

【作者】 贾政翔

【导师】 杨照南;

【作者基本信息】 财政部财政科学研究所 , 财政学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 生产关系必须适应生产力的发展,是人类社会发展的基本客观规律。改革开放以来,我国经济一直处于由计划经济向市场经济转型,各种影响制度和组织形式变迁的因素都处于变化之中,农业发展也不例外。农业生产要素以及农产品的相对价格及价格形成因素发生了显著的变化,农产品及加工产品的市场需求规模不断扩大,农业技术进步不断加快,专业化和分工进一步加深。然而,与之相对应的现实却是,我国农业的市场化进程缓慢,农产品商品率低,农业生产、农产品加工的技术应用有限,农民的收入长期徘徊不前。这一系列的问题,从表面上看,在于我国农业小生产与大市场之间的矛盾、农业自身效益低与社会效益高之间的矛盾、农产品产供销脱节、城乡二元结构矛盾不断加深,然而从更深的层面来看,其根本的原因在于我国农业生产力快速发展,而农业组织形式等生产方式无法与之相适应,阻碍了农业进步和发展。农业生产方式的根本性变革势在必行,其根本途径在于实现从以家庭联产承包责任制为基础的农户制向现代农场制的转变。本文共由十章构成:1.绪论。分析本文的选题背景、研究目的及意义、国内外研究的现状和不足、进一步在本研究方向进行研究工作的展望与设想。2.我国农场制及农业经营体制的历史变迁。本章以改革开放为分界,主要分析了改革开放前和改革开放后农场制和农业经营体制及其绩效,着重对90年代以后出现的对双层经营体制的创新与实践进行了分析和解读。3.我国农业的现状及问题。本章主要揭示了农业自身的特征,包括准公共产品特性、外部性、综合性、弱质性,分析了农业现阶段存在主要问题的根源在于农户制的落后。4.构建现代农场制的一般理论分析。本章主要对现代农场制的概念及特征进行了分析,从经济环境、二元结构、解决农业诸多矛盾和完善承包经营方式方面入手进行分析,说明了构建现代农场制的依据,最后分析了现代农场制的实现模式。5.发展农场制的国际经验借鉴。本章分析了国外发达的发展农场制的路径及其所采取的支持政策。主要选取了美国、法国和日本等四个国家作为样本,并得出了可资借鉴的经验和启示。6.我国农场式经营的案例分析。本章主要分析了国内发展农场制较为成功地区的做法。主要选取了重庆麒麟村和山东寿光市两个地区作为研究对象,并总结其发展农场式经营成功的经验和出现的问题。7.我国农场制实现形式的比较分析。本章把农业微观组织形式划分为“农户+专业组织”型、“公司+农户”型、社区合作组织、股份合作企业等四种类型,通过结构性维度、关联性维度、组织形式有效性进行了比较分析。8.构建我国现代农场制的总体思路。本章在前面章节分析的基础上,对于构建我国农场制提出了要实现的目标、应该遵循的原则、推进步骤,并提出从土地经营规模化、规模经营全产业链一体化方向构建现代农场制的经营方式。9.构建我国现代农场制发展的财政政策。本章是在上一章研究的基础上,分析了传统财政政策支农的基本情况和问题,并进一步提出财政支出政策的改进措施;研究提出我国财政应该对现代农场制条件下的农业企业进行投资参股,变财政资金为财政资本,重点参股投资农场制特点的农业项目;研究政策性金融与财政的关系,提出政策性金融支持现代农场制构建的投资范围。10.构建我国农场制的其他政策配合。本章主要研究内容构建我国农场制的其他政策配合包括,明确政府职能定位、深化农业行政管理体制改革、健全农产品市场体系、加快户籍制度改革等。

【Abstract】 Relations of production must adapt the development of productivity, the development of human society is the basic objective law. Since the reform and opening up, China’s economy has been in the transition from planned economy to market economy, various effects of institutional and organizational change factors are changing, agricultural development is no exception. Elements of agricultural production and agricultural products to the relative price and price formation factors produced marked change, agricultural products and processed products market demand continues to expand the scale, the agricultural technology progress is accelerated ceaselessly, specialization and division of labor further. However, corresponding to the reality, our country agriculture to commercialize a process is slow, produce commodity rate is low, agricultural production, agricultural products processing technology limited, the income of the farmer wanders for a long time. This a series of problems, from apparently look, is that our country agricultural minor production and big market contradiction between agricultural oneself benefit is low, with the contradiction between the social benefit, produce to produce supply and marketing to disconnection, two urban and rural economic structure contradiction is deepened ceaselessly, but from a deeper level, its basic reason lies in our country the rapid development of agricultural productivity, and agricultural organization form and mode of production not compatible with it, block up of agricultural progress and development. Mode of production in agriculture fundamental change be imperative, the basic way is to realize from the household contract responsibility system based on the household system to modern farm system transformation.This paper consists of ten chapters1. Introduction. Analysis of the background, purpose and significance of research, domestic and foreign research present situation and deficiencies, further in this direction of research is research prospect and imagination.2. China’s farm and agricultural management system history. This chapter to the reform and opening up as a dividing line, mainly analyzed before the reform and opening up and after the reform and opening up farm and agricultural management system and its performance, focusing on the90’s later appeared on the innovation of the double management system and practice of analysis and interpretation. 3.The current situation of our country agriculture and problem. This chapter shows the main agricultural characteristics, including quasi public product characteristics, exterior factor, omnibus, weak qualitative sex, analysed agriculture at present mainly at the root of the problem is farmer system backward.4.The construction of modern farm system of the general theoretical analysis. This chapter focuses on the concept and characteristics of modern farm system is analyzed, from the economic environment, two yuan structure, solve agriculture to many contradictions and perfecting contract management aspects to carry on the analysis, the construction of modern farm system basis, the final analysis of modern farming system realization mode.5.Development of farm to make reference to the international experience. This chapter analyzes the abroad development path of the farm system and the supporting policies. Choose the United States, France and Japan and other countries four as samples, and the useful experience and enlightenment.6. Our farm management case analysis. This chapter analyzes the development of domestic farm is made more successful practice areas. Mainly selected Chongqing kylin village and Shandong Shouguang City regions as the research object, and sums up the developing farm type to manage the successful experience and the existing problems.7. Our farm is form of implementation of system comparative analysis. This chapter put agriculture microcosmic organization form is divided into" farmer+professional organizations"," company+farmer" mode, community collaboration organization, joint-stock cooperative enterprises and other types of four, through the structural dimension, correlation dimension, form of organization effectiveness were compared analysis.8. The construction of modern Chinese farm system of the overall train of thought. This chapter in the section above on the basis of the analysis, the construction of China’s farm system put forward to achieve the goal, the principle that should follow, advance step, put forward from land management scale, scale of operation in the whole industry chain integration construction of modern farm business management.9. The construction of modern Chinese farming system development of fiscal policy. This chapter is in the last chapter, on the basis of the study, analysis of the traditional fiscal policy supporting agriculture basic status and problems, and put forward the improvement measures of fiscal expenditure policy; research put forward our country finance should be the modern farm system under the condition of agricultural enterprises to invest in shares, change of financial capital to finance capital, focusing on equity investment farm system characteristic agriculture project; research of policy finance and financial relation, put forward the policy of financial support for construction of modern farm investment scope.10. Construction of China’s farm to make other policy coordination. This chapter mainly research contents of constructing our country’s farm system with other policies include, clear orientation of government function, deepen agricultural reform of the administrative system, perfect produce market system, accelerate reform of census register system.


