

The Case Study of the Implementation of "Science" Curriculum in Secondary School

【作者】 张二庆

【导师】 王秀红;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 随着我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的实施与发展,初中科学课程逐渐受到人们的关注。2001年,我国教育部颁布的《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》规定,在初中设置“综合”与“分科”相结合的课程形式。从此,科学课程正式成为我国初中课程体系的有机组成部分,打破了分科科学课程在初中一统天下的局面,并逐渐受到社会的关注。然而,从各地科学课程实施的情况来看,其实施并不理想。科学课程在实施过程中遇到了很大的困难或诸多问题,绝大多数实验区又回到了分科教学。在改革之初的38个国家级实验区中,只有7个实验区选择了科学课程,并且多数实验区不久就退出了科学课程的实施,重新回到了分科教学,只有深圳市的科学课程实施了11年之久,但终因没有后续区域跟进等原因而退出实施,又回到了分科教学。武汉市属于省级科学课程实验区的典型,并且是在一些实验区开始退出科学课程实验的背景下开始实施科学课程的。武汉市科学课程的实施过程一直充满了争议,并产生了很大影响,但终因行政的不作为等原因而退出。另外,浙江省是我国目前仍在实施科学课程的唯一地区,并且其实施在2001年新课程改革之前基本已经进入常态阶段。针对以上基本情况,本研究梳理并分析了关于课程实施、影响课程实施的因素以及我国部分实验区科学课程的实施状况等方面的文献,采用个案研究的方式,通过文本分析、访谈和课堂观察等方法,重点对深圳市和武汉市的科学课程的实施状态进行了考察,并通过与浙江省科学课程实施状况的比较,归纳并分析了科学课程实施的基本特征和主要影响因素。通过对深圳市和武汉市的科学课程实施过程的考察,可以发现,科学课程的实施体现出了以下基本特征:采用了“自上而下”的实施策略、行政决策左右着科学课程的实施、教师对科学课程的认识呈现分化状态、教师的课堂教学行为与与其对科学课程价值的认同存在许多不一致。根据相关研究和对两个实验区科学课程实施的考察,本研究将影响科学课程实施的主要因素归纳为3个方面7个要素。3个方面分别为改革自身的影响因素、学校内部的影响因素和学校外部的影响因素,并对每个具体的影响因素进行了分析。分别为:《科学课程标准》和科学教材对实施的影响;教师对科学课程实施效果的影响;课程资源对科学课程实施的影响;行政决策对科学课程实施的干预;升学考试对科学课程实施的制约以及家长的分数观念对科学课程实施的影响。通过对深圳市和武汉市科学课程实施过程的考察以及对实施特征和影响因素的分析,将影响科学课程实施的主要原因归纳为:科学课程改革导致了学校文化上的“断裂”;教师素养是制约科学课程实施的“枢纽”;学校内部的课程资源制约着科学课程实施的程度;地方行政决策在科学课程实施过程中起着决定性作用;升学考试是制约科学课程实施的“瓶颈”。在我国目前的背景下,要想促进科学课程实施的发展,必须为其创造条件。首先,加强科学课程改革与教育现实之间的适切性;第二、加大行政决策的支持力度,进一步扩大实施范围;第三,完善科学教师的培养机制,加强教师培训的实效性;第四,增加教育投入,为学校配备充足的课程资源;第五,进一步完善科学教材的编写;第六,构建符合我国国情的综合科学课程理论。

【Abstract】 With the development of the new curriculum reform of our country, the implementationof the “science” curriculum gradually begins to gain attention. In2001, the Ministry ofEducation issued “Guideline for the Curriculum Reform of the Compulsory Education(trial)”.The Guideline stipulates that the secondary schools can adopt “science” curriculum ordisciplinary curriculum. From then on,“science” curriculum becomes the organic part of thecurriculum system, and breaks the simple situation of the system. However, considering theimplementing situation, its implementation encounters great difficulties or many problems.Most experimental areas returned to disciplinary curriculum. In38state-level experimentalareas, only7areas chose “science” curriculum. But the overwhelming majority returned todisciplinary curriculum soon. The “science” curriculum in Shenzhen City lasted11years, butin the end its implementation returned to disciplinary curriculum because of lacking offollows-up and so on. While some experimental areas began to retreat from “science”curriculum one after another, the secondary schools in Wuhan City began to implement“science” curriculum, which belongs to province-level experimental areas. The “science”curriculum implementation in Wuhan City was filled with disputes and brought greatinfluence. Finally, it also retreated from the “science” curriculum because of lessadministration support etc. In addition, up to now, the “science” curriculum in Zhejiangprovince is the only experimental area which is still implementing it in our country, and itsimplementation had been stable by the end of2001.In view of above situation, this study sorts out the research literature on curriculumimplementation, influencing factors and implementation situation and so on. Through textanalysis, formal interviews and classroom observations methods etc, relative materials werecollected. In the end, the materials were put into order, sorted out and analyzed. Based onabove reasons, I chose Shenzhen City and Wuhan City as research case to analyze theimplemental features and influencing factors.Through the investigation of “science” curriculum implementation in Shenzhen City andWuhan City, compared with the implementation situation in Zhejiang province, the featuresas below can be found:“top-down” implementation strategy used; administrative promotionand support playing an decisive role on “science” curriculum implementation; inconsistencybetween the interviewees’ identity with the value of “science” curriculum and their teachingbehaviors; the interviewees showing different situations towards the value of “science”curriculum. On the basis of done researches and the investigation of “science” curriculumimplementation, the paper generalizes the influencing factors into3aspects and7elements.The3aspects are the influencing factors from the reform itself, the influencing factors fromschool inner and from school exterior. The paper analyzes every influencing factor. Theanalysis contains the effect of “science curriculum standard” on the “science” curriculumimplementation, the effect of “science” textbook on the implementation, the effect of theteachers on the result of implementation, the effect of the curriculum resources on theimplementation, the intervention of administrative decision in the implementation, therestriction of entrance examination to the implementation and the effect of mark ideas of thestudents’ parents on the implementation.Through the deep analysis of “science” curriculum implementation in Shenzhen Cityand Wuhan City, it can be found that the main factors that make the implementation of“science” curriculum hard contains:“science” curriculum reform causing the “break” ofschool culture; the teachers being the “hub” in the process of “science” curriculumimplementation; the inner curriculum resources in the school restricting the quality of theimplementation; the local administrative decision giving decisive scope to theimplementation; entrance examination being the “bottleneck” which restricts theimplementation.Under the background of our country, in order to further promote the implementation of“science” curriculum, certain conditions have to be given. First, promoting the harmonybetween the “science” curriculum reform and educational realities; Secondly, increasing thepotency of administration decision-making, further expanding the implementation range;Thirdly, further improving the fostering mechanism of science teachers, strengthening theactual effect of teachers training; Fourthly, increasing the education investment andequipping the schools with enough curriculum resources; Fifthly, further improving thecompiling of “science” textbooks; Sixthly, constructing the integrated science curriculumtheory which accords to our county’s situation.


