

Research on the Construction of Risk Management System of Chinese Insurance Companies Based on Contigency Theory

【作者】 赵玉涛

【导师】 汤谷良;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 自1980年恢复国内保险业务到1990年,我国把保险看做是社会经济发展的一种工具。1990年,我国才把保险公司看作企业,开展风险管理理论研究。1998年中国保监会成立后保险公司风险管理研究文献开始增多。2004年,美国COSO委员会发布《企业风险管理——整合框架》,该框架拓展了原来的《内部控制——整合框架》,在世界范围内产生了重大影响。我国保险业高度重视该理论,保险公司全面风险管理成为一个颇受关注的研究主题。近30年以来,我国保险公司风险管理研究随行业发展而发展。1998年以后,在中国保监会的引导和各高校积极参与下,保险风险管理研究如火如荼。然而,与其他相关行业尤其是银行业相比,保险领域的研究存在较大差距,究其原因主要是:1.国际上保险研究落后于银行业,最具代表性的例子是巴塞尔协议已经成为世界上通用的银行业监管标准,而保险业尚无能够指导世界各地保险公司的统一规则;2.从国内看,把保险作为企业开展风险管理研究始自于1990年,至今20余年,保险专业的高校学科建设和社会研究力量不足,短期难以克服。3.保险业风险意识不充分,保险公司风险管理投入相对不足。截止2013年末,银行业资产总额151.3万亿元,保险业资产总额8.2万亿元,两者相差17倍,行业规模的巨大差距导致了保险业在风险管理方面的投入远远低于银行业。国内保险理论研究相对匮乏导致保险公司风险管理创新相对不足。目前,国内对保险公司风险管理的研究主要集中在风险管理技术方面,较少关注保险公司的战略或治理,尤其在保险公司风险管理技术与战略、治理相结合方面,研究文献极少,这就为研究选题提供了很大的空间。企业战略正确、治理机制健全,风险管理技术才可能较好地发挥作用。保险公司经营的业务是风险,风险在不断变化,保险公司的内外部环境在不断变化。权变理论强调因时制宜、因地制宜,是研究解决变化中的问题的有效指导理论。以权变理论做主线,研究保险公司的风险管理战略、风险治理机制和风险管理技术的统筹运用,搭建一套基于权变理论的保险公司风险管理体系,具有理论研究上的可行性,这就成为本文研究的主要方向。本文在第一章介绍了包括研究背景、思路、方法、结构等在内的全文总纲之后,从第二章开始深入剖析相关的理论和实践,探析研究的主题。第二章界定了保险公司风险管理相关的基本概念,明确了风险管理是在一个肯定有风险的环境里,通过选择适当的方法,把风险的不利影响减至最低,并从中寻找价值增值的管理过程。风险管理的“价值增值”理念直接突破了传统的风险管理理念,与现代最新的风险管理理念接轨。在进一步明确保险公司的风险和分类,以及保险公司的风险管理之后,本文对国内外保险公司风险管理实践进行了总结,提炼了保险公司风险总体特征。在此基础上系统阐述了保险公司风险监管理论、相关的管理理论,为后续研究做了铺垫。第三章研究了我国保险公司的风险战略问题。战略是基于现实的。研究战略首先需要研究我国保险公司风险管理现状。传统风险管理模式已经确认存在许多不能满足现实之处,全面风险管理在理论上已经开始受到质疑,在实务操作中很多公司达不到全面风险管理的要求,但是其全面的思想值得借鉴。我国的很多保险公司并不适合直接采用全面风险管理战略,必须自我加强风险管理,确定合适的风险管理模式。企业生命周期理论对制定企业战略具有很高的指导意义,我国保险公司制定企业战略时必须考虑所在的周期阶段。