

The Research of Enterprise Differentiation Competitive Strategy Based on Value Network

【作者】 彭永昌

【导师】 胡大立;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 管理理论与企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代以来,在科技革命尤其是网络技术的推动下,企业间的经济交往与合作日益频繁和深入,各种管理模式蜂拥而出:核心竞争力,业务流程再造,供应链管理,价值链管理等等。通过这些新的管理模式的运用,为企业带来了活力和动力。然而,单一企业难以满足顾客多样化的需求,同时,企业分工进一步深化,从最初的产业间分工发展到产业内分工,再到价值网的生产方式,分工日益表现为同一产品内部不同工序、不同要素密集度、不同价值增值的各个环节间的分工。企业之间的竞争也从最初的价格竞争转变成非价格竞争,从对抗转变成双赢,从规模生产演变成大规模定制,从价值链演变成价值网。价值网是一种价值生成、分配、转移和使用的网状结构,由利益相关者之间相互影响而形成,对现代企业的经营方式、价值增值方式和组织结构等产生深远影响。根据迈克尔·波特的竞争理论,企业的的竞争战略包括差异化、成本领先、目标集聚这三种基本竞争战略,企业通过实施这三种基本战略获取竞争优势,其中目标集聚战略主要是针对某一特定的细分市场实施差异化或成本领先战略,因而这三种基本竞争战略实际可以概括为成本领先战略和差异化战略。通常认为低成本与差异化无法共存,但随着价值网的出现,新的制造技术和互联网的使用,改进了差异化与成本之间的关系。在价值网条件下,两者可以共存,企业通过优势互补充分降低其成本。因此,探讨价值网下的企业竞争战略就变成了探讨价值网条件下的差异化竞争战略。本文正是基于这种情况,从理论和实践的角度对价值网差异化战略的实施进行了系统的研究,旨在回答三个问题:(1)基于价值网的差异化战略是由什么构成的?(2)基于价值网的差异化战略如何实施,方法是什么?(3)如何保持价值网的差异化竞争优势?根据迈克尔·波特提出的价值链理论,企业实施差异化的路径是多样的,价值链上的辅助活动和基本活动都可以成为企业差异化构建的战略途径。同样,基于顾客价值链的角度,产品的有形价值属性和无形价值属性都可以成为价值网企业构建差异化战略的途径。有形差异化包括产品差异化,渠道差异化,服务差异化,无形差异化是指品牌差异化。但是,随着信息技术的发展,产业边界的融合,每个企业的价值创造活动不再单纯局限于自身所处价值链,而是延伸到其他价值链上,不同产业以价值链关系为基础演变出了价值网。此时,从单个企业或者单个价值链的角度已经难以理解差异化,价值链的差异化演变为价值网的差异化。价值网以顾客为核心,其差异化来源于顾客需求的异质性,而价值网上的每一项活动都可以成为实施差异化的途径。因此,本文基于差异化的顾客价值链,将其与价值网结合,形成基于价值网视角下的企业差异化战略。通过有形价值属性和无形价值属性构建基于价值网的差异化战略,有形差异化是指产品差异化,渠道差异化,服务差异化;无形差异化是指品牌差异化。产品差异化、渠道差异化、服务差异化、品牌差异化都以顾客价值网为基础,通过先进的信息技术将网内的信息和知识共享,充分利用彼此的优势进行资源互补,共同满足顾客差异化的需求。价值网差异化是一项系统工程,来源于价值网的各个环节,是产品,品牌,渠道,服务等四位一体化的,价值网上所有结点成员之间通过信息和资源共享,共同分享市场,共同承担经营风险与经营成本,各自选取能发挥自己最大比较优势的环节携手合作。其核心都是通过价值网提供给顾客具有独特价值的产品,最终根据消费者的差异性需求,由差异化的价值链或价值网去支持和满足。随着信息技术的发展,进一步提高了企业之间协作的效率。价值网的差异化不仅需要内部的协调还需要价值网外网的协调。通过企业的内网和外网形成协同匹配的差异化,进而形成企业的核心竞争力,通过不断创新,持续这种差异化,保持自己的核心竞争力。本文通过对已有文献及案例进行研究,提出基于价值网企业差异化竞争战略的四个方面,确定了价值网差异化构建、实施中的许多重要部分,形成了价值网差异化竞争战略构建模型,这是一个具有“多重差异”、“协同匹配”、“循环创新”的差异化体系,这也正是本文的创新之处。通过构建产品差异化,服务差异化,渠道差异,品牌差异化,这四个网形成一个具有多重差异的竞争优势模型,而这四个网以满足顾客差异化的需求为基础,通过网内企业的数据集中、信息共享进行协同匹配,同时,外部变化的顾客需求,网内的优势互补使得整个价值网循环创新,使竞争对手无法模仿或难于模仿,获得持久性差异化竞争优势。本文采用理论与实际相结合、归纳与演绎相结合等研究方法,提出了基于价值网视角下的差异化战略的模型,并通过实际案例对其进行论证;论文沿着“提出问题——分析问题——解决问题”这样一条主线,初步探讨了“基于价值网的企业差异化竞争战略”构建的内容、方法、途径以及如何保持差异化,主要内容包括以下几个方面:(一)文献综述部分。随着外界环境及技术的变化,价值链已经无法满足企业的成长需要,价值网应运而生。目前,国内外学者对价值网的研究还没有形成一个完善的体系,主要集中在价值网的构建,价值网的形成机理,价值网的模块化。而差异化主要包括产品差异化,渠道差异化,服务差异化,品牌差异化。本文将价值网与差异化结合,使得价值网内的企业可以在价值网中实现优势互补,形成企业的核心竞争力。(二)构建一个具有多重差异、相互匹配、循环创新的差异化竞争优势模型。价值网模式下,企业各个流程模块化,不同的主体相互协作,实现整个流程互动,形成一种网状结构。在价值网中,企业差异化竞争优势模型由顾客需求差异、产品差异化、渠道差异化、服务差异化、品牌差异化互相协调形成多重差异化价值网,进而形成持续竞争优势。顾客差异化是核心,决定了其他四种差异化,而产品差异化、渠道差异化、服务差异化、品牌差异化由差异化的顾客需求为出发点,通过网内企业的分解组合形成不同的价值网,使得竞争对手难以模仿。(三)对四种差异化构建内容进行具体阐述。在构建了本文的基于价值网差异化企业竞争战略模型之后,对产品差异化,服务差异化,销售渠道差异,品牌差异化这四种差异化网的构建进行了具体阐述。价值网为产品差异化提供了一种全新的视角,由于技术创新及产品功能系列化产生了三种层次的差异化:核心产品差异化,形式产品差异化,附加产品差异化。产品差异化首先要对价值网内的企业内外结构进行分析,进行产品分解,再将分解产品进行模块化解构与重建,确立基于核心能力→核心产品→业务单元→最终产品的关键策略和产品竞争力导向最终产生差异化产品。渠道差异化将各个渠道模块化分解,依托于先进的电子商务平台,进行优势环节合成,构建反应敏捷的、扁平的价值网渠道。价值网渠道的重大变化之一是渠道功能的专业化裂变。服务差异化主要表现服务内容,服务形象等方面。通过顾客定制,高水准的管理,差异化的员工,减少视角风险来实现服务差异化。在价值网中,存在多个品牌,基于价值网的品牌差异化战略是指协调价值网内多品牌的关系,提升品牌竞争力,整合形成价值网企业区别于其他竞争对手的差异化品牌优势。(四)保持价值网的持续差异化优势。持续差异化优势的保持需要价值网四种差异化彼此相互匹配支持和强化,通过网络成员的自主创新、知识产权、特色管理、企业文化、信息化管理及网络成员间的协同创新、开放创新、共同管理、知识交换、共同进化、提高吸收能力等方式来促使价值网不断创新。同时,知识创新、信息优势、差异化、成本领先共同形成企业难以模仿的竞争壁垒。通过价值网的利益增值来稳固网络结构,通过价值网企业间的关系,资源共享及持续优化,网络化组织,价值增值形成价值网企业最大的核心竞争力。(五)案例。选取A企业为案例,对其在价值网条件如何实施差异化战略进行了系统的分析。A企业以顾客需求为中心,通过企业的内部价值网和企业的外部价值网,在产品、品牌、渠道、服务这四个方面实施差异化的竞争战略,进一步印证了前文差异化战略构建途径。

