

A Case Study of the Curriculum Implementation of MTCSOL from Socio-cultural Perspective

【作者】 易娜伊

【导师】 熊梅;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着对外汉语教学事业向纵深的持续发展,对外汉语逐渐转变为全方位的汉语国际推广,在此过程中需要大量的合格汉语国际教师。为解决汉语国际推广中合格汉语师资短的现实困境,应用型的国际汉语教学性质需要新的国际汉语教师培养模式来支撑。为此,以培养适合国内外教学并具有文化传播能力专门人才为目的的“汉语国际硕士专业学位”应运而生,成为国际汉语教师培养模式改革的转折点。汉语国际教育硕士课程是国际汉语教师培养模式改革的重要途径,是能否培养出合格汉语国际教育师资的关键。因此,了解汉语国际教育硕士课程实施现状,对优化汉语国际推广中合格汉语教师的培养十分重要。本研究从社会文化理论视角出发,围绕汉语国际教育硕士课程的实施问题展开研究。首先,以文献法梳理国内外课程实施和汉语国际教育硕士课程实施相关研究,厘定社会文化理论与汉语国际教育硕士课程实施的契合点,从而导出社会文化理论视角下对于该课程实施的关注点,即社会性、文化性、历史性和建构性。其次,采用个案研究法,以吉林省D大学为例,结合运用量化与质化研究取向,从社会文化理论视角审视D大学汉语国际教育硕士课程实施的现状、特征、影响因素及问题。一是基于有关汉语国际教育硕士课程实施研究综述,从汉语国际教育硕士课程的设计与运行两个维度,编制面向不同对象的调查问卷,通过分层抽样法,以4位教学管理者、17位教师、90位汉语国际教育硕士(以下简称“汉教硕士”)为研究对象,调查了解该校汉语国际教育硕士课程实施现状、特点、影响因素及问题;二是设计访谈提纲,对选取的4位教学管理者、9位教师和20位汉教硕士进行深度访谈;三是依据社会文化理论视角下该课程实施的特征,在修订相关课堂观察量表的基础上,结合国家汉办已有的相关调查问卷,设计《汉教硕士课程学习课堂观察量表》,对“国外汉语课堂教学案例”、“汉语作为第二语言教学”、“教学设计”、“中华文化与传播”、“课堂观察与实践”五门课进行课堂观察,以了解汉教硕士课程学习的情况;四是依据社会文化视角下该课程实施的特征,在修订相关课堂观察量表的基础上,结合国家汉办提供的相关资料设计《汉教硕士实习课堂观察量表》,对4位汉教硕士的实习课堂(即对外汉语教学)进行课堂观察;五是结合从汉教硕士实习课堂得出的观察结果,从“期望和建议”、“实习教师的专业知识”、“实习教师的教学水平”、“实习教师的综合素质”四个维度设计《汉教硕士教学实习课堂教学评价》调查问卷,以65位外国留学生为研究对象,了解汉教硕士在教学实习中存在的主要问题。最后,整理并分析调查结果,分析社会文化理论视角下D大学汉语国际教育硕士课程实施的现状、特征、影响因素及问题所在。而后,本研究从社会性、历史性、文化性和建构性等维度系统阐述了影响D大学汉语国际教育硕士课程实施的主要因素,包括:课程领导方式、课程组织方式、国家汉办“志愿者”选派计划、国家汉办的支持经费、汉语国际教育硕士专业发展的历史、师资队伍的结构、教师的专业背景和知识能力、汉教硕士的受教育背景等,并结合对问卷调查、访谈及课堂观察结果的系统分析得出D大学汉语国际教育硕士课程实施存在的主要问题,包括:课程设计过程行政主导、课程内容的整合度低、课程选择性不足、汉教硕士中华活动组织能力培养欠缺、教学过程中文化对话性偏低、缺乏优质课程资源、教育或课程理论类课程缺位以及实习缺乏统筹,等。在此基础上,笔者面向不同的对象(包括国家汉办、学校及教学院系管理层、任课教师、实习指导教师以及汉教硕士等)提出了针对性的对策建议,包括:组织专家制定统一的课程标准;加强海外实习合作单位建设;优化师资结构,招聘合适年轻教师;教学方式多样化,提高教学的趣味性和学生参与度;为实习生提供更多教学资源,等。

