

【作者】 马海龙

【导师】 傅绍良;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 青海,是祖国西部一块神奇而美丽的地方。歌咏青海的诗篇,自先秦伊始至今,如涓涓细流,绵延不绝。唐代,是我国封建社会发展的顶峰时期,也是诗歌发展的黄金时代。当时地处祖国西陲的青海,由于其特殊的地理位置,吐谷浑王国的败亡,吐蕃王朝兴起后和唐王朝的战争,以及公主和亲与双方使节的往来等一系列活动,引起了许多诗人的强烈关注,留下了一大批歌咏青海的边塞诗。这些诗篇以特殊的题材,反映了唐代青海地区的政治、经济、军事、文化等各个方面。既有较高的艺术水平,又有一定的史学价值。它们是我国文化遗产宝库中珍贵的一部分,也是研究青海历史的宝贵资料。本论文突破单纯从文学到文学的研究窠臼,结合地理学、历史学、民族学、军事学、考古学等多种学科知识,试图从相关学科的交叉点上,对唐代这一特定历史时期的咏青海诗进行全面地、立体地透视,揭示其中所蕴含的丰富知识与文化内涵,从而将中国古代文学研究从宏观引向深入。本论文共分六章:第一章,主要论述唐代以前(先秦至隋)的咏青海诗。就文学自身的发展来说,唐代咏青海诗创作的繁荣有其历史的渊源。若没有唐代以前咏青海诗的丰厚的艺术积淀,就不可能有唐代咏青海诗的繁荣。这一时期的咏青海诗对于唐代咏青海诗的创作产生了良好而深远的影响,是一个不可忽视与低估的酝酿萌芽阶段。鉴于历史发展所固有的时段性,本章将之分为先秦、两汉、魏晋南北朝、隋四个阶段进行分别论述。第二章,主要论述唐代咏青海诗创作的社会环境。唐代咏青海诗的创作,除了唐代边塞诗所共具的条件外,还有两个很重要的因素:一是唐王朝对青海地区的统治与开发,为咏青海诗歌的创作奠定了政治的和物质的基础;二是唐代青海地区的战戍形势,是唐代咏青海诗歌创作的现实基础。而唐代文人出塞(包括入幕、游边、使边三个方面),则是唐代咏青海诗歌创作的重要条件。高适入河西哥舒翰幕,吕温出使吐蕃,创作了一批数量可观的歌咏青海的边塞诗即是有力证明。第三章,主要论述唐代咏青海诗的题材类型。唐代咏青海诗的题材丰富多彩,创作天地极为广阔。既有咏自然地理景观之诗,也有咏人文历史风貌之诗,还有反映民族关系之诗。它们各以独特的风格和情调,从各个侧面描绘了唐代青海地区的真实景象。其中第三类诗所蕴藏的史实,为我们研究唐代历史、尤其唐、吐谷浑、吐蕃三者关系史提供了有益的参考,甚至补充了历史记载之不足。第四章、第五章,主要通过具体案例细部地研究唐代咏青海诗。我们选择了不同时间,不同原因、以不同身份亲临青海的二位诗人,即盛唐著名边塞诗人高适和中唐入吐蕃使者吕温作为研究对象,深入地分析了其咏青海诗的思想内容与艺术特点,并将其与那些未曾到过青海的诗人的咏青海诗相比较,指出高适、吕温的咏青海诗因以亲历亲见为内容,有着鲜明的时代特征与浓郁的地方特色,在唐代咏青海诗中具有典型价值与意义。并通过吕温写在青海的边塞诗,深入分析了作为使者兼诗人在异域文化背景下表现出的复杂的思想情怀,使我们对唐入吐蕃使这一特殊群体有了更进一步的理解与认识。第六章,主要以唐代咏哥舒翰诗为例论证了诗史差异及其形成原因。哥舒翰是我国历史上名垂史册的少数民族将领。哥舒翰的一生与青海地区有着极其密切的关系。唐诗中有不少描写和歌咏哥舒翰的诗篇。但唐诗与唐史中的哥舒翰存在着一定的差异,这种诗与史间差异的形成,有其深刻的思想根源,社会背景及心理因素。通过对唐诗与唐史中的哥舒翰形象比较,进一步有力地证明了诗歌与历史之间既有互证性,又有差异性的特征。总之,边塞诗的研究论文不可胜数,但将研究范围定位到“点”的却不多见。这在地域文化勃兴的时代里,不能不说是一种遗憾。本文在充分吸收前人研究成果的基础上,对唐代这一特定历史时期的咏青海诗作进一步的探索无疑具有一定开创性意义。

