

Co-opetiton Behavior between Enterprises in Industry Park Based on Network Perspective

【作者】 谢品

【导师】 李良智;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 管理理论与企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 作为我国发展产业集群的重要载体形式,工业园区的发展为推动我国经济社会发展起到了巨大的作用。同时,工业园区也是园区内部企业的重要组织形式,园区内部企业经济效益的好坏与否会直接影响到园区经济的发展。园区内部企业之间的竞合行为是影响工业园区竞争绩效的重要变量,同时,产业集群内部企业之间的竞合关系是集群文化的重要组成部分。要促进产业集群的持续健康发展,就必须构建产业集群主体之间的和谐的竞合关系。工业园区是产业集群的最主要的载体,工业园区和产业集群之间存在着相互作用的关系,并且产业集群同时也是推动工业园区持续发展的必然选择。当前,工业园区经济已经成为了促进我国区域经济发展中最具潜力和最具活力的增长极,我国对工业园区的建设正在如火如荼的进行着。但是在我国的一些地区,工业园区长期的粗放式的经营造成了工业园区产业配套的脱节,同时也带来了园区内部企业的内部生产成本和外部交易成本的提高,从而使得工业园区内整体的集聚效应不强,工业园区内部企业的竞争优势也在逐渐丧失。产业集群具有极大的竞争力和创新优势,因此应用产业集群理论来知道工业园区的发展和建设,会使工业园区在区域经济发展中发挥更大的作用。作为企业空间组织的一种特殊形态,产业集群在全球范围内的经济体系中表现出了非凡的活力。我国作为发展中国家,产业集群在我国的起步较晚,在改革开放和市场经济发展大潮之下才催生了我国的产业集群。虽然产业集群在我国的发展时间不长,但是这种特殊的企业空间组织形态的发展对我国的经济发展,尤其是我国的区域经济发展所做出的贡献是毋庸置疑的。在经济全球化的背景下,由于产业集群的强劲发展,使得世界各国对于产业集群的关注越来越多。产业集群是一个复杂的动态网络系统,是大量相关企业、辅助机构在细化分工的基础上进行地理集中的生产协作系统,具有经济属性特征,同时集群又嵌入本地经济行动者构成的关系网络以及区域规范、习惯之中,具有社会属性,产业集群本身也是一个知识和信息网络。因此,集群网络是一个耦合网络,产业集群网络就应该是生产分工网络、社会关系网络和知识信息网络的耦合网络。集群网络结构也应该是一个多维结构的耦合。作为一个复杂网络系统的企业集群,其网络结构具有生产力功能,决定着集群的行为,影响集群知识系统配置和运行效率,进一步构成了集群动态能力的核心要素。集群的网络结构不是一个静态的概念,它既是集群要素之间动态博弈的过程,也是集群与外部环境的互动过程。产业集群的发展是一个内部网络结构逐步优化的过程。竞合关系是产业集群这一网络组织稳定存在发展的基点和动力。企业的空间聚集为产业集群中的企业带来了外部经济、区域创新机制、区域营销效应、降低生产成本等多方面的竞争优势。研究产业集群内部企业之间竞合行为,对于集群内企业的发展,以及产业集群自身的发展都有着及其重要的意义。本文对我国园区内部企业之间的竞合行为及其影响因素进行了分析,并以建立博弈模型以及案例分析的方法提出了我国园区经济发展存在的问题及其对于企业竞合行为的影响,最后,在前述研究的基础上对集群内企业竞合行为主要问题提出了治理措施的对策建议。本文所致力于说明和解决的问题有三个:(1)园区经济与产业集群之间的关系;(2)产业集群网络结构的不同形成模式对园区内部企业之间的竞合关系的影响;(4)针对我国园区产业集群网络结构的发展现状与该现状下企业的竞合关系提出切实的建议。具体来讲,本文的内容共分为八个部分,分别是:一、前言。介绍了本文的研究背景、研究意义、研究方法、研究的主要内容及创新之处。文章的研究方法有文献研究法、历史比较分析法、定性分析法以及案例分析法。本文的创新之处在于基于园区产业集群的视角来对企业间的竞合行为进行研究,采取案例分析的方法,找出影响园区中小企业竞合行为的关键因素。二、研究综述。本部分对国内外产业集群、园区经济、园区集群网络结构、企业竞合关系以及集群网络结构与企业竞合关系的相关研究进行了概述,并进-步对这些相关研究进行了评述。三、园区内集群企业的竞合分析。本部分论述了我国园区经济的发展概况,主要对我国园区经济、产业集群以及园区经济中产业集群的发展情况进行了分析,提出了园区集群企业的竞合动机和竞合优势。园区集群企业的竞合优势包括网络组织优势、社会资本优势、学习创新优势以及协同效应优势。四、园区集群企业的竞合博弈模型。本部分以企业的技术外溢为例,建立了园区企业群聚的动力模型,并且分别以园区内企业集群的形式、纵向产业集群形式以及横向产业集群形式为对比,采用建立博弈模型的方式分析了不同集群形式下企业竞合行为的不同。五、案例分析。本章以星火有机硅工业园区的基本情况与发展现状为例,分析了星火有机硅工业园区内企业间的网络结构以及企业间的竞合行为,并提出了该工业园区发展中出现的问题以及这些问题带给我们的启示。六、我国园区存在的问题及其对企业竞合行为的影响。本部分根据前面对星火有机硅工业园区,分析并总结了我国园区经济发展中存在的问题,并分析了这些问题所带来的对园区内部企业之间竞合行为的影响,这些影响因素包括:园区网络结构的单一性、集群集聚优势不强、园区创新能力不足以及服务支撑体系不足等。七、对集群内企业竞合行为主要问题的治理措施。本部分根据文章前面的研究,提出了对集群内企业竞合行为主要问题的治理措施,这些治理措施包括塑造合作导向的集群文化、限制机会主义等投机行为、积极发挥政府以及中介组织的作用、改善园区的工作环境等。八、研究的结论与展望。本部分对论文主要内容作了简要的概括总结,指出了研究的局限,并且从理论和实践两个方面对研究的展望进行了论述。

【Abstract】 Industrial park plays a huge role in promoting China’s economic and social development as an important carrier of the development of industrial cluster. Park enterprises as an important organizational form of the park economy, the economic benefit is good or bad will directly affect the park economic development. Enterprise competition and cooperation behavior is an important variable determining the performance of industrial cluster competition, enterprise competition and cooperation relations is an important part of the cluster culture. To build harmonious competition relationship among subjects, the industrial cluster is the inevitable requirement of promoting sustainable and healthy development of industrial cluster. There is interaction between industrial park and industrial cluster, the relationship between industrial park is the main carrier of industrial cluster formation, meanwhile industrial cluster is the inevitable choice to promote the development of industrial park. The current our country’s industrial park construction is in full swing, the economy has become the regional economic development of our country the most potential and vitality of growth pole.But in our country, some parts of the industrial park of long-term extensive management caused the disconnection between industrial park industrial supporting, also has brought the park inside the