【Abstract】 Since the1980s, the impetus of the science and technology revolution especially network technology. Economical exchanges and cooperation between enterprises is increasingly frequent and in-depth, at the same time all kinds of management pattern were rising up:The core competitiveness, business process reengineering, supply chain management, value chain management. the use of the new management mode has brought vitality and energy for the enterprise, However, single enterprise is difficult to meet the needs of the customer diversification, At the same time, enterprises’division of labor is going deeper and deeper, From the initial industrial division of labor between development to intra-industry division of labor, mode of production to the value net, Division of labor perform as the same product within different processes, different intensity and the division of different values added step. Meanwhile the competition between the enterprises transform from the initial price competition into non-price competition, Shift from fight to win, From the scale production into mass customization from a value chain to a value network. Value network has a profound impact on value-added mode, modern enterprise management mode and organization structure. Value net is a kind of mesh structure which used to value generated transfer allocation and use and is formed by the interaction between stakeholders.According to Michael porter’s competitive theory, the enterprise’s the competitive advantage includes differentiation, cost leadership, target accumulation, Enterprise can gain competitive advantage through the correct implementation of the three basic competitive strategy, But centralization strategy focuses on specific market segments to carry out the strategy of cost leadership or differentiation, So the competitive strategy, in fact, can be summed up in two basic forms of cost leadership and differentiation. Generally, low cost and differentiation cannot coexist, but with the emergence of value network, a new manufacturing technology and the use of the Internet, improved the relationship between the differentiation and cost. Under the condition of value network, both can coexist, the enterprise can fully reduce its cost through the complementary advantages. Therefore, discussing the enterprise competition strategy under the network condition becomes discussing network under the condition of differentiation competitive strategy. This paper is based on this kind of situation, systematically studied the implementation of value network differentiation strategy from the Angle of theory and practice, and Aims to answer three questions (1)What made of the differentiation strategy based on value net?(2) How to implement the value network differentiation strategy, the method is?(3) How to keep the difference of the value net competitive advantage?According to porter’s theory of value chain, the enterprise’s path of implementing differentiation is diversiform, auxiliary and basic activities on the value chain can be the strategic way for the enterprise to build the differentiation. Also, based on the perspective of customer value chain, the tangible and intangible value of the product can be the ways for those value network-enterprises to build differentiation strategy. Tangible differentiation including product differentiation, channels differentiation, service differentiation, and intangible differentiation refers to the brand differentiation. However, with the development of information technology, the fusion of industry boundaries, all the enterprises’value creation activities are no longer merely confined to their value chain, but extend to other value chain, Different industries based on the value chain relations evolved out of the value net. At this point, from the perspective of a single enterprise or a single value chain is difficult to understand differentiation; differentiations of the value chain become the differentiation of the value network. Value network believes consumers are the core, its differentiation comes from the heterogeneity of the customer requirements, and every activity on the value network can become the ways to implement differentiation. Therefore, this article is based on differentiation of customer value chain, and combines with the value network, formed under the perspective of enterprise differentiation strategy