【Abstract】 Qinghai is a magical and beautiful place in western of motherland. Poetries of chanting Qinghai, from the Pre-Qin Period to now, such as a trickle, unbroken.Tang Dynasty, was the peak of the development of feudal society, and was golden age of poetry development. At that time, Qinghai located in the west of motherland, because of its special geographical position, downfall of the Tuyuhun Kingdom, the conflict between Tang Dynasty and Tibetan Empire after the rise of the Tibetan Empire, and a series of activeties as the princess’s marriage and the contact of the envoys bewteen the both sides, so that Qinghai was aroused strong concern by many poets, left a large number of frontier poetries to chant Qinghai.These poetries with special themes reflected the political, economy, military, culture and other aspects of Qinghai region in Tang Dynasty. These poetries both have the high artistic level, and have a certain historical value. They are part of precious culture heritage of our country, and they are valuable information to study Qinghai history. This paper breaks a simple study stereotype from literature to literature, combining the geography, history, ethnology, military science, archaeology and other disciplines of knowledge, try to comprehensive and three-dimensional perspective poetries of chanting Qinghai in the specific period Tang Dynasty, reveal rich knowledge and cultural intension in them, thus lead the study of ancient Chinese culture from the macro to depth. The paper is divided into six chapters.The first chapter, mainly discusses poetries of chanting Qinghai before the Tang Dynasty. As for the development of literature itself, the prosperity about poetries of chanting Qinghai in the Tang Dynasty has its historical origins. It is impossible to have prosperity of poetries of chanting Qinghai in the Tang Dynasty, if not have a rich accumulation of art in poetries of chanting Qinghai before Tang Dynasty. These poems has good and far-reaching influence on poetries of chanting Qinghai in the Tang Dynasty, and it is the brewing and sprout stage which can not be ignored and underestimated. In view of the historical development period of inherent, this chapter will be divided into Pre-Qin Period, Han Dynasty, Wei Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties to discuss separately.The second chapter, mainly discusses the social environment on poetries creation of chanting Qinghai in the Tang Dynasty. The poetries creation of chanting Qinghai in the Tang Dynasty, in addition to common conditions with the frontier poems, there are two important factors:first, the Tang Dynasty’s domination and development in Qinghai area, to establish foundation of political and material for poetries creation of chanting Qinghai; Second, the war situation of Qinghai region in the Tang Dynasty is the realistic foundation for poetries creation of chanting Qinghai. The Tang Dynasty writers went to frontier fortress (including enter the shogunate, travel the frontier and ambassador to frontier three aspects), is the important condition of poetries creation of chanting Qinghai in the Tang Dynasty. Gao Shi entered into the Hexi GeShuHan shogunate, Wang Changling travelled Helong, Lv Wen visited to Tibetan Empire so that created a considerable number of the poetries of chanting Qinghai were strong evidence.The third chapter, mainly discusses the subject types on the poetries of chanting Qinghai in the Tang Dynasty. The subject is rich and colourful, the creation of the world is extremely wide as poetries of chanting Qinghai in the Tang Dynasty. There are chanting natural and geographical landscape poems, chanting cultural and historical style poems, and reflecting national relationship poems.They each with unique style and sentiment depicted real scences of Qinghai region in the Tang Dynasty. The third of them which contains historical facts, for us to study the history of Tang Dynasty, especially Tang, Tuyuhun and Tibetan three relations provides the beneficial reference only, even supplement the lack of the historical record.The fifth chapter, mainly through specific case to detail research the poetries of chanting Qinghai in the Tang Dynasty.We choose two poets whose have been to Qinghai in the different time, different reasons and different identity in the Tang Dynasty, That is famous border poets Gao Shi in the flourishing period of Tang Dynasty and emissary Lv Wen to Tibetan Empire in the mid-tang dynasty as the research object, deeply analyzes ideological content and artistic characteristics of their chanting Qinghai poems, and compares the poet’s chanting Qinghai poems with those who had not been to the Qinghai works, points out Gao Shi and Lv Wen’s chanting Qinghai poems because living witness to the content, has the distinct characteristics of the times and full-bodied local characteristics, so that there is a typical value and significance in the poetries of chanting Qinghai in the Tang Dynasty. And by the frontier poems that Lv Wen written in Qinghai, to deeply analysis as emissary and poet’s complicated and special thoughts feelings showed under the exotic culture background, so that made us have the further understanding and awareness for the special groups of envoy to Tibetan Empire in the Tang Dynasty.The sixth chapter, mainly take chanting GeShuHan poems in the Tang Dynasty for a typical example to demonstrate the differences and the reasons between the poetry and the history. GeShuHan was a minority general who go down in our history. GeShuHan ’s life has a very close relationship with Qinghai region. In the Tang Dynasty there are many described and chanting GeShuHan poetries. But there is a certain difference between the poetry and history in the Tang Dynasty, the difference between poetry and history of formation, has its profound ideological roots, social background and psychological factors. Through the analysis difference of GeShuHan’s chorale between poetry and history in the Tang Dynasty, so that further effectively prove the both generality and difference exist between poetry and history.In a word, research paper countless on the frontier poetry, but the scope of the study will be positioned to "point" is rare, it is a kind of regret in this age of geographical and cultural flourishing. This paper based on the achievements of predecessors, to further explore chanting Qinghai poems on this particular historical period in the Tang Dynasty, without doubt, it is a pioneering significance.

【关键词】 唐代青海边塞诗
【Key words】 Tang DynastyQinghaiFrontier poems

