

【作者】 樊婧

【导师】 张新科;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以西方传播学和接受美学为理论基础,研究元代对《史记》的传播与接受。少数民族统治的帝国如何接受汉族文化是一个值得探讨的新话题,元代是中国历史上少数民族统治时间较长的时代,研究元代对《史记》的传播与接受有助于从少数民族文学角度全面而深刻地把握《史记》的文学特征、情感特色以及文化底蕴,也有助于从雅俗共赏的角度探究元代特殊的政治、文化氛围以及在此形势下文学发展的趋势,领略整个时代人们的思想碰撞,从而体会对当代文学研究所起的借鉴作用。在本文的体制安排上,共分为八章。引言部分为绪论,主要阐述研究元代对《史记》传播与接受的动机、目的、方法和意义,并且概述元前历代对于《史记》传播与接受的基本情况。第一章主要从元代的政治、史学以及宗教出发,介绍元代对《史记》传播与接受的社会背景,说明元代社会生活对于人们传播与接受《史记》所起的作用与影响。同时以彭寅翁刊刻《史记》为中心,研究元代刊刻、印刷、版本学在《史记》的传播与接受的具体情况及作用。第二章通过梳理元代诗歌、词中的《史记》内容,详细阐述元代诗、词对《史记》传播与接受的特点、方式和效果。元代“史记诗”多为咏史诗,徐钧、侯克中等诗人通过吟咏《史记》历史人物、历史事件,达到或以史为鉴,或咏怀,或考察历史兴衰之目的,这些诗歌风格除宗唐学宋外,也生出了质朴刚毅的新特点。元词引用《史记》内容或典故的共504处,元代词人的着力点已转向了与《史记》的情感共鸣,无论是立功情怀、悲世情怀,还是隐逸情怀,都与《史记》是殊途同归。第三章通过对元代散曲文本的细读,以元代散曲与《史记》中蕴涵的道家道教思想为主线,着重从征用《史记》典故、质疑《史记》英雄两个维度出发,探究产生这两种现象背后的深层次原因,深入挖掘元代散曲家的内心世界和生活状态。第四章以元代史传、辞赋为切入点,详细阐释元代文、赋对《史记》传播与接受的特点和效果。元代史传文学继承了《史记》的编撰体例,学习借鉴了《史记》的记史方式,而理学家许衡的思想客观上也对《史记》的传播与接受起到了推波助澜的作用。元代辞赋与《史记》的碰撞更多的体现在创作理念上,元代辞赋遵从复古,推崇汉代,继承了《史记》的“讽谏”作用,带有一种深沉的历史感和强烈的现实感,但遗憾的是,缺少积极向上的斗争精神。第五章以元杂剧为重点,详细阐明元代杂剧、南戏与《史记》之间的渊源。元代是中国戏曲成熟的黄金时期,许多戏曲剧目都是来自于《史记》,后世称之为“史记戏”。众多“史记戏”中广泛运用了离奇的素材与表现手法,使真实的历史事件走向舞台,从生活真实走向艺术真实,既以寓教于乐的方式向民众传播历史知识,又对普通大众进行了爱国教育、道义教育等,可谓是正统史书与民间文学融合的结晶,更加符合大众心理,促进了《史记》的传播。第六章以点带面,重点梳理了元代话本、笔记小说中选材和艺术手法对《史记》的传播和接受情况,元代讲史话本创作成为元代话本接受《史记》的重要阵地,无论是内容选材,还是写人艺术、叙事艺术、语言艺术,话本、笔记小说对于《史记》的借鉴与化用都是极具特点的,充分证明元代话本、笔记小说在《史记》对小说的影响过程中是非常重要的一环。第七章以戴表元对《史记》的评论为重点,整合梳理了元代学者对《史记》的评论。元代对《史记》发表评论的学者并不多,仅有戴表元、王恽、马端临等。戴表元接受了金华学派与永嘉学派对《史记》史学和文学的重视,在《剡源集》中有十九篇史论文专门针对《史记》人物进行评论,其中强调了个人修为的重要性。另外在对相关文论思想的阐释中,重点阐释、发展了司马迁的“发愤著书”说和苏辙评价司马迁的“以游养气”之说,也进一步推动了《史记》的传播。第八章总结元代对《史记》传播与接受的方式、特点,探究元代的“史记学”之路。元代主要通过舞台艺术、书籍刊刻、人际交流对《史记》进行传播和接受,显示出与其他时代不同的四个特点:少数民族气息浓厚、雅俗共赏、戏曲成为主渠道以及悲剧意味浓厚等,充分说明元代是《史记》传播与接受的转折点。结语部分梳理了元代对《史记》的研究对于明清及现当代对《史记》研究的影响,进一步阐明《史记》在中国文学史的独特魅力,说明了元代《史记》传播与接受的研究对于把握汉族文学特质对于少数民族文学的影响,包括汉族的政治、文化等与少数民族的相互渗透和融合。同时说明元代《史记》传播与接受的研究对于我们今天的文学、史学研究以及民族学研究等都有很好的借鉴意义,也对我们今天人们的人生观、价值观等具有深远的影响。

