

A Case Study of Strategies for Promoting District School-based Research

【作者】 周红

【导师】 马云鹏;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 2001年国家启动了第八次基础教育课程改革,伴随着课程改革的推进,校本研修不断地进入研究者的视野,但从一个区域的视角研究校本研修区域推进的策略,还鲜有人问津。为此,本项研究在基础教育课程改革的背景下,在社会强烈呼吁教育均衡发展的现实中,以自组织理论、成人学习理论、学习型组织理论为基础,以长春市的一个行政县区为个案,对区域推进校本研修的策略展开了研究。本研究通过对该区域校本研修现状的调查和存在问题的分析,提出了区域推进校本研修的策略。这些策略包括:组织结构的活化策略、关键人物的引领策略、支持系统的建立策略、活动载体的带动策略以及制度机制的保障策略。通过在A区实施这些策略,我们发现区域推进校本研修的实践促进了以教师为核心的包括行政决策者、业务指导者、基层执行者在内的多元研修主体的专业发展,研究主体在意识和能力上都得到了很大的提升。与此同时,区域推进校本研修的实践也促进了研修组织的自主更新,形成了以信任为核心的多元共同体文化。另外,区域推进校本研修的实践也促进了区域教育环境的优化,主要表现为校本研修改革中通过学校教育系统的开放,实现了资源融通,为区域教育自组织演化提供了前提条件;校本研修改革中通过负熵的引入,带来了非线性反馈,为区域教育有序变革提供了强大动力;校本研修改革中通过关注敏感变量,促进了序参量形成,为区域教育持续发展提供了重要支撑;校本研修改革中通过合作与竞争,实现了涨落有序,为区域教育协同进化拓展了增值空间。通过这项研究,笔者对区域推进校本研修有了新的认识。笔者认为区域推进校本研修的核心宗旨是将“外推力”转化为“内生力”,区域推进校本研修的手段是一个“多维立体式”的策略群,区域推进校本研修的主体形成了一个不断更新的自组织结构,“校本研修”经历了梯次递进、螺旋上升的五个阶段。同时,通过研究笔者也意识到,区域推进校本研修是一个复杂的系统工程,系统的复杂性决定了研修推进的进程势必面临多重错综关系,需要兼顾、梳理、把握、协调,过程中要侧重处理好如下问题:定位政府职能部门的专业责任与有限权力;关照学校、教师专业发展的个性倾向;兼顾变革理想与既有文化间的落差;处理好社会期待与教育能为之间的关系;开放校本研修未来的发展可能。

【Abstract】 In2001, China implemented the eighth elementary education curriculum reform.The implementation of curriculum reform has inspired researchers continuously to do school-based research. However, it is very rare to conduct study on the strategies for promoting school-based research from the perspective of district-driven model. Therefore, under the background of elementary education curriculum reform in the era of appealing for balancing educational development within China, this study focused on strategies for promoting school-based research, the case of one district in Changchun city. The study was based on theories of self-directed learning, adult learning and learning organization.Basing on the investigation and analysis of the current situations and problems of school-based research in this district, the study proposed some efficient strategies for promoting school-based research driven by the local educational administrative department, which included activating organization, key figures’ leading function, establishing supporting system, setting up a developing platform based on typical activities and assuring institutional system. Through the practice of these strategies in this district, the study found that the strategies promoted teacher-centered professional development including teachers, policy makers, professional mentors and basic executors whose consciousness and competence were updated. Meanwhile, the practice also promoted self-updating research organization to form the multi-cultural community on the basis of trust. In addition, the practice also contributed to the optimization of district educational environment. It was mainly shown as the follows:one, realization of the resource assistance which provided a pre-condition for the district self-organization by opening school education system, two, non-linear feedback which provided powerful impetus for orderly reforms through the introduction of the negative entropy, three, promotion of the information in orderly parameter which provided important supports for the sustaining development of district education by focusing on the sensitive variables, and lastly, the achievement of fluctuation order which brought big increment room for district co-evolution of education through cooperation and competition.Through this study the author has gained further understanding on how to promote district school-based research. The author believes that the major aim of promoting district school-based research is to transform "outside force" to "endogenous force". The measure of promoting district school-based research is through "multidimensional vertical" strategy group and the main body is a continual self-updating organization structure. The "school-based research" has experienced five progressive, spiraling stages. At the same time, the author has realized that promoting district school-based research is some thing which is very complicated. The complexities make the process face some multi-crossed relations which need to be well balanced and well coordinated. We should pay more attentions to the following aspects:Firstly, to locate the professional responsibilities and limited power of the local educational administrative department, secondly, to show more concern on teachers’ personal preferences for their professional development and schools in general, thirdly, to balance the gap between new values and the existing culture, fourthly, to handle properly the relationship between society’s expectations and educational abilities, and lastly, to explore the possible room for promoting district school-based research by the great extent.


