

The Study of the Introduction of Ming Dynasty Historical Novel in Korea

【作者】 金正恩

【导师】 张恩普;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 韩国古代文学研究者都注重中国文学传播到韩国后对韩国的影响,初期韩国古代小说研究者特别关注明清小说在朝鲜的发展。八十年代之后中国学者开始了针对中韩古代小说的比较研究,至九十年代,学者们针对中韩古代小说交流方面进行了研究,研究主要集中在《三国演义》传播到朝鲜的过程及产生的影响。2000年以来才开始针对明代历史演义小说与朝鲜次生作品展开比较研究,最近中韩学界开始关注《三国演义》影响之下产生的次生作品,以及《封神演义》与《西汉演义》的传播情况,并进行研究历史演义小说与其在朝鲜产生的次生作品。中韩学界上历史演义小说传播与比较研究都奠定了较为坚实的基础。《西汉演义》、《隋唐演义》、《封神演义》、《列国志》、《三国演义》这五部历史演义小说在朝鲜受到了热烈地欢迎,且二十世纪初期朝鲜出现了这些作品的次生作品。朝鲜文人在通读作品之后采用了抄写或者翻译的方式将小说记录了下来,并将它们于十七至二十世纪之间广泛传播到了民间。明代历史演义小说之中在朝鲜最受欢迎的作品是《三国演义》,其他明代历史演义小说作品也在朝鲜被广泛阅读。研究了这五部小说传播到朝鲜的情况,且对传入朝鲜版本与次生作品进行比较,从而得出十六世纪至二十世纪中韩文化交流的过程。因此解析这五部明代历史演义小说传播到朝鲜之后,对韩国文学产生的影响,可以清楚的了解到朝鲜作品上突出的文艺美学的审美特征。这五部小说在中韩小说比较研究史上有着极高的地位,具有相当地研究意义和极高的研究价值。但是大部分的中韩学者只是针对《三国演义》进行了深入研究,其他历史演义小说的研究成果还是不充分。深入研究历史演义小说在朝鲜的传播情况存在着不少难题。第一个问题是研究资料数量巨大,即为传播到朝鲜的底本、在朝鲜出版的版本、朝鲜语翻译本、朝鲜手抄本及朝鲜次生作品。而且确认版本之外还需要版本之间的相互关系,有的传入版本与次生作品的关系不清楚。第二个问题是研究语言较多,研究资料的时候需要有较好的语言能力,能理解古代汉语、古代白话文、古代韩语等语言。韩国古代小说是以两种语言写作而成,就是古代汉语与古代韩语,具有语言上的能力之后,才可以进行比较传入底本与次生版本。第三个问题在于理解两个社会文化与文化交流现象的基础,传播学的研究当中需要了解两个社会文化的交流情况。中国与朝鲜的文化交流现象是基础于悠久的历史而产生的,而历史演义小说传播到朝鲜的历史从十六世纪末期起至二十世纪初止。本人积于先前中韩学者们的研究成果的基础上,清楚地将明代历史演义小说传播到朝鲜的版本的各各版本都展现在大家眼前,解析朝鲜文人对历史演义评论的情况。并将传入版本与朝鲜出现的次生作品进行了比较研究,特别注重针对次生作品突出的特点进行了研究,强调了在朝鲜小说史上次生作品的价值。第一章,概括说明明代历史演义传播到朝鲜的背景与朝鲜文人对历史演义的评价,揭示在朝鲜接纳历史演义的阶层,而查明朝鲜翻译本与在朝鲜出版的版本。在朝鲜被翻译的明代历史演义小说有十七部,其中五部小说拥有次生作品,即为《三国演义》、《西汉演义》、《隋唐演义》、《列国志》、《封神演义》。朝鲜儒家学者们否定了小说的虚构内容并主张禁止历史演义小说的传播及市民阅读此类小说。但有的朝鲜文人期待历史演义小说充分表现出历史教育意义,甚至有的朝鲜文人受到中国历史小说的影响后,展开了本国的历史小说的创作。传入到韩国的中国历史演义小说除了原本之外,还有其他版本的存在,如抄录、重刊、编选、翻译等。朝鲜的没落贵族或者贵族妇女翻译历史演义小说,其在朝鲜出版的版本可分为官刻本和私刻本两种。第二章,侧重论述《西汉通俗演义》传入朝鲜的情况与其朝鲜次生作品《项羽传》、《楚汉战争实记》、《楚霸王实记》、《张子房实记》、《帷幄龟鉴》、《楚汉传》、《鸿门宴》、《项庄舞》。现在韩国收藏的《西汉》版本是以甄伟所作为母本的清代版本,按照历史记录我们可知这些版本流传到朝鲜的时间是1569年之前。《西汉》系列朝鲜时代次生作品有两种,一种是以人物为主的、另外一种是特殊场面为主的。第三章,主要研究了《封神演义》传入朝鲜的过程与其次生作品《姜太公实记》与《苏妲己传》。《封神》于十七世纪传到了朝鲜半岛,十八世纪已经出现了抄写本与翻译本。《封神》的次生作品之中《姜太公》是英雄故事,《苏妲己传》属于恶女故事。虽然《封神》的神人战斗场面是精彩的章节,但是情节曲折且出现许多人物,不可变成短篇小说,结果次生作品上都删除了《封神》的战争故事。第四章,主要探索《隋唐演义》系列小说的在朝鲜的传播情况与其次生作品《隋炀帝行乐记》、《隋唐演义》、《杨贵妃》。十六世纪后期罗贯中所作的《隋唐之传》及林瀚重编的《隋唐两朝志传》传入朝鲜,十七世纪初期禇人获的《隋唐演义》已经流传至朝鲜。《隋唐演义》的朝鲜次生作品《隋炀帝行乐记》摘译于《隋唐演义》的隋朝部分,《杨贵妃》摘译至《隋唐》的唐朝部分,《隋炀帝艳史》的次生作品朝鲜小说《隋唐演义》突出大兴土木的暴君的隋炀帝形象。第五章,全面考察《东周列国志》传入朝鲜的情况与其次生作品《齐桓公》、《晋文公》、《伍子胥实记》、《孙庞演义》、《苏秦张仪传》、《秦始皇实记》。十七世纪中叶之前列国志系列小说在朝鲜已经拥有不少读者,其次生作品中除了《孙庞演义》与《苏秦张仪》的开头部分以外,其他次生作品的内容均是摘译自《列国志》的主要内容。第六章,详细分析《三国演义》传播到朝鲜的情况与其次生作品《关云长实记》、《张飞马超实记》、《大胆姜维实记》、《诸葛亮传》、《五关斩将记》、《谚文三国志》、《华容道实记》、《赵子龙实记》、《诸马武传》、《黄夫人传》。1569年之前《三国演义》已经传播到了朝鲜,且被广泛流传于世,继续发行朝鲜木版本、手抄本、坊刻本等许多版本。《关云长实记》、《大胆姜维实记》、《五关斩将记》、《华容道实记》是从《三国演义》的部分内容翻译而来的次生作品,《张飞马超实记》与《诸葛亮传》是摘译自《三国演义》的次生作品,《赵子龙实记》、《诸马武传》、《黄夫人传》是创意的次生作品。第七章,综合论述明代历史演义小说与朝鲜次生作品的关系,且分别就作品在文学上的影响与社会文化上的影响进行考察。十六世纪至二十世纪初明代历史演义小说传入朝鲜,给朝鲜文学与社会文化方面都带来了巨大影响。朝鲜小说的题材、人物形象等诸方面受到历史演义小说的影响,题材更加丰富、人物形象更加生动、表现手法更加多样。而且历史演义小说的传入也使得朝鲜书籍在流通方式上变得多样化。朝鲜读者在享受战争小说与次生作品中的爱国主义的同时,人们也在渴望英才、谋士及勇猛将帅的出现,希望他们解救生活在殖民地的朝鲜人民。

