

Competition Law Research on Motion Picture Industry

【作者】 刘学明

【导师】 黄勇;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际法学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 电影产业作为文化展业的重要组成部分,在国民经济中发挥着越来越重要的地位。电影产业的发展离不开公平、自由的市场竞争秩序作为保障。如今我国的电影产业中,存在着诸多涉嫌违反《反垄断法》的反竞争行为,对电影产业的发展构成了严重的阻碍。作为《反垄断法》的执法机构,应当重视电影产业中存在的反竞争行为,同时结合电影产业自身的特点与运行规律对反竞争行为进行合理有效的规制。目前,我国还没有学者和机构系统的对电影产业的竞争法律问题进行研究,本文的写作目的就是填补这一空白,为电影产业的反垄断执法做出理论上的支撑。文章围绕电影产业的竞争法律适用这一主线展开论述,由四个主要部分,共七章组成,各主要部分和章节的主要内容分述如下:第一部分为文章第一章——引言。引言部分介绍本文的选题意义,本文的研究方法以及框架结构,同时对本文的新颖性做出分析。第二部分包括文章的第二章。第二章电影产业概论,首先对制片、发行和院线在电影行业中的业务范围和内容进行了概述。在此基础上介绍当今国际主流的分账发行放映模式下,制片、发行和院线业务的协作方式与各自的盈利方式。在此基础上对电影市场中制片、发行和院线的市场结构进行分析和对比,主要包括市场结构和市场集中度、市场进入障碍、买方力量等方面。通过对上述因素的分析,可以清晰的认知电影制片、发行和放映领域的市场结构,为文章第四至第六章的电影产业反竞争行为技术分析做好准备。第三部分包括文章的第三章到第七章。在明确竞争政策、竞争法律与电影产业政策、电影行业监管之间协调的一般原则后,第三部分研究电影行业竞争规制的法律技术问题。第三章研究电影产业中竞争政策与产业政策的协调问题。促进电影产业的发展,离不开产业政策和竞争政策的配合。但是,两者在实施过程中却又常出现相互冲突的情况。这种情况并非中国所特有,美国以及欧洲在电影产业的发展过程中也遇到过相同的问题,国外的成功经验表面:协调两种政策的主要方式应当是以竞争政策为一般原则,以产业政策为补充。产业政策在实践中主要依靠主管部门的行政手段予以落实的,因此,协调产业政策与竞争执法,在实践层面就是协调行业监管与竞争监管之间的关系。总结各国在处理竞争执法与行业监管制度的关系时的经验会发现,要想取得最佳的效果,在滥用支配地位、限制竞争协议的规制上,一般需要行业监管制度对竞争执法进行适度的补充,极个别情况下,由行业监管制度排他适用。经营者集中审查统一适用反垄断法。第四章研究电影行业中的经营者集中问题。研究经营者集中问题,相关市场的界定是第一步,也是进行分析的基础和起点,相关市场的范围大小,直接关系到经营者集中对市场竞争的影响。电影行业的相关市场界定中有些因素需要被特别考虑,例如:时间市场,交通因素的影响。在相关市场的界定问题之后是对电影行业经营者集中的竞争影响进行分析。电影行业的经营者集中,尤其是纵向的经营者集中,在可能造就某些企业的市场支配地位的同时,也会更多的促进创新,使消费者受益。第五章研究电影行业中的垄断协议问题研究。垄断协议对竞争的妨害和限制作用最为明显,危害也最大。因此,各国竞争法律对于垄断协议的规制也最为严格,在电影行业也是如此。本章先从垄断协议的概念入手,分析垄断协议的构成要件。在此之后将按照横向垄断协议与纵向垄断协议分别论述。电影行业的横向垄断协议多表现为多家企业签订协议,真对上游或者下游企业的产品固定购买价格或者联合抵制交易的行为。电影行业的纵向垄断协议则多表现为上游企业通过协议固定商品的转售价格。电影行业的特殊性在于,电影的分账发行方式使得制片或发行企业对电影票价的限制与其它行业的纵向价格协议不同,这种价格限制实际上只是发行方与院线在确定电影放映权价格的同时对电影票价产生的必然限制。本章将会结合微观经济分析学派的理论,着重从市场结构的角度,结合案例进行深入的分析。第六章研究电影行业的滥用市场支配地位问题。企业在取得一定的市场优势地位后很可能滥用这种优势地位,扼杀市场的创新和妨害市场的竞争,在电影行业也是如此。制片企业一般情况下都很难取得市场支配地位,因此本章将分别讨论制片企业、发行企业和院线滥用市场支配地位的行为。在本章的论述中,将重点对美国派拉蒙电影公司反垄断案做介绍,分析美国八大影业公司取得市场优势地位的原因,案件中滥用行为对市场造成的危害以及美国法院给予的救济措施。之后本章会重点分析美国最高法院采取的院线剥离的救济措施对电影产业竞争的负面影响,以及这一救济措施失败的原因。本章在对滥用市场支配地位分析的同时,也是为第七章的交易成本经济学分析做出铺垫。第七章是以“派拉蒙案”为例,对电影行业中反竞争行为规制的交易成本经济学分析,进而找出既能符合电影产业纵向一体化规律保证电影产业运行效率又能保证电影产业公平有序市场环境的反垄断救济措施。本章首先介绍交易成本经济学在法律分析中的作用进行介绍。交易成本经济学将行为分析理论、经济运行规律、心理学有机的结合起来,以发现传统经济学模型的错误和遗漏。当今对反垄断行为的法律规制都是以传统的经济学理论为支撑做出的,如果这些传统的经济学理论有错误或者遗漏,那么对反竞争行为的法律规制也会存在偏差。对电影行业中反竞争行为的法律规制的交易成本经济学分析的作用就在于找出法律规制中存在的偏差,为修正这些偏差找到理论的支撑。第四部分为第八章结论。在完成文章第二、三部分理论及实践层面的研究后,本部分将综合对第二到第六章的论述得出结论。首先,在电影产业中,以竞争政策优先的基础性适用为前提,以产业政策的优先适用为补充。其次,电影产业中的产品存在特殊性,在相关市场的界定中应当充分考虑影片之间的区别以及地理因素和时间因素对相关市场划分的影响。再次,电影产业的运行机制存在特殊性,分账发行方式决定了制片方参与电影票价决定过程的合理性,反垄断法不应当对其进行干预。最后,电影产业的纵向一体化能够带来更高的效率,竞争执法机构在执法过程中应当重视这一效率。反垄断执法只有遵循上述原则,才能在实现立法目标与电影产业健康发展的双赢。

【Abstract】 The film industry is an important part of culture industry in the national economy.It is also playing an increasingly important role in the national economy, and thedevelopment of the film industry depends on the fair and free market competitionorder. Today, Chinese film industry, exists many alleged violations of anti-monopolylaw behaviors, these behaviors constitutes a serious obstacle to the development ofmotion picture industry. The antitrust law enforcement agencies should pay attentionto anti-competitive behavior in the motion picture industry combined with the filmindustry’s own characteristics and the efficiency of the alleged anti-competitivebehaviors. At present, there is no Chinese scholar nor institution has conductedsystematic research on the film industry from the perspective of competition law. Sothe purpose of this article is to fill this gap, and make the theoretical support for theantitrust enforcement in motion picture industry. This article takes the application ofcompetition law in movie industry as the main line. The article contains four mainparts with the total of seven