

With the Socialist Core Value System to Lead College Students Ideological Trend Research

【作者】 李亚员

【导师】 杨晓慧;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮,是当前我国意识形态建设领域一个很重要的命题。党的十六届六中全会提出这一命题后,十七大、十八大都做了进一步部署。十八大报告强调指出:社会主义核心价值体系是兴国之魂,决定着中国特色社会主义发展方向。要深入开展社会主义核心价值体系学习教育,用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮、凝聚社会共识。可以说,新时期党和国家把社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮放在了前所未有的战略高度,空前重视。应时代需求,理论界对用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮进行了深入研究,取得了丰硕成果,当然也存在一些不足。一个重要不足就是研究中缺乏主体意识,更多地是从宏观的、理论的层面研究社会主义核心价值体系如何创新发展,如何对社会思潮进行理论批判,以及引领的一般原则、基本路径、重要机制等问题,极少从主体的角度研究如何在具体的人群中实现有效引领。依据马克思的实践唯物主义,对用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮,我们需要把它们当作人的感性活动,当作实践去理解,要从主体方面去理解。任何社会意识都必然是某些人的意识,人是意识的主体,从而,人也是引领的最终目的。引领社会思潮的根本在于引领人,在于促进人们自觉抵制不良思潮、认同和践行社会主义核心价值体系。对人的引领既要全面推进,更要抓住重点领域、重点人群。高校是意识形态斗争的桥头堡,是创新人才培养的重要基地。大学生是祖国的未来、民族的希望,是集中反映当代社会风貌,影响时代发展潮流的关键群体。能否在大学生中实现社会主义核心价值体系引领多样化社会思潮,将社会主义核心价值体系转化为大学生的内心认同和自觉行动,是关系到我国高等教育人才培养质量、高校意识形态安全乃至社会和谐稳定发展的重要课题。基于以上认识,本研究在党和国家大力加强用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮的宏观背景下,抓住大学生这个重点群体,以解决多元思潮冲击下社会主义核心价值体系在大学生中的边缘化危机为核心问题,以用社会主义核心价值体系引领大学生思潮的对象分析、规律探寻及实践创新为重点研究内容,坚持历史与逻辑相统一、理论与实证相结合,综合运用多学科交叉的文献分析、历史分析、共词分析、方差分析、质化研究等方法,以大学生思潮的理论与实证分析为逻辑起点,在社会主义核心价值体系引领大学生思潮的基本内涵、要素结构、历史经验、主要规律探寻基础上,提出了引领大学生思潮的主体-场域模式。全文包括引言、正文四章和结束语。引言。主要阐明了研究缘起、价值,运用文献计量学中的共词分析法梳理了有关研究现状,认为当前引领社会思潮的研究迫切需要实现范式创新,要从影响范式向引领范式转换,要在未来的研究中强化继承性、紧扣主体性、突出实践性。第一章是“对象分析”。本章重点解决“大学生思潮是什么以及怎么样”的问题,重在探究大学生思潮的本质内涵、形成机理与现实状况。认为大学生思潮是指在一定历史时期内反映大学生的某些诉求并得到广泛传播的非统治阶级思想观念的总和,也称大学生社会思潮。进而分析了大学生思潮的三种主要类型;讨论了大学生思潮的形成过程及其内在机理;最后,通过全国范围问卷调查和学生访谈,分析了当前大学生思潮的现实状况。第二章是“结构解析”。本章重在解决用社会主义核心价值体系引领大学生思潮“是什么”的问题,阐述用社会主义核心价值体系引领大学生思潮的基本内涵,分析了引领大学生思潮的过程及其要素构成,讨论了引领大学生思潮的层次阶段、运行系统等问题。第三章是“规律探寻”。本章重在解决用社会主义核心价值体系引领大学生思潮“以何为据”的问题。本章遵循历史与逻辑相统一的研究思路,一方面梳理了改革开放以来,我党用社会主义核心价值体系引领大学生思潮的历史进程与历史经验,为有效引领大学生思潮提供历史依据;另一方面,从用社会主义核心价值体系引领大学生思潮的矛盾分析着手,探究了引领大学生思潮的规律性,为科学引领大学生思潮提供理论依据。第四章是“实践创新”。本章重在解决用社会主义核心价值体系引领大学生思潮“怎么办”的问题。本章认为用社会主义核心价值体系引领大学生思潮面临的主要问题是“主体性缺失”,进而提出和阐述了引领大学生思潮的主体-场域模式。结语:认为我们必须以高度的政治敏感性和责任感来看待大学生思潮引领问题,要切实增强忧患意识,高度重视、科学规划引领实践,确保在国家危难之时大学生也能坚定地跟党走。