enterprise internal and external transaction cost increase production cost, so as to make the overall accumulation effect is not strong in the park, the park enterprise competitive advantage is gradually lost. Industrial cluster has a great advantage competitiveness and innovation, so the application of the theory of industrial cluster to learn about the development and construction of industrial park, can make the industrial park to play a bigger role in regional economic development. As a special form of enterprise space organization, industry cluster in the global economy showed extraordinary vitality. In China as a developing country, the industrial cluster in our country starts late, under the tide of reform and opening-up and development of market economy has given rise to industrial cluster in our country. While the development of industrial cluster in our country the time is not long, but this kind of special enterprise spatial organization form of the development of our country’s economic development, especially the contribution of regional economic development in our country is beyond doubt. Under the background of economic globalization, due to the strong development of industrial cluster, make the attention of industry cluster in different countries of the world more and more.Industrial cluster is a complex dynamic network system, is a large number of related businesses, auxiliary institutions on the basis of the detailed division of labor in geographical concentration of manufacturing cooperation system, with economic attribute characteristics, at the same time, the cluster actors constitute the relationship between the network and embedded into the local economy and regional norms, habits, has social attribute, the industry cluster itself is a knowledge and information network. Therefore, the cluster network is a network of coupling, industrial cluster network should be the production division of labor, social relation network and information network of the coupling network. The cluster network structure also should be a multidimensional structure of coupling. As a complex network system of enterprise cluster, the network structure of productive function, determines the behavior of clusters, cluster knowledge system configuration and operation efficiency and further constitutes the core elements of cluster dynamic capabilities. The cluster network structure is not a static concept; it is the process of dynamic game between cluster elements, cluster and the external environment of interactive process. The development of industrial cluster is an internal network structure optimization of the process of step by step. Co-opetition relationships is a network of industrial cluster organization stable in the basis of development and motivation.Enterprise space gathered for the enterprises in industrial cluster are external economic, regional innovation system, regional marketing effect, reduce the production cost and other aspects of competitive advantage. Research of industrial cluster internal competition between the enterprises behavior, for the development of the enterprises in the cluster, and the development of industrial clusters has and its important meaning. Inside the park in this paper, the our country enterprise the competition between the behavior and its influencing factors are analyzed, and to establish a game model and the method of case analysis puts forward the problem of zone economy development in our country and its influence on enterprise competition behavior, and finally, on the basis of the study of cluster enterprise competition behavior main problems in the governance measures are put forward countermeasures and Suggestions. This article dedicated to explain and solve problems has three:(1) zone and the relationship between the industrial cluster;(2) the network structure of different industrial cluster formation mode and