【Abstract】 Ancient Korean literature researchers have focused on the impact of the spread of Chinese Literaturein Korea, which can be seen in the early novels of these researchers. They showed keen concernsabout the impact of Ming and Qing fiction in Korea. Chinese scholars in the1980s began to study thecomparisons of ancient Chinese novel with ancient Korean novel. In the1990s the ancient novels studiesof South Korean scholars’ research, have focused on the "Three Kingdoms" spreading in Korea, generatedhuge impact. Since the beginning of2000, scholars have begun a comparative study on a Ming DynastyHistorical Novel with secondary works of the Joseon Dynasty. Recently Chinese and Korean scholarsbegan, to focus on these works about the impact of "Three Kingdoms","Feng Shen Yanyi (Gods)" and"Xi Han Yanyi (Western Han Dynasty Kingdoms)", and also conducted research on historical Novelof secondary works produced in Korea. There is a significant research result about a comparativestudy on Ming Dynasty historical novel with a secondary works of South Korea."Xi Han Yanyi (Romance of the Western Han Dynasty),""Suitangyanyi (Romance of the SuiTang Dynasty)"," Feng Shen Yanyi (Gods Kingdoms)","Dong Zhou Lie guo zhi (Romance of thewarring states period)","San Guo Yanyi (Romance of the Three Kingdoms)" spread in theJoseon Dynasty appeared as the primary works and caught a great popularity in the early twentiethcentury in South Korea. The Joseon Dynasty literati directly read these five works and transcribedthem which were widespread in the seventeenth to twentieth century to the folk. In South Korea,among the historical novels of Ming Dynasty, the most popular works is "Three Kingdoms", which waswidely read along with the other Ming Dynasty historical novels. I studied these five works and theirspread in the Joseon Dynasty, and compare them with Korean version and the primary works. Myresearch circles around the sixteenth century to the twentieth century about the process of culturalexchanges between China and South Korea. So I demonstrated the influence of five works of the MingDynasty historical novels spread to Joseon dynasty, with the significantly aesthetic features on Koreanliterary works. This comparative study has great significance and high research value.Most of the Korean scholars have a thoughtful study in "Three Kingdoms" but theresearch results of the other historical novels are not sufficient and arises a lot of problemsespecially in the case of Joseon dynasty. The first problem is the fact that there is a hugeamount of research data i.e. there are so many versions of novel;‘The original version’,‘The Joseon Dynasty version of the publication’,‘Korean translation version’,‘Koreanmanuscripts’,‘Primary works of The Joseon Dynasty’. And it also requires confirmation ofthe relationship between the versions; also the relationship between some of these versionswith secondary works is unclear. The second problem is about the language, it requires a concrete understanding of the ancient Chinese, the ancient colloquial Chinese, and theancient Korean languages. The ancient Korean novel is written in two kind of ancient KoreanLanguages. It requires a great grip on the ancient Chinese and ancient Korean language inorder to compare the original version and secondary version. The third problem is, in thestudy of social and cultural understanding of both basic and cultural phenomena. Hencecommunication among the two situations needs to be understood these social and culturalexchanges. Cultural phenomenon on the basis of Ming, Qing dynasty and the Joseon Dynastyhad a long history, spread in the history of South Korea from the late sixteenth century andended in early twentieth century.This thesis is based