chapters:The first part of the article is chapter one, The Introduction. Chapter onedescribes the significance of the topic, the research methods and framework of thispaper, and also makes an analysis of the novelty of this article.The second part of the article includes the second chapter. Chapter two is aboutthe operation of film industry. First of all, this chapter will introduce the three mainscope of film industry: production, distribution and exhibition. Based on this, thischapter will study on the operation model of three scope and how the enterprise inthese scope make profit. On this basis, the Chinese, U.S. and European Film Marketin production, distribution and exhibition market structure will be analyzed andcompared, including aspects of market structure and market concentration, marketentrance barriers, buyer power and so on.The third section includes chapter three to chapter seven. After the study ofcoordination of industry policy and competition policy, the third part of this articlewill turn to technical issues in motion picture industry.The third chapter studies the coordination of competition policy and industrypolicy in motion picture industry. The development of the film industry needs both industry policy and competition policy. However, in the implementation process ofthese two policies, they often conflict with each other. This situation is not unique toChina, in the United States and the European Union the law enforcement agenciesalso encountered the same problem. the experience of United States and the EuropeanUnion tells us that: it is needed to coordinate these two policies on the principal oftaking competition policy as the basic and taking industry policy as supplement.Industry policy relies mainly on administrative measures to be implemented, therefore,coordinated industrial policy and competition law is to coordinate the relationship ofenforcement agencies between industry policy and competition policy. Summary ofnational experiences in dealing with the relationship between competition lawenforcement and industry regulatory regime will find that in order to achieve the bestresults in the abuse of dominant position, agreements restricting competition,competition law enforcement should take priority, while industry policy should be asupplement. In the area of merge control, competition policy should be exclusivelyused.The fourth chapter studies the film industry business concentration problems.Defining the relevant market is the first step in this chapter. It is directly related to theinfluence of the concentration on competition in the market. Some factors that need tobe special treated in defining the relevant market in the film industry, such as: timefactor and traffic factor. Vertical concentration is the trend of motion picture industry,although vertical concentration may bring in some of the enterprises have dominantposition, it would also promote innovation in motion picture industry and benefitconsumers.Chapter Five is about the analysis of monopoly agreement in movie industry. Thedisruption and restrictive effect of Monopoly Agreement against competition isobvious, and monopoly agreement is most harmful to competition. Therefore, thecompetition law of all countries regarding monopoly agreement is the strictest, so it isin the movie industry. The concept and the constitutive requirements of monopolyagreement will be first discussed and analyzed in this chapter, and then, the horizontalmonopoly agreements and vertical monopoly agreements will be analyzedrespectively. The horizontal monopoly agreements in movie industry always are theagreements signed by multiple enterprises, which are regarding boycott transactionsand fixed purchased price of the products of upstream or downstream