【Abstract】 With the sustainable development of teaching Chinese as a foreign language todepth, Chinese as a foreign language gradually switches to a comprehensive Chineseinternational promotion. In this process, it need a great deal of qualified internationalChinese language teacher. In order to solve the problem of Chinese internationalpromotion that is the shortage of qualified Chinese language teachers, the appliednature of the international Chinese teaching needs a new international Chinese teachertraining model to support. Therefore, Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers ofOther Languages (MTCSOL for short) arises as the turning point of Chinese languageteacher training mode reform at the historic moment which for the purpose ofteaching culture dissemination and specialized personnel at home and abroad.MTCSOL curriculum is an important way of promoting the international Chineseteacher mode reform, is the crux of The cultivation of qualified teachers of ChineseInternational Education. So to understand in depth the cultivation of qualified Chineseteachers in Chinese international promotion is very important for us to optimize oftraining qualified teachers of Chinese international promotion of Chinese. It decidesto start from the Socio-cultural perspective, and tries to revolve around the MTCSOLimplementation.First of all, it studies the curriculum implementation research home and abroadand relative research of MTCSOL implementation by literature method. And then itsets the Socio-cultural theory and the identifying of MTCSOL implementation, so asto export the characteristics of MTCSOL curriculum implementation withSocio-cultural perspective of sociality, cultural, historic and constructivism;Secondly,by using the case study method and taking the university D in Jilin province as anexample, it studies the current MTSCOL curriculum implementation, characteristics,influencing factors and problems in combing quantitative and qualitative researchapproaches from the Socio-cultural perspective. Firstly, it designs the questionnairefor different objects on the basis of literature review of relative research aboutMTCSOL curriculum implementation. And this questionnaire which containsmultiple-choice is designed by two dimensions of curriculum design and curriculumoperation. It takes4teaching administrators,17teachers and90MTCSOL students asresearch object to investigate the current MTSCOL curriculum implementation,characteristics, influencing factors and problems. Secondly, it designs the interviewoutline from the four dimension of curriculum construction, teachers construction,teaching apprentice and practice and dissertation, and uses the semi-structuredinterview method to4teaching administrators,9teachers and20MTCSOL studentsfor interview in depth;Thirdly, it revises relevant classroom observation scale on the basis of MTCSOL curriculum implementation characteristics from Socio-culturalperspective. And combining with some related questionnaire from Hanban, it designsthe classroom observation scale for MTCSOL students’ course learning for the classesof Chinese as a Second Language Teaching, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language,Teaching Design, Chinese Culture and Communication, Classroom Observation andPractice, in order to realize the running situation of MTCSOL students’ courselearning;Fourthly, it revises relevant classroom observation scale on the basis ofMTCSOL curriculum implementation characteristics from Socio-cultural perspective.And combining with some related questionnaire from Hanban, it designs theclassroom observation scale for MTCSOL students’ practice course teaching for fourMTCSOL students’ practice course teaching. Fifthly, combing with the interviewresults from observation of MTCSOL students’ practice course teaching, it designs thequestionnaire about the Chinese Class of Masters’ Practice Teaching. And it takes65foreign students as research object in order to learn the problems in MTCSOLstudents’ practice. Last but not at least, it sorts and analyzes all of the above surveyresults for related research and discusses its current situation,characteristics,influencing factors and problems.Then it Systematically expounds influencing factor of the MTCSOL curriculumimplementation of university D from the character of sociality, culture, historicity,constructiveness including curriculum leadership, curriculum organization,"volunteers" selected program from Hanban, Hanban funding, The history ofInternational Education Master in China, the teachers troop structure, teachers’professional background, knowledge and ability, Chinese teaching master’seducational background and so on. This study elaborates systematically existingproblems of the MTCSOL curriculum implementation of university D including hecurriculum design process of administrative leading, low degree of integration ofcurriculum content, curriculum selective deficiency, Chinese teaching masters’organization ability being deficiency, low cultural dialogue teaching process, lackingof high quality curriculum resources, educational or curriculum theory coursesvacancy, lacking of planning practice.On this basis, I put forward targeted proposal for different objects as follows:organizing experts to formulate a unified course standard, strengthening theconstruction of cooperation with overseas internship, optimizing the structure ofteachers, recruiting young excellent teachers, variety of teaching methods, improvingthe interest of teaching and student participation, providing more teaching resourcesfor the intern and so on.


