

Research on Formation Mechanism of the Value Network’s Competitive Advantages

【作者】 袁青燕

【导师】 胡大立;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 管理理论与企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 进入21世纪,随着世界经济—体化步伐加快,企业经营日益国际化、顾客需求的不断增加、国际互联网的冲击及产品生命周期的缩短,使得企业发展面临新的经济形态的考验,必然带来价值创造方式的变化。企业价值的创造不仅取决于企业自身的努力,也取决于其与上下游企业和客户的关系,在这种背景下价值网理论应运而生,并以其独特的价值创造方式成为战略管理领域研究的热点。虽然近年来有关价值网研究的创新点不断涌现,但研究的系统性、深入性及实践应用性都还不够,无论是作为—种新的管理理论还是战略管理工具,价值网的理论研究体系仍有待于完善。尤其是价值网的价值创造及竞争优势机理的研究方面,虽然国内外学者从不同的角度进行了探讨,但在研究的深度、系统性和可操作性上还远远不够,缺乏有说服力的解释。对价值网的价值创造和竞争优势形成机理研究,有利于解释价值网成为新型战略模式的原因,丰富该领域的研究。本研究从价值网的演进逻辑和形成动因出发,采取总-分-总的研究思路,首先采用层次分析法对价值网竞争优势的构成要素进行了分类,进而系统分析了价值网竞争优势的形成过程。第四章至第八章基于层次分析结果,从价值网竞争优势的构成要素出发,具体分析价值网竞争优势的形成机理。最后,以自组织理论、协同机制理论为基础,对不同竞争优势构成要素之间的协同机制进行分析,研究价值网不同竞争优势来源如何通过协同机制来获取竞争优势。在结论部分,对研究成果进行总结,对研究的不足及今后的研究方向进行展望。价值网由多个节点组成,本文主要是研究核心企业的竞争优势,研究的是制造型企业。本文的研究结论如下:(1)价值网竞争优势主要有五大来源,十个方面。为了厘清不同构成因素在价值网竞争优势中的重要性程度,本研究引入层次分析法对主要构成因素的重要性进行评价。根据专家意见,取权重大于O.20的因素为价值网竞争优势的最重要的构成因素,确定的因素共有十个,通过聚类分析将十个最重要的构成因素分为五大类,即分工与柔性生产、竞争与合作、资源有效配置及资源共享、知识流动与技术创新、利益相关者战略与顾客忠诚。(2)价值网分工与柔性生产是企业价值网竞争优势的来源之一,是价值网竞争优势形成的基础。价值网的本质,是在专业化分工的生产服务模式中,在相应的治理框架下通过一定的价值传递机制,由价值链上的企业及其利益相关者组合在一块,帮助成员企业实现战略目标,并为顾客创造价值。价值网分工是一种以顾客价值为导向的经济行为,推动网络组织内部的“企业基因重组.为价值网采用大规模定制生产方式奠定了基础,推动了网络组织内部市场的形成,有利于组织网络保持竞争活力,从而增强竞争优势。同时,价值网是一个柔性体系,在价值网中,柔性生产能够通过经营链低成本和差异化的兼顾、经营链的快速反应与速度经济优势、及柔性化的组织结构与柔性管理等方面,使客户资源网、企业内部网和供应合作网的合作更加紧密,帮助价值网企业确立竞争优势。(3)竞争与合作是价值网获取和保持竞争优势的重要保证。价值网中企业与企业间的基本关系就是竞争与合作关系,企业价值网络既是合作型组织也是竞争型组织,价值的创造是由成员企业之间的竞争与合作共同完成的,成员企业创造价值的能力藉由有效的竞争得到切实提升,而成员企业的能力转化为价值网络的竞争优势则是依靠成员企业的合作来实现的,从而最大限度地、更好地创造和实现顾客价值。价值网络中的竞争与合作的战略目标就是创造竞争优势,通过合作寻找机遇,通过竞争保持活力,有效的合作战略将使企业价值网络能够充分发挥每一位成员企业的潜力、知识和经验。(4)资源有效配置及资源共享是促进价值网竞争优势形成的重要动力。企业价值网是一组资源的组合,其并非是单一存在的,不同资源及组织间具有资源结构的差异和资源的互补性,实现1+1>2效应的前提就是具有互补性关系的资源能够有效组合在一起。成员企业通过关系网络实现了资源配置方式的“握手”,有助于培养价值网的竞争优势。此外,价值网竞争优势的获取实际上是成员企业跨组织进行资源共享的结果,其涵盖了能力、知识及信息等多方面,资源共享是价值网竞争优势的根本来源,也是价值网创造价值的根本途径。(5)价值网络中的知识流动与技术创新是一个相互作用、互相影响的动态过程,成员企业通过网络组织内部的知识流动实现了知识的充分共享,能降低获取知识与技能的获取成本,同时有助于网络组织的创新,提高生产效率。价值网是一种技术创新的合作网络,共享互补资源、促进知识整合、推动组织学习、鼓励技术创新、构建竞争优势是其形成的重要动因。知识唯有流动和整合才能构成组织的核心能力,这种流动和整合创造出新的知识,并为技术创新提供了必备要素和动力。价值网为知识流动和技术创新提供了平台,知识流动、知识整合和技术创新能够增强价值网的知识吸收和创新能力,强化网络竞争优势。(6)利益相关者战略与顾客忠诚是价值网竞争优势形成的重要推动力。企业价值网络是实现利益相关者价值的途径,利益相关者的价值增值过程离不开价值网这一特殊环境,是在与企业传递价值过程中发生的,往往是通过一个或几个价值增值环节进行价值传递而实现的。关系营销的核心就是成员企业与顾客之间的关系问题,其最终目的是培养顾客忠诚,通过与顾客建立、维护和强化(包括中止)这种关系来向顾客提供高质量、高价值的产品或服务,在提高顾客满意和塑造顾客忠诚进而获得竞争优势的实践中,扮演着十分重要的角色。(7)价值网竞争优势是多种竞争优势构成要素在协同机制下共同促成的,价值网络内部不同竞争优势构成要素的协同机制依竞争优势来源的不同其构成可划分为资源配置与共享协同机制、竞争与合作协同机制、分工与柔性生产协同机制、知识流动与技术创新协同机制、利益相关者战略与顾客忠诚协同机制。基于系统的视角来描述价值网络系统的协同机制,其本身就具有系统层次的复杂性,并且价值网的协同机制因竞争优势的构成要素不同也由不同维度的协同机制构成,单个维度的协同机制其本身也作为复杂的系统,与组织网络内部各竞争优势构成要素相互作用、互相影响,同时通过自组织的非线性作用推动价值网络获取竞争优势。本研究的创新点主要有三个方面:(1)研究角度的拓展。当今经济发展中的两大资源是企业组织的能力要素和企业的关系要素——顾客,本文不仅从能力要素视角,也从顾客关系建立和维系角度来研究价值网竞争优势的形成机理,丰富了该领域的研究。同时,将市场营销理论融入到研究中,运用关系营销理论分析价值网竞争优势来源,拓宽了价值网研究的视角。基于关系营销的价值网是通过正确处理企业与顾客、竞争者、供应商、分销商及其它利益相关者之间关系,共同创造顾客价值、满足顾客需要,进而获得顾客忠诚,从而获得企业制胜的关键要素——顾客。(2)基于层次分析法和聚类分析,从复杂的影响因素中遴选出对价值网竞争优势影响较大的要素。企业价值网竞争优势是由诸多因素共同制约的,不同因素在价值网竞争优势形成过程中的影响程度不一,本文通过文献挖掘遴选出了一些主要的竞争优势影响因素,基于层次分析法将价值网竞争优势的不同影响因素置于其载体中进行研究,总结出主要的10种影响因素并实现了科学分类,使研究结果更加易于操作,这在研究方法上具有一定的创新性。(3)分析价值网中不同竞争优势影响因素形成竞争优势的内生机理及协同机制。本课题以自组织理论、协同机制理论为基础,通过构建价值网的序参量演化方程,对价值网协同机制生成的自组织演化机理进行了深入分析。这将拓展现有的基于不同竞争优势来源的价值网竞争优势内生机理的研究,并进而影响形成机制、实现路径和政策体系,这在研究内容上具有一定创新性。

【Abstract】 In the21st century, with the rapid development of the global economy integration, enterprise manage has become increasingly internationalized, customer demand is increasing, internet shock and the product lifetime to be shortened, which makes enterprises are facing economic structure transformation. It will, of course, bring changes of creating value ways. Enterprise value creation depends not only on.their own efforts, but also depends on its upstream and downstream business and customer relationships. Undown this background, the Value Network theory sprouted, and it becomes a research hotspot in the field of