

The Empirical Research on the Effect of Branded Mobile Phone Apps Experience on Brand Communication

【作者】 金学成

【导师】 傅慧芬;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 所谓品牌手机App,是指“下载到移动通信工具上的,在用户体验全程中以App名称或品牌标志或图标突显某品牌身份的应用程序”。1近年出现的各国消费者对智能手机及App的使用依赖把品牌手机App推到了品牌营销的浪尖。全球各地的公司都纷纷创作和发布自己的品牌手机App。2013年,全球百强品牌中有92个品牌在苹果商店发布了品牌手机App。可以说,品牌手机App已成为一种目前炙手可热的新营销手段。这几年学者也开始关注到品牌手机App方面的研究。Bellman(2011)通过实验性设计研究了品牌手机App是否对品牌态度和购买意愿产生影响。结果显示,品牌手机App的使用对消费者的购买意愿产生了正向的影响,并且会提高消费者对品牌的兴趣。 Kim(2012)指出,在设计品牌手机App时,提高其易用性(Usability)对品牌承诺及与消费者之间的关系有帮助,并且互动性也对品牌手机App的广告效果起到了积极的作用。哈佛商学院营销系主任Gupta(2013)甚至预言,在不久的未来,App将完胜传统广告。笔者被这个研究空白吸引之后,梳理了迄今为止的研究成果,发现移动通信发展迅猛,手机App与之相辅相成,但相关的研究目前还处在起步阶段。关于品牌手机App的系统性研究也很少,涉及品牌手机App效果方面的研究更加缺乏。笔者因而以品牌手机App为研究对象,研究了消费者品牌手机App体验对品牌沟通效果产生的影响。本文展示了该项研究的过程和研究结果。本文包含以下八个章节:首先,引言部分介绍了本文的研究背景、问题的提出、研究目标及意义、研究的思路和方法等,从而明确了品牌手机App体验是否对品牌沟通效果产生影响这一研究主题。本文的第二章为相关文献综述,回顾和梳理了品牌手机App、品牌沟通效果等相关领域的研究脉络,总结了相关理论研究成果,为本文的概念模型的提出提供了重要的理论支撑。第三章,品牌手机App体验的定性研究。本章陈述了笔者通过访谈方式对品牌手机App体验的分类进行的定性研究。第四章,研究框架和假设。根据以上文献综述和定性研究的结果,笔者在本章提出本项研究的基本模型和假设。第五章,实证研究。本章展示了研究的过程和方法:首先,笔者根据前人的研究文献和自己的访谈结果设计了问卷;然后通过小规模预测试检验了问卷的有效性。问卷回收和调整之后,笔者用软件处理了数据。第六章,问卷数据分析。本章展示了分析过程和方法:笔者采用数据分析软件进行数据的描述性统计分析,并分析其信度和效度。第七章,结构模型分析。本章展示了结构模型分析的过程和方法:笔者运用AMOS软件进行结构方程模型分析,对本研究提出的假设进行验证。第八章,结论。通过梳理和总结研究结果,笔者提出营销启示,并指出本项研究的局限性和未来研究的发展方向。本研究的研究结果显示了以下七个方面的内容:首先,品牌手机App的使用者在娱乐方面的体验、功能方面的体验和社交方面的体验均能对品牌沟通效果产生积极的影响。其中,品牌手机App体验的娱乐性对品牌沟通效果的影响最为显著。第二,消费者体验的品牌手机App娱乐性对品牌知晓、品牌形象、品牌态度和购买意愿均有正面的直接影响。具体而言,品牌手机App体验的娱乐性对品牌态度的影响最大,其次是品牌形象,再次是品牌知晓,而对购买意愿的影响最小。第三,消费者体验的品牌手机App功能性对品牌知晓、品牌形象、品牌态度和购买意愿均有正面的直接影响;其中,品牌手机App体验的功能性对品牌态度的影响最为显著,其次是品牌形象,再次是品牌知晓,而对购买意愿的影响最小。第四,消费者体验的品牌手机App社交性对品牌知晓、品牌形象、品牌态度和购买意愿均有正面的直接影响;其中,品牌手机App体验的社交性对品牌形象的影响最大,其次是品牌态度,再次是品牌知晓,而对购买意愿的影响最小。第五,品牌手机App与消费者的关联度越高,消费者体验的品牌手机App娱乐性、社交性越有助于提升品牌沟通效果。第六,中国和韩国两国消费者体验的品牌手机App娱乐性和社交性对品牌沟通效果的影响不存在显著差异,而他们体验的品牌手机App功能性对品牌沟通效果的影响存在显著差异。第七,消费者在不同产品类型的品牌手机App体验对品牌沟通效果的影响不存在显著差异。总体研究结果表明,品牌手机App对提高消费者对品牌的良性体验能起到推动作用。因此,品牌企业有必要为这种营销方式投入足够的资源,以使其App具有足够的娱乐性、功能性和社交性,促进其品牌沟通效果的提升。

