

Research on the Potential Evaluation Method for Enhanced Oil Recovery

【作者】 李龙

【导师】 李春生;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 石油工程计算技术, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要研究了三次采油项目的技术经济评价方法。通过分析现有潜力评价方法和软件存在的不足,完善了潜力评价方法,开发出更完善的、更智能的潜力评价软件,开发出针对三次采油项目实施过程中开发效果评价及后续潜力评价软件;进行了经济评价方法的研究和经济评价软件的研制;进行了潜力评价方法和软件的实例验证及敏感性分析,验证了理论模型的科学性、可行性,验证了基于相应理论模型的潜力评价软件的正确性和实用性,收到预期效果。本文提出三次采油开采方式及油藏参数筛选的原则。提出借用混合智能系统理论,设计一种更为可靠的筛选方法,即利用混合智能系统,将符号专家系统与人工神经网络紧密地融合在一起,通过符号专家系统优化神经网络结构,同时用神经网络获取三次采油开采方式筛选所需的参数知识。该系统实现了知识的模糊表示、知识库的层次性组织、知识的模糊推理等。本文所建立的提高采收率潜力评价模型,不仅包括用于常规数值模拟的数学模型,而且还包括用于快速潜力评价的经验模型。经验模型决定了其应用的基本理论不同于常规数值模拟理论,必须相对简化;考虑的因素也不是尽可能多,不精确描述实际的物化现象,而是只需考虑其主要影响因素即可,对参数的处理方法和处理过程要相对简化,而且要保证模型的实用性强。归纳并推导出基于经验公式法的三次采油潜力评价模型。本文采用了分流理论描述三次采油的驱油过程。用统计法预测聚驱产油量及含水率。该预测模型法是一种精细预测方法,是基于数理统计学的预测油井产量的模型。该方法用于三次采油开发效果评价及后续的潜力评价,不是用于开发前的潜力调查,对三次采油动态开发的动态过程提供决策支持。建立了三次采油经济评价模型,采用了全因素分析法和增量分析法。论述了三次采油潜力评价软件系统总体设计、算法设计、编码设计、测试及现场应用结果。根据三次采油潜力评价模型及筛选智能方法研制出三采潜力评价软件,并利用所研制的潜力评价软件,对部分油田的部分区块进行了潜力评价,计算结果及对各模型的敏感性分析达到了预期效果。

【Abstract】 The paper mainly studies the technical and economic evaluation method of enhanced oilrecovery. By analyzing the shortcomings of the existing potential evaluation method and thesoftware, improves the potential evaluation method, develops more perfect, more intelligentpotential evaluation software, develops development effect evaluation software in the processof implementation and subsequent potential evaluation software for enhanced oil recoveryproject; studies economic evaluation methods and develops economic evaluation software;carries out example verification of potential evaluation method and software, carries outsensitivity analysis, verifies the scientific nature, the feasibility of the theory model.Development mode and reservoir parameters screening principlesare are put forward forenhanced oil recovery in the paper.Using of hybrid intelligent systems theory, designs a morereliable screening method, namely using the hybrid intelligent system, the symbolic expertsystem and artificial neural network are integrated closely together, optimizing the structureof neural network by symbolic expert system, using the neural network to obtain the desiredparameters knowledge of the enhanced oil recovery exploitation mode selection. The systemrealizes the fuzzy knowledge representation, hierarchical organization of knowledge base,fuzzy reasoning of knowledge.The paper establishes a potential evaluation model of enhanced oil recovery, includingnot only the mathematical model for numerical simulation, but also the empirical model forrapid potential evaluation. The empirical model determines the basic theory of the applicationis different from the conventional numerical simulation theory, must be simplified; Factors toconsider is not as much as possible, does not accurately describe actual physicochemicalphenomena,but only need to consider the main influencing factors, processing method andprocessing process of parameters are simplified relatively, but also to ensure the modelpractical. In this paper. Summarizes and infers potential evaluation model of enhanced oilrecovery based on the empirical formula method.The distribution theory describes the oildisplacement process of enhanced oil recovery.The statistical method is used for prediction of polymer flooding oil production andwater content.The prediction model method is a method for the prediction of whole process, isthe oil well production prediction model based on mathematical statistics. The method is usedfor the potential evaluation of development dynamic state of enhanced oil recovery, not forpotential investigation before development, provide decision support for the dynamicdevelopment process of enhanced oil recovery.A economic evaluation model of enhanced oil recovery is built, using the all-factorsanalysis method and incremental analysis method.Discusses enhanced oil recovery potential evaluation software system overall design, thealgorithm design, coding, testing and field application results. According to the potential evaluation model and intelligent screening methods ofenhanced oil recovery,developed enhanced oil recovery potential evaluation software, andusing the developed potential evaluation software,mades potential evaluation on the part ofsome oilfield block, calculation results and sensitivity analysis of the models achieves thedesired effect.