【Abstract】 In this paper, Communication and acceptance of Western aesthetics is used as the theoretical basis for the study of the Yuan Dynasty "Historical Records" spread and acceptance. Yuan Dynasty in Chinese history is a long time minority rule era, the Empire minority rule how to accept Han culture into a new topic worth exploring. Research on the Yuan Dynasty "Historical Records" can not only help spread comprehensive and profound grasp of "Historical Records" feature from the perspective of literary minority literature, emotional characteristics and cultural heritage, but also helps to explore Yuan particular political point of view from the tastes, culture and literature in this situation, the trend of development, the taste of a whole era of people thought the collision, which draw on experience from the role of the Institute of Contemporary Literature.On the institutional arrangements of this paper is divided into eight chapters.Introduction part is an introduction, mainly on studies of the Yuan Dynasty "Historical Records" spread acceptance and motivation, purpose, method and meaning, and outlines of the basic situation before Yuan dynasties "Historical Records" for the dissemination and acceptance.The first chapter from the Yuan Dynasty politics, history and religion, introduces the "Historical Records" spread and acceptance of social background, indicating the spread and acceptance for people to "Historical Records" The role of the social life of the Yuan Dynasty and influence. While Yin Peng Weng inscribed "Historical Records" as the center, research Yuan inscribed, printed version learning in specific circumstances "Historical Records" and the role of communication and acceptance.The second chapter by combing the Yuan Dynasty poetry, the words in the "Historical Records" content, Yuan elaborate poems of "Historical Records" spread and acceptance of the characteristics, methods and results. Yuan "Historical poem" Ode mostly epic, Xu Jun, Hou g moderate poet through chant "Historical Records" historical figures, historical events, meet or learn from history, or Chanting, or examine the history of the rise and fall of the purpose of the standard, except for cases in which poetic style Tang Xue Song, but also give birth to a qualitative Pugang Yi new features. Yuan word references "Historical Records" content or allusions of504, per person pronouns focus has shifted to the "Historical Records" emotional resonance, whether it is meritorious feelings, sad feelings of the world, or the feelings of seclusion, with the "Historical Records" is the same thing.The third chapter of the Yuan Dynasty peruse the text to Yuan Dynasty and the "Historical Records" implication Taoist thought as the main line, focusing from expropriation "Historical Records" story, question the "Historical Records" hero two dimensions starting to explore the produce deep-seated reasons behind these two phenomena, dig Yuan Dynasty family’s inner world and living conditions.The fourth chapter use Fu as the starting point, elaborate Yuan Wen, Fu characteristics and effects of the "Historical Records" Communication and acceptable points. Yuan Historical Literature inherited the "Historical Records" Compilation, learn from the "Historical Records" record the history of the way, and the Neo-Confucian idea of objective Xu Heng also on the "Historical Records" spread and acceptance played a role in fueling. Yuan Fu "Historical Records" collision more reflected in the creative concept, Yuan Fu comply retro, respected Han Dynasty inherited the "Historical Records" and "Irony" effect, with a deep sense of history and a strong sense of reality but unfortunately, with the lack of positive mental struggle.The fifth chapter is focus on elaborating Yuan Dynasty, origin South drama "Historical Records" between. Yuan is the golden age of Chinese opera mature, many opera productions are from the "Historical Records", later called "Historical drama." Many "Historical drama" extensive use of the material and bizarre expression, so the real historical events to the stage, from real life to artistic truth, both entertaining way to spread knowledge of history to the public, but also for the general public be patriotic education, moral education, etc., can be described as orthodox history books with crystalline fusion of folk literature, psychology is more consistent with the public, and promote the spread of "Historical Records".Chapter VI focus on combing the words of the Yuan Dynasty, notes novel artistic selection and propagation of "Historical Records" and accept the situation, speaking History of Yuan Yuan, then the creation became the accepted "Historical Records" important position, regardless content selection, or the Art, narrative art, language arts, then this, Sketchbooks for the "Historical Records" by reference and the characteristics of fully proved, then the Yuan Dynasty, Sketchbooks in the "Historical Records" on influence the course of the novel is a very important part. Chapter VII to wear a table element of "Historical Records" comments focus on the integration of combing the Yuan Dynasty scholar comments on "Historical Records". Yuan on the "Historical Records" scholars do not comment much, just wear a watch yuan, Wang Yun, Ma Duanlin so on. Table yuan Dai Jinhua School and received Yongjia School emphasis on "Historical Records" history and literature, in the "quiet source set" in the history of the nineteenth papers specifically for the "Historical Records" People comment, which emphasizes the importance of personal repair sex. Also in the interpretation of the relevant documents on the idea, the focus interpretation, the development of Sima Qian’s "Writing Books" Su Shi said,"to travel more to make you more educated," also further promote the "Historical Records" spread.Chapter VIII concludes the Yuan to "Historical Records" Communication and acceptable way, features, explore the "Historical School" road Yuan Dynasty. Yuan, mainly through theatrical arts, books inscribed, interpersonal communication on the "Historical Records" spread and acceptance, showing a different era with other four characteristics:a strong flavor of minorities, tastes, drama and tragedy meant to become the main channel of strong, fully Description Yuan is "Historical Records" turning point of spread and acceptance.Conclusion section combed the study of the Yuan Dynasty "Historical Records" for the Ming and Qing dynasties and contemporary influence on "Historical Records" study further states that "Historical Records" unique charm in the history of Chinese literature.DescribeingYuan "Historical Records" Communication Research and accepted for Han literary qualities to grasp the impact of minority literature, including Han’s political, cultural and ethnic minorities, such as the mutual penetration and fusion. Meanwhile it describes Yuan "Historical Records" Communication Research and literature. So not only history and ethnology research study today has a very good reference, but also has a profound impact on today people’s life and values.