based on the value net. Build differentiation strategy based on value net through the tangible and intangible value properties, tangible differentiation refers to product differentiation, channel differentiation and service differentiation. Intangible differentiation refers to the brand differentiation, and within which customer value is the core. Product differentiation channel differentiation service differentiation brand differentiation is based on customer value network. Sharing the information and knowledge within the network Through the use of advanced information technology, make full use of each other’s advantages in resources complementary, joint meet the needs of customer differentiation. Value network differentiation is a systematic project, which is derived from the each link of the value network; it’s a product, brand, channel and service as a whole. All the members of all nodes choose the links where their can play their comparative advantages and work hand in hand, through the sharing of information, resource,market, business risk and operating costs. Its core is providing customers products with unique value through the value network; finally, the differentiation of consumers’demands are supported and satisfied by the differentiation of the value chain or value network. With the development of information technology, the efficiency of the collaboration between enterprises has been improved a lot. The differentiation of the value network requires not only the internal coordination but also the net-coordination outside the value network. Form the differentiation of coordinated matching through the enterprise internal network and external network, and then form the enterprise’s core competitiveness and continually keep the differentiation and the core competitiveness through constant innovation.Based on the existing literature and case studies, this thesis presented four aspect on differentiation strategy of value web enterprise, confirmed many important parts of the value web in differentiation construct and implement process, built the model of differentiation strategy through its "multiple difference","synergy match","cycle innovation" system what is the innovation of this paper. By building product differentiation, service differentiation, differences in sales channels, brand differentiation, these four networks with multiple differences in the formation of a competitive advantage model. These four networks meet the demand from all kinds of customers.through centralized data,sharing information for collaborative match from enterprise which use the same network, Meanwhile external changes of customer needs, strengths within the network makes the entire value network cycle innovation, so competitors can not or difficult to imitate, to obtain persistent competitive differentiation.In this thesis, the combination of theory and practice, the combination of inductive and deductive research methods are proposed to be based on the value of net Perspective differentiation strategy models and demonstrate them through actual cases. This thesis is based on the method of "Ask a question-analysis of the problem-to solve the problem ". Preliminary study of the" value-based enterprise network differentiation strategy" to build the content, methods, approaches and how to maintain differentiation, the main contents include the following aspects:(A) Literature review section. With the changes and building in the external environment and technology, value network formation mechanism, the value of the network modularity. The difference mainly include product differentiation, channel differentiation, service differentiation, brand differentiation. This article will combine Value Network and differentiation, making the value of the net value of the enteiprise network can achieve complementary advantages, the formation of the company’s core competitiveness.