

The Study of the Interaction Governance in Rural China

【作者】 胡永保

【导师】 杨弘;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中共十八届三中全会将“完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化”作为全面深化改革的总目标。这一总目标的提出指明了中国政治体制改革和民主政治建设的新方向,具有重大的理论和现实意义。推进并完善农村基层治理体系和治理能力现代化既是国家治理现代化整个目标体系的重要组成部分,也是推进并实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的社会基础。改革开放以来,中国农村基层确立并形成了“乡政村治”的治理格局,从这一治理格局的构成要素来看,既涉及作为农村基层政权建设重要内容的基层政府管理体系,又包括作为基层群众自治基本形式之一的村民自治体系。从这一治理格局的实际运行状况来看,农村基层政府管理体系与村民自治体系彼此分立运行,二者之间缺乏必要的衔接互动机制和渠道,致使“乡政”与“村治”的治理关系不时出现矛盾冲突甚至“断裂”的严重后果,既极大影响了农村基层政府治理体系社会管理和公共服务职能的发挥,也严重损害了村民自治体系健康良性的发展,给推进并实现农村基层治理体系和治理能力现代化造成了诸多困难。进入新世纪新阶段,随着农村经济体制转轨、社会转型的步伐加快以及城乡一体化改革发展战略的深入推进,中国农村基层治理面临的局势越来越复杂,各种深层次的矛盾和问题日益突显,社会阶层分化所带来的治理碎片化的挑战日趋加剧。面对这些问题和挑战,传统的以国家权力为基础的“乡政”主导“村治”的农村基层治理格局已经不能适应农村社会发展的现实需要,迫切需要建立“乡政”与“村治”平衡协调运行、自上而下的国家管理体系与自下而上的社会治理体系相互衔接、有机统一的新型城乡治理模式。而构建这一新型治理模式的关键是要推进农村基层政府管理体系与村民自治体系的有效衔接和良性互动,构建农村基层政府管理与村民自治互动治理的体系格局,即在农村基层治理中逐渐形成一种多元主体参与、协同合作、共同治理农村社会各项事务的一种治理形态。当前,中国农村基层社会所涌现出的诸多民主创新实践都基本体现了这一治理形态的基本特征,突显了农村基层社会的发展趋势和农村民主治理的客观需要,因而能够成为农村基层实现善治的一条可行路径。基于此,本文选取了农村基层互动治理的研究课题,并以此作为推进和实现农村基层治理现代化(治理体系和治理能力现代化)的突破口和着力点。农村基层互动治理体系格局的确立和发展对于农村基层治理现代化乃至国家治理现代化无疑具有重大战略意义和实践价值。本文研究的主题为农村基层互动治理,其主要围绕农村基层治理的两大主体——基层政权管理体系和村民自治体系之间的互动关系变迁为研究主线,依据农村基层互动治理的“机制变迁——机制构建——机制有效运行”这一逻辑思路,集中分析和阐述了农村基层互动治理的学理基础、变迁历程、逻辑动因、现实阻碍、主要成因以及互动治理机制的构建和有效运行等问题。全文框架主要由三大部分构成,包括引言、结论和五章的正文内容,主要写作思路和内容如下:第一部分是引言,主要从选题依据与意义、国内外研究现状及述评、研究思路内容与方法、研究重难点及不足之处等四个方面对本选题研究进行了总的分析和阐述,这是本文的研究起点和根据。第二部分是本文的主体部分,由五章内容构成,即本文的第一章至第五章。具体写作内容如下:第一章,中国农村基层互动治理的学理分析,主要从学理层面集中分析和阐释了农村基层互动治理的基本内涵、理论基础、现实条件和现实意义等问题;第二章,中国农村基层互动治理关系变迁的历史与逻辑,主要从历史发展历程和逻辑嬗变的角度阐述了农村基层互动治理关系的演进历程、基本特点和内在的逻辑动因等问题;第三章,中国农村基层互动治理的现实境遇,主要从现实实践层面集中分析和探讨了农村基层互动治理的发展现状、面临的实践困境和受困的主要成因等问题;第四章,美国地方互动治理的经验借鉴,主要从域外经验借鉴的角度以美国地方治理为例,集中研究和分析了美国地方互动治理的历史与现实基础、基本的运行过程和主要实现方式,并在此基础上总结了美国地方互动治理的基本经验,探讨其对中国农村基层治理的启示意义;第五章,中国农村基层互动治理机制的构建,着重探讨和研究了农村基层互动治理机制体系构建的问题,具体讨论了包括农村基层互动治理机制的构建原则、运行要素、构成内容以及有效运行的现实路径等基本内容。上述这五章内容是本文写作的核心部分,构成了本文的主体。第三部分是结论,主要论述了农村基层互动治理体系的确立和制度化发展作为农村基层治理创新的重要制度成果在农村基层治理现代化进程中的重要地位和作用,并进一步分析和探讨了农村基层互动治理机制良性运行所面临的一些制约因素和瓶颈问题,提出了相应的路径策略,总体上,对中国农村基层互动治理的未来发展趋势做一展望。通观全文,中国农村基层互动治理体系格局的确立和发展有其深厚的理论和现实基础,是一条农村基层治理的可行之路。理论上,它符合马克思主义关于国家与社会关系从对立走向统一的发展规律,实践上,它顺应了当今世界公共管理改革的潮流和中国农村基层治理趋向多元主体协同合作、民主共治的现实状况。尽管中国农村基层互动治理的发展仍存在着许多制度困境和现实瓶颈,但是随着农村经济社会的不断发展和农村基层管理体制改革的深入推进,势必将成为中国农村基层社会治理的一条现实可行的道路,对此进行集中系统的研究无疑具有重要的理论和实践价值。

