

The Research on the Function of County Government in the Process of Urbanization in China

【作者】 杭琍

【导师】 赵连章;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文运用历史、比较、数据分析的方法进行研究,梳理了我国城镇化的历史进程,并比较了发达国家城镇化进程的主要经验。本文提出,提出我国新型城镇化的内涵是“以经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设和生态文明建设统筹兼顾为原则,推动人口城镇化、经济城镇化、社会城镇化、环境城镇化,全面实现城镇化与农业现代化相协调、城镇化与信息化有机统一、城镇化与工业化良性互动、信息化与工业化深度融合”,论文还指出我国城镇化进程及县级政府面临的困难与挑战。论文论述了我国新型城镇化过程中县级政府的特殊地位,新型城镇化进程中县级政府职能的定位为新型城镇化的执行者、县域城镇化的规划者、县域经济发展的推动者、县域公共服务的提供者、农民市民化的改造者、县域行政管理体制的改革者。并提出在新型城镇化背景下县级政府职能的定位与重构,并提出了县级政府职能重构的原则、目标和基本路径。论文提出了我国城镇化进程中县级政府职能重构的对策建议,明确我国城镇化进程中县级政府职能重构的基本原则,适应县域经济发展,找准县级政府职能重构的方向;明确县级政府的体系定位,找准县级政府职能重构的角度;优化县级政府结构,明确县级政府职能重构的重点;加强政府能力建设,把握县级政府职能重构的力度。确定我国城镇化进程中县级政府职能重构的目标,基本目标是县级政府职能模式、管理方式的根本变革,具体目标是建设适应城镇化发展的公共服务型县级政府。提升我国城镇化进程中县级政府职能重构的动力,社会环境的变迁是县级政府职能重构的外在动力,县域经济的发展是县级政府职能重构的根本动力,中央政府和上级地方政府的要求是县级政府职能重构的强制动力,市场机制的调节是县级政府职能重构的客观动力,政府管理科学化的基本趋势是县级政府职能重构的内在动力。探索我国城镇化进程中县级政府职能重构的路径,以行政区划改革为突破口,推进县级政府管理体制改革,以增强县级政府公共服务职能为重点,优化县域治理结构,以制度创新为基本手段,保障县级政府职能重构的可持续性,以小城镇建设为契机,提升县级政府管理效能。

【Abstract】 In this paper, we will use the method of history, comparison, data analysis to tease thehistorical process of China’s urbanization, and compared the process of the main experience indeveloped countries. In this paper, we proposed the new urbanization is the connotation of the"taking the principle of overall planning the economic, political, cultural, social andecological civilization construction, promoting the urbanization of the population,urbanization, economic, social urbanization, environmental urbanization, the full realizationof urbanization and agricultural modernization in harmony, urbanization and informatizationorganic unity, positive interaction between urbanization and industrialization, informationtechnology and industrialization deep integration ". The paper also pointed out the difficultiesand challenges that the county government is facing in China’s urbanization process. Thepaper discusses the process of urbanization in China’s new special status of the countygovernment,the new county government functions in the process of urbanization is positionedas the executor of new urbanization, urbanization county planners, county economicdevelopment promoter, county public service provider, the transformer of farmers and thecounty administrative system reformer. Meanwhile, the paper raised the reconstruction ofcounty government functions and made principles, objectives and basic paths for it. The paperpresents some suggestions belowing, the principles such as adjust to the development incounty so as to identify the county government functions reconstructed direction; make aclear system of county government to position the angle; Optimization of county governmentstructure to focus on reconstruction of county government functions; strengthen theconstruction of government capacity to grasp the efforts.Determine the the target of countygovernment’s function reconstruction in China’s urbanization process, the basic goal is thefundamental transformation of county government functions, mode of management, specificgoal is to build a service-oriented government at the county level to adapt to the developmentof urbanization. Enhance the process of China’s urbanization dynamic reconfiguration countygovernment functions, the social environment changes at the county level of governmentfunctions remodeling extrinsic motivation, the county ’s economic development is the countygovernment functions reconstruct the fundamental driving force, the Central Government andthe higher local government requirements are mandatory county government functionsreconstructed momentum of the market mechanism functions of county governmentregulation is the objective dynamic reconfiguration, government and scientific managementof the basic trend is the reconstruction of the county government functions inherent power.Explore the urbanization process in the county government functions reconstruct the path tothe administrative division reform as a breakthrough, and promote county governmentmanagement system, to enhance the county government public service functions, focusing onoptimizing the county governance structure, system innovation as basic means to protect thesustainability of reconstruction of the county government functions to small towns as anopportunity to enhance the county government management performance.


