

Research on Antecedents of Users’ Acceptance of Online Banking and Management Tactics

【作者】 张骏

【导师】 丁日佳;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文基于技术接受模型,考虑网上银行应用的特殊性,对传统的技术接受模型进行修正和扩展,增加了新的影响变量和逻辑关系,得到新的理论模型。首先以有互联网使用经验的人群作为调查对象。研究结果表明:网上银行信任水平程度和感知有用性、感知易用性一起对网上银行使用态度产生正向影响;对感知安全水平、网上银行了解程度对网上银行信任程度产生正向影响;计算机自我效能以及互联网连接对感知易用性产生正向影响;自我效能和互联网连接质量通过感知易用性对网上银行使用态度产生间接影响,感知安全水平、网上银行了解程度通过信任水平对网上银行产生间接影响。本文还通过定性研究发现,在用户使用网上银行的不同阶段,其接受、使用网上银行的影响因素存在差异。在理论研究及实证研究的基础上,从感知易用性、感知有用性等多个角度,系统提出提升银行用户对网上银行平台接受程度以及使用程度的管理策略。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of the special nature of the online banking application, thispaper, based on technology acceptance model, corrects and extends the traditionaltechnology acceptance model to get a new theoretical model in which newantecedents are introduced, and some relationship of different variables areadjusted.We select people with internet experience as our research object, Analysisresult shows that: the level of trust,perceived usefulness and perceived ease of usehave positive impacts on attitude to online banking; degree of security and privacyprotection, understanding of online banking and social impact have positive impactson online banking trust; computer self-efficacy and quality of Internet connectionhave positive impacts on perceived ease of use; Self-efficacy and quality of Internetconnection have mediating impact on attitude of online bank through perceived easeof use, and perceived safety and understanding about online bank have mediatingeffect on attitude through trust. Additionally, we conduct a qualitive study and findthat the influencing factors are different from each other in different period.According to theoretical and empirical research results, the methods for improvingonline banking acceptance are discussed from following perspectives: perceived easeof use, perceived usefulness, and so on.