strategic management owing to its unique way of value creation. In recent years, the research about the Value Network innovative points continues to emerge. However, researches which are systematic, in-depth and practical application are not adequate. Value Network, either as a new management theory or a strategic management tool, the theorical study of Value Network remains to be improved, particularly on the value creation and mechanism of competitive advantage. Although scholars in home and abroad have explored from different perspectives, the researches, which are in-depth, systematic and operability are not enough, lack of convincing explanation. Therefore, research on the value creation and formation mechanism of competitive advantage of the Value Network, is good for explanation the reasons of the Value Network has become the new strategic model, enrich research in this field.This research attempts to start from the logical evolution and formation causes of the Value Network, taking the resarech thinking of summary and division. Firstly, the analytic hierarchy process is used to classify the elements of the Value Network’s competitive advantage, and then, the formation process of the Value Network’s competitive advantage is analyzed. The formation mechanism of the Value Network’s competitive advantage is interpreted in the section from chapt4to chapt8, which based on the analytic hierarchy process results, from the elements of Value Network’s competitive advantage. At last, the research working and results are concluded. Meanwhile, the shortcomings and the direction of the future research are put forwarded. Value Network is composed of multiple nodes, this research mainly to study the core enterprises’competitive advantage, take the manufacturing enterprises as an example.Conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) The competitive advantages of Value Network come from five major sources which in ten areas. There are five major sources of Value Network’s competitive advantage, in ten areas, In order to clarify the importance of different constituent elements in the Value Network’s competitive advantage, the fuzzy AHP is introduced to evaluate the importance of major constituent elements. According to expert opinions, take the factors whose weight larger than0.2as the most important factors of the Value Network’s competitive advantage, there are10factors are confirmed. For researching convenience, we’ll divide10confirmed factors into five categories:labor division and flexible manufacturing, competition and cooperation, resources allocated efficiently and resources sharing, knowledge flowing and technological innovation, stakeholders’ strategy and customer loyalty.(2) Labor division and flexible manufacturing are the first source of Value Network’s competitive advantage, which is the basis of formation of Value Network’s competitive advantage. The essence of Value Network is firms combine with its stakeholders in the value chain through a certain value delivery mechanism to help member companies achieve strategic objectives, and to create value for its customers in specialization production and service mode and under the appropriate governance framework.The division of Value Network is a customer value-oriented economic behavior, which promotes "corporate gene" to reorganize within the networking organization, laies the foundation for the Value Network to adopt mass customization production mode, and promote the formation of internal market in the network organization, therefore it conducives to remain competitive vigor of network organization, and enhancing the competitive advantage. Meanwhile, the Value Network is a flexible system, in the Value Network, flexible manufacturing can juggle the low-cost and differentiation, obtains rapid response and speed economic advantage, as well as encompasses flexible organizational structure and flexible management, so that it makes customer resources network, internal network and supply collaboration network to cooperate tightly and help the enterprises to establish the competitive advantages in the Value Network.