on Chinese and South Korean existing research results, to study the situation ofthe Ming Dynasty Historical Novel spread to Korea, and to analyze Korean literati comments on thecase of historical novel. And I tried to compare the Chinese version with the Korean version of thesecondary works, with particular emphasis on the prominent features on secondary works, andmentioned the value of secondary works in the history of the Korean novel.The first chapter gives a glimpse on the Ming Dynasty historical novel spread in South Korea and theevaluation of the Korean literati. I mentioned the historical novel of Ming dynasty which was firstlyaccepted by the noblesse of the Joseon Dynasty, and they published translation version. There areseventeen works of Ming Dynasty been translated in the Joseon Dynasty, five of them consist of secondaryworks of Korean version. These five works are;"Xi Han Yan Yi (Romance of the Western HanDynasty)","Sui Tang Yan Yi (Romance of the Sui Tang Dynasty)"," Feng Shen Yan Yi (GodsKingdoms)","Dong Zhou Lie guo zhi (Romance of the warring states period)","San Guo YanYi (Romance of the Three Kingdoms)". Most of the Korean Confucian scholars have a negativeview about fictional novels and discourage the general public reading of these novels. Accordingto them, the historical novel includes fiction; the fiction having affection to the reader makes afake history. But some scholars believe the historical novel to have a moral lesson for the reader, andeven some Korean literati influenced by Chinese historical novels, launched new works of historical novelin Korean Version. There are original books from China which can find their ways to enter into SouthKorea, are reproduced, reprinted, compiled and translated in other ways. The decline of aristocracy ledthe Korean aristocratic women to translate the historical novels, which divided the Korean versionpublished by the official edition and published by the individuals.The second chapter focuses on discussion of "Xi Han Yan Yi (Romance of the Western HanDynasty)" with the primary work in the Joseon Dynasty,"Xiang Yu Zhuan" and "Chu Han ZhanZheng Shi Ji","Chun Ba Wang Shi ji","Zhang Zi Fang Shi Ji","Wei Wo Gui Jian","Chu Han Zhuan",and"Hong Men Yan","Xiang Zhuang Wu". Korean collection of "Xi Han Yan Yi" version is now basedon original version written by Zhen Wei of Qing Dynasty. According to record we know that theseversions spread to the Joseon Dynasty are before1569. There were two kinds of these versions of the primary work of "Xi Han Yan Yi" in the Joseon Dynasty, one is focused on the maincharacters of original script, and the other one is focused on a special scene of original story.The third chapter focuses on “Feng Shen Yan Yi (Gods Kingdoms)" and with the primary works inthe Joseon Dynasty,"Jiang Tai Gong Shi Ji","Su Da Ji Zhuan"."Feng Shen Yan Yi" is spread inthe Joseon Dynasty in the seventeenth century; the Korean copy or translation version isappeared in the eighteenth century. The secondary works of "Feng Shen Yan Yi","Jiang Tai Gong ShiJi" is the story of a hero, and "Su Da Ji Zhuan" about an evil. Although God’s battle scenes are themost exciting chapters in the "Feng Shen Yan Yi", but the story is complicated and there are manycharacters. It’s unfit for a short story; hence