

Study of the Scientism core of "Curriculum Modernization" of United States

【作者】 邓友平

【导师】 张贵新;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本世纪初,我国开展了系统化的基础教育课程改革。这是对一种新型教育文化形态的追求,必将涉及器物、制度和思想层面的全方位变革。改革能否达此目标,当观其是否在上述文化层面特别是在思想文化层面有自觉理性之认识。故尔,汲取发达国家课程改革的经验就成了一个关键。20世纪的世界基础教育发展史是一幅波澜壮阔的持续改革史。很难说持续一个世纪的大改革发端于哪里,但可以肯定的是,美国在20世纪中叶的“课程内容现代化”是改革的巨响。一方面,它对美国的基础教育课程改革进程影响深远,甚至至今余脉清晰;另一方面,它对世界各国的改革所发挥的引领作用世所罕见,其波涛所到之外,无不掀起改革的浪潮。对于美国20世纪中叶的这次课程现代化改革,国内外的史学研究、比较研究之成果已经汗牛充栋。但,放在一个世纪的长河中,放在现代教育发展的大背景中,这次改革的核心理念或价值取向应该如何认识?至今是一个等待回答的问题。作为研究之对象,任何一次系统的改革,都可以从思想、制度等层面加以分析。不过,在面对美国课程现代化这一历史事件时,至少有两大因素导致人们对改革背后的价值理念的发展脉络存在忽视或误读:其一,二战以前美国人就对进步主义教育有了普遍诟病让战后对进步主义教育价值取向的回拨变得顺理成章,故尔很多人只看到了“现代化”对进步主义教育价值理念的背弃而忽视了其内在价值的联系;其二,冷战政治气氛的形成和卫星事件的偶然触拨让“现代化”的价值理念和内在驱动力变得模糊和可疑。因此,人们在面对改革的史实时,认识的兴趣更多地投入到了对制度变革的析离,而对变革背后的“价值理念”及其历史发展轨迹,特别是对本次改革在美国教育的“现代性”价值确立中的地位缺乏系统分析和总结。历史的误读不会影响历史,却会影响未来,假如我们有意借鉴别国的经验来校对自己的改革方向的话。本研究是一种新视角的选择,其“新”或许可以从以下几方面解释:其一,选择把“课程现代化”放在美国教育发展的历史中,从历史的脉络中寻找美国教育“现代性”之统一性;其二,把“课程现代化”放在“价值理念”的透视镜下,查验其内在驱动力之现代性;其三,把“课程现代化”放在世界现代教育的背景中,看世界教育的“现代性”之所在。基于此,本研究选择了从价值理念角度对美国的“课程现代化”加以重新认识,谋求析离其核心理念及内在驱动力,并放置于整个20世纪的教育发展大框架中,透视美国现代教育的脉动规律。本研究采用历史研究法着力于资料的全面把握和占有,以及对历史发展脉络的系统瞻顾;同时采用比较研究法,着力于对现代基础教育改革的价值取向的全方位认识及解读,同时让本研究之于我国课程改革的借鉴意义有附着处。本论文的主要工作和贡献在于以下三个方面:1.基于科技革命对科学主义教育思想形成过程之影响的考察,分析了促动美国课程现代化的核心因素之所在,并从五个层面分析了科学主义作为课程现代化内核的表现:“科技生活”是改革的基本取向或关注、国家主义是科学主义的外衣、科学家充当教育改革的发动者和主持者、学科结构是改革关注的核心、课程编制的科学化。2.简略而系统地分析了科学主义内核驱动下“学科中心课程”改革,主要是数学、物理、生物、化学等科学课程的改革,并透过制度层面的变革观察其科学主义的内核。与此同时,客观地对美国科学主义主导的课程改革进行了反思和批判,认识到科学主义构成课改的内核是国家意志不断强化的体现、实用主义孕育了科学主义课程改革的内核、科学主义带来了“平衡性”问题,反映了国家本位和个人本位之间的矛盾。3.从美国科学主义课程改革及其世界影响的视角,分析了我国新一轮课程改革的特点和局限性,如:我们倾向于问题应对式改革,科学教育并非改革关注的焦点,在课程评价机制上产生“跛脚效应”,在实际执行过程中缺乏制衡性和规范性等等。本研究是对20世纪中叶世界范围内的“课程现代化”研究的一个补充,对于全面审视和设计我国新一轮基础教育课程改革,具有一定的理论意义和实践价值。

【Abstract】 In the beginning of this century, China’s systems of the fundamental educationcurriculum were reformed in the nationwide. All ordinary schools were planned to beinvolved in. the reform has influenced education, students, teachers and even to theboard aspects of peoples’ life style. However, how to make the influence of the reformrational, scientific, profound and lasting? Are there any practical experience ofdeveloped country can be used for reference? Once I mention it, the first opinionappears in my mind is the modernization of the curriculum in U.S.A. Science in theprocess of modern education, this is the first time that the reform not only hastheoretical foundation, but also system design and clear path; furthermore, it’s internallogic, practical strategies and many more aspects are meaningful to our education.Review by the middle of the twentieth Century, the United States launched agreat in strength and impetus of "curriculum modernization movement". By theinfluence, in a long historical period of time, education reform is extendedinternationally. This phenomenon is called "curriculum modernization" movement byresearchers throughout the world. Although the achievements of historical research,comparative research of USA curriculum are massive, few of them grasp the core ofthe reform is the influence that the scientism minority imposed on the education.Based on that, the research chooses to study core idea and internal motivation of thereform from the aspect of scientism. The crucial purposes are to mining the deepthought of the USA reform, and then to discover the regular pattern in the whole20thcentury. At present, this is also a new aspect of studying China’s curriculum reformand USA education history.This study adopts historical research methods which focus on grasp the entiredata and possession; adopts comparative research methods which focus onunderstanding and value of full interpretation to the reform, and make the research oncurriculum reform of our country’s significance with attachment.The main works and contribution of this paper lies in the following three aspects:1. Based on the studying of influence of the scientific revolution impact on theformation process of Scientism education thought, analyze the core elements of theUSA curriculum modernization. State the performance of Curriculum modernizationscientism kernel throughout5aspects. They are: Scientific life is the basic valueorientation or concern; nationalism is the scientism coat; scientists are starters andmoderator; structures of the courses are the core of the reform; curriculum of science;curriculum design is rational.2. Discuss the core courses reform driven by scientism core. Mainly from thereform of mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and science courses, reflects thestrengthening of the scientific disciplines of science and non science of desalination. That is the best illustration of scientism. On the other hand, introspect and criticize theUSA scientism curriculum reform. They are: Scientism is the embodiment ofcontinuing to strengthen of states will; Pragmatism gave birth to the sciencecurriculum reform kernel; Scientism has brought "balance", and this kind ofimbalance reflects the conflict between national standard and individual standard.3. From the unique perspective of the USA curriculum reform, analyze thecharacteristics of China’s new round of curriculum reform. Such as, we tend to doproblem solving; scientific education is not the focus of reform; Have a "lame" effectin the course of evaluation mechanism, the lack of checks and balances and normativeand so on in the actual implementation process.This research is a supplementary of “curriculum reform” within the20thCentury,for a comprehensive review and design of China’s new round of curriculum reform ofbasic education, has a certain theoretical significance and practical value.

  • 【分类号】G571.2
  • 【下载频次】692

