

Research on the Polysyllabic Vocabulary of "gao Sengzhuan"

【作者】 陈羿竹

【导师】 傅亚庶;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 语言文字学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 由于长期的封建割据和连绵不断的战争,魏晋南北朝成为了中国历史上政权更迭最频繁的时期。各种政治和经济的原因使此时的中国文化发展受到特别严重的影响。但是,佛教的传入却为这个历史时期增添了许多神秘韵味。佛教丰富了中国的文化,而随佛教一并传入中国的佛教典籍则成为了汉语文献资料的重要组成部分,在汉语史研究领域中也占有重要地位。与此同时,由于生产力的提高与社会经济的高度发展,中古也成为了复音词发展的黄金时期,魏晋南北朝时的复音词更是取得了突破性的进展。因此对魏晋南北朝复音词进行研究显得非常重要。本文锁定《高僧传》作为专书研究的对象,针对该书中的复音词进行研究,正是因为该书集合了众多历史、语言的因素。记载了自东汉永平至梁代天监间著名《高僧传》是梁代释慧皎撰写的目前保留最早的一部僧人传记体的作品,具有不可或缺的地位和巨大的语言研究价值。本文共分为四个部分。第一个部分是《高僧传》和复音词。主要是介绍了释慧皎和《高僧传》的基本情况,在确定判断复音词标准的基础上,运用静态描写分析和历时、共时相结合探源溯流的研究方法,旨在对《高僧传》中的复音词作出系统的研究,在探索复音词发展动因的同时,进一步挖掘《高僧传》中复音词的研究价值,为汉语词汇史的构建提供些许参考。从文章的第二部分起,我们就开始正式面对《高僧传》的词汇系统了。由于《高僧传》所处历史时期的特殊性,我们将其词汇从整体上分为一般词汇和佛教词汇。对于一般词汇的研究,文章首先纵向地依照《汉语大词典》,寻找词语的源头,使每个复音词在历史的沿革上都有一个清晰的脚印。随后,由于复音词属于语法范畴,本文选择从复音词的角度进行切入,横向地将书中的一般词汇按构词法分为语音造词和语法造词,并依据语义的标准对复音词的内部构成进行研究。文章的第三部分是对《高僧传》佛教词汇的研究。这部分也是先从语义的角度共时地将词语们分类,然后再从词语来源的角度历时地研究词语的起源、发展和变化。随后将佛教词语与汉语进行了一个相关比较,并总结出一些佛教词语产生发展的特点。文章的最后一部分首先以《汉语大词典》为标准,归纳了《高僧传》中的新词。同时,这部分也统一了关于词义扩大、缩小和转移以及词义引申的观点,并且对书中的新义进行了整理并总结了新义产生的原因和特点。

【Abstract】 Due to long-term feudal lords and continuous war, wei jin southern and northerndynasties became the regime change in China’s history is the most frequent period, atthis time of the development of Chinese culture under the influence of especiallyserious. However, the input of Buddhism is added many mysterious charm for thisperiod of history. Enrich the culture of Chinese Buddhism, together with Buddhismwas introduced into China Buddhism classics became an important part of Chineseliterature, also occupies an important position in the field of Chinese history studies.At the same time, as a result of productivity and the height of the social and economicdevelopment, middle became the golden period of production development. Wei jinnorthern and southern dynasties when the production is made breakthrough progress.So it is important to production of southern dynasties is studied.This lock the monk biography as such a research object, study the production ofthe book, because the book brings together many of the history, language factors.Recorded since the eastern han dynasty yongping to day between the prison of theliang dynasty famous “Gao Sengzhuan”is written by liang dynasty, Buddhism ShiHuijiao remains one of the earliest a monk biographical works, has the indispensablestatus and great value of language study.This article is divided into four parts. The first part is”Gao Sengzhuan”ofeminent monks and production. Mainly introduces the interpretation of the hui herhoney haired and the basic situation of the biography of eminent monks, indetermining the judgment on the basis of production standards, using the staticdescription analysis and the combination of diachronic and synchronic retraces, go themethod of comparative study to the production in the biography of eminent monksand make the system research, exploring the motivation of production development at the same time, further to the value of the study of the production of the “GaoSengzhuan”, provide a reference for the construction of Chinese vocabulary history.Since the second part of the article, we’ll be officially in the face of vocabularysystem of the “Gao Sengzhuan”. Since the “Gao Sengzhuan” of the particularity ofhistorical period, we will be the whole is divided into general vocabulary andBuddhism vocabulary. For general vocabulary study, the article first lengthwise inaccordance with the "Chinese big dictionary", to find the source of words, make eachproduction on the history of evolution, there is a clear footprints. Then, due to theproduction belong to the category of grammar, this article choose from the Angle ofproduction cuts, transverse to the general vocabulary according to the word formationof the book is divided into voice coined words, coined words and grammar andaccording to the definition of the semantic studies the internal structure of production.The third part of the article is the study of the “Gao Sengzhuan” white words.This part is from the Angle of the semantic synchronic first words are classified, andthen from the Angle of the source term diachronic study the origin, development andchange of words. Then the buddhist words and Chinese are compared, and acorrelation and summarizes some characteristics of the development of the buddhistwords.The last part of the article, first of all, on the basis of "Chinese big dictionary",summed up the new words in the “Gao Sengzhuan”. At the same time, this part alsounified the meaning about expand, shrink and transfer and meaning extended point ofview, and on the new meanings of the book sorting and sums up the cause of newmeanings and characteristics.