(B) Building a cycle innovation competitive advantage model which matched multiple differences. In the Network mode, the entire process modularity, the subject of different value chain collaborates to achieve the whole process of interaction patterns, become a network structure. In value net, differentiated competitive advantage model constitute by different customer demand, product differentiation, channel differentiation and service differentiation, brand differentiation.Differentiation customers demand is the core, and determines the other four kinds of differentiation. Differentiation of customer demand is the starting point of product differentiation, channel differentiation,service differentiation, brand differentiation.Through the network decomposition form different value network, makes it hard for competitors to imitate.(C) construction of the four differentiated content specifically addressedIn this paper, based on constructed value network differentiated competitive strategy model, product differentiation, service differentiation, differences in sales channels, brand differentiation, differentiation of these four networks were constructed specifically addressed.Value net of product differentiation provides a new perspective, due to technological innovation and product feature series produced differentiated three levels:the core product differentiation, in the form of product differentiation, additional product differentiation.Product differentiation must first value outside the enterprise within the network structure analysis, product decomposition and then modular decomposition products deconstruction and reconstruction, establishing core products based on core competence→key strategies→business units→final product and product competition force directed ultimately produce differentiated products.Differentiated channel modular decomposition of the various channels, relying on advanced e-commerce platform for superiority link synthesis, building responsive, flat value network channels.Significant changes in the value of one network channel is the channel function specialization fission.Service differentiation mainly service content, channels, services and other aspects of the image.Customers through customized, high-level management, differentiated employees, reducing the risk perspective to achieve service differentiation.In the value network, there are multiple brands, value-based network of brand differentiation strategy refers to the value of coordination within the network of multi-brand relationships and enhance brand competitiveness, the formation of value network integration business from other competitors, brand differentiation(D) Keep the differentiation advantage of the value net. The maintaining of the continuous differentiation advantage requires the compatibility, supporting and reinforcement of the four types of differentiation. The innovation of the value net can be achieved by independent innovation, intellectual property management, company culture management of different net members and by the inter-innovation, collective management, knowledge exchange and jointly progressing. Meanwhile, knowledge innovation, information advantage, differentiation, and cost leadership will form the competitive barrier that’s hard to imitate. The core competence could be achieved by strengthening of the net structure through value accruement and sharing resources.(E) Case. Company A has been selected as an example. Based on A and under the condition of the value net, a systematic analysis was focused on the differentiation strategy. A is consumer-need orientated. The differentiation strategy was implemented through the internal value chain and the external counterpart in terms of product, brand, channel, and service, which further proved the approaches to establish the differentiation strategy.

  • 【分类号】F271;F274
  • 【下载频次】893