internal corporate co-opetition relationships between the garden;(4) based on the current situation of the development of Chinese industrial park industry cluster network structure and the competition relationship between enterprises under the current situation of practical advice. In particular, the content of this article is divided into eight parts, respectively is:One, the preface. This article are introduced the research background, research significance, research methods, main content and the innovation place. The article research methods are literature method, history, comparative analysis, qualitative analysis and case analysis. The innovation of this article is based on the perspective of industrial clusters to the enterprise the competition between the behavior study, adopt case analysis method, find out the key factors influencing the industrial park of small and medium-sized enterprise competition behavior.Second, the research reviewed in this paper. This part of domestic and foreign industrial clusters, the park economy, its cluster network structure, the relationship between the enterprise competition and cluster network structure and the enterprise competition relations related research were summarized, and further to the related research are reviewed.Third, the park enterprise cluster analysis of the competition. This section discusses the park economy development situation in our country, mainly to our country park economy, industrial cluster and its economy in the development of industry cluster are analyzed, and puts forward the park cluster enterprise competition motivation and competition advantage. Park competition advantages of cluster enterprise including network organization, social capital, learning, innovation and synergistic effect.Four, the cluster enterprise competition game model. This part in enterprise’s technological spillover, for example, the establishment of a logistics enterprise cluster dynamics model, and separately in the form of enterprise clusters in the park, longitudinal form industrial cluster, and lateral form of industrial cluster as the contrast, with the method of establish a game model is analyzed under different forms of cluster enterprise competition behavior.Five, the case analysis. This chapter to spark basic situation and the development status of organic silicon industrial park as an example, analyzed the spark between silicone industrial park enterprise network structure and the competition between enterprise behavior, and puts forward the problems appeared in the development of the industrial park, and these problems bring us enlightenment.Six, the problem of park in our country and its influence to the enterprise competition behavior. This part according to the former in the face of the spark silicone industrial park, analyzes and sums up the problems that exist in the park in our country economic development, and analyzes the problems brought about by the impact of park internal competition between the enterprises behaviors, these factors include:the campus network structure of the oneness, cluster agglomeration advantage is not strong, lack of innovation and service supporting system, etc.Seven, the main problem for enterprises in the cluster competition behavior of governance measures. This part, according to research this article puts forward the main problems for enterprises in the cluster competition behavior control measures, these measures include shape cultural cooperation oriented clusters, such as limited opportunism speculation, active play to the role of the government and intermediary organizations, improve the work environment of the park, etc.Eight, the research conclusion and prospect. This part of the main content of paper makes a brief summarization, points out the limitations of the study and from the two aspects of theory and practice research prospect are discussed.


