

On the Evolution of Western Process Thought and the Contemporary Value of Marx’s Process View

【作者】 刘红琳

【导师】 陆杰荣;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在西方思想史上,过程思想作为人类把握自身和世界的特有的规定方式而成为一种理论资源始终存在于哲学的发展过程之中。但在其最初点乃至整个西方哲学的发展过程中,以实体为核心范畴的传统哲学始终占据着主导地位,而过程思想在较长时间内一直处于被遮蔽状态,无法彰显出自身的重要意义和独特价值,以致影响对哲学的全面性的理解,甚至影响对人和世界的本质的本真性内涵的理解和把握。考察西方哲学史,我们会发现过程思想以各种隐性或者显性的表现方式在不同的时代不同的哲学家那里展开其自身的理论诉求和现实价值,并且在由于历史和现实的因素导致的实体哲学逐渐被现代哲学所消解的背景下,过程思想最终得以摆脱实体哲学的束缚,其积极意义和真理性日益显现。虽然始终没能超越实体哲学,但过程思想却在一定程度上为校正实体哲学由于追求永恒、独立自因的终极存在所导致的二元论,以及重塑人和世界的整体性、普遍联系性、开放性和过程性等本真规定方面起到了积极的建设性作用,为人的全面发展指出了与实体哲学完全不同的另一条探索路径。只有全面、客观地研究过程思想在西方哲学历史发展中的演进逻辑,才能更加准确地把握整个西方哲学对人和世界的探索的整体面貌,进而能够从历史与逻辑两个方面清晰地展现马克思哲学的过程观及其对寓于传统实体哲学中的过程思想的超越性意义,为当代马克思哲学的研究开显出一个全新的视域和发展方向。本文力求在以实体哲学为主导的西方哲学的演进逻辑中,通过对西方哲学在其发展历程中的不同问题的转向的分析中勾勒出过程思想的内在展开的历史必然性,试图从过程思想的起源开始,分析古希腊哲学在探索人和世界的本原及其统一性的过程中向实体的转向;考察在中世纪基督教哲学的兴起将宗教的上帝理解为实体使之成为一种绝对所导致的对实体的强化进程中过程思想的隐性展开;力图阐释近代哲学在认识论转向的逻辑演进中,在对实体哲学的进一步强化的过程中剖析过程思想探求人类以及世界的认识的积极意义;揭示出在德国古典哲学对传统哲学的批判过程中所逐渐开显出来的过程思想,尤其是通过黑格尔哲学的绝对精神将自身设定为自我生成、自我展开和自我实现的过程性的存在方式,使始终处于传统实体哲学的遮蔽下的过程思想真正在西方哲学的逻辑演进中得以敞开,彰显出其重要的理论和现实意义。分析在西方哲学由于实体哲学自身所无法克服的矛盾而在现实和历史的双重因素的作用下逐渐被消解的现实背景中,与传统实体哲学基本立场和要求不同的过程思想成为当代在西方哲学发展的另一种可能的方向。通过分析过程思想在其自身的发展历程中的所面对的理论困境和危机,就马克思哲学与过程思想之间的关系论述马克思哲学对过程观的基本理解。在充分肯定马克思哲学是在西方哲学的逻辑进程中产生的前提下,在确证马克思哲学自身由于历史和理论与西方哲学有着内在一致性的规定的基础上,揭示出马克思哲学自身所蕴含的丰富的过程思想及其对传统哲学的批判和重新建构的意义。分析马克思哲学的过程观作为一种承载马克思哲学的形而上学维度的思想的可能性,并论述马克思哲学的过程观对寓于传统哲学发展之中的其他过程思想,尤其是过程思想在当代的集中表现的怀特海过程哲学的超越性维度,从而能够展现马克思哲学的过程观的独特性、丰富性和全面性。与西方哲学史演进中的过程思想不同,马克思哲学的过程思想更加关注现实的人的存在、发展以及其自我价值和意义的实现。马克思哲学以现实的人的实际的感性的、历史的实践活动为基本原则使过程思想真正成为把握人和世界的根本方式.并不存在等着人们自己去发现的预先存在和设定的人的本质,人的存在只能通过人自身的感性活动,也就是实践与包括人在内的世界的相互作用的过程中不断的展现出来。过程对于存在的意义比存在本身更重要,人们的存在就是他们的生活过程,这是马克思哲学的过程观的基本立场。

