

【作者】 胡伟华

【导师】 石英;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当前我国正处于社会转型时期,社会结构板结、贫富差距拉大、“二代”等现象的出现正在拷问着我国社会公平机制,这些问题的症结所在均与人力资本的代际传递息息相关。党的十八届三中全会《关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》成为我国新时期推进改革促进发展的指导性文件,提出了“社会、政治、经济、文化、生态”五位一体的协调发展方略,并将社会公平发展列为一项突出的目标,众多举措都是围绕着社会公平机制构建而推出的,而其中的核心是如何推进教育公平问题。从对国内外人力资本代际传递理论的文献梳理中发现,大量的实证研究是在欧美发达国家的数据背景下展开的,针对发展中国家的研究较少,更少见以亚洲为背景的研究,我国的人力资本代际传递问题的研究应该具有更加典型的意义。我国国内的研究中更多的是将人力资本代际传递做为收入、贫困等代际传递问题的一个解释变量,较少真正关注人力资本代际传递本身的机制、途径与影响因素,而且比较研究也缺乏广度和深度。本研究选取性别与民族相交叉的视角探讨人力资本的代际传递问题,必将给这一领域的研究带来新的启示,并试图探索推进教育公平、促进代际和谐发展的有效路径。本文的基本逻辑结构是理论基础→机制分析→实证分析→政策开发。在相关理论研究的基础上,深入解析了人力资本代际传递的机制、动机、经济学模型描述以及女性人力资本代际传递的途径,厘清了一些人力资本代际传递的理论问题。人力资本代际传递可以在宏观层面上来进行,其微观传递机制则是在家庭层面来完成的。以家庭为基础所发生的人力资本代际传递行为的动机是复杂的,家庭总效用最大只有在代际互利模式下才能产生,这种互利的出发点或根本动机应该是利他主义驱动的。在引入社会性别视角来审视人力资本代际传递的动机与模式时,男性(父亲)的动机更倾向于以利己为出发点的互利模式,而女性(母亲)则更倾向于利他为出发点的互利模式或者纯粹的利他动机。女性人力资本的代际传递途径包括直接途径和间接途径。直接途径主要通过遗传、家庭教育以及女性直接从事教育工作等通道完成的;间接途径则是女性人力资本以生育率、收入和时间为介质完成了向下一代的传递。以人力资本代际传递的宏观机制为基础,以我国历次人口普查数据为依据,测算了我国蒙汉族两个群体的人力资本存量,构造了三个相互交叉的代际关系观察人力资本代际传递增值率的变化。研究发现我国的人力资本积累是不均衡的,性别之间、民族之间、城乡之间人力资本存量存在着结构性差异,并保持着代际间的一致性,而城乡差异在代际间的缩减幅度明显滞后于民族本身的差异和性别差异,说明城乡人力资本存量结构性失衡具有更顽强的惯性。女性人力资本代际传递增值率明显高于男性人力资本代际传递增值率,提升女性人力资本可以带来更大的代际增值效益。以人力资本代际传递的微观机制为基础,以调研数据为依据,对蒙汉女性人力资本代际传递依存度进行了实证分析。研究认为:女性人力资本的代际传递总体效应要高于男性人力资本的代际传递效应,并且在民族间存在一定的差异性;城乡差距因素是影响子代人力资本获得的最显著的因素,农村牧区家庭子女的受教育程度全面处于劣势;汉族的性别不平等现象要比蒙古族严重,女性受教育程度处于劣势;做为少数民族这一特征仍会对子代的人力资本获得有微弱的负效应,而这种负效应伴随着城乡差距的巨大影响同步存在。母亲人力资本的代际传递效应存在着性别差异和城乡差异,其间蒙汉族之间的表现并不完全相同。基于本研究的机制分析与实证分析,可以证明在当前我国的现实条件下,个体的受教育程度在一定程度上出现了对家庭背景因素等先赋条件的依赖,人力资本获得代际固化现象比较明显,这在一定程度上应该归因于家庭背景因素对个体受教育机会的干预,造成了教育机会不平等,最终影响了个体人力资本获得的公平性。制度安排会显著影响人力资本的代际流动的模式,最为公平的人力资本代际流动模式——基于能力的自由竞争模式不具备其存在的基本前提,任由最不公平的人力资本代际流动模式——基于机会不平等的承继模式发展下去,将会严重影响社会公平机制的建立,政策制定可以干预到个体受教育机会,从而减弱家庭背景等先赋因素对教育机会不平等的决定作用,这就是更为合理的人力资本代际流动模式——政策干预下的自由竞争模式。针对蒙汉女性人力资本代际传递比较分析中的差异性,本研究认为重视并加大汉族女性人力资本投资、推进民族地区城乡教育一体化、建立能力导向的教育筛选制度等措施将有助于推进教育公平,促进代际和谐发展。