the story is deleted in the secondary works.The fourth chapter focuses on the spread of "Sui Tang Yan Yi (Romance of the Sui TangDynasty)" series of novels in the case of the Joseon Dynasty,"Sui Yang Di Xing Le Ji,""Sui Tang YanYi (Korean version)","Yang Gui Fei". In the late sixteenth century, there are two series of "SuiTang Yan Yi"."Sui Tang Zhi Zhuan" written by Luo Guan Zhong or "Sui Tang Liang ChaoZhi Zhuan" found their way in Korea. And in the early seventeenth century "Sui Tang Yan Yi" writtenby Chu Ren Huo became popular in South Korea. The primary work of Korean version "SuiYang Di Xing Le Ji" is focused on the Sui Dynasty stories of "Sui Tang Yan Yi","Yang Gui Fei"excerpt from "Sui Tang Yan Yi" part of the Tang Dynasty,"Sui Tang Yan Yi (Korean version)" is thesecondary work of "Sui Yang Di Yan Shi" that highlights the image of the tyrant Emperor Sui Yang Diwho made massive construction projects.The fifth Chapter have a comprehensive investigation about "Dong Zhou Lie guo zhi(Romanceof the warrior states period)" with the primary works of the Joseon Dynasty version,"Qi HuanGong","Jin Wen Gong","Wu Zi Xu Shi Ji","Sun Pang Yan Yi","Su Qin Zhang Yi Zhuan" and "QinShi Huang Shi Ji". Before the mid-seventeenth century,"Dong Zhou Lie guo zhi" alreadyattracted a lot of readers in the Joseon Dynasty; the primary works are quoted "Dong Zhou Lie guozhi"."Sun Pang Yan Yi" and "Su Qin Zhang Yi Zhuan" have a duplicate of contents; the otherworks are avoided to translate same part of original script.The sixth Chapter analysis of the "San Guo Yan Yi(Three Kingdoms)" spread in the South Koreaand the secondly works discussing "Guan Yun Zhang Shi Ji","Zhang Fei Ma Chao Shi Ji","Da Dan JiangWei Shi Ji","Zhu Ge Liang Zhuan","Wu Guan Zhan Jiang Ji","Yan Wen San Guo Zhi","Hua RongDao Shi Ji","Zhao Zi Long Shi Ji","Zhu Ma Wu Zhuan","Huang Fu Ren Zhuan". According to theKorean ancient record, before1569,"Three Kingdoms" was spread in the Joseon Dynasty."Three Kingdoms", is still widely spread in the world with so many versions,‘Korean wood version’,manuscripts, etc."Guan Yun Zhang Shi Ji","Da Dan Jiang Wei Shi Ji","Wu Guan Zhan Jiang Ji","HuaRong Dao Shi Ji" are secondary works being translated from the "Three Kingdoms" made part of,"ZhangFei Ma Chao Shi Ji","Zhu Ge Liang Zhuan" which are the secondary works adapted from "ThreeKingdoms","Zhao Zi Long Shi Ji","Zhu Ma Wu Zhuan","Huang Fu Ren Zhuan" is a creative secondary works.The seventh Chapter discusses about the Ming Dynasty historical novel’s comprehensive relationswith the Joseon Dynasty secondary works into the impact of social and cultural influence. From thesixteenth century to the early twentieth century Ming Dynasty historical novel transformed into the JoseonDynasty, ancient Korean literature and cultural aspects of society has brought tremendous impact.About the themes, characters and other aspects affected by historical novel, Korean ancient novelhas more variety materials, more vivid characters, more diverse performance practices. And historicalnovel also makes Korean book circulation escalating. Korean readers enjoy the war stories andpatriotism of the secondary works of Ming dynasty historical novel, people are eager to excellent, tacticianand brave generals appeared in colonies situation.