【Abstract】 In the history of western thinking,process thought,as one of the resources whichgrasp the human itself and the world,has always been in the development ofphilosophy.However,in the original of western philosophy so much as the wholeprocess of the development,the dominance is traditional philosophy with thesubstance at the core category.Process thought is most time hiddden so that cant’thighlight the important significance and unique value.It is the bad influence on thecomprehensive understanding of philosophy, and even understanding and grasp thetrue connotation of the essence of human and the world.Studying the history of western philosophy, process thought is always with allsorts of recessive or dominant form to express its own theoretical pursuit and realityvalue in different philosopher in different time.And because of the decomposition ofsubstance philosophy by modern philosophy due to historical and realistic factors,process thought cast off the yoke of the substance philosophy so that its positivesignificance and truth to emerging.Although not surpassing the substancephilosophy,process thought plays an important role in revising the defect of thedualism of substance philosophy for pursuiting eternal,independent and self-causedultimate reality,and remodeling the integrity,universal relation,opening and processingfor the human and the world.Process thought is able to provide a new developmentdirection for western philosophy different from substance philosophy to explore theall-round development of the human.Only comprehensively and objectively,therefore,researching on the evolution logic of process thought in the development ofwestern philosophy, we can accurately hold the overall situation of the trueexploration to the human and the world in the whole western philosophy.Only so,itmay be unfolded that process thought of Marxian philosophy and its importancesignificance to surpassing the other process thought in the traditional substancephilosophy,providing a brand new vision field and development direction.In the developing logic of western philosophy with the substance at thecategory,this dissertation strives to delineate the inner historical inevitability ofprocess thought by analyzing the transition when western philosophy facing to different issues.And trying to analyze the reason why the ancient Greek philosophyhappened to turn the original process thought to substance philosophy in the processof exploring the origin and the unity of the human and the world.Investigating processthought is how to implicit development in the process of the strengthening of thesubstance caused by the rise of the medieval Christian philosophy understanding thesubstance as religious God to make it an absolute.Tring to interpret modernphilosophy dissects process thought to reveal the meaning process thought onexploring the cognition on the human and the world in the evolution logic of theepistemology turn and the process of the further strengthening of the substancephilosophy.Revealing the gradually development of process thought in germanclassical philosophy by criticizing the traditional philosophy,especially throughHegelian philosophy that absolute spirit set itself to self generated, the process of selfdevelopment and self realization in the Hegel’s philosophy,makes always processthought which is always veiled by substance philosophy come into view really in thelogic development of western philosophy to highlight its important theoretical andpractical significance.In the background of western traditional philosophy beingdispelled due to the substance philosophy itself unable to overcome the inherentcontradiction in the reality and history dual factors,analyzing possibility that processthought different from the basic position and requirement of traditional substancephilosophy can be a new evolution direction of contemporary western philosophy iswhether or not.Then through the analysis of process thought own theoretical difficulties andcrisis in its development process,dealing with the basic understanding of Marxianphilosophy on the process on the relationship between Marx’s philosophy and processthoughts.In fully affirming Marxian philosophy produced in the logic process ofwestern philosophy, and confirming Marxian philosophy itself an inherent consistencywith western philosophy because of history and theory, revealing the rich processthought containing in Marxian philosophy and the significance on the criticism andreconstruct of the traditional philosophy. The dissertation attempts to analyze thepossibility that it regards Marxian process thought as a carrier of metaphysicaldimension of Marxian philosophy,and discuss the surpassing to other process thought,especially Whitehead’s process philosophy as the typical of contemporaryprocess thought,so that it shows the uniqueness, richness and comprehensiveness ofMarxian process thought.Different from process thought in the evolution of the history of westernphilosophy, Marxian process thought pays more attention to the existence, thedevelopment and the realization of the self value and significance of real individual.Base on actual perceptual, historical practice activity of real individual, Marxianphilosophy makes process thought come true as a fundamental way of holding thehuman and the world. Not existing the human essence which is existence and set inadvance to wait to be found by man itself, the existence of human only can berevealed by the interaction between the actual activity of man itself, that is praxis, andthe world including human. Comparing with the existence, process is more importantto the human and the world, in other words, the existence of people is their lifeprocess. And it is a basic position of Marxian process thought.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

