

【作者】 牛香兰

【导师】 张新科;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 汉魏六朝四言诗、赋继承了《诗三百》为代表的四言体,有的甚至在内容及构思立意上也学习了《诗经》的做法。抒发感情是《诗经》最大特点,也是诗歌的主要格调,四言赋虽句式上是《诗经》的延续,但主要的格调已变为对事物形态的描写,感情的抒发不再是主流。汉魏六朝四言诗、赋在不同的表现手法和不同的体制上,相互交融影响,密不可分。本论文以朝代为统领线索探讨汉魏六朝四言诗、赋演变的历程及创作风貌,根据严可均所编辑的《全上古三代秦汉三国六朝文》和逯钦立《先秦汉魏晋南北朝诗》的辑录内容对两汉、魏晋、南北朝四言赋诗进行数量统计的基础上,对其进行分类,发现抒情咏怀、赠答应诏、山水、玄言在两汉、建安、正始、西晋、东晋、南北朝各个时期,分别具有独特的时代色彩。从宏观上把握汉、魏、晋、南北朝四言体诗赋的变化,同时研究内容也涉及到作家、作品、文论材料等相关领域的范围。全文除绪论以外,共分六章,具体内容简要概括如下:第一章主要对两汉四言诗赋源流进行研究。与《诗经》四言诗相比,两汉四言诗既在一定程度上继承了前者的传统,又自具新变风神。汉代四言诗在艺术形式和风格上也发生了一系列变化,这主要反映在词汇、章法、创作方法、表现手法等方面。可见两汉诗教说基本上继承了《诗经》关怀国家命运和正视社会现实的传统。对于典型的诗赋转换形式进行分析,得出四言赋与四言诗这两类四言体之间形式和风格特点联系。第二章对两汉四言赋进行研究。汉代的诗学作为文学创作理论的宗源,自然,诗学的标准渗透在赋学中并成为赋家自觉遵循的创作准则,尤其是西汉赋家更是以古诗的标准来创作赋并引诗入赋,四言辞赋在此种环境下的发展历程是值得研究的。将西汉、东汉各个时期的四言辞赋进行统计、分析,并对各个时期四言辞赋的创作时代背景及政治环境进行阐释。第三章魏晋四言诗研究。根据逯钦立《先秦汉魏晋南北朝诗》统计得出数据,可以说四言诗在《诗经》之后,又迎来了新的繁荣时代。魏晋四言诗内容分为抒情、赠答、应酬、玄言、励志四类,体现诗歌在魏晋时期的不同发展风貌。第四章魏晋四言辞赋研究。魏晋四言辞赋从篇制结构、遣词造句都有受四言颂体诗和赠答应酬诗的影响,儒家说教和佛理玄谈相互杂糅,诗、赋、赞、铭、颂的文体区别逐渐隐形化,哲学与文学达到零界点,从而再一次延长了四言体的寿命。此时期四言辞赋包在颂、箴、铭中各有体现,其中以赋命名的四言赋已不能作为仅有的研究对象。一些合辙押韵的四言碑文也逐渐增多且赋义浓厚,需要进行深入研究。第五章南北朝四言诗研究。南朝四言诗在以皇室为核心的庞大文学集团支持下,再一次活跃了四言体的创作,南朝家族四言诗兴盛为四言诗复兴再创新高。北朝庄重儒雅和温文柔弱,这既矛盾又统一的南北朝社会政治因素,更是符合四言诗的创作。第六章南北朝四言辞赋研究。公元四百二十年刘裕代晋建宋,之后在长江流域以南继宋又先后出现齐、梁、陈,共同组成了南朝,凡一百六十七年。虽然南朝赋风倾向于贵族化、唯美化,但毕竟宋齐两代赋家去魏晋未远,文人仍然继承了魏晋体物写志的创作传统,在赋作中对现实基本事实求是。北朝文学从十六国文学为发端,至隋初文学为止,历经二百七十三年北方的正统儒家思想始终成为统治者有限采取的治国理论战略,而在文学体裁方面四言体就以它绝对庄重气势成为统治者彰显王者气象的首选,也成为四言体在此时期占有重要文学地位的原因。

