

【作者】 尹波涛

【导师】 周伟洲;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 鄂尔多斯万户在明代蒙古中占据着重要的地位。明正德五年(1510),通过达兰特哩衮之战,达延汗获得了其对于蒙古右翼的直接统治权。随后,达延汗将三子巴尔速孛罗封为济农,掌管右翼三万户。巴尔速孛罗死后,子衮·必里克及其后裔相继继承了济农,世代统治鄂尔多斯万户。清顺治六年(1649),清朝将鄂尔多斯万户分为6旗,划定了各旗的界限,鄂尔多斯万户至此消失。本文从自然环境、社会政治结构、游牧生产生活及与明朝关系等方面呈现这一时期鄂尔多斯万户的历史。其一,通过将以文献为主的历史地理学研究和采用典型剖面提取信息的第四纪研究相结合,初步恢复了鄂尔多斯万户生活的自然环境。本文认为,河套及贺兰山西麓是鄂尔多斯万户主要活动地区。与现代自然环境相比较,1450-1650年间(包括鄂尔多斯万户活动于这一地区的时间)这一地区的气候整体偏干冷。且大致以16世纪中期为界,前半段的温度和水分条件比后半段略好,后半段气候干冷的特色表现的尤为明显。当时的温度比现代多年平均气温低1℃左右,降水量也低于现代多年平均降水量。相应地,其植被状况亦略逊于现代。其二,对鄂尔多斯万户的社会政治组织结构及其地理分布进行了初步的考证和叙述。笔者认为,爱马克、鄂托克、万户(土绵)及兀鲁思的定义均在一定程度上存在模糊性,它们相互之间的关系并无严格固定的模式,不可一概而论。因此,在分析明代蒙古社会组织结构时,应更多的从其存在的实际形态入手,而不是简单地确定上述术语的概念及其间的相互关系。在达延汗分封诸子后,其子孙逐渐成为蒙古各级社会组织的统治者。那么,通过分析衮·必里克及其后裔的世系及与其相关的人群的隶属关系的更迭与变迁来考察鄂尔多斯万户内部的社会政治组织结构可能是更为有效的方法。其三,通过对游牧人类学研究思路和成果的借鉴,本文对鄂尔多斯万户的日常生活进行了考察和阐述。主要包括:牧畜的种类及结构,游牧生产过程及其中的分工与合作,游牧人群的衣食住行和婚丧嫁娶等人生礼俗等。其四,在对历史人类学关于中国北方游牧社会与中原定居农业社会之间关系的理论的反思的基础上,集中对鄂尔多斯万户与明朝相互之间关系的运行机制进行了初步考察和阐述。在同明朝的关系中,鄂尔多斯万户有入边掳掠和通贡互市两种选择。然而,与一般的看法不同,鄂尔多斯万户并非迫切希望与明朝建立稳固的通贡互市关系,它与明朝之间的互市并不稳定,经常因其入边掳掠行动而被取消或关闭。明朝方面亦是积极主动地在修边、捣巢及互市之间不断转换,以实现其利益的最大化。

【Abstract】 The Ordos Tumen played an important role in Mongolia of Ming Dynasty. In the fifth year of Zhengde (正德) Period(1510), Dayan Khan began to rule the Right-wing of Mongolia after winning the Battle of Dalan Terigun. Subsequently, the third son of Dayan Khan, Barsubolod was conferred the title of Jinong by his father and was in charge of three tumens of Right-wing. After Barsubolad’s death, Gun Bilig and his descendants had inherited the title of Jinong, and ruled the Ordos Tumen for generations. In the sixth year of Shunzhi(顺治) Period (1649), the Ordos Tumen was divided into six banners with explicit boundaries by the government of Ch’ing Dynasty, and abolished hereto from then on. This paper presents a historical description of the Ordos Tumen in terms of natural environment, socio-political structure, nomadic means of livelihood, and its relationship with Ming Empire.First, the paper preliminarily recovers the natural environment of the Ordos Tumen by combining the research of historical geography which is based on literature with quaternary research of extracting information from typical profile. It is revealed that Hetao(河套) area and the west foothills of the Helan (贺兰) Mountains were the main living area of the Ordos Tumen. Comparing with environment of modern times, the climate in this area was drier and colder between1450and1650(including the period of the Ordos Tumen). The mid-16th century approximately divided the whole period into two parts, the temperature and moisture slightly better in the former part and the climate especially dry and cold in the later section. Temperature then was1degree Celsius lower than average temperature of modern times and annual precipitation was also less than that of modern times.Second, by preliminary examination and narration of the socio-political organization and geographical distribution of the Ordos Tumen, I believe the definitions of aimak, otok, tumen and ulus are all ambiguous to a certain degree, and there is no strictly fixed pattern to generalize their relationships. Therefore, when analyzing the social structure of Mongolia of Ming Dynasty, we should mostly begin with its actual pattern rather than simply define the above terms and their relationship. After the Dayan Khan’s division of the tiimen of Eastern Mongolia as fiefs for his sons, his descendants became rulers of different social structures in Mongolia successively. Then, it might be more effective to investigate the internal socio-political structure of the Ordos Tumen by analyzing the alternation and transition of genealogy of Gun Bilig and his descendants and the vassalage between their related tribes.Third, the paper surveys and expounds the daily lives of the Ordos Tumen from the viewing of Nomadic Anthropology. It mainly includes the species and structure of livestock, the process of nomadic production and its division of labor and cooperation, the basic necessities of life, and the ritual of wedding and funeral of nomadic people.Last, based on the rethink about the relationship between the Northern Chinese nomad society and the Central Chinese settled agricultural society from the perspective of historical anthropology, this paper surveys and expounds the relationship between the Ordos Tumen and Ming Empire. The Ordos Tumen had two alternatives, either that the Ordos Tumen could pillage the border areas or could pay tribute to Ming Empire and do trade at the border area. However, my opinion is different from the general view, the Ordos Tumen was not eager to establish a stable trade relation with Ming Empire and their trade was unstable and frequently been cancelled or closed due to their pillage. Ming Empire strived to derive the maximum benefit from the transform among the initiative building the defensing wall, attacking the stronghold and frontier trade.