【Abstract】 The Third Plenary Session of the18th put forward “improve and develop Chinesesocialist system, promote the modernization of national governance system and administrativecapacity” as the overall objective of comprehensive reform. This general goal has pointed outthe reform of the political system and democratic political construction, and has greattheoretical and practical significance in China. Promote the modernization of grass-rootsgovernance system and administrative capacity is not only part of the modernization valuesystem of national governance system and administrative capacity but also is socialfoundation of promote and realize modernization of national governance system andadministrative capacity. Since Reform and Open, in China, it was formed a “system oftownship management and village governance” in rural grass-roots. From the perspective ofelements of the management system, this governance system, not only relates to thegrass-roots government management as an important part of rural grassroots regimeconstruction, but also including the basic form of the grass-roots mass self-government theautonomy of village governance. From this system actual operation situation, affected by theconditions of economic and social development, in urban and rural areas two system andother factors, rural grass-roots governance body are still in isolation from each other and eachdivision. And the lack of the necessary interaction mechanism between the governmentadministration and villager governance, the serious consequences of relationship conflicts andeven “fracture” in the “township government and village governance”, not only influenced thegrass-roots government function of social management and public service greatly, but alsoseriously damage the healthy development of villager autonomy, has created many difficultiesto promote and implement modernization of the rural grass-roots governance system andadministrative capacity. In the New stage and new century, with the rural economic systemreform development, the pace of rural social transformation speed up and the reform of urbanand rural integration development strategy to promote in-depth, the rural grass-rootsgovernance situation have taken place profound changes, various deep-seated contradictionsand problems are increasingly highlighted, social stratum differentiation brings challengesfragmented governance increasingly. Faced with these problems and challenges, thetraditional national authority based "township" leading "the rural grass-roots governancepattern of village governance" has been unable to meet the demand of the social developmentreality, establish "township" and "village" balance operation, from top to bottom of thenational pipe system of social management system and bottom-up mutual connection, theorganic unity of the new urban and rural governance has become the urgent request. And thekey to build the new mode of governance is to advance the rural basic level administrationand village autonomy effective connection and interaction, system construction of ruralgrassroots interactive governance pattern. Rural grassroots interactive governance mainly is aform of governance, co-governance of rural cooperative social affairs a plural subjectgradually formed in the rural grass-roots governance participation, the. At present, the ruralgrass-roots social China emerged from the many democratic innovation practice are basically reflects the basic features of this form of governance, conforms to the objective requirementsof the development trend of the rural society and the rural democratic governance, which canbe a feasible way of rural grassroots implementation of good governance. Based on theabove-mentioned, this paper takes subject of the rural grassroots interactive governance andbreakthrough and focusing on the modernization of rural grassroots governance(modernization governance of system and administrative capacity), talk about this topic hasimportant significance and value in course of modernization of rural grassroots governanceand national governance.The topic of this paper is research on the rural grassroots interactive governance, mainlytalk about clue of the two main parts interaction changes——between grassroots managementsystem and the villager autonomy system of rural grass-roots governance, on the basis of thelogical of “Mechanism of changes--Mechanism of Construction--Mechanism of effectiveoperation” in the mechanism of rural grassroots interactive governance. Mainly analysis andexposition the rural grassroots interactive governance based on the theory of history, logic,reason, realistic obstacles, the main reasons and effective operation of interactive governancemechanism, and so on. The paper divided into three parts, including introduction, main bodyand conclusion of five parts, the main contents are as follows:Part one is the introduction, this topic mainly described and analyzed on four aspects,which consist of the subject and the significance, the research status at home and abroad,research content and method, difficulties and deficiencies, it is the starting point and basic ofthis paper.Part two is the main body of this paper, this topic mainly from the first chapter to thefifth chapter, a total of five chapters. The specific writing content are as follows: The firstchapter, mainly analysis and explains the basic connotation, basis theoretical of ruralgrassroots interactive governance, the practical condition and the value significance; Thesecond chapter mainly from the historical development and logical point of view elaboratedanalysis in the course of rural grassroots interactive governance relationship of changes, basiccharacteristics and logical reasons; The third chapter mainly from the practical level analysesand discusses the rural grassroots interactive governance practical difficulties and main causes;The fourth chapter mainly from foreign experience for reference point of research andanalysis the process and mode of USA local interaction governance, and the successfulexperience of some useful mirror has been concentrated; The fifth chapter mainly discuss andresearch on the construction of the China’s rural grassroots interaction governancemechanism, in detail discussed, including the rural grassroots interactive governanceeffective ways of establishment, operation principle, composing elements and runningsmoothly etc. The five chapters constitute the main part of this paper, is the core part of thispaper writing.Part three is conclusion in this paper, this topic mainly analyses and discusses the ruralgrassroots interactive governance mechanism of government management and villagersautonomous benign operation facing some constraints and bottlenecks, and tried to explain asan important innovation of rural grass-roots governance, the mode of rural grassrootsinteraction governance establishing and system institutionalization status and function in the modernization of national governance system and management.Through reading full paper, there are profound theoretical and practical foundation of theestablishment and development of rural grass-roots interaction governance. Theoretically,accord with the classic exposition of Marx’s theory about the relationship between state andsociety from opposition to unification, In fact, conform to the practical world trend of publicmanagement reform and rural multi-body community governance in China. Although, thedevelopment of rural grassroots interactive governance still exist many restricted factors andrealistic problem, but with the development and diversification of rural economic and social,the rural management system reform, it will become a reality ways in the future of ruralgrass-roots social governance, and have important theoretical and practical value.


