

A Study on Developing Pre-service Teachers’ Reflective Ability

【作者】 回俊松

【导师】 饶从满;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教师教育, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 自20世纪80年代反思型教师教育运动发轫于北美大陆以来,培养教师的反思能力就被视为教师教育的一项重要任务。然而,有研究结果显示,教师在职前培养阶段所形成的反思能力很难成为其职业发展的持久动力。为什么会出现这样的情况?是职前培养阶段所培养的反思能力不够强大,不足以支撑其以后的可持续发展?或者说,职前培养阶段不适合培养教师的反思能力?对此,研究者有两个基本判断:一是许多教师职前培养计划更多关注的是职前教师工具性反思能力的培养而非本体性反思能力的培养。而本体性反思能力与教师专业发展的持久动力更密切相关。二是与在职教师相比,职前教师可用来进行反思的真实教育教学体验很匮乏,因此工具性反思能力的培养缺乏可靠有效的支持。基于这样的考量,此论文的核心问题确定为:职前阶段在培养教师反思能力方面应该做什么与能够做什么?具体可以分解为如下几个子问题:第一,职前教师反思的现状是怎样的?第二,培养职前教师工具性反思能力的局限性何在?第三,培养职前教师本体性反思能力的必要性何在?第四,培养职前教师本体性反思能力的可能性何在?基于上述几个研究问题,此研究在质化研究的范式(qualitative research paradigm)下,从D师范大学选取32位职前教师、5位教师教育者作为研究对象,采取访谈的方法收集数据。对职前教师访谈问题的设计主要是基于研究所建构的“职前教师反思的分析框架”。研究发现,职前教师的反思处于“朴素”的状态。这种“朴素”首先表现在其对反思的理解方面将“反思”与“思考”、“审视”、“回想”、“综合评价”、“转化”这些词汇混用或互换使用的现象。而且一、二年级的职前教师在进行反思时并没有体现出教师职业的特点。其次,职前教师用来反思的体验基础是其在形成自己有关教育教学理解过程中的资源。具体而言包括基础教育阶段的学徒观察体验,教师教育职前培养阶段的课程体验,以及职前教师的生活体验。这些体验可以统称为职前教师的成长经历。而且,职前教师在基础教育阶段的受教育经历,很大程度上可用来帮助其反思与教师角色、教师职业形象方面的反思。教师教育培养计划中的教育实践类课程体验,很大程度上促成其进行以任务完成为导向的反思。同时,与以往研究将反思进行层次划分不同,此研究发现职前教师的反思内容更多地表现为维度关系而非层次关系,只表现为视角广度与否的差异。再次,在反思的时机方面,职前教师谈论最多的是对行动的反思,即在做完一件事情以后,或者在上完一节课之后,对事件或课堂所发生的一切进行的批判思考。但在谈话中可以感受到职前教师对未来自己要从事教师职业而在当前的反思。同时,职前教师鲜有进行行动中的反思。促进职前教师反思的“触发点”多表现为职前教师所感受到的“挫折体验”,而且,教师培养计划中的课程安排也在很大程度上对其反思产生影响。最后,职前教师几乎察觉不到自己在反思过程中遵循怎样的步骤或者过程。然而,从职前教师的谈话中大体上可以察觉得到其是有步骤可循的。培养职前教师工具性反思能力存在反思基础上的局限性。存在反思内容上的局限性。培养职前教师本体性反思能力的必要性首先表现为本体性反思能力更具可持续性。其次,这种反思能力是建立在对学习教学的全面理解基础之上。最后表现为对职前教师主体性的彰显。培养职前教师本体性反思能力的可能性,从内部而言表现为,职前教师进入教师教育专业学习时已经形成一定的有关教育教学的理解,这些理解对其成长和发展会产生很大影响,而且其中很大部分有待于进行反思检验。职前教师基于自己未来的教师形象,需要在指导教师与同伴的帮助下进行本体性反思。从外部而言,教师教育者自身对反思的理解以及其对贯穿于四年的反思能力培养体系的思考是培养职前教师本体性反思能力的外部保障。

