

Research on Evaluation for the Quality of Urbanization of Northeastern China in the Context of New Urbanization

【作者】 梁振民

【导师】 陈才;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以后,我国正经历了非常快速的城市化进程。在过去城镇化的道路上,我国城镇化取得了不朽的成绩,但仍存在着许多问题。因此,促进城镇化健康发展对中国未来发展意义重大,也影响着全球经济的发展格局。基于此,论文以新型城镇化为背景,运用区域经济地理学、城市地理学和其他相关理论,深入探讨了城镇化质量的内涵与特征,对比分析了传统城镇化实践与新型城镇化的内涵;归纳和梳理国外城镇化发展经验和我国城镇化道路上出现的矛盾与问题,提出新型城镇化发展的价值取向;论文以东北地区为例,从社会、经济、空间三个维度构建评价指标体系,选取评价模型,从全国和区域两个层面对东北地区城镇化质量进行测度与评价,分析其存在的差距,并对东北地区的城镇化质量划分地域层级,分析城镇化质量的层级特征与形成机理;在此基础上,针对东北地区的城镇化发展趋势和面临的问题,提出了科学合理的调控策略,以实现高质量、内涵式、可持续发展的城镇化道路。为东北地区各级政府正确认识城镇发展品质,准确定位城市走向,提供更多的参考依据。全文共分八个章节:绪论介绍了论文的研究背景,国内外研究进展,论文的研究内容、研究方法和技术路线。第一章城镇化的相关概念与相关理论。该部分辨析了城镇化与城市化的相关概念。论述了新型城镇化与传统城镇化的区别与联系,对城镇化质量的概念重新界定。同时阐述了区域经济地理学条件论、经济地域运动理论、区域空间结构理论、城市发展阶段理论、系统论、可持续发展理论,为论文研究提供理论支撑。第二章城镇化发展的价值取向。论述了城镇化价值取向提出的意义,从过程与结果、速度与质量等角度分析了我国城镇化进程中存在的问题,以此为启示,提出我国城镇化发展的价值取向。第三章东北地区城镇化发展的历史过程。该部分主要回顾了古代、近代、建国以后东北地区城镇化发展的历史过程,分析不同时期东北地区城市发展的类型、特征,最后阐述了目前东北地区城镇化取得的成效与存在的问题。第四章东北地区城镇化质量的测度与评价。该部分从社会、经济和空间三个方面构建城镇化质量的评价指标体系,从区域和全国两个层面对东北地区的城镇化质量进行测度,按着相关评价标准,对东北地区城镇化质量进行综合评价,分析其存在的问题。第五章东北地区城镇化质量层级划分和形成机理。运用聚类分析法将城市化发展质量划分为四个层级,即核心城市区、周边城市区、外围城市区、边缘城市区。分析每个层级的具体特征,并从经济地理学角度分析层级产生的动力体系和形成机理。第六章东北地区城镇化发展质量的调控与对策。建立城镇化进程中的调控体系,对东北地区未来城镇化发展趋势进行展望,进而提出促进东北地区城镇化健康发展的调控路径与对策。论文结论部分对全文做了总结,主要阐述了结论、存在的不足、创新之处和研究的几点启示。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up, China has been experiencing a rapid urbanization. Inthe past development of urbanization, China has made great achievements, but there are stillmany problems. Therefore, promoting the healthy development of urbanization is significantfor China in the future, which affects the development pattern of the global economy. Onaccount of the above, this paper based on the new urbanization, utilized regional economicgeography, urban geography and other correlation theories, deeply discussed the contents andcharacteristics of the urbanization, compared to analyzed the contents between the traditionalurbanization and new urbanization, as well as summarized the overseas urbanizationdevelopment experience and the contradictions and problems in China’s urbanizationdevelopment process. In addition, this paper proposed the value orientation of theurbanization development in China. This paper took the Northeast China Region for instance,established the evaluation index system from society, economy and space, established theevaluation model, evaluated and assessed the urbanization quality of the Northeast ChinaRegion from national and regional levels, so as to analyze the existed gaps. In addition, thispaper also conducted regional levels on the quality of the urbanization in the Northeast ChinaRegion, analyzed the characteristics and the formation mechanism of the regional levelsaccordingly. On this basis, this paper proposed scientific and rational control strategy in termsof the urbanization development tendency and existing issues, so as to achieve high-quality,content-type, and sustainable urbanization development. This paper aims to provide morereferences for the governments at all levels in Northeast China Region in understanding of thedevelopment quality of urbanization and accurate city positioning.this paper includes8chapters in total:The introduction elaborated the research background of this paper, introduced thedomestic and overseas research progress, research contents of this paper as well as theresearch methods and technical route.The first chapter is about the related concepts and theories of the urbanization. Thispart introduced related concepts of urbanization and urbanism, discussed the differences andrelations between new urbanization and traditional urbanization, and redefined the concept ofurbanization quality. In addition, this paper expounded the conditions of regional economicgeography, economic and geographical movement theory, regional and spatial structure theory,urban development stage theory, system theory, the theory of sustainable development, so asto provide theoretical supports for the paper.The second chapter elaborated the value orientation of the urbanization development.This part discussed the significance of the proposed value orientation of urbanization, andanalyzed the existing problems of urbanization in China from the aspects of process, results,speed, quality, etc. Based on this, this part proposed the value orientation of the urbanization development in China.The third chapter introduced the history of the urbanization development in NortheastChina Region. This part mainly reviewed the history of the urbanization development inNortheast China Region in the ancient times, modern times, and after the foundation of China,analyzed the process and characteristics of the urbanization development in Northeast ChinaRegion in different times. In addition, the part elaborated the results achieved and existingproblems of the urbanization in Northeast China Region.The fourth chapter is about the evaluation and assessment of the urbanization quality inthe Northeast China Region. This part established the evaluation index system of urbanizationquality from society, economy and space, and assessed the urbanization quality of theNortheast China Region from national and regional levels, so as to comprehensively assessthe urbanization quality of the Northeast China Region on the basis of related evaluationcriterion, and analyze the existing problems.The fifth chapter is about the division levels and formation mechanism of urbanizationquality in the Northeast China Region. This part adopted clustering methodology, divided theurbanization quality into four levels: core city area, surrounding city area, peripheral cityareas and edge city area. In addition, this part analyzed the specific characteristics of eachlevel, and analyzed the impetus system and the formation mechanism of the produced levelsfrom geonomics.The sixth chapter is about the control and countermeasures of the development quality ofurbanization in Northeast China Region. This part aims to establish a control system for theprogress of the urbanization, so as to look into the future urbanization tends in NortheastChina Region, and further proposed control methods and countermeasures for the healthdevelopment of the urbanization in Northeast China RegionThe conclusion part of this paper summarized the contents, which mainly elaborated theshortcoming, innovative points and several enlightenments of this paper.