【Abstract】 Branded mobile phone apps is “conceptually defined as software downloadableto a mobile device which prominently displays a brand identity, often via the name ofthe app and the appearance of a brand logo or icon, throughout the user experience”.2Due to the high level use of smart phone and branded mobile phone apps’ high levelof user engagement, branded mobile phone Apps have been very popular recently. In2013, in the Apple App Store,92of the top100best global brands ranked byInterbrand were present. That’s to say, the branded mobile phone Apps have becomeone of the hot new marketing tools.Scholars have also begun to focus on branded mobile phone apps. Bellman(2011)utilized an experimental design to determine whether utilization of popularbranded mobile phone Apps would have impact on brand attitudes and brand purchaseintention. The results have shown a positive persuasive impact, increasing interest inthe brand. Kim (2012) pointed out that when designing a branded mobile phone app,enhancing its usefulness has a positive effect on the relationship between brandpromise and customer, and interactivity of the app has played a positive role on thebrand’s advertising effect. Gupta (2013) predicts that in the near future, apps will winover the traditional advertising. But now, specific researches about branded mobilephone apps are still at an early stage, there are few systematic studies about mobilephone apps. This paper aims to examine the branded mobile phone apps’ impact onbrand communication.The article consists of the following seven chapters:Firstly, the introduction part introduces the background of this study, such as howcome the question was raised, the research objectives set, the model and hypothesesformed and the methodology of this research selected. I’d manifest the researchintention to prove that branded mobile phone apps have an impact on brandcommunication.Chapter Two, a review of relevant literature on brand communication, brandedmobile phone apps, provides an important theoretical ground to support to theconceptual model presented in this paper.Chapter Three is a qualitative research of branded mobile phone apps experience.I’ve conducted interviews to find the appropriate classifications for experience of branded mobile phone apps.Chapter Four is about the research framework and assumptions. According to theresults of the above-mentioned qualitative research, basic model of this study andhypothesis are formed and presented in this chapter.Chapter Five is on empirical research. It presents how the questionnaire wasdesigned and tested with a small-scale pilot test to ensure validity with adjustment.This was followed by data collection and collation work.Chapter Six is about analysis of the data from the questionnaires. SPSS19.0Software was used for a descriptive statistical analysis of the research data, and of thereliability and validity.Chapter Seven is on structural equation model analysis. AMOS Software wasused for structural equation modeling analysis to validate the assumptions made bythis study.Chapter Eight presents the conclusions of this study. Findings are summarizedand marketing implications proposed. Also, deficiencies of this study and the futureresearch direction have been noted.The findings of this study are as follows:First, all functional experience, entertainment experience and social experiencehave positive impact on brand communication. They can affect brand communicationby moving it to an expected direction. Among them, entertainment experience has themost significant effect on brand communication.Second, entertainment experience has a positive direct impact on brandawareness, brand image, brand attitudes and purchase intention. Specifically,entertainment experience has the greatest impact on brand attitude, less great impacton brand image, still less on brand awareness and minimal effect on purchasingintentionThird, functional experience has a positive direct impact on brand awareness,brand image, brand attitudes and purchase intentions. Specifically, functionalexperience has the greatest impact on brand attitude, less great impact on brand image,still less on brand awareness and minimal effect on purchasing intention.Fourth, social experience has a positive direct impact on brand awareness, brandimage, brand attitudes and purchase intentions. Specifically, social experience has thegreatest impact on brand attitude, less great impact on brand awareness, still less onbrand image and minimal effect on purchasing intention Fifth, the more relevance there is between branded mobile phone apps andconsumers, the better effect will the consumer brand app entertainment and socialexperiences have on brand communication.Sixth, the impact of Chinese and Korean consumers’ entertainment and socialexperience on brand communication has not shown significant differences, but theirfunctional experience has displayed significantly different impact on brandcommunication.Seven, Consumers’ experiences with branded mobile phone apps for differentproduct types have not shown significant differences in terms of their impact on brandcommunication.The overall results have suggested that, branded mobile phone apps can lead theconsumers to a better brand experience. Therefore brand owners had better devoteadequate resources to this type of marketing practice to make their apps entertaining,functional, as well as sociable enough with a strong effect on their brandcommunication.