【Abstract】 With socialist core value system guiding social ideological trend, it is the important andurgent propositions in the field of the construction of socialist ideology. Since the Party’sSixth Plenary of Sixteen Session put forward this proposition, the Seventeen and the EighteenCongress have made further plans. Report to the Eighteenth National Congress of theCommunist Party of China points out,"the socialist core value system is the soul of a country,and determines the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should workhard to study the system of socialist core values education with the socialist core value systemguiding the social ideological trend and embodying social consensus." It can be said that theParty and the state put high priority on and gave an unprecedented strategic height of socialistcore value system construction and with the socialist core value system guiding the socialideological trend in the new period.According to our time s demands, theorists carried the thorough research of "using thesocialist core value system guiding social ideological trend" and had achieved fruitful results,of course, there are some shortcomings. One important shortcomings is the lack of "subjectconsciousness" in the study, more from macro and theoretical perspectives, doing research ofsocialist core value system on how to innovate and develop, how to criticizes the socialideological trend, as well as the guiding general principles, the basic path, the problem such asimportant mechanism, rarely from the perspective of subject conducting research on how toachieve effective guide in specific groups. According to Marxism practical materialism,"using the socialist core value system guiding social ideological trend", we need to "put themas a person’s perceptual activity, as a practice to understand","from the aspects of the subjectto understand". Any social consciousness is the consciousness of some people, the people’sconsciousness of main body, thereby, also is the ultimate goal of "guiding". Of the socialideological trend is to lead people, is to promote people to conscientiously resist unhealthythoughts, identity and practice the socialist core value system. To lead both is tocomprehensively advance, to seize the key areas and key communities. The university is thebridgehead of ideological struggle, is the important base of cultivating creative personnel.College students are the future of our motherland and nation’s hope, which are theconcentrated reflection of contemporary social environment and the important groupinfluences the current of time development. Therefore, realization of the socialist core valuesystem leads the trend of science and diversifies the socialist core value system into the inneridentity of college students and conscious action, which is important topic related to our country’s higher education personnel training quality, college ideological security and socialharmonious and stable development.Based on the above understanding, under the macro background the Party and the statevigorously strengthen the socialist core value system to lead the social ideological trend andto seize the focus group, in order to solve the core problem under the impact of multiple trendof socialist core value system in college students’ problem of "crisis of marginalization", usingthe system of socialist core values guide college students’ ideological trend of object analysis,exploring and practice innovation as the key research contents, adhering to the unification ofhistory and logic, the combination of theory and empirical, integrated use of multidisciplinarycrossed literature analysis, historical analysis, co-word analysis, variance analysis andqualitative research methods and taking college students’ ideological trend of theory andempirical analysis as the logical starting point, on the basis of the system of socialist corevalues guiding college students’ ideological trend of the connotation, basic structure, historicalexperience, the main rule, to put forward the students’ thought pattern of "subject-field". Thedissertation includes four parts, that is, introduction, four chapter text and conclusion.The introduction mainly illustrates the research origin, value, and uses "co-wordanalysis" method in literature metrology to ravel out the related research status. The studywhich leads the social ideological trend at present is regarded to imminently realize paradigminnovation, to transform from "Influence paradigm " to " Guidance paradigm" and tostrengthen succession, grip topicality and highlight practicalness.The first chapter is of "object analysis". This chapter is focused on the exploration tothe issue that is what ideological trend among college students is and how it is, especially onthe exploration to the essential connotation, formation mechanism and practical condition ofit. College students ideological trend refers to the total of those ideologies running counter toruling-class that reflect some wide-spread appeals of college students during certain historicalperiod, and is also called "college students social ideological trend". The content of thischapter also includes the analysis of three main types of college students ideological trend,discussion of the forming process and its internal mechanism, and, finally, the analysis of thecurrent practical condition via the questionnaire and interview among students nationwide.The second chapter is of "structure analysis". The emphasis of this chapter is the solutionto what ideological trend among college students is by means of socialist core value system. Itexplains the basic connotation of college students ideological trend which is led by socialistcore value system, analyzes the process and its components, discusses its levels and phasesand the operation system.The third chapter is of the research on regular pattern. This chapter focuses on discovering the basis on which the socialist core value system leads to college studentsideological trend. This chapter follows the research train of thought, that is conforming to theunity of history and logic, to ravel out the historical process and experience of collegestudents ideological trend that our party has led by means of socialist core value system sincethe Reform and Opening-up Policy, which provides historical grounds for the effective lead.At the same time, this chapter explores the regularity starting from the analysis ofcontradiction caused by the guidance to college students ideological trend via socialist corevalue system, which provides the theoretical grounds for the guidance to college studentsideological trend.The forth chapter is of the practical innovation. This chapter focuses on solving with thesystem of socialist core values guide college students’ ideological trend "to do" problems. Inthis chapter, leading college students with socialist core value system is the main problems inthe ideological trend of "subjectivity", and then puts forward and expounds the lead thethoughts of college students " subject-field" mode.Epilogue: I think we should think about the leading of college students’ ideological trendwith high degree of political sensitivity and responsibility. we should enhance the sense ofattention effectively, leading scientific planning practices to ensure that at the time of nationalcrisis college students can go with the party firmly.

  • 【分类号】D64;G645.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2556
  • 攻读期成果

