

The Transformation of Civilization Relations between the Iroquois and the Whites in North America(1609-1815)

【作者】 梁立佳

【导师】 董小川;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 北美殖民地时代到美国建国初期,易洛魁人与白人对待彼此文明的态度经历了一定的变化。17世纪初,易洛魁人与欧洲人建立了直接的联系,双方都竭力否定对方文明的价值。随着印、白双方对彼此文明认识的深入,以及获得现实利益的需要,使印、白双方逐渐选择容忍和接受部分异文明。易洛魁人和白人之间形成一种和平共存的友好关系。这期间,易洛魁人对欧洲殖民地的依赖性不断加强,殖民地日渐成为印、白关系的主导力量。美国革命后,易洛魁人军事、政治力量被摧毁,大量白人移民的涌入和社会上种族思潮的兴起,使印、白双方重新回到敌对的状态。通过对上述历史过程的考察,我们可以发现印第安人文明与西方文明接触过程的复杂性,并且注意到西方文明对印第安人文明的不断侵蚀和渗透,这种侵蚀和渗透在印、白和平的条件下表现得更为明显。重新探究这段历史,我们必须承认:“中间地带”只是特定历史条件下的产物,西方文明中的资本主义精神使其彻底压倒印第安人文明成为历史的必然。正如托克维尔所言:当文化上先进的民族以征服者的姿态面临文化落后的民族时,等待后者的将是同化或者灭亡。易洛魁人哈德萨姆·雷克宗教运动走出了一条既非完全同化,也不是完全抵制白人文化的中间道路,一定程度上实现了易洛魁部落的复兴,也验证了印第安人并非“顽固不化”,“停滞不前”,而是立足于传统文化,积极主动地适应欧洲文化和殖民者的到来。论文共分五章:第一章,阐释了欧洲殖民者到来前易洛魁部落的状况。这一时期,政治上,易洛魁人中联系较为密切的五个部落组成易洛魁联盟;经济上,易洛魁人兼顾狩猎-采集和简单的玉米种植;宗教与艺术方面,易洛魁人相信万物有灵论,拥有青谷节、草莓节、中冬节等传统节日。家庭上,易洛魁人正处于母系氏族向父系氏族的过渡阶段,部落内男性成员与女性成员的地位大致相同。第二章,论述了17世纪初,易洛魁人与欧洲人对彼此文明的认识。欧洲人受到中世纪时期基督教界定文明与野蛮教条的影响和自身侵略利益的考虑,将易洛魁人视为类似于“森林野人”的非人类生物。同时,易洛魁人由于在传统文化中找不到类似欧洲人的事物,故而也将欧洲人看做非人的异类,将其称为“天外来客”。第三章,讲述了“中间地带”在易洛魁人与白人殖民者之间的形成与发展。随着印、白两种文明在经济、政治、军事、宗教等各个领域接触的频繁,印、白双方逐渐选择容忍,甚至接受部分异文化因素,于是出现了印第安人部落与欧洲殖民地长期共存的“和谐”局面。印第安人为更好地与欧洲人开展贸易,鼓励部落内的年轻人和儿童学习欧洲人的语言和法律;欧洲人为获得周边印第安人的政治、军事支持,也积极采纳了“礼物赠予”,印第安人式隐喻等印第安人文化成分。这一时期,毛皮贸易的竞争和欧洲人对北美殖民霸权的争夺使印第安人部落之间,印第安人与欧洲殖民者之间战争不断。海狸战争中,易洛魁人遭受严重打击,部落人口数量锐减。为维持自己的政治地位和经济利益,易洛魁人开始尝试推行一种“中立政策”,通过奥尔巴尼条约和蒙特利尔两个和约与英、法殖民者建立了联盟关系。第四章,论述了易洛魁人被卷入美国革命的巨大漩涡。美国革命中,易洛魁人的军事、政治力量被彻底摧毁。革命后,大批白人殖民者涌入易洛魁部落的领地,渴望获得易洛魁人的土地,同时期,白人社会日益强调白人种族的优越性和印第安人种族的低劣性,甚至强行侵占印第安人的土地,制定各种“同化”印第安人的政策,使印第安人社会陷入严重的危机之中。第五章,叙述了面对白人文化的巨大压力,北美东北部地区的印第安人纷纷寻求部落复兴之路。其中易洛魁人哈德萨姆·雷克领导的宗教复兴运动影响最大,且在一定程度上实现了易洛魁人的复兴。哈德萨姆·雷克与同时期其他印第安人宗教运动的不同之处在于,他融合了基督教文化与印第安人文化,鼓励易洛魁人转向农耕社会,改善与美国人的关系,积极争取基督教传教士来部落传教,甚至不惜主动寻求美国政府和社会团体在资金、技术等层面提供帮助。

