成风,这表明综合化转型已经成为了师范大学发展的一种自觉行为。第四,观照了国际师范院校转型发展的经验。回顾了国际师范教育发展历程,对师范学校初创期、师范学校发展阶段、向综合大学转型三个阶段进行了简要概括;对美国、法国、德国、俄罗斯等部分发达国家师范教育转型发展状况进行了扫描,概括了其转型发展的特点,总结归纳了值得借鉴的经验与启示。最后,提出了我国师范大学综合化转型的路径与策略。师范大学向综合大学转型是一种合理选择,它符合世界教师教育发展潮流,符合我国高等教育发展实际,符合我国深化教育领域综合改革的新要求;师范大学在综合化转型过程中要秉持固有特色,教师教育特色是师范大学立足之本,师范大学要明确综合化转型的目的,要大力开展协同创新,提高师范大学教育质量;师范大学转型的根本在于促进学科和专业建设,要明确办学定位,提升学科综合化水平,处理好师范专业和非师范专业的关系;师范大学转型的关键在于加强师资队伍建设,要完善人才管理体制,拓宽人才补充渠道,加强人才自身培养,努力提高师资学术水平;师范大学综合化转型需要一个较长的历史过程,综合化理念的生成和确立、学科和专业的设置与发展、师资队伍的建设及其学术水平的提高均需要一个较长的历史过程,绝对不能操之过急。

【Abstract】 For the everlasting fortune of our nation,education is the foundation and for an eternal education plan, teachers are the bases. Great importance must be attached to aberrated preceptor, as they are the first and foremost expendient for a better education of a nation. Thus a cultivation system is in highly needfulness. Teacher is acted as a job since the presence of education and teaching. Over the the pasted two or three hundred years, great development have gained in Normal Education Industry:specialized educational institutions and systems spring up in an increasing rate. Moreover, since1950s, the upgrade of the New Technological Revolution not only left a profound impact on the social development, but also affect the development of higher education including the normal education industry. Higher education gradually possesses the following potential and implicit characters:informatization,internationalization, popularization, lifelong and legalization, As an.The influence of the development situation of higher education, teacher education worldwide has shown a trend of comprehensive development, University of. The party’s eighteen big put forward the target task to run education to the satisfaction of the people. Do the people’s satisfactory education, needs scientific educational theory, put sufficient funds, the modern education management system, it is more important to have high-quality people’s satisfaction of teachers. But the sources of people’s satisfaction of teachers in teacher training institutions-normal university.In this paper, based on the background of teacher education and open, all countries in the world generally accepted " education of University Teachers " concept as a guide, follow the " view of history as the general idea of a experience a realistic view of a hope to ", combing the history and its current situation in our normal university development,elaborated our country teacher the university has been in a forced transition historical juncture, and points out that realizing the integration is an inevitable choice for China’s University Transformation and development, puts forward some concrete ideas and paths in the process to achieve the comprehensive transformation of Normal University in china. Process, the development of China’s Teacher Education University of existing problems and to resolve the article is less. This paper is based on analyzing the status quo of China’s Teacher Education University, in view of China’s specific national conditions, carries on the preliminary discussion on how to realize the system of Teacher Education University. The main contents of this paper include:Firstly, combing the history and current situation of the development of Normal University in china. Initial teacher education in China in the period of Westernization Movement, has gone through the establishment of normal education, the independent normal education system period (early1938nineteen sixties), normal education stagnation period:the Cultural Revolution hit (19661977), teacher education complex original period:the resumption of college entrance examination (a1977nineteen ninties beginning) teacher education, university period (since the late nineteen ninties). On this basis, the current development of Normal University were front scanning.Secondly, analysis of the normal university in China has been in a forced transition historical juncture. From the international higher education Background of reform and development, points out that the open teacher education to university development of space squeeze, basic education needs to be better teachers, Normal University Challenge of Normal University of school quality pursue development began to seek a comprehensive. All these indicate that the normal university at present already in the transformation and development.Thirdly, demonstrates the integration is an inevitable choice for the transformation and development of Normal University in china. From the history of normal education development are all experienced the transformation from industry college to university; from the current state of general international view, teacher education by the university to take; see all showing a strong momentum of transformation to a comprehensive university from the development status of domestic Normal University.Forthly, the contemplation of experience in international development in Normal Colleges. Recalling the history of the development of international teacher education, teacher education restructuring and development status of the United States, France, Germany, Russia and some other countries were scanned, summarizes the characteristics of its restructuring and development, summarized the revelation worth learning.Finally, put forward specific paths and strategies in the process of implementation of comprehensive transformation of Normal University in china. Specific include:To clear orientation, enhance the level of disciplinary, professional and non-normal handle normal professional relationship; critical Normal transition in strengthening the teaching staff, to improve personnel management system, broaden the talent supplementary channels, strengthen personnel training their efforts improve the academic level of teachers; Normal comprehensive transformation requires a long historical process, the concept of integrated generation and established disciplines and professional settings and the development, construction and improve the academic level of teachers are needed for a longer historical process, must not be too hasty to government policy, comprehensive university is a historical process can not act fastly.


