

Study on Conceptions of Tea Culture Industry and Consumer Values Concerning Tea Culture Products

【作者】 申素熙

【导师】 梁月荣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 茶学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在自中国进入20世纪90年代以来,在经济的快速发展和政府的支持下,文化产业得以迅猛扩展,使中国的文化产业蕴藏巨大的发展潜力。茶文化产业是中国文化产业领域的分支,发展空间很大,但从产业发展阶段及研究情况来讲,仍处于初级阶段。消费是生产过程的最终目的,而消费者的购买是一切市场活动的中心问题。对茶文化产品消费行为的研究是不仅为茶文化产品开发及营销策略很重要,更对茶文化产业的发展十分必要。在对茶文化产品消费行为研究中,茶文化产品与茶文化本身的涵义和特征是分不开,茶文化产品是茶文化产业的主要构成要素,明确茶文化的内容和基本范畴,准确了解茶文化产品及茶文化产业的涵义和特征是探讨茶文化消费行为的首要问题。本研究从文化产业、茶文化资源及商品的认识分析人们对茶文化产品感知和信念形成的过程。首先,在文化与茶文化、文化产业、文化商品及文化资源的解析基础上,提出了茶文化产业、茶文化商品及茶文化资源的定义及特征。然后以手段目的链为理论基础,经由软式阶梯,分别对购买过名茶和熟悉茶馆、茶文化旅游等茶文化产品(服务)的30位消费者进行了深度访谈。通过本研究明确了茶文化产业的属性、结果和价值三层级因素,其中名茶共有30个因素(属性11个、结果11个、价值8个)、茶馆共有35个因素(属性14个、结果13个、价值8个)、茶文化旅游共有32个因素(属性13个、结果11个、价值8个)结果分析研究发现,无论名茶、茶馆或茶文化旅游商品,心情愉悦是消费者的共同追求。但是消费者希望通过购买这些茶文化商品得到愉悦,还看重利益比较多样性,从自然经过属性和结果实现最终价值的路径也比较多。另外,消费者在购买这些茶文化产品的时候,很重视商品价格也是共同点,购买符合预算的或者购买除了产品本身具有的属性外,还希望得到其它产品属性经济价值。本研究的研究成果可以为制定茶文化产品开发及营销策略提供参考,对今后茶文化产业理论研究、茶文化资源与茶文化产品属性及茶文化产品消费行为的研究提供重要的依据。

【Abstract】 In correspondence to the rapid economical growth and with the support of the government, the culture industry in China has shown an enormous expansion since the1990s and it bears a great potential for further development. The tea culture industry is a branch of China’s culture industry, which leaves much room for development. However, tea culture industry is considered to be at an initial stagewith regard to its industrial development and research situation.Consumption is the ultimate aim of the production process and the purchase power of consumersis the the core issue in all market activities. The research relating to the consumer behaviour of tea culture products will help to develop tea culture products and make marketing strategies, and it will play an essential role in theadvancement of the tea culture industry. The characteristics of tea culture products and the tea culture itself cannot be separated,i.e., the products of tea culture are main constituent of the tea culture industry and basic category of tea culture. A right understanding of tea culture products and characteristics of the tea culture industry is therefore a major issue in discussing consumer behavior in teaculture.Discussedthe conceptions of culture industry, resources and products of tea culture to reveal the factors relating to the perception and faith of tea culture products. Firstly, the study presented the definitions of tea culture industry, tea culture commodities and tea culture resources, and revealedthe characteristics relating to tea culture industry. Based on the theory of means-end chains (MEC) and by means of soft-laddering,we further discussed with30consumerswith close relating to famous-teas, tea houses and tea culture travel and classified the related factors at three levels, i.e., attributes, consequences and values.There were30factors for famous teas (11attributes,11consequences,8values),35factors for tea houses (14attributes,13consequences,8values) and32factors for tea culture travels (13attributes,11consequences,8values). On the basis of the structural... relations between these factors, a hierarchical value map (HVM) was proposed in this study.A pleasant mood was was the common target of consumers of famous teas, tea houses and tea culture travel products. Besides finding some delightness through purchasing the products of tea culture, the consumers sought extra diverse benefits such as comparative benefit to other buyings. There were many ways leading to the their final values. Moreover,the consumers paid attention to the price when purchasing these tea culture products. They perceived the economic value of the product, either when the purchasedproduct met their expectations or when a product possessedextra attributes of other products except the onesoriginally ascribed to it.The results of this study provide references for the further development of tea culture products and marketing strategies. In addition, I hope that the study will be of interesting for the theoretical research on tea culture industry, as well as for the research on tea culture resources and attributes of tea culture products, and also for the research on consumer behavior which is related to tea culture products in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】F274;TS971
  • 【下载频次】524

