

The Case Study of the Structure and Characteristics of the Primary Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs

【作者】 脱中菲

【导师】 熊梅;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 课程与教学的改革寄希望于教师的改变,教师对课程改革的成败具有重要影响作用。教师信念作为教师头脑中内在的相对稳定系统的认知变量,其形成与发展的过程来自于教师个体与外在系统的双向互动,信念一旦形成就很难改变。信念对新想法和新知识具有一种过滤作用,并影响教师的决策和判断。教师信念是个体改变的最显著的观测变量(Smylie,1998)只有教师的信念发生变化,才会引起真正的变革。信念既是影响变革的因素,也是变革过程所产生的结果。(Richardson&Placier,2001)了解发现教师的信念是对课程改革之于个人层面主观意义的关注。历经了十多年的新课程改革,教师信念的真实样态是什么?信念作为“认知的过滤器”,教师到底真正接受了哪些新课程的理念并贯彻到课堂教学,而哪些理念而仅仅停留在“认同”的层面?哪些倡导的理念在教师信念的系统中存在着理解上与执行上差别?探查并发现教师的信念有助于我们更好地理解教师的课堂教学实践,为改进教育教学以及教师专业发展提供理论指南与案例参考。本研究从信念的内容构成以及信念形成和来源两个维度构建了教师信念结构框架,采用了民族志与个案研究相结合的研究方法,以3位小学数学教师作为研究对象,通过课堂观察、访谈等具体研究方法,勾画出了教师信念结构图,并针对教师信念结构以及特征进行分析,将不同教师信念结构所展现的教学取向分别归纳为:传统保守派、模仿跟随派、改革践行派。本研究得出以下结论:(1)教师信念内容构成与形成和来源是信念结构的两个维度;(2)教师信念系统中存在着没有被宣称却对实践产生重要影响的信念;(3)教师信念结构反映出信念与实践之间复杂的关系与变式。研究者发现教师信念结构具有以下特征:(1)教师的学科信念是信念系统中的关键要素。(2)宣称的信念与实践中信念之间的关系表现为从互动走向互构。同时针对形成教师信念结构的因素进行分析,发现教师对个人实践经验超强的确认程度、个人的知识与能力是影响教师信念结构的因素,而观念的宣传与倡导并不构成影响教师信念结构差异的因素。基于此,本研究为如何发展教师信念提出了建议:一是鼓励并创造机会反思和揭示教师个人信念。教师信念的内隐性、无意识导致教师很难自我觉知个人的信念。信念发展的前提是为教师提供反思与觉知个人信念的机会。教师可以通过录像带观察、同事听课、观察他人等方法收集发现个人的信念,为教师的自我诊断与反思提供前提与基础。二是丰富和完善教师知识,促进信念与情境之间的有效连接。信念既可以依赖知识而存在,也会由于知识的缺乏而产生。教师信念真正影响实践,需要调取其关于信念与情境的相关教学知识与学科知识。教师的学科知识与教学知识的不足则是影响信念转变为行为的因素之一。建议在具体情境下同步关注教师知识与信念的协同发展,实现专业知识与信念的良性互动。三是关注数学学科信念的形成与发展。教师所持有的学科信念直接影响教师决策和行为的稳定性。在数学课程改革向纵深推进的今天,教师的数学学科信念亟待需要整理与重建。树立积极正向的数学学科信念不仅仅是教师教育(职前或职后)应该关注的问题,而应该渗透在当前数学教育的过程之中。四是立足于教师信念的特点设计培训项目。针对信念的转变设计教师培训项目具体应该具有以下特点:(1)相对较长的周期。(2)聚焦于某一具体的问题情境。(3)反思与合作是信念改变的基本途径。

【Abstract】 More expectation is given to the change of teachers.Teachers are the vital factors whichimpact on the success on the failure in the reform. Teachers’ beliefs are stable cognitivevariables in the brain, and they are formed and developed from the interaction between theprivates and the outside system. The beliefs are hard to be changed when they have formed.Beliefs have the filtration to the new ideas and new knowledge., and influence theirperceptions and judgment. Through more than ten years of new curriculum reform, few wouldargue what is the true beliefs teachers hold influence their practice, what beliefs have beenaccepted and implemented in the classroom, what difference is between the espoused and theenacted in practice. The research on teachers’ beliefs is helpful to the understanding theteachers’ practice in the classroom and improvement the teacher development and theteaching.Thus, the fundamental question is: What is the beliefs structure of the mathematicsteachers? What is the characteristics on the beliefs structure? The research inclined that thereare two dimensions in the beliefs structure: the contents of beliefs and the level of beliefs. Inthis research the micro-ethnographic and case-study methods, including the in-depthinterview and field observation based on3primary mathematics teachers, were adopted toinquire into teachers’ beliefs and the characteristics of the belief system. The paper found thedifferent belief system model based on the data of3mathematics teachers’ beliefs and impliedthe core beliefs teachers hold influence the practice. The analysis of the characteristics sshows that there are3different types of the beliefs structure, which is correspondence to the3reform orientation: tradition-keeper, blindness-follower and practitioner.Also, it could befound that the confirmation to the practice and personal knowledge and capability have theeffect on the formation of the beliefs system.From the research, some conclusion can be produced.(1) there are two dimesions-thecontent and the level of beliefs in the belief structure.(2)the unconscious beliefs have animportant effect on the beliefs system (3) the system can refect the complexity and variantbetween the espoused beliefs and the enacted beliefs.Some characteristic on the structure canbe found that (1) the subject beliefs is the key element in the structure;(2) the relaitionshipbetween the espoused beliefs and enacted beliefs are interactive and mutual constructive.Based on the findings and conclusion, some suggestion on the improving the teachers’beliefs are rendered as below. Encouragement and opportunity should be given to reflect andexposure the teacher’ beliefs. The teachers’ knowledge should be enriched and improved tomake the connection between beliefs and context. The mathematics beliefs should be thefocus in the formation and improvement of the beliefs system. The professional developmentitems should be designed according to the characteristics of beliefs.