(3) Competition and cooperation is an important guarantee for the Value Network to obtain and keep the competitive advantages. The fundermental relationship among Value Network enterprises is the competition and cooperation, and Value Network is a collaborative organization as well as competitive organization, value creation is accomplished together by competition and cooperation-among member companies, member companies’ abilities of value-creation can be promoted by the effective competition. However, member companies’ abilities convert into the Value Network’s competitive advantage must be done by cooperation among member companies. Thus, to better create and manifesting the maximum customer value. The strategic objective of the competition and cooperation in Value Network is creating competitive advantages, looking for opportunities through cooperation, remaining vigorous through competition, the effective cooperative strategy will enable the Value Network to help every member company to exert the its potentiality knowledge and experience at large.(4) Resources allocated efficiently and resources sharing are an important mechanism to promote the formation of the Value Network’s competitive advantages. Enterprise Value Network is combination of a set of resources, it doesn’t exist alone. There are resource structure differences and complementarily among different resources and organizations, and the premise to achieve1+1>2effect is the complementarily resources can put together effectively. Member companies achieve the "handshake" of resource-allocated way by the relation network, which will help to develop Value Network’s competitive advantages. Moreover, the way to gain the competitive advantages of Value Network is the result of member companies to share resources transboundaryly, which covers the ability, knowledge and information and other aspects. Resource-sharing is a fundamental source of Value Network’s competitive advantage, as well as the basic way of the Value Network to create value.(5) Knowledge flowing and technological innovation in the Value Network is a dynamic process that interaction and mutual influence. Member companies realizes the resources sharing sufficiently by the knowledge flowing in the network organizations, which can reduce the cost of gaining the knowledge and skills, also can in favour of promoting innovation of the network organizations, so that to improve production efficiently. Value Network is a cooperative network of technological innovation, which shares complementarily resources, promotes knowledge integration, encourages technological innovation and builds competitive advantages are the important motivation for its formation. Only can the knowledge make up the organization core competition through flowing and integration, this flowing and integration can create new knowledge, which provides technological innovation with the necessary elements and motivation. Value Network provides a platform for knowledge flowing and technological innovation. Knowledge flowing, knowledge integration and technological innovation can enhance the Value Network’s knowledge absorption and innovative ability, so as to strengthen the network’s competitive advantages.(6) Stakeholders strategy and customer loyalty are an important driver to promote the Value Network to generate the competitive advantages. Value Network is the way to achieve stakeholder’s value, and stakeholder value-added process must not be seprated from this particular environment of Value Network, it happened in value deliver process of enterprises, often it achieves value through more than one or several value deliver procedures. The core of Customer Relationship Marketing is the relationship between enterprises and customers, its ultimate aim is to foster customer loyalty by the way of forming, maintaining and enhencing (include suspending) this relationship with customers to provide customers with higher quality, higher value-added products or serve. It plays an important role to improve customer satisfaction and cultivate customer loyalty so as to gain competitive advantages in the practice.