【Abstract】 Currently, our country is in the period of social transformation, the social structure is hardened, the gap between rich and poor is widening, the emergence of the phenomenon such as "second generation" is about social justice mechanism in our country, the crux of these problems is closely related with the intergenerational transmission of human capital. At the Third Plenary Session of the18th Central Committee of the Communist,"Certain major issue decision about comprehensively deepen reform" has been introduced, and became the guidance documents of promoting reform and development during the new period of our country, it put forward a coordinated development strategy integrated social, political, economic, cultural and ecological, and to develop social justice as a prominent goal, many measures are all about building social justice mechanism, which is the core of education fairness.From the searching literature review of intergenerational transmission of human capital theory at home and abroad, we found that a large number of empirical studies is based on the data of developed countries in Europe and America, there is not much study on developing countries, research in Asia as the background is even less. Intergenerational transmission of human capital in China should have more typical significance. Our domestic studies are likely to view intergenerational transmission of human capital as an explanation variable of intergenerational transmission of problems such as poverty, income, focusing less on real mechanism, motivation, the influence factors, the transfer way of the intergenerational transmission of human capital itself. In addition, comparative studies is also lack of breadth and depth. This research takes the perspective of gender and ethnic crossover problem of intergenerational transmission of human capital will bring new enlightenment to the research of this field, and tries to explore the promotion education fairness, to explore the effective path to promote intergenerational harmonious development.In this paper, the basic logical structure is the theoretical basis to mechanism analysis, to empirical analysis, to policy development. Firstly, it is necessary to clarify some problems of intergenerational transmission of human capital theory. Intergenerational transmission of human capital can be done on a macro level, the micro transmission mechanism is accomplished at the family level. The motivation of intergenerational transmission of human capital on the basis of the family is complicated, family total utility maximum only can be made basing on the mode of intergenerational mutual benefits, the starting point of the mutually beneficial or fundamental motive should be driven by altruism. The introduction of a gender perspective to look at the motives of intergenerational transmission of human capital and mode, the motivation of male (father) is more inclined to benefit as the starting point of mutually beneficial pattern, while women (mother) were more likely to concessionary as the starting point of mutually beneficial mode or purely altruistic motives. The intergenerational transmission of female human capital including direct way and indirect way. Direct way means mainly through heredity, family education and women engaged in education work such as channel. Indirect way means that female human capital depends on some medium to pass to the next generation, such as fertility rates, income, and time.Based on the macro mechanism of intergenerational transmission of human capital, on the basis of our country all previous census data, and evaluate the human capital stock of the two nationality groups of the Han and the Mongolian in our country, structure the relationship between the three overlapping generations then observe the changes of intergenerational transmission value-added rate of human capital. The study found that the human capital accumulation is not balanced in our country, significant structural differences of human capital stock exist in different gender, nationality, and the urban and rural, and keep the consistency between generations. Furthermore, the differences between urban and rural from one generation to the contraction obviously lags behind the ethnic and gender differences of itself, illustrates structural imbalances in urban and rural human capital has the more strong inertia. Women intergenerational transmission of human capital value-added rate is significantly higher than male intergenerational transmission of human capital, hence improve female human capital will lead to greater intergenerational value-added benefits.On the basis of survey data, has carried on the empirical analysis about intergenerational transmission of female human capital between Han and Mongolian at the micro family level. The main results:1) the overall effect of intergenerational transmission of female human capital is higher than that of male human capital intergenerational transfer effect, but there exists certain differences between ethnic groups;2) the gap between urban and rural factor is the most significant factor affecting human capital for offspring, rural and parish family children’s level of education at a disadvantage;3) The gender inequality in Han is more serious than Mongolian, women’s level of education at a disadvantage;4) The feature as a minority will still be slightly negative effects for the offspring to gain human capital, and the negative effects associated with the impact of the gap between urban and rural areas exist simultaneously.5) There exist gender differences and urban and rural differences in the intergenerational transfer effect of mother human capital of human capital.Based on mechanism analysis and empirical analysis of this research, it is proved that under our current conditions, the educational level of individual relies to a certain extent on the heredity situations, like family background. What’s more, it is proved that human capital are easily affected and stereotyped by former generations, which can be attributed to the intervention of the influence of family background on the chances of individual’s education, and as a result, the unfairness of educational opportunity appears and eventually has an effect on the fairness of individual’s human capital. System arrangement has significant influence on the mode of the intergenerational mobility of human capital, under the realistic condition restriction of the current our country, the most fair intergenerational mobility of human capital model, based on the ability of free competition pattern, does not have the basic premise of its existence, but leaving the most unfair intergenerational mobility of human capital model, based on the inheritance patterns of inequality of opportunity, will seriously affect the establishment of the mechanism of social justice, the government can appropriate powerful policy intervention to individual education opportunities, and decreases ascribed factors such as family background of the mind in determining how unequal education, which is a more reasonable human capital intergenerational mobility models-free competition under the policy intervention. According to the differences in the comparative analysis of intergenerational transmission of female human capital both of Han and Mongolian, this study thought some policies should be taken to promote education fair and intergenerational harmonious development, which are attaches importance to and strengthen Han nationality female human capital investment, promote the integration of urban and rural education in national regions, establishing ability oriented education system of screening.


