

Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Colleges and Universities under the Transformation of Economic Development Mode

【作者】 曹扬

【导师】 王景英;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 近年来,国家对大学生创业高度重视。十八大报告指出,经济发展方式转变依赖于创新创业活动,提出要“鼓励创业”、“促进创业带动就业”、“支持青年创业”。随后发布的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》再次提出:“形成政府激励创业、社会支持创业、劳动者勇于创业新机制”。上述指导思想和国家发展战略为本论文赋予了特殊和重要的理论和现实价值。在一个以知识、信息和技术为基础、以创新为动力的知识经济时代中,知识经济已经对经济发展方式、教育改革走向、人才培养的理念与模式、人的发展等方面产生了深远的影响。创新创业教育正是在这种背景下应运而生的。创新创业教育契合时代发展潮流,吻合时代主流精神,是适应经济社会和国家发展战略需要而产生的一种教学理念与模式,是国家发展战略在教育领域中的新确证和新响应。它以如何培养受教育者的创新精神和创业能力为根本目标,是新的教育理念和教育改革的实践,并正在成为高等教育创新的一个亮点。作为一种新兴的教育,创新创业教育目前还处在认识与实践的起步阶段,虽然它得到了体制的反复确认,但还不具备快速发展的内外环境,包括:(1)没有引起地方政府、社会和高校的足够重视;(2)未与转变经济发展方式的要求充分结合起来;(3)适应于经济发展方式转变要求的理论、实训与实践体系还有待研究破解和完善成熟。从上述认识出发,本文研究了转变经济发展方式背景下,创新创业教育的相关理论问题,以吉林省为例,研究了高校创新创业教育的现状、存在的问题及其成因;研究了创新创业教育如何借助区域资源优势;研究了适应经济发展方式转变要求的高校创新创业教育的实施对策。具体包括以下六方面内容:(1)梳理相关文献,介绍本论文选题的研究背景与问题、意义,理清研究思路、研究内容、研究方法和论文的可能创新之处。(2)高校创新创业教育的相关理论本文对尚未形成共识的相关概念和理论给出界定和梳理,包括:第一,研究了高校创新创业教育与“创新驱动”的关系。本文将“知识型创业”作为中介将二者密切联系起来,即创新驱动需要知识群体大规模的投身于知识型创业过程中,同时创新创业教育需要以知识型创业为核心来组织和设计教育内容、模式与方法,从而呈现出转变经济发展方式背景下的高校创新创业教育的必然要求和重要意义;第二,研究了传统创业教育和创新创业教育的关系,将后者作为一种基础性和通用性才能的公共教育而与专门培养创业者的前者相区分。(3)吉林省大学生创新创业存在的问题及成因分析本部分主要采用问卷调查的方法对省内高校进行了调研,了解创新创业教育在区域经济、文化条件下的运行状况、特征及存在问题,并进行了问题成因分析,以找到影响创新创业教育有效开展的因素及其根源。(4)国内外创新创业教育的发展本部分重点考察能够适应和支撑大学生开展知识型创业的国内外创新创业教育实践,结合国内外高校开展创新创业教育的相关政策制度、教育模式和实践经验,为我国高校创新创业教育的发展提供借鉴。(5)吉林省高校创新创业教育的资源优势在对创新创业教育各项影响因素分析的基础上,结合吉林省大学生在给定社会经济条件下创新创业活动的实际与效果,研究了吉林省支撑创新创业教育发展的产业资源、教育资源、科技资源等方面的优势,分析了创新创业教育如何与区域资源互动互促。(6)促进吉林省高校创新创业教育深化发展的策略立足于吉林省大学生创新创业教育环境和需求实际,探讨了通过贯彻“三个统一”原则(生存型教育和发展式教育统一;教育广谱化和个性化统一;知识传授与实践体会统一);提出了创新创业教育内容、方法和模式、优化创新创业教育的外部环境、整合资源、鼓励高校向创业型大学转型等促进创新创业教育发展的思路,力争对提高吉林省乃至全国的高校创新创业教育规范化发展,提供有价值的参考和实践支持。