保险公司制定企业战略时,在远景规划方面最核心的企业愿景的描述应该简洁概括;在内部因素方面主要考虑企业核心竞争力和企业文化;在外部环境方面需要考虑宏观环境和产业环境两个层次。保险公司需要把风险管理从策略层面提高到战略层面。在对我国保险公司风险战略分析的基础上,对保险控股集团、单一业务保险公司和保险资产管理业务的风险战略分别进行了深入剖析。第四章研究了我国保险公司的风险治理问题。研究保险公司的公司治理需要从保险公司的业务特性着手。健全的公司治理是保险公司风险治理机制有效实施的前提。公司治理是一个持续不断改善的动态过程,并不存在最好的模式,需要不断完善。建立与企业战略相配套的风险治理架构,需要纳入企业战略整体思路加以考虑,综合考虑内外部治理要素。建立保险公司的风险治理机制,需要确认两个方面的内容:一是风险管理框架,二是风险治理架构。风险管理框架的核心因素包括风险文化、风险偏好框架等,这些要素通过风险治理架构下的各个部门、岗位实现。根据全面风险管理的思想制定的三道防线模式是有效风险治理结构的一种保障机制。第五章研究了保险公司风险管理技术的运用。风险管理技术可以区分为风险管理过程和风险管理工具。保险公司开展风险管理遵守与一般风险管理过程同样的基本流程。保险公司建立风险管理过程的有效运行机制,需要注意以下几个方面:一是正确制定风险管理战略是保险公司风险管理过程有效发挥作用的基础;二是风险治理架构是保险公司风险管理过程有效发挥作用的前提;三是风险文化为保险公司风险管理过程有效发挥作用提供了支撑;四是信息系统是保险公司风险管理过程有效发挥作用的载体。保险公司全面风险预警系统能够为风险管理过程提供有力手段。保险公司开展风险管理要综合考虑内外部各种因素,同时需要考虑因素之间的交互影响、各类风险之间的交互影响。保险公司的风险管理技术发展已经非常成熟,实践中的风险管理工具趋于标准化。保险公司在运用风险管理技术的时候,应把握几个原则,有效发挥多种技术的综合效果。一是风险管理技术服从风险管理战略的原则;二是全面风险统筹规划和具体风险管理相结合的原则;三是风险管理的原则性和灵活性相结合的原则;四是风险管理的定量技术和定性技术相结合的原则;五是风险的自我评估、审计监督和独立评估相结合的原则。第六章对全文研究进行了理论概括,认为保险公司需要用权变理论指导开展风险管理;依据生命周期阶段、自身性质等因素制定和调整风险管理战略;根据内外部影响因素的变化及时调整风险治理机制;需要统筹运用各种风险管理技术力求更好的风险管理效果。在此基础上,提出了以权变理论为主线,以战略、治理和技术为维度的“一条主线、三个维度”的保险公司权变风险管理理论体系。保险公司开展风险管理,必须在坚持权变理论的前提下,以风险战略为指导,建立合理的风险治理机制,综合运用各种风险管理技术。本文的创新主要体现在四个方面:一是把“权变”引入保险公司风险管理的研究领域。二是把战略、治理和技术综合起来,研究保险公司风险管理的理论。三是基于中国情境下的实地访谈使得研究视野非常鲜活,超出了单纯的从风险管理的角度看保险公司风险管理的范畴。四是搭建了以权变理论为主线、以风险管理战略、风险治理机制和风险管理技术为维度的保险公司权变风险管理理论。由于本人研究能力的限制以及研究时间的限制,本文的研究还存在一些缺陷,主要体现在三个方面:一是分析对象的范围可以更广泛一些。本文访谈的保险公司以大、中型保险公司为主,少量为小型保险公司,由此本文得出的结论是否适用于规模较小的保险公司,还有待进一步验证。二是本文限于研究时间的限制,只能在我国保险公司中选择部分有代表性的不同规模、不同性质的保险公司进行访谈,无法访谈更多的保险公司。三是部分研究结论的严谨性有待进一步推敲。对以上存在的不足,作者将在未来的研究中加以完善。