【Abstract】 Han Wei’s six dynasties four speech poems endowed with to inherit The Book of Poetry is the representative’s four speech bodies, have of even in the contents and conceive outline a purpose the top also studied Poetry of method.Expressing feelings is the characteristics of biggest Poetry, also the main style of verse, four talk to endow with although the formality is continuing of The Book of Poetry,the main style has already changed into the depiction to the thing appearance, expressing of feelings no longer is main current.Man Wei’s six dynasties four speech poems endow with under the tradition of The Book of Poetry contains six righteousnesses, it two Yues endow with" and blend mutually, influencely.This theseses all take dynasty as to get a clues study generally man Wei six dynasty four speech poems endow with to turn into of process and creations appearance, according to strict can all the whole ancientses three Qin Han’s Three Kingdomses six dynasty text and Lu Qinli edited sign the Ji offirst Qin Han Wei and Jin Dynasty poem to record contents to Wei and Jin Dynasty segment four speech compose poem on occasion the foundation of carrying on the amount statistics up, as to it’s carry on a classification, the detection sentiment expresses feelings, presents to promise Zhao, landscape and Xuan to talk at two man, set up Anne, is starting, west Jin, east Jin, South and North Dynasty each period, have a special ages color respectively.Hold a man, Wei and Jin, south and north from the macro view dynasty four speech body the poem endow with of variety, also mostly have an overlay to the writer, work and text’s theory material for involving.In addition to introduction, the full text is totally divided into six chapters, the concrete contents synopsis is generalized as follows:Chapter1mainly endows with course of development to carry on a research to two men four speech poems.Compare with The Book of Poetry four speech poems, two men four speech poems inheritted a former tradition to some extent, and from have to lately become Aeolian.Han Dynasty four speech poems also took place on the art form and the style a series of variety, this the main reflection is in the vocabulary, composition, creations method, and technique of expression...etc.It is thus clear that two man the poem teach to say to basically inherit The Book of Poetry to be concerned with national destiny and face the tradition of agency reality.Endow with a conversion form to carry on analysis to the poem of typical model, get endow with is exactly four speech poem body this kind of form and style characteristics of form.Chapter2to two men four speech endow with to carry on a research.The poem in Han Dynasty’s learning is a literature to create theoretical Zong Yuan, nature, the poem learns of the standard permeate in the middle of endowing with and learning and become endowing with the creations standard that aware of self to follow in the house, particularly is west the man endow with a house more with thou the standard of poem to create to endow with and lead poem into endow with, four language of expressions endowing with the development process under the this kind environment is worth studying.For west man, eastern man each four language of expressions of period endow with appearance to carry on statistics, analysis, and the creations ages background and political environment endowing with to each period four language of expressions carry on explaining.Chapter3Wei Jin four speech poems study.Sign first Qin Han Wei and Jin Dynasty poem statistics according to the Lu Qinli. the amount of works not only exceeded Book of Poetryof amount total, and also consumedly exceeded Sung, together, saying that four speech poems after The Book of Poetry, and then welcomed new prosperous ages.The contents is divided into sentiment and present to answer social parties, Xuan speech and aim high four words and embodies verse’s different development appearance in the Wei Jin period.Chapter4Wei Jin four language of expressions endow with a research.Wei Jin four language of expressions endow with structure from the article system and send a phrase to construct sentence to all have the influence to be subjected to four speech praise body poems and present to answer social parties poem, Confucianism preachment and Buddha manage Xuan to talk the miscellaneous Rou is mutually, poem, endow with the literary style,which praise gradually invisible turn, philosophy and literature attain zero boundaries to order and thus and again prolonged the life span of four speech bodies.Expect four language of expressions to endow with at this time the pack is each to have an embodiment in the praise them endow with to assign name to of four the speeches endow with to no longer can do for only research object.Some four speech inscriptions that match to rhyme also increase and endow with righteousness gradually strong, need to carry on a thorough research. Chapter5South and North Dynasty four speech poems study.South dynasty four speech poems at take imperial house as the huge literature group of core of again stimulated the creations of four speech poems under support, south dynasty household four speech poems are prosperous to four speech poem renew again creative Gao.The modesty is cultured to be as weak as Wen, this is self-contradict and unified South and North Dynasty the political background is also the creations that matches four speech poems.Chapter6South and North Dynasty four language of expressions endow with a research.The420years Liu Yu Dai Jin sets up Sung, after at the river valley of Yangtze River with south after Sung again successively appear together, beam, Chen, constituted south together dynasty, any167.Although south toward endowing with breeze a trait of the nobility turn and only beautify, after all Sung together endow with a house Wei Jin don’t far, the scholar still inheritted the creations of ambition tradition, beg to the realistic basic fact in the middle of endowing with and making forward.The north dynasty literature learns from state language. The literature of Sui dynasty experience successively the orthodox tradition Confucianism of the north of273years to always become ruler limited adopt of govern country theory strategy, and at literature form four speech bodies the absolutely solemn vehemence become it the head that the ruler shows a great king weather choose and also become four speech bodies to expect to occupy the reason of important literature position at this time.