【Abstract】 In recent years, China pays high attention to university students’ innovativeundertaking. The18th Congress of China’s Communist Party pointed out that thetransformation of economic development mode depends on the innovation andentrepreneurial activities and put forward that " Encourage entrepreneurship,""Topromote entrepreneurship to create employment,"" To support youth entrepreneurship."Then" The Decision on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms"was put forward again that:" the new mechanism should be formed that the governmentencourages pioneering; society supports pioneering; and laborforces boldly pioneer." Theabove guiding ideology and the national development strategy was given this thesis aspecial and important theoretical and practical value.On the basis of knowledge and information technology, in the era of knowledgeeconomy driven by innovation, knowledge economy has an effect on the way of economicgrowth, the trend of education reform, the concept and pattern of talent cultivation andhuman development.Innovation and entrepreneurship education is emerged as the timesrequire in this context.Innovation and entrepreneurship education fit the trend of the times, coincide the spiritof the mainstream of times, are ideas and models of teaching that adapts economic societyand strategies and needs of a nation’s development, is a new confirmation and needs of anation’s development in the field of education. It is educated in how to cultivate the spiritof innovation and entrepreneurship as a fundamental objective to enhance students’ sensesof social responsibilities is a new educational philosophy and a practice of educationreform and it is becoming a innovation in higher education. Innovation entrepreneurshipeducation is still at the early stage of understanding and practice as a new education. Itobtained the repeated confirmation of the system, but it don’t have a internal and externalenvironment that is rapidly developed, it concludes3terms:(1)It doesn’t bring to theforefront from the local government, society and universities;(2)It doesn’t fully integratewith the requirements of the transformation of the pattern of economic development;(3)It adapted to the requirements of economic development mode shift theory, practice andpractice to crack the system to be studied and perfected mature. Starting from the above understanding, this article study the transformation ofeconomic development under the background of theoretical issues related to innovationand entrepreneurship education. As Jilin province, it study the current situation ofinnovation and entrepreneurship education, the problem and its causes exist; studiedinnovation and entrepreneurship education how to use regional resources; study thetransformation of the mode of economic development to adapt to the requirements ofinnovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities to implementcountermeasures. It includes the following six aspects:(1) To comb the relevant literatures, describe the research background of this thesistopics and problems, meaning, clarify research ideas, research content, research methodsand paper’s innovations.(2) The relative theories of innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges anduniversitiesThis article has not yet reached a consensus on the concepts defined and given sort,Include: first, to study the relationship between Innovation and entrepreneurship educationand "innovation-driven". This article use "knowledge-based entrepreneurship" asintermediary to combine them closely, which requires knowledge innovation-driven groupsengaged in large-scale knowledge-based entrepreneurial process, and innovation andentrepreneurship in the knowledge-based entrepreneurship education needs to organize anddesign as the core educational content, models and methods, thus showing a necessaryrequirement for the transformation of economic development under the background ofinnovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and importance; secondly, to studythe relationship between tradition and innovation in entrepreneurship educationentrepreneurship education, the latter as a basis and public education versatility and talentwith the former specialized training entrepreneurs to distinguish.(3) To analysis the problems and causes about innovation and entrepreneurshipuniversity students in Jilin provinceThis part will mainly use a questionnaire survey methods to research universities inthe Jilin province and to understand the innovation and entrepreneurship education’soperational state under the regional economy, and cultural conditions, characteristics andproblems, and analyze the causes of the problem, to find the factors that influence the effective implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship education its causes.(4) Overview of development between domestic innovative education andmanagementThis part mainly focuses on college students to adapt and support entrepreneurshipinternal and abroad to carry out knowledge-based innovation and entrepreneurshipeducation practice,to combine colleges and universities at home and abroad to carry outinnovation and entrepreneurship education-related policies and systems of educationmodels and practical experience, to provide reference for the development of innovationand entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities.(5) The advantages of great resources in Jilin universities’ innovation andentrepreneurship educationOn the foundation of various factors affecting innovation and entrepreneurshipeducation on college students’ innovative combination of Jilin Province, under the givensocio-economic conditions and the effect of entrepreneurial activity actually studied Jilinsupport the development of innovation and entrepreneurship education industry resources,educational resources, technology superior resources and other aspects of the analysis ofhow innovation and entrepreneurship education promoted by the interaction of regionalresources.(6) Strategies on promoting innovation and entrepreneurship education to deependevelopment in Jilin ProvinceBased on innovation and entrepreneurship education college environment and theactual needs of Jilin Province, explored through the implementation of the "three unities"principle (survival-based education and developmental education uniform; education and abroad spectrum of personalized unity; imparting knowledge and practical experience ofunity); proposed innovation and entrepreneurship educational content, methods and modelsto optimize the external environment for innovation and entrepreneurship education,integration of resources, to encourage universities to promote entrepreneurial universityrestructuring, innovation and entrepreneurship education development ideas, and strive toimprove innovation and entrepreneurship education in universities and the country’s JilinProvince standardized development, provide a valuable reference and practical support.