enterprises. Thevertical monopoly agreements in movie industry always are the agreements which fixing the transaction price by the upstream enterprises. The particularity of movieindustry is that, the split-account public measure of movie makes the restriction of thetickets price by the producer and public enterprise different from the verticalmonopoly agreement in other industries, however, the price restriction is actuallyinevitable at the same time when the movie tickets price are determined by the publicenterprises and cinemas, which will be further discussed in this chapter mainly fromthe perspective of market structure and combined with the theory of microeconomicand cases.The issue of abusing of dominant market status in movie industry will beanalyzed in chapter Six. The enterprise is likely to abuse the dominant market statuswhen obtaining such power, which will be against the market innovation andcompetition, and so it is in the movie industry. In general circumstance, the producersare hardly to obtain the dominant market status, therefore, the behavior of abusingdominant market status of producer, pubic and cinema enterprises will be discussedrespectively. In this chapter, the antitrust case of Paramount Pictures will be mainlyintroduced, and the reason why the USA eight studios enterprises obtaining thedominant market status, the damage caused and the remedy awarded by the supremecourt of the United States in such case will be analyzed. Thereafter, this chapter willfocus on the analysis of the negative effects caused by the splitting-cinema remedyawarded by the supreme court of the United States and the reason why such remedywas failed. The analysis of abuse of market dominant status in this chapter will pavefor the analysis of transaction cost economics in chapter Seven.The Seventh Section is an economical study of transaction costs ofanti-competitive regulations in the film industry by taking the Paramount Case astypical example, in order to find remedies that can both realize the competition orderand efficiency in film industry. This section begins with an introduction of thefunction of the economical study of transaction costs in legal analysis. As an organiccombination of behavior analysis theory, economic operation regular and psychology,the economical study of transaction costs tries to find out the mistakes and omissionsin the traditional economic model, which acts as the economic theory foundation ofpresent anti-competitive regulations. The use of economical study of transaction costsof anti-competitive regulations in the film industry is just to find out the mistakes inpresent anti-competitive regulations, which comes with the traditional economicmodel, and theoretical supports for amending these mistakes. The Forth part is the conclusion. In this part, it comes to a conclusion of thediscuss from the Second Section to the Sixth Section, by finishing the theoretical andpractical study in the Second and Third Part. Firstly, in the film industry, thecompetitive policies shall be the fundamentally primary consideration, and theindustry policies serve as a preferred complement. Secondly, Because of the specialfeatures of the products of film industry, it shall be fully taken into consideration ofthe differences between movies, geographical factors and time factor in thesegmentation of relevant markets. Thirdly, because of the special features in filmindustry operation,Finally, vertical integration in the film industry brings higher efficiency, whichshall be respected by the executor of competitive regulations in the enforcement oflaw. Only respecting above principles in the enforcement of competitive law, can itachieve a win-win end between legislative goals and healthy development of filmindustry.


