

Analysis and Protection on Historical Landscape Environment of Northern Manchu Residences

【作者】 韩沫

【导师】 王铁军;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 文艺学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国历史城镇数量众多,各地民居建筑艺术特色鲜明举世闻名。这些城镇除了拥有优美的自然环境之外,还蕴含着中华民族灿烂的历史文化。受几千年农耕社会生产生活模式的影响,人们对历史遗存的淡漠,再加上朝代的更迭,革古鼎新,多少宏伟壮丽的城市和建筑毁于一旦,这使中国目前保留下来的古城和古建筑更为珍贵。城镇发展浓缩着人类的文明与智慧,不同的城镇都有其不同的历史文化传统和发展轨迹。民居建筑与城乡景观,作为文化的载体,在时间和空间上凸显城镇的时代特色。历史上的满族古镇也曾是具有独特风貌和深厚内涵的人类聚居地,具有极高的历史文化价值,这些都体现在其所遗存的历史建筑、历史街区及城镇整体的景观环境上。西方发达国家早在19世纪末就先后制定了古城古建筑保护法令,20世纪70年代提升为保护世界遗产法案。人类在保护自身文化方面向理智迈进了一大步。中国也受到这股保护文化遗产的世界潮流的影响,但工作还刚刚开始,举步维艰。满族曾经在中国的历史进程中起到过重要的作用,在其自身的发展过程中曾创造出辉煌灿烂的文化。在建筑景观方面也留下了许多宝贵的文化遗产。既有雄伟、庄严、雕琢精美的宫殿、坛庙建筑,也有散布在各地乡村的广大民间建筑群,如民居、祠堂、书院等。传统的满族民居建筑景观经过历史与自然的双重雕琢,以其特有的体量空间形式,深厚的文化内涵,浓郁的地域特色,与乡村环境紧密结合,展现出满族人民在一定社会条件下形成的历史风貌,满族城镇民居景观的历史分析与保护就是对满族历史文化的梳理与完善,是从艺术学、美学的角度对满族历史文化的全新考释。景观设计规划学(Landscape Architecture)在我国成立学科至今仅有十余年时间,在国际上也不过百年历史。随着学科的发展和文化的演进,给人类生存空间带来新的课题。历史文化名城保护从国际范围来看,属于典型的城乡景观规划设计。在满足城镇规划原则的前提下,运用景观规划设计的理论与方法,挖掘满族民居景观艺术的保护和复原之路,开发低耗环保的建筑材料,规划兼备复耕土地、社区管理,村庄绿化,景观效果,美学与实用共荣的新满族民居,主动接受传统满族民居的积极影响和引导,为北方古镇复原保护提供理论平台,完善景观学中满族民居聚落景观历史及现状分析的理论储备,具有重要的理论价值,也将是对景观学科乃至全人类文化艺术领域的伟大贡献。在我国现有的城乡总体规划体系中,存在对城乡文化系统认识的片面性,传统的规划只注重对现有历史文化资源的保护和利用,而忽视了对城市历史上曾经具有的文化资源的挖掘和新的文化资源的展望和发展,这种倾斜导致了我国近年来大量的城乡规划改造抛弃历史文化挖掘与保护、千镇一面的窘境。忽略哪一个民族历史文化的完整性,无论对当代可持续发展的人类社会建设,还是对眼下的古镇复修的实践来说,都是一种缺憾。这与我们当前重视文化建设、尊重民族历史的主旨是极不相称的,因为满族民居历史景观的形成发展代表了这个民族成长发展的历史存在,是中华文化的重要组成部分。满族民居历史景观随着历史条件的变化不断发展,是在继承保护、借鉴运用中创新的辩证统一的发展,只有保护满族民族文化中各个方面的优良传统,批判地吸收一切有益的东西,结合时代特征发展与创新,才会为中华文化的长盛不衰注入新鲜气韵。北方满族民居历史环境景观分析与保护,是对近代至今曾经的和现存的北方满族乡镇的历史环境作一遍梳理,在梳理的同时兼及满族文化交流、民俗历史、哲学美学等方面的研究,这个研究实质上面对的是满族文化的发展史,是一部以满族民居建筑和历史景观环境为载体的发展史。从理论研究方面看,相对满族文化其他领域的研究而言,满族民居历史环境研究明显薄弱,几个大的文化领域中,信仰(满族萨满教)文化研究的比较完善,在满族民居历史景观环境的研究方面尽管有了一定进展,但不论从景观学方面还是满族阶段史、满族民族史研究角度看都有很大欠缺,挖掘、深研远远不够。现实应用方面,从景观学科的角度讲,目前还很难见到完整的关于我国满族民居城镇景观方面的书籍,现在我国关于满族民居建筑的专著都是把单体建筑作为研究对象,而从环境景观这个大视野进行梳理的研究却被忽视,而一个民族的成长、一个乡镇的形成,往往是受自然、社会、哲学思想等多方面因素的影响,在保护全人类文化遗产的大视野下,我们应将各民族文化历史研究的眼光放得更长远一些,把作为人类精神产物、物质产品的满族民居景观文化放在人类历史发展的长河中来认识。因为,一个国家的长续发展,离不开各个民族文化历史中一些优秀成分的继承保护和弘扬发展。

