

The Research on Automobile Pricing Strategy Based on Hedonic Price Model

【作者】 栾志强

【导师】 谭章禄;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着中国汽车产业的发展,市场竞争越来越激烈,价格成为市场竞争的主要手段,只有针对消费者需求和心理定价,才能获得竞争优势。传统的定价方法都有一个共同的缺陷,就是忽略了消费者心理感知,企业仅仅通过价格竞争难以实现经营目标和保证利润。通过文献资料归纳整理,发现现有研究对汽车特征属性、消费者行为和价格三者之间的关系是个空白,因此提出了基于消费者感知定价的问题。我们依据汽车特征价格的理论,以及消费者行为方面的理论建立两阶段(内部属性特征和外延属性特征)的汽车Hedonic模型。选择67款国内汽车作为样本,八大类特征属性作为变量,研究了各个特征属性与价格的关系。最后,从汽车制造商实践的角度分析汽车定价如何从经济、信息、情感三方面影响到消费者的感知和消费行为,汽车定价又如何获取市场信息和消费者行为和感知等信息来进行参考并制定合理的科学的符合市场规律的汽车价格。

【Abstract】 With the development of Chinese automobile industry, market competition is increasingly, arid price becomes one of the chief competitive means. Only aiming to the consumer demand and perception, producers can obtain the competitive advantages. These traditional methods have a common defect which neglects the consumers’ psychological perception. The producers cannot achieve their marketing objectives and ensure the profits only in price reduction. Through literature review, we find these researches have a blind spot in the relation among automobile characteristics, customer behavior and price. So we raise the research problem about the pricing strategy based on customer perception. We build up automobile characteristics two-stage Hedonic price model (individual and epitaxial characteristics) according to automobile price theory observing and consumer behaviour theory. The dissertation selects67different kinds of cars in as sample and eight types of characteristics to research the relation between these characteristic variables and price. Finally, from the standpoint of producers, analyze how to influence the customers’ perception from the economic, informational, emotional factors, how to acquire the market information and customers’ perception information, then to make pricing strategy and procedure based on Hedonic model and customers’ perception.

  • 【分类号】F274;F426.471
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】923
  • 攻读期成果