【Abstract】 The insurance industry was recovered in1980. The insurance was treated as a tool ofsocial and economic development during1980s, and was treated as a firm from1990.Then risk management of insurance companies researches began. CIRC set up in1998, then the research results become more and more. In2004, COSO publishedEnterprise Risk Management-Integrated Framework, which enhanced originalInternal Control-Integrated Framework. ERM influenced the world quickly. Theinsurance industry attached much importance to the framework and ERM of insurancecompanies became a focus.During the last30years, risk management research developed with the industry in thecountry, and developed much faster after1998, because of the correct guidance ofCIRC and the positive participation of colleges. However, compared with otherindustry, such as the banking, there was s a big gap. The main reasons were as follows:1. In the world the insurance lagged behind the banking. The typical case is BaselAccord has become globally standard for all banks all of the world, but there is noagreed accord in the field of insurance.2. It’s only20years from1990, in which theinsurance was treated as a firm and related risk management research began.3. Theknowledge of risk in the insurance industry is insufficient, and the necessary input ismuch less. At the end of2013, the total asset of banking is15.13thousand billionRMB and the total asset of insurance is8.2thousand billion RMB. The former is18times the latter. The enormous gap between the two industries results in less input inthe insurance industry.The deficiency of domestic research in insurance results in the short of riskmanagement creation of insurance companies. Now the research of insurance riskmanagement mainly focused on risk management techniques, less on strategy ofgovernance. Especially there are few literatures on the combination of riskmanagement techniques and strategy and governance, which provides enough spacefor the choice of research subject. With right corporate strategy and sound governancemechanism, risk management techniques can play better roles. The businesses ofinsurance companies are risks, which change continuously. The internal and externalenvironments are changing also. The contingency theory can be used to deal withproblems in dynamic situations. It’s feasible that the combination of risk strategy, riskgovernance and risk techniques is researched based on contingency theory. So it canbe the main research direction of the paper.Chapter1introduces the holistic framework including research background, thoughts,methods, structure and so on. The related theories and practices, and the subject areanalyzed deeply.Chapter2defines several concepts related with insurance risk management. Riskmanagement is a value-added process, during which right measures are adopted toreduce the negative influence mostly among an environment with certain risks. The value-added idea breaks through traditional risk management idea, and links up withthe current new ideas. After the definition and classification of risks and riskmanagement of insurance companies, the paper summarizes the practices of internaland external insurance companies, abstracts the overall characters of insurancecompanies. Then on the basis of the above, elaborate the risk regulatory theories andrelated management theories, and make preparations for the following research.Chapter3focuses on risk strategy of insurance companies in the country. Strategy isbased on reality. The research on current status of risk management in the country isthe first step to the research of strategy. Traditional risk management model cannotmeet the reality. ERM is suspected in theory and a lot of companies cannot meet thebasic conditions needed by ERM, but undoubtedly the idea of Enterprise-wide isvaluable for companies. Many insurance companies in the country are not fit for ERMstrategy, must enforce self-risk management and choose their own risk managementmodels. Enterprise life cycle theory is of much importance for the firms to makecorporate strategies. The insurance companies in the country must consider the stagein the life cycle when they make corporate strategies. When making strategies, thecore of strategic planning is vision, which should be simplified; core enterprisecompetence and enterprise culture should be considered on internal factors; macroenvironment and industry environment should be considered among external factors.The risk management should be promoted to the strategy from tactic for insurancecompanies. The paper makes deep analysis of the risk strategies of insurance holdingcompanies, sole-business insurance companies and insurance asset managementcompanies individually.Chapter4studies the risk governance of insurance companies in the country. Theexclusive characteristics of insurance companies are mostly necessary for the researchon the corporate governance of insurance companies. Sound corporate governance isvery important for the effective implementation of risk governance of insurancecompanies. Corporate governance is a continuously dynamic process. There is not thebest model for corporate governance, which should get promoted consistently. Riskgovernance structure should be fit with the corporate strategy, and be brought into thewhole thought of corporate strategy. For risk governance mechanism, the followingtwo themes are vital: risk management framework and risk governance structure. Thecore factors of risk management framework includes risk culture, risk appetiteframework and other factors, which can be realized through the departments andpositions of risk governance structure. Three Defence Lines Model, set up accordingto ERM strategy, is an effective mechanism for risk governance structure.Chapter5studies the application of insurance risk management techniques. Riskmanagement techniques include risk management processes and risk managementtools. Insurance risk management uses the same basic processes to other companies.Insurance companies making the mechanism of risk management processes shouldattach great importance to the following aspects:1. Risk management abides by riskmanagement strategy.2. It should stick to the overall risk planning and individual riskmanagement as well.3. It should stick to the principles and be flexible as well.4. It should stick to the quantitative techniques and qualitative techniques as well.5. Itshould stick to risk self assessment, assurance and independent assessment as well.Chapter6summarizes the whole research of the paper. The conclusions are as follows:insurance should use contingency theory as the guidance of risk management; makeand adjust risk management strategy according to the stage of life cycle and thecharacteristics of insurance companies; adjust risk governance mechanism accordingto the changes of internal and external factors; make full use of all kinds of riskmanagement techniques for better risk management effects. On the basis of the aboveanalysis, the paper puts forward insurance companies contingent risk managementcontrol system theory, which can be simplified as one mainline and three dimensions.One mainline is contingency theory, and three dimensions are risk strategy, riskgovernance and risk techniques. In order to make effect risk management, insurancecompanies must insist on the prerequisite of contingency theory, use risk strategy asguidance, set up reasonable risk governance mechanism, and make full use of all riskmanagement techniques.The innovation of the paper are as follows:1. Introduce contingency theory into theresearch field of insurance companies.2. Make a research on insurance riskmanagement on the basis of strategy, governance and techniques.3. Adopt a widerange of field interviews in quite a few insurance companies, which makes theresearch vivid and beyond the traditional research from the only perspective of risk.4.Set up contingent risk management theory of insurance company, which usescontingency theory as the mainline and risk management strategy, risk managementgovernance, risk management techniques as dimensions.Because of the limits of the author’s research capability and research time, there aresome defects in the paper.1. The range of interviewed insurance companies can bewider. Most of the interviewed companies are large or medium. So the conclusionsshould be verified further on small insurance companies.2. With limit research time,the author has to choose part of the insurance companies to make interviews and nomore insurance companies enter the interview sample. But the author has tried hisbest to choose sample companies with different sizes and different ownershipproperties.3. The rigor of part of the conclusions should be further confirmed. Theauthor will make more studies along the direction and make up these defects.

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