

Research on Moral Education Function of University Life Education

【作者】 金鹏

【导师】 房广顺;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着中国社会转型节奏的加快、力度加大、广度的扩展,处于这一情境下的高等学校的现代德育逐渐显得捉襟见肘,这需要德育理论和实践的不断创新。高等学校校园中自杀、投毒、虐待事件屡见不鲜,诉诸报端。无论是现代社会的现实需要,还是德育理论的不断探索,都不约而同地关注着生命和生命教育。人的生命是最宝贵的财富,是自然生命和精神生命的统一。当我们以生命为教育起点时,这意味着现代高校德育也应从生命视角出发,建立起以生命为基础的思维模式、逻辑体系;同时,在学科大交叉、大融合的时代,生命教育和德育相互交叉,相互贯通,并可以互为发展动力,相互促进。本文的立意就在于从生命教育的视角切入到高校德育,以高校生命教育的德育功能作为研究对象,充分挖掘生命教育的育人资源,研究生命教育德育功能实现的主要内容、机制、意义及其示范价值,形成高校生命教育的德育功能的理论框架。本论文主要围绕四个方面的问题进行研究:一是生命教育的德育功能界说,主要回答什么是生命教育的德育功能的问题。通过对生命、生命教育,德育和德育功能的概念、内涵、相互关系的解读和分析,层层深入、最终推定出生命教育德育功能的内涵。二是研究高校生命教育德育功能的主要内容,主要回答生命教育的德育功能是什么的问题。在第一个问题研究的基础之上,分别从生命意义层面——探寻生命意义的指引功能,从生命信仰层面——确立生命信仰的导向功能,从人生理想层面——明确生活目标的促进功能,从人生责任层面——承担生命责任的体验功能,从人生幸福层面——创造幸福生活的提升功能,五个层面分析构成发挥生命教育的德育功能的主要内容;三是研究高校生命教育德育功能的实现机制,主要回答高校如何实现生命教育的德育功能。分别从推进生命教育德育功能的实现机制,教育者教育引导的推动作用,受教育者自我教育的作用,教育者与受教育者互动,校园文化在实现过程中的濡染作用五个方面展开,研究高校生命教育德育功能过程的实现机制。四是研究高校生命教育德育功能的意义。分别从理论意义、实践意义及发挥生命教育德育功能的示范价值三个方面进行总结和概括。本文主要创新之处一是在高校生命教育基础之上,研究其德育的功能。其德育功主要体现在引领大学生树立正确地人生观和世界观;指引大学生树立科学的人生信仰;促进大学生养成良好的道德修养、遵守社会公德和树立家庭美德的品质;坚定中国共产党领导的政治立场四个方面。二是在提炼生命教育资源的基础之上,概括其德育功能的主要内容,建构高校生命教育德育功能的实现机制,总结和归纳发挥生命教育德育功能的意义,切实让高校德育回到关怀生命的原点。综上,本文研究和论述了高校生命教育的德育功能的界定、主要内容、实现机制及其意义,为我国高校生命教育和德育的创新和发展提供实践和理论借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the expansion Chinese rhythm speeding of social transformation, efforts toincrease, the breadth of modern moral education in the university, the situation graduallybecome stretched, continuous innovation and the need of moral education theory andpractice. Campus of the university Dutch act, poison, torture It is often seen., to thenewspapers. Both the needs of modern social reality, or moral theory of continuousexploration, both concerned with the life and life education.People’s life is the most valuable wealth, is the unity of natural life and the spirituallife. When we take life as the starting point of education, this means that thecontemporary moral education should also be the perspective of life, to establish themode of thinking, the logic of the system life based; at the same time, the subject cross,fusion of the era, the life education and moral education through cross each other,mutually, and can be a driving force for development, promote each other.This thesis aims to cut in from the perspective of life education in college moraleducation, the moral education function of university life education as the object of study,fully tap the life education resources, the main content of life education, moral educationfunction realization mechanism, the significance and the model value, theoreticalframework of moral education function of university life education of formation.Thisthesis mainly focuses on four issues were studied: one is the moral function definition oflife education, mainly to answer what is the function of moral education of life educationissues. Based on the life, life education, moral education and moral education function ofthe concept, connotation, relation of interpretation and analysis, layers of depth,eventually infer meaning of life education function of moral education.The two is themain research content of life education in college moral education function, the functionof moral education of life education mainly to answer what is the problem. In the firstresearch on the basis of the above, the meaning of life--from the aspect of exploring themeaning of life guidance function, guiding function from the life belief--establish thelife of faith, from the ideal of life--the level of clear life goal of promoting function,from the responsibility of the life level--take responsibility of life experience, from the happiness of life--the level of to create a happy life of the lifting function, five levels ofthe main content of the moral function of life education; three is the realizationmechanism of the life education in university moral education function, how to realizethe function of moral education in colleges and universities mainly answer of lifeeducation.From the implementation of mechanisms to promote life education moraleducation function, education to education, education the role of self-education,education and interaction, from five aspects of campus culture in the process ofimplementation of the expansion, the realization mechanism of university life educationfunction of moral education process. The four is the study of life education in collegemoral education function. Were summarized from three aspects of theoreticalsignificance, practical significance and play the function of moral educationdemonstration of the value of life education.The main innovation of this paper is on the basis of life education in Colleges anduniversities, to study its function of moral education. The moral education work is mainlyreflected in the leading college students to establish a correct outlook on life and worldoutlook; to guide university students to establish a scientific belief in life; to promote thestudents to develop good moral cultivation, abide by social morality and set up the familyvirtues quality; the firm leadership of the Communist Party of China political positionfour aspects. The two is based on the extraction of life education resources, mainlyincludes the function of moral education, constructing the implementation mechanism ofthe life education in university moral education function, and summarizes thesignificance of play life education function of moral education, moral education inColleges and universities to get back to the origin of caring for life.To sum up, this paper studies and discusses the definition, main content,implementation mechanism and significance of moral education function of universitylife education, and provide reference for innovation and development of the theory andpractice of our college life education and moral education.

【关键词】 高校生命教育德育功能
【Key words】 UniversityLife educationMoral educationFunction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