(7) The value network’s competitive advantages are the various elements of competitive advantage that work together under the synergy mechanism. According to different competitive sources, the synergy mechanism of different competitive advantage elements of value network can be divided into resource allocated and sharing synergy mechanism, competition and cooperation synergy mechanism, knowleged flowing and technological innovation synergy mechanism and labor division and flexible manufacturing synergy mechanism, stakeholder strategy and customer-loyalty synergy mechanism. To describe the synergy mechanism of value network on the system perspective is complexity of systemic level. In addition, value network’s synergy mechanism is composed of different competitive advantage elements which varied from synergy mechanism dimensions. The single synergy mechanism as a complex system interacts with and multual influences on other competitive elements of organizational network, at the same time, it impetus to gain competitive advantage of value network through the nonlinear action of self-organizing.The innovative points of this research mainly include three aspects:(1) Expandsion of research perspective. Enterprise organizational competence and relationship-customers are the two major resources toward today’s economic development. However, the present research is focused on the analysis of value-creation mechanism of Value Network from the enterprise organizational competence factor. This research analyzes the value-creation mechanism of Value Network’s competitive advantages, not only from competence factors, but also from the perspective of customer relationship building and keeping. Therefore, it enriches the research in this field. Moreover, marketing concept is intergrated into this papaer. To analyze the source of Value Network’s competitive advantage by using relationship marketing theory, which is broaden research perspective of the value network. Value Network based on Customer Relationship Marketing deal with the relationship between enterprises, customers, competitors, suppliers, distributors and other stakeholders correctly, and it creats customer value with its stakeholders together, meets customer’s needs, and obtains customer loyalty so as to gain the key factor of business success-customer.(2)The analysis based on AHP and Cluster analysis. Pick out the larger factors impact on the competitive advantages of the value net from the complex factors. Enterprise value net competitive advantage is restricted by many factors, different factors varying degrees the competitive advantages of value network, In this paper, through the literature review and selected some key factors of affecting the competitive advantage, Summed up the10factors which affect the main and realize scientific classification, make the research results more easy to operate, it has certain innovation in research methods.(3) To set up analysis framework of synergy mechanism of the competitive advantage elements of Value Network. The self-organization evolution mechanism of the generation of Value Network’s synergy mechanism the based on self-organization theory and synergy mechanism theory is interpreted deeply, the control parameter of Value Network’s synergy mechanism is introduced to establish the evolution equation of Value Network’s order-parameter, the result is the synergy mechanism is important to Value Network’s self-organization evolution process by stability analysis of evolution equation.

  • 【分类号】F271;F274
  • 【下载频次】396

