

The Study of Chinese International Promotion Strategies

【作者】 胡仁友

【导师】 赵俊峰;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪末以来,中国经济持续快速发展,目前已成为最为重要的、充满活力的经济中心和世界第二大经济体。中国的崛起受到全世界瞩目,中国的国际影响力和国际地位显著提高,从而引发全球“汉语热”,使我国的汉语言和中国文化进入了一个全新的发展时期。世界范围的“汉语热”令很多国家纷纷开设汉语课程来推广汉语言和中国文化,而各国在推广汉语的过程中又有不同的做法和不同的态度。我国在汉语国际推广与受纳国的政治制度、经济环境等都有着密切的关系。本研究在研究我国对外汉语教学历史发展脉络的基础上,运用文献分析法、态势分析法(SWOT分析法)和个案研究法等研究方法探究我国现行汉语国际推广战略的局限和不足,从而提出我国汉语国际推广的宏观战略和整体布局以及所应采取的具体措施。本研究的基本框架主要包括:第一部分:汉语国际推广的观念转型。从呈现背景入手,简要回溯我国对外汉语教学发展的历史脉络,对我国汉语国际推广概念提出的背景、内涵和推广模式进行较详细的阐述,在此基础上描述了我国对外汉语教学推广的现状并对成绩加以肯定,并对汉语国际推广曾运用的策略加以阐述。本部分的主要目的是对我国的汉语国际推广的发展史进行详细地理论解释。第二部分:以我国现行汉语国际推广战略的核心价值透视为出发点,以典型国家语言推广的策略作为参照。分析出汉语国际推广的指标体系,便于进行战略定位和规划有标准有依据。第三部分:重点是基于SWOT模型,对我国汉语国际推广战略进行分析。用Inghenia的网络SWOT工具用分值来衡量我国汉语国际推广战略的内部资源的优势和劣势以及外部环境的机会与威胁。同样是基于SWOT模型,分别对美国、韩国、日本、泰国等四个国家的汉语教育政策进行分析,并结合分析结果提出这四个语言推广受纳国的汉语教育需求。第四部分:在分析汉语国际推广的评估指标体系为前提,分析我国汉语国际推广的面临的形势以及四个受纳国汉语教育的需求,在此基础上,阐述我国汉语国际推广的发展思路和主要任务,并对当前国际形势下影响语言国际推广的政治、经济及文化等三大要素进行分析,从而提出我国汉语国际推广的发展战略。本研究的主要目的是对现行汉语国际推广定位、布局及发展战略进行有效规划。在研究中以对语言推广经验丰富国家的分析为参照,尝试建立汉语国际推广的评估指标。利用Inghenia的网络SWOT工具对包括我国在内的五国汉语推广及教育战略、政策的内部资源与外部环境的各个因素进行逐条的定性分析,并基于受纳国汉语教育政策的解析结论,分析该国汉语教育的需求。本研究打破了以往的对汉语国际推广相关研究的建议性结论,以影响国际竞争的影响因素为环境依据,提出详实的政策、经济及文明文化战略。

【Abstract】 Since the end of twentieth Century, China’s economic develops very fast, has nowbecome one of the most important, vibrant economic center and the world second strongcountry. The rise of China is focused by all the world. Our international influence andinternational standing enhance remarkably. Thus " Chinese hot " is coming that make ourChinese language and Chinese culture has entered a new period of development. The world of"Chinese fever " make many countries have opened Chinese language courses to promote theChinese language and the Han Chinese culture, while countries in the promotion of Chineselanguage in the process to have a different approach and different attitudes. Our country in theinternational promotion of Chinese language must depend on the language receiving country’spolitical system, economic environment. This article based on the study of China’s foreignlanguage, by the help of literature analysis, SWOT analysis (SWOT analysis) effectivestrategies and case study method to explore the current disadvantages strategics of Chineseinternational promotion. From these, put forward the macro-strategy, general arrangement andspecific measures.The basic framework of the study mainly include:The first part: the transformation of Chinese international promotion concept. Startingfrom the present background, tell us history of brief retrospect of the development of teachingChinese as a foreign language, and the concept of international promotion of Chinesebackground, connotation and extension model in detail. Then described the present situationof teaching Chinese as a foreign language in China and to be sure of success. And introducethe strategies of Chinese international promotion ever used. The main purpose of this part isto write the Chinese international promotion strategy in detail.The second part: Based on the core value of China’s current international promotion ofChinese strategic perspective as a starting point, the focus is on the basis of SWOT model,carries on the analysis to the international promotion of Chinese strategy.The third part: With the Inghenia network SWOT tool with a score to measure a Chineseinternational promotion strategy of internal resources advantages and disadvantages as well asopportunities and threats in the external environment, for the analysis of the use of computer.the same is based on the SWOT model, using Inghenia network SWOT tools to the UnitedStates, South Korea, Japan and Thailand, the four countries of the Chinese education policyanalysis, and combined with the results that the four language promotion receivingrequirement of Chinese education.The fourth part: after analysising the acessement system of Chinese InternationalPromotion, currenet situation and analysis of the United States, South Korea, Japan, Thailand.Chinese education demand, the development of Chinese promotion and the main task, andputs forward concrete measures of Chinese international promotion from three perspectives:politics, economic, culture.The main purpose of this study is put out the effective world-wide plan on the current Chinese international promotion positioning, arrangement, strategy. Try to establish theaccessment system of Chinese international promotion according to the other successfulnations around the world. Qualitative analysis of various factors one by one using Inghenianetwork SWOT tool of external environment and internal resources of our country includedfive Chinese education and promotion strategy, policy based on the analytical results, and bythe Chinese education policy that country, analysis of the Chinese education needs. In thisstudy, breaking the previous recommendations of conclusions related to promotion of Chineseinternational, focusing on the international competition factors, put forward the specificstrategies in politics, economic, civilization.


