

Transfer Efficiency Analysis and Passenger Flow Organization of Passenger Transportation Hubs

【作者】 胡春平

【导师】 毛保华;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 客运枢纽是综合交通运输体系的重要组成部分,客运枢纽的布局及运行直接关系到整个运输网络运行的效率与客运服务水平。因此,客运枢纽的设计方法与客流组织策略一直是交通运输行业工程实践与科学研究工作者关注的重要课题。随着我国社会经济发展水平的提高,城乡居民出行的需求规模及其对服务水平的要求不断提高,做好综合客运枢纽的规划、设计与运行组织不仅对提高枢纽的运行质量具有重要的现实意义,对深化相关运输组织理论、完善运输组织的技术方法也具有重要的学术价值。本文以客运枢纽换乘效率及客流组织方法为对象,根据我国交通运输实践中目前存在的问题,重点研究了客运枢纽的分类、换乘效率的内涵、效率分析方法以及客运枢纽内部换乘流线组织与优化方法等问题。论文的主要工作包括以下几个部分:(1)从规划运营层面,在深入分析客运枢纽运行过程的基本机理基础上,对客运枢纽的内涵进行了延展和补充。以现行的国家标准和行业规范为基础,分析了不同类型客运枢纽内设施、设备配置规模和数量,研究提出了客运枢纽的分类和定级方法。论文以北京南站和上海虹桥综合客运枢纽为例,阐述了客运枢纽的构成和具体运行过程,运用本文提出的方法对案例客运枢纽进行了类别分析与等级界定。(2)以乘客在客运枢纽中的移动过程为对象,分析了部分枢纽换乘组织要素对乘客移动行为的影响机理,从乘客角度提出将乘客通过设施的时间和系统乘客密度作为枢纽运行效率的评价指标。论文将排队理论引入枢纽运行过程中的效率测算问题,将一条流线上的通道、楼梯等换乘设施抽象成多级多服务台排队系统,研究了枢纽换乘运行过程,建立了枢纽换乘效率的计算模型,并定量分析了不同因素对枢纽乘客换乘效率的影响程度。(3)将客运枢纽内部面向乘客的各类服务设施作为节点,构建了客运枢纽换乘服务网络,探讨了考虑供需双方利益的客运枢纽内部换乘设施优化设置问题。在费用目标函数中,本文通过考虑乘客出行时间价值,将枢纽设施设置费用分为设施本身的购置与运行费用及运行过程中产生的乘客时间费用两部分,建立了枢纽内部换乘设施设置优化模型,为研究枢纽内部换乘设施设置总费用(包括乘客通过设施的时间费用和增设换乘设施的费用)最小化奠定了基础。在此基础上,论文选择相关案例进行了研究,构建了基于Anylogic的仿真分析模型,仿真结果验证了设施设置优化方案的有效性。(4)建立了以枢纽乘客换乘“全过程流线”为对象的流线优化模型。全过程流线指从乘客下车到达或步行进入枢纽车站时起,到乘客上车或步行离开枢纽车站时止所产生的全部流动过程和流动线路。该流线可分为三大类:进出站流线、同方式换乘流线及跨方式换乘流线。论文从研究对象的交通特性、网络构成、抽象网络及乘客出行影响因素四个角度,分析了枢纽内乘客流量分配问题的特点。在此基础上,将枢纽网络抽象为节点与弧的拓扑结构;其中节点为枢纽内各项设施,如通道设施、安检设施等,根据乘客经过的各项设施的具体阻抗来确定设施权值;弧为枢纽站内的各项设施设备的连接点。论文研究建立了一体化的乘客流线优化模型,案例表明模型可优化枢纽内各类乘客流线,使得大型客运枢纽内部换乘流线的总费用最小。实际客运枢纽是一个复杂的社会经济系统,其中乘客行为、设施建设方案以及由枢纽功能决定的对外客流类别等都将可能显著增加流线优化的难度。本文关于客运枢纽的研究还有许多问题值得进一步深入与细化的后续研究。

【Abstract】 Integrated passenger transport hubs in large cities play an important role in the development of integrated transportation system. Their layouts and operation directly affect the efficiency and level of service of overall transportation networks. The design methods and operation strategies of transport hubs attract much attention from researchers and operators. With the rapid development of social economics in China, passengers require the satisfaction of traffic demand and high level of transportation service. Research on the reasonable planning and organization methods on passenger hubs are much practical to improve the efficiency of operation and deep academic research on transportation organization and technology.This thesis aims to analysis the efficiency of transfer in transport hubs and to propose the methods of operational organization. The focuses of this thesis include how to classify transportation hubs and define and analyze the efficiency of transfer and optimization method of passenger flow organization.The content of the thesis are as below.(1) For the planning and operation of passenger hubs, the conceptual extension and operation issues of passenger hubs are presented based on the analysis on operational mechanism of passenger transport hubs. The categorizing and classification methods of passenger hubs are developed based on the scale and number of infrastructures and equipments according to the current national standards and industrial criterions. The proposed methods are carried out to analyze the operational efficiency of real-world passenger hubs, including Beijing South Railway Station and Shanghai Hongqiao Hub.(2) A model to calculate the transfer efficiency, in terms of passengers’passing time and density, of transport hubs is presented, through analyzing the passenger transfer process due to movement features and operational characteristics of passenger transport hubs. The model takes the passenger walking at underground channels and stairs as a waiting process in a queuing system with multiple level services. The model could be used to optimize the operation process and design of transfer routes, as well as analyzing the factors that may impact transfer efficiency in transport hubs.(3) A service network of transfer is proposed regarding different kinds of facilities and equipments in transfer hubs as nodes, to optimize the layout of facilities and equipments in passenger transfer hubs considering the trade-off between demand and supply sides. The total cost of transfer facilities includes not only the acquisition costs and operation costs of facilities, but also the change of passengers’ transfer time due to the set up of the facilities. The allocation optimization model for transfer facilities in passenger hubs is developed to minimize the total cost of transfer facilities. A case study and simulation analysis through Anylogic is conducted to verify the optimization results from the proposed model.(4) The optimization model is proposed with the object of the entire streamline of passenger transfer process in transport hubs, which include the overall routes from arriving or alighting at transport hubs to leaving or boarding vehicles. The passengers are usually divided into three types:arriving and leaving, transferring between the same and different transport modes. The assignment of passenger flow is analyzed taking into account the characteristics of passenger flow, structure of network and its topology as well as travel impacts. Due to this requirement, transport hubs are described as nodes and arcs. The former presents the facilities in transport hubs, like corridors and security facilities, whose weights are able to be given by the cost of passengers passing them. The latter is defined as the connections among all types of facilities. A topology of network with nodes and arcs is constructed to optimize the filament line of passengers to reduce the total transfer cost of all passengers.Passenger transport hubs are a complicated social and economical system among which passenger behavior, construction schemes of facilities and categorical attributes of passengers relating to the functions of transport hubs lead to the difficulty of optimizing passenger routes. More issues on transport hubs are worth discussing further in the future work.