【Abstract】 Both Iroquois’ and the Whites’ attitudes toward each other’s culture experiencedstages of change from the colonial era in North America to the early days of theUnited States of America. At the beginning of seventeenth Century, when Iroquoishad direct contact with the Whites, each side tried to neglect the other’s culture. Asthe improvement of both the Indian’s and the White’s knowledge regarding to theother culture, and they realized the need to pursue their interest, they chose to endureand receive some cultural differences. There is a friendly relationship between theIroquois and white. During this period, Iroquois depended on the European coloniesincreasingly. The colonies became the main power to decide the relationship betweenthe Indian and the White, gradually. After the American Revolution, as Iroquois’military power is destroyed as well as the racial thought was spreading, both theIndian and the White return to their hostile attitude toward the other culture.Through the investigation of the historical process,we can see The complex processof Indian culture and the western culture contact, and the continuous erosion andinfiltration on Indian culture by Western culture. This situation seems more obviousduring the peacetime. To explore this history, We must admit that:"the MiddleGround" is the product of the specific historical conditions, the spirit of capitalism inwestern culture made the western culture overwhelm Indian culture has become ahistorical necessity. As Tocqueville said, when a backward nation conquered theadvanced nation, they will become the Conqueror. However, When the culturallyadvanced nation with a conqueror’s face cultural backward people, the latter will beassimilated or perish. The Iroquois Handsome Lake religious movement made onesuch way, which was neither Complete assimilation, nor complete boycott of whiteculture. To some extent, it helped the Iroquois league revitalize. And it denied thestatements such as the Indian was “Stubborn” and “stagnant”. But the Iroquois startedfrom its traditional culture, and are creative to adopt to the European culture and thecolonists.The thesis consists of five chapters:In the Chapter one, we can learn the situation of Iroquoia before Columbusarrived in America. Iroquois is the main residents in Iroquoia. To some extent, thehistory of Iroquoia is the history of Iroquois. During this period, in the political aspect,five Iroquois nations allied into the Iroquois League. In the economic aspect, Iroquoishunted and planted some corn. In the religious and art aspect, Iroquois believedAnimism, and have many traditional holidays, such as the Green Corn festival, thestrawberry Day and the Mid-winter Day. In the Chapter two, we can see that the attitudes toward each other’s culture byIroquois and the Whites at the beginning of seventeenth century, as influenced bymedieval Christian civilization and barbarism dogmatic definition, the Europeanseemed Iroquois as “Forest Savage”; Iroquois could not find anything like theEuropean in their traditional culture, and they saw the European as Nonhuman..In the Chapter three, we can see “the Middle Ground”, which is betweenIroquois and the Whites, formed and developed. With the frequent contacts in variousfields of economic, political, military, religious and other between Indian culture andthe White culture, they increasingly chose to tolerate, even accepted some parts ofdifferent cultural factors. the Indian tribes and European colonists formed a long-termcoexistence of "harmonious" situation. The Indians encouraged the young men andchildren to learn the European languages and laws in order to improve the tradeactivities. The Whites adopted “Gift Giving”, as well as metaphorical diplomacy fromthe Indian culture to gain the support of policy and military. During this time, The furtrade competition and the European colonial struggle for hegemony made warsbetween Indians and the Whites as well as between Indians and Indians. In the BeaverWar, The Iroquois suffered a serious blow,. The Iroquois began trying to implement a"policy of neutrality" in order to To maintain the political and economic interests oftheir own.In the Chapter four, we can learn that The Iroquois were involved in a hugewhirlpool of American Revolution. Iroquois’ military forces were completelydestroyed in the American Revolution. The Whites had increasingly emphasized thewhite racial superiority and Indian racial inferior, occupied their land forcibly,develop a variety of "assimilation" policy, which made the Indian society into aserious crisis.In the Chapter five, we can see that facing the great pressure of white culture, theIndians have sought to tribal revival in Northeast American. The Iroquois HandsomeLake religious movement had great influence, and to some extent, gained theachievement. Handsome Lake’s difference from other Indian religious movement isthat he combines the Christian culture and Indian culture, encouraged the Iroquois toagrarian society, improve relations with the Americans, actively seek the Christianmissionaries missionary to the tribe, even take the initiative to seek the United Statesgovernment and social organizations provide help in financing, technology level.