【Abstract】 Chinese historical towns are numerous and residential buildings around China have thedistinctive and world-famous art features. In addition to having beautiful natural environment,these towns also contain a splendid history and culture of the Chinese nation, and are affectedby mode of production and life for thousands of years of farming community. Besides, theycreate a people’s indifference to historical remains, together with the changes of dynasties andwith making general reforms, many ancient cities and buildings are destroyed, which makethe ancient cities and ancient buildings currently preserved in China are more valuable.The development of towns is concentrated human civilization and wisdom, differenttowns have their different historical and cultural traditions and development track. As thecarriers of culture, residential buildings and urban and rural landscapes highlight thecharacteristics of the times of towns in time and space. The Manchu towns in history are alsothe human settlements that have the unique styles and profound connotations, and have ahigher historical and cultural value, which are reflected in the remained their historicalbuildings, historical districts and the overall landscape environment of towns.Early in the late19th century, western developed countries have formulated laws to protectthe Ancient City and Building Protection Directive, upgraded to World Heritage ProtectionAct. Human take a major step forward to intellect. China is also affected by this world trendof cultural heritage protection, but the ancient city and building protection work have justbegun and struggled.Manchu once played a significant role in the historical process of China and created asplendid culture in their own development process. It has also left many valuable culturalheritages in the building landscape. It has both the majestic, solemn, chiseling and carvingpalaces, temples and buildings, and also the broad folk buildings scattered in villages acrossthe regions, such as residences, ancestral temples and academies. Through the double carvingsof history and nature, with its special volume-space form, profound cultural connotations, richregional characteristics, and closely integrating with the rural environment, the traditionalManchu residential building landscapes have show the historical style formed by Manchupeople under certain social conditions. The analysis and protection on residential landscapehistory of Manchu towns is comb and perfect on the Manchu history and culture, and is a newstudy on Manchu history and culture from the view of arts and aesthetics.Landscape Architecture has been a discipline for just more than ten years since it isestablished, but also established over a century ago in the international centuries. With thedevelopment of discipline and evolution of culture, it has brought a new issue for human living space. From a view of an international scale, historical and cultural city protection is atypical landscape plan and design. Under the premise of meeting the town planning principles,use the landscape planning and design theories and methods, excavate a road of the landscapeart protection and recovery for Manchu residences, develop the low consumption andenvironmental building materials. Besides, plan with land rehabilitation, communitymanagement, village green, landscape effects, aesthetic and practical co-prosperity of newManchu residences, initiatively accept the positive effects and guidance of traditional Manchuresidences to provide a theoretical platform for the recovery and protection of Northernancient town and perfect the theoretical reserves of history and present analysis on Manchuresidential settlement landscape in the discipline of landscape. It has an important theoreticalvalue and it will be a great contribution to the discipline of landscape and even to the culturaland artistic fields for all humanity.In the overall planning system of our existing urban and rural areas, there is anone-sidedness to recognize urban and rural cultural system. The traditional plan focus only onthe existing historical and cultural resource protection and utilization, while ignoring theexcavation of cultural resources once owned in the history of the city and the outlook anddevelopment of new cultural resources, this tilt has led to an embarrassment of a large numberof urban and rural planning renovation and protection in China in recent years inabandonment of history and culture excavation and protection, and thousands of the town side.Which integrity of national history and culture is ignored, it will be a kind of defect regardlessof contemporary sustainable construction of human society, or the immediate practice ofancient town restoration. This is inconsistence with our current subject on focusing on cultureconstruction and respecting the national history because the formation and development ofhistorical landscape of Manchu resistances represent that there is the growth and developmenthistory of this nation, and is an important part of Chinese culture. The continuousdevelopment of historical landscape of Manchu resistances with the changes of historicalconditions is the dialectical and unified development innovated in inheritance, protection andlearning and using. Only protect the good traditions in all aspects of Manchu national culture,as well as critically absorb all useful things, combine with the characteristics of times fordevelopment and innovation, then Chinese culture will be injected fresh artistic conception.Analysis and protection on historical landscape environment of Northern Manchuresidences are the combs of modern, ever since and existing Northern Manchu town with astudy on the aspects such as Manchu cultural exchanges, folk history, philosophy, aestheticswhile combing. Substantially, the study is a development history of Manchu cultural history,and is a development history with buildings and historical environment of Manchuresidences as carries. From the view of theory study, relative to the study on other areas ofManchu culture, the study on historical environment is obviously week. Only the study on believing in (Manchu Shamanism) culture is more perfect in several large fields of culture.Although the study on historical landscape environment has also been made some progress,however, it has a major gap whether from the aspect of the discipline of landscape or fromthe view of study on Manchu stage history and Manchu national history, and the excavationand the combing are far from enough. From the view of the discipline of landscape, it is stilldifficult to see the full books on aspect of townscape of our Manchu residences in thepractical applications. Nowadays in China, the single buildings are used as a studied objectin the book on Manchu residential buildings. However, the study combed from the big visionof landscape environment is ignored, and the growth of a nation and the formation of a townare often affected by many factors such as nature, society and philosophical thought. Underthe big vision in the cultural heritage protection or all humanity, we should take a broaderview on the study on cultural histories of all nations and understand by putting the landscapeculture of Manchu residences considered as a spiritual product of human beings and amaterial product into the long historical flux. Because a country’s long-continueddevelopment can also inseparable from the inheritance, protection, promotion anddevelopment of excellent parts in cultural histories of all nations.


