

【作者】 岳连建

【导师】 张懋镕;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 商末周初时期是社会发生翻天覆地的大变革,商王朝走向灭亡,西周王朝刚刚建立的时期,商、周两种文化在此交汇、更替和传承,表现在青铜器方面就是商式铜器的继续流传和周式铜器的萌芽。同时,商末周初时期又是青铜器铸造技术发展的一个高峰期,此时的青铜器不仅铸造技术精湛、造型美观、器体厚重、装饰华丽,而且出现了许多史料价值很大的较长铭文的铜器,为青铜器的分期断代研究提供了丰富资料。论文所界定的“商末周初”是一个相对的时空概念,其中“商末”是指商王朝的最后两位王——帝乙和帝辛在位时期(涵盖周邦的文王时期),亦即学界所划分的殷墟青铜器的第四期;“周初”是指西周的武王、成王、康王时期,亦即学界所分的西周早期的偏早阶段。青铜容器,是青铜器分类中的一个概念,泛指能盛纳物品的青铜器,其中包括炊器、食器、酒器、水器四大类。由于本文的研究对象是商末周初的青铜容器,所以对青铜容器之外的器类暂不涉及,有的纯动物形的铜容器也未录入。文中资料来源包括传世品中的商末周初时期的青铜容器、考古发掘出土的商末周初时期的青铜容器、偶然发现的窖藏或墓葬出土的商末周初时期的青铜容器、流散在国外的商末周初时期的青铜容器。本文采用考古类型学、地层学、古文字学以及与装饰花纹相结合的办法,对搜集到的商末周初青铜容器进行类型学研究,以总结出各类青铜器的型式变化规律和器形早晚演变轨迹。在此基础上,引入郭沫若先生创立的标准器断代法,对出土的有明确地层关系、有伴出陶器的铜器资料,以及铭文中表明了自身年代的铜器资料和学界多数学者公认的商末周初时期诸王世的标准器进行研究,确定出商末周初各个期段的标准器。然后依此为标准对其他出土和流散的青铜器资料进行分期断代研究,排出各自的时代或王世。论文第三、第四章对商末周初青铜容器进行了比较细致的考古类型学研究,划分出了青铜器的类别和型式,排出了每种器类的型式演变及分期对照表。第五章是分期与年代研究。对商末周初青铜器分期断代研究的历史现状做了简单回顾;对青铜器分期研究的方法进行了讨论;其后分别对商末周初青铜器进行了分期与年代推断,并对每期、段青铜器的特征做了分析和阐述。笔者将商末周初时期的青铜容器分为两大期,每期又各分为前、后两段。其中第一期相当于殷墟四期,其前段相当于帝乙时期,后段相当于帝辛时期,个别器物可能进入周纪年;第二期相当于西周早期的偏早阶段,其前段相当于武王、成王时期,后段相当于康王时期,少数器物可上跨到成王、康王之际,或下延到康王、昭王之交。第六章是对商末周初青铜容器分期断代研究的总结。通过对商末和周初两个时期青铜器的器类、形制、纹饰、铭文、组合等方面的对比研究,总结出了商末青铜文化以及周初青铜文化各自的时代特征和文化特性。总之,本文在比较全面地占有青铜器资料的基础上,对商末周初青铜容器进行了系统全面的考古类型学研究,划分出各类器物的型式,排出了器物形制发展的早晚关系,揭示出器物形态的演变规律,将商末与周初铜器区分开来,并尽可能地归到某个王世,细化了部分著录、发掘报告(简报)中青铜器的分期并更正了一些错误等。

【Abstract】 The period in the end of Shang Dynasty and the beginning of Zhou Dynasty is a big changes in society. After demise of the Shang Dynasty, the Western Zhou Dynasty just created, the both cultures of Shang and Zhou replacement and heritage at this intersection, and in the bronze aspect is the quotient continues and spread the seeds of Zhou bronzes. Meanwhile, he end of Shang Dynasty and the beginning of Zhou Dynasty is a peak of bronze casting technology development, not only the bronze casting technology, exquisite, beautiful shape, heavy body, ornate, but there is a lot of great historical value longer inscriptions bronze for the staging of study provides a wealth of information.The definition of "the end of Shang Dynasty and the beginning of Zhou Dynasty" in this paper is a relative concept of time and space, where "the end of Shang Dynasty " refers to the last two emperors of Shang Dynasty-Emperor Yi and Emperor Xin reign (covering the period of Emperor Wen in Zhou State), that scholars divided the fourth period of Yin Ruins bronze;"the beginning of Zhou Dynasty refers to the period of Western Zhou Dynasty’s Emperor Wu, Emperor Cheng and Emperor Kang.Bronze vessels is a concept of bronze category, refers to bronze items, including cooking utensils, food utensils, wine utensils, water utensils. As the object of study is the bronze vessels in the end of Shang Dynasty and the beginning of Zhou Dynasty, so it does not include the container of bronze temporarily involved, and some pure animal-shaped copper containers. Data sources include the text handed down in a bronze vessel from the end of Shang Dynasty and the beginning of Zhou Dynasty, archaeological excavations of bronze vessels unearthed during the end of Shang Dynasty and the beginning of Zhou Dynasty, cellars or accidental discovery of tombs unearthed bronze vessels,diaspora abroad the bronze containers.We use typology, stratigraphy, philology and ancient decorative patterns with a combination of approaches, collected bronze vessel on this period typology studies to summarize the various types of bronze pattern variation and evolution of the shape sooner or later trajectory. On this basis, the introduction of a standard is written by Mr Guo Moruo founded dating method, unearthed a clear stratigraphic relationships, there is a pottery with bronze materials, and bronze inscriptions indicate the age of the data itself and the majority of academic scholars recognized provider the kings of the world during the end of weekly standard is carried out studies to determine the standard is the business end of each weekly segment. Then the standard of staging studies could judge other information unearthed bronze diaspora and discharge their era.Chapter Ⅲ and Chapter Ⅳ give more details about archaeological typologies, carved the bronze category and type, layed out the evolve of each type and comparison table of judging era.I have divided the bronze containers in this period into two installments and each is divided into two sections of the front and the back. The first phase corresponds to the forth of Yin Ruins, which is equivalent to Emperor Yi preceding period, the segment is equivalent to Emperor Xin period, individual objects may enter the week Annals; second phase corresponds to early stage of the early Western Zhou preceding the equivalent of Emperor Wu, Emperor Cheng period, equivalent to the segment Silla period, a few artifacts on the cross to be Emperor Kang occasion, or the next extension to Emperor Kang, the Emperor Zhao.The sixth chapter is a summary about bronze vessels dating studies of this period. Through comparative study of aspects of the two periods of bronze’s classes, shapes, decorations, inscriptions, and other combinations, summed up the culture and different bronze cultural identity.This paper conducted a systematic and comprehensive study of the archaeological typology, with more comprehensive data basis of possession of bronze, bronze vessels of the end of Shang Dynasty and the beginning of Zhou Dynasty,divided into various types of objects of the type, layed out the relationship of early stage and later period of the development between objects, revealing evolution artifacts form,separating the bronzes of end of Shang Dynasty from the bronzes of the beginning of Zhou Dynasty, and Classified to the right Emperor as possible, refine some of the records, excavation report (presentation) in the bronze staging and corrected some errors.