【Abstract】 Since the reflective teacher education movement began in North America in the1980s,the training of teachers’ reflective ability was considered as an important task of teachereducation. However, some results indicate that the teacher’s reflection ability formed in thepre-service training stage can not become the sustaining power for their career development.Why? Is the reflection ability developed in the pre-service training stage not strong enough tosupport the sustainable development afterwards? Or, is the pre-service training stage notsuitable for training the teacher’s reflection ability? The researchers have two basic judgmentsfor it. Firstly, the focus of the teachers’ pre-service training plan is on the training ofpre-service teachers’ instrumental reflection ability instead of their ontological reflectionability. However, the ontological reflection ability is closely related with the sustaining powerof teachers’ professional development. Secondly, compared with in-service teachers, the realeducation and teaching experience of the pre-service teachers that can be used to reflect isdeficient, hence, the training of this instrumental reflection ability is lack of reliable andeffective support. Therefore, the core problems of this thesis are determined to be: Whatshould be done and what can be done for training teacher’s reflection ability in the pre-servicestage? It can be decomposed into the following sub-problems: firstly, what is the currentsituation of the pre-service teachers’ reflection? Secondly, what are the limitations for trainingthe instrumental reflection ability of pre-service teacher? Thirdly, what is the necessity of thecultivation of pre-service teachers’ ontological reflection ability? Fourthly, what is thepossibility of the cultivation of pre-service teachers’ ontological reflection ability?Based on the above research questions,32pre-service teachers and5teacher educatorsare selected from D Normal University as the research objects under the qualitative researchparadigm and the interviewing method is applied to collect data. The questions forinterviewing the pre-service teachers are designed based on the “analytical framework of thepre-service teachers’ reflection” constructed in the research.The study finds that the pre-service teachers’ reflection is in a “simple” state. Such“simplicity” is firstly shown on its understanding on reflection and the words of “reflection”,“consideration”,“survey”,“recall”,“comprehensive assessment” and “transformation” aremixed and exchanged to use. Besides, the first-year and second-year pre-service teachers donot show the professional characteristics of teachers when reflecting. Secondly, the experiencefoundation for the pre-service teachers to reflect is the resource for them to form their understanding on education and teaching. Specifically, it includes the apprenticeshipobservation experience in the elementary education stage, course experience of teachereducation in the pre-service training stage and life experience of the pre-service teachers.Such experience can be collectively referred to as the growing experience of pre-serviceteachers. In addition, the education experience of pre-service teachers in the elementaryeducation stage can help them reflect on teacher role and the professional image of teacher.The course experience of educational practice in the teacher education training plan cangreatly facilitate them to do the task oriented reflection. Meanwhile, different from the formerresearches that divided reflection hierarchically, the study finds that the reflection contents ofpre-service teachers are mostly shown as dimension relationship instead of hierarchicalrelation and is only reflected as the difference that whether the viewing angle has breadth ornot. Secondly, in the aspect of the reflection opportunity, the pre-service teachers talks mostabout the reflection on action, that is the critical thinking on the incident or what happened inthe class after finishing one thing or a class. However, in the conversation, we can feel thecurrent reflections of the pre-service teachers on their future teaching profession. In themeantime, the pre-service teachers seldom reflect during the action. The “trigger point” thatpromotes the pre-service teachers’ reflection is shown as the “frustration experience” of thepre-service teachers and the course arrangement in the teacher training plan can greatly affectthe reflection. At last, the pre-service teachers scarcely detect that they follow certain steps orprocedures during the reflection process; however, in the conversation with pre-serviceteachers, we can know that they follow certain steps.For the cultivation of pre-service teachers’ instrumental reflection ability, there arelimitations on the reflection basis. There are also limitations on the reflection contents.The necessity for cultivating the pre-service teachers’ ontological reflection ability is firstlyshown on the fact that the ontological reflection ability is more sustainable. Secondly, thereflection ability is established based on the comprehensive understanding on the learning forteaching. At last, it is shown as the manifestation of the subjectivity of pre-service teacher.As for the internal factors, the possibility for cultivating the pre-service teachers’ontological reflection ability is shown on the fact that the pre-service teachers have alreadyhad some understanding on the education and teaching when beginning to study in teachereducation major, which has a significant impact on their growth and development and most ofthem need to be inspected through reflection. In view of the teacher image in the future,pre-service teacher should do ontological reflection with the help of the instructor andpartners. As for the external factors, the teacher educators’ understanding on reflection andtheir consideration on the reflection ability training system throughout the four years is theexternal guarantee for the cultivation of pre-service teachers’ ontological reflection ability.


