

【作者】 崔凤军

【导师】 郁建兴;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 行政体制改革上承政治体制改革,下联经济体制、社会体制改革,在中国具有特别重要的意义。行政体制改革是否成功,在某种程度上决定着政治、经济、社会乃至文化体制改革的成果。行政体制甚至决定着国家的发展模式。但是,检视新中国成立以来的数次行政改革和政府机构改革,尤其是改革开放前和改革开放初期的行政体制改革,基本上延续了“体制内放权”这一范式,结果就是“一放就乱、一乱就收,一收就死,一死再放”,这一魔咒几乎成为一种定律。十二届全国人大一次会议关于国务院职能转变提出了“转移、下放、整合和强化”八字方针,为打破上述“魔咒”提出了一种新的方向。本文在对当代中国行政体制改革的历史阶段作出研判分析基础上,重点梳理了当代中国行政体制改革过程特征、主导逻辑和隐形逻辑,提出以“分权”范式替代“放权”范式,作为当前行政体制改革尤其是权力再配置的主要理论依据。本文致力于构建一个既符合国际行政体制改革总体趋势,又符合中国特色国情的分权理论范式——“中国式分权主义”。“中国式分权主义”是从政治、经济、财政、行政角度思考向社会、低层级政府以及市场下放权力的制度和思想体系,既包括上下级政府之间的财政分权等垂直行政分权,也包括政府与社会之间的社会管理领域的社会行政分权,还包括政府掌控的经济权力与市场权力之间的市场分权。论文从中提出了三维分权的具体理论范式。文章还指出了分权的顺序:先市场、后社会、最后是低层级政府。如果顺序颠倒,改革的效应就会大打折扣。基于理论框架中三维分权的理论范式,文章以三个具体案例分别进行阐述。首先,通过对中国产业政策的功能与定位阐述以及对中国产业政策的效果评估,来反思中国产业政策的过多过滥的异常现象和政府对经济的“管制偏好”。根据分权思维,把原本属于市场的权力归还给市场,原来以解决重复建设和产能过剩为目标和以提高准入门槛为手段的产业政策应当逐步退出,建立起以导向为主的而不是行政命令的产业组织政策。其次,文章把信访问题的产生与解决机制作为案例,分析政府向社会分权的重大意义。文章认为,当前信访问题产生的原因特别复杂、特别全面、特别典型(转型社会),但政府权力过大,对社会自我设计、自我发展的努力给予阻止是重要原因,我国尚未从社会管制转向社会治理。同时,从解决机制看,政府不敢放手社会自我完善、自我纠偏,“包打天下”的后果很严重。解救之道在于,改革现有的委托代理机制,向社会组织分权,向基层政府分权,向媒体分权,给社会各阶层、各组织以活力。再次,文章以“省管县”作为案例阐述纵向分权的特征、作用和意义。文章以浙江省为例,阐述和验证了“省管县”体制对区域经济的影响,有力证明“省管县”这一体制内的纵向分权给予了地方活力和动力。浙江的“省管县”实践证明了体制内放权具有现实性,解决央地关系的途径应当是分权而不是放权。解决省域的区域自治(地方自主),从法律层面界定央地之间的财权、事权和行政权的匹配,是中国式分权主义的重要内涵之一文章强调中国式分权是当前行政体制改革的出路,但并不否认部分集权和统筹协调在其中的正向作用。文章提出,在深化多维分权的同时,还应在关键点上进行集权或进行统筹协调:一是在坚持市场规律下向市场放权的同时,仍然坚持一定程度的宏观调控;二是在构建“小政府大社会”的同时,塑造一个能公平解决公共资源配置和国际事务的有权威的“强政府”;三是在权力由上向下分权的同时,协调地方政府之间的竞争与合作;四是基于分权的行政体制改革,需要以服务型政府构建为先导并以规范化和法制化加以保障。

【Abstract】 The administrative system reform undertakes the political system reform, and also undertakes the economy and social system reform. So it has the special significance in China. The success or failure of the administrative reform determines the achievements of political, economic, social and cultural system reform. The administrative system even determines the country’s development pattern. But after reviewing several administrative reform and government institutions reform since new China was founded, especially before and around "the Reform and Open", we find the administrative system reform basically maintains the paradigm of "deconcentration in system". The result is that "once delegating, it coming to be chaos, then getting back, but to be a deadlock, and going delegating again". And this spell has almost become a law. The12th a meeting of the National People’s Congress put forward the policy of transfer, decentralization, integration and strengthening on the State Council transformation functions, proposing a new direction to break the curse.Based on these reasons, this thesis uses the theory and method of politics, public administration and regional economy for references, focusing on building a decentralization theoretical paradigm in accordance with not only the international administrative reform trend but also the Chinese features which is the Chinese decentralization. The Chinese decentralization is the institution and ideological system decentralizing power to the society, lower levels of government and market from the point of politics, economy, finance and administration. It include the local decentralization such as fiscal decentralization between the above and the lower level government, social decentralization of the society management between the government and the society and market decentralization between the economic rights and market power controlled by the government. From the perspective of theoretical system, this thesis proposes specific theoretical paradigm of three-dimensional decentralized development oriented based on the concept.In order to stretch and test the feasibility of Chinese decentralization, this thesis mainly combs the characteristic, dominant logic and implicit logic of the process of Chinese contemporary administrative reform under the guidance of theoretical framework. Taking financial supervision system for instance, we illustrate the alienation phenomenon of market supervision, showing that the Chinese decentralization is the best way for administrative reform. The thesis elaborates concrete case respectively based on the theoretical paradigm of the three-dimensional separation of powers under the theoretical framework. First of all, this thesis reflects the abnormal phenomena of China industrial policy through the statement of the function and position and the effect appraisal of China industrial policy. Thereby we indicate the role and direction of horizontal separation of powers. That is, market power should be returned to the market, and the original industrial policy of raising market access requirements to solve the problem of reduplicate investment and excess production capacity should gradually exit, establishing the industrial organizational policy which should be the role of orientation rather than administrative order.In the second place, the immanent reasons why the petition is getting more numerous and becoming increasingly tricky are explained in depth for the complicated situation of the petition work. Combining with the theoretical paradigm mentioned before, we discuss the way to eliminate or reduce petition problems starting with the theoretical guidelines of the horizontal decentralization, that is the reformation of the current principal-agent mechanism and decentralization to the social organization, basic-level government and media, giving all orders of society and each organization vigor to solve the social issue together.Thirdly, through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, this thesis explains the concept of vertical decentralization from the point of view of Province Administrating County in the case study of Zhejiang Province. We illustrate and verify the influence of the system of Province Administrating County on the regional economy, showing that this vertical decentralization in system could give local government enough vigor to balance the duty and financial power and finally achieve regional autonomy.This thesis doesn’t deny the positive effects of concentration of power and planning and coordination when emphasizing that Chinese decentralization is one way for current administrative reform. Finally, this thesis put forward that while the multi-dimensional separation of powers is deepening, the government can strengthen its macro-control and regulatory capability at key